

Posts: 49

Newburyport, Massachusetts, US

Does anybody here watch Lost? And if so, what did you think of the latest episode? I LOVE that show, but this episode got me scratching my head with confusion especially with Ecko and the prisoner

Mar 02 06 10:17 pm Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

I'm thinking that was his way of saying "I'm going to eventually kill you, but I'll feel bad about it."
It reminded me of Samuel L. Jackson's classic "the path of the righteous man..."

Mar 02 06 11:38 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

On his blog, my roommate wrote:
My Theory on LOST

Those who know me know that I am a Lost nut. I watch and rewatch every episode religiously and study everything they reference. So here is my overall theory of what's going on on the island. I hope it's somewhat more cohesive than Dwight's ( … 6-w02.html).

Here goes: You know the numbers? These no one has found any mathematical relationship between these numbers, though I hardly think 6 is enough to figure out a complicated series. It had been noted that each of the 6 numbers is a number that has been retired by the Yankees. (Gehrig 4, Berra 8, Munson 15, Ford 16, Mattingly 23 and Robinson 42) These numbers add up to 108, which is incidentally the number that the ticker resets to whenever they press the button. There are also 108 stitches on an official MLB baseball.

So the basic theory is that Steinbrenner met with a kooky Australian psychic who told him that their franchise would die out after losing too many titles to the Red Sox, mainly because of their two star future Hall of Fame players, Walt and Aaron. Steinbrenner took on a second identity, a scientist named Hanzo, and created the Dharma initiative to get these two kids on an island and keep them from ever playing baseball.

The monstrous black electromagnetic cloud is the soul of Billy Martin trying to destroy the island to get back at Steinbrenner for firing and rehiring him four times. Three Dharma hatches have been found (the Desmond hatch, the tailies hatch and the most recent medical hatch. The fourth contains the Donald Trump clone who only knows two words, and I'm sure you can guess what they are.

As for the relationship between all the characters, Sawyer eating at Kate's mom's diner, Sayid being on Kate's dad's TV, Sayid being interrogated by Kate's dad, Jack being there when Shannon's dad died, Hurley on Jin and Sun's TV, all of that is the work of Billy Martin from the afterlife. Steinbrenner was only concerned with Walt and Aaron. Once he knew Walt would be on that plane, he contacted the psychic, who had made contact with Claire and started this whole plan, to put Claire on that same plane. Martin, on the other hand, got badasses like Sawyer and Eko on the plane so that they can help screw with the Dharma plans.

Finally, I would like to address the "Others". These are Yankee employees. Come on, you think someone who'll hire A-Rod and Big Unit is gonna hesitate to hire Ethan and that Swamp Thing guy? They, as well as the costs for electric power, are on Steinbrenner's payroll and the reason why the Yankees can't stay under cap and suffered a $60 million loss last year. I can't wait to see the Others dance YMCA like the Yankees groundskeepers do.

Oh, and the French chick is just fucking nuts.

Ta da! You have no reason to watch this show anymore.

Mar 03 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Love Lost and watch every episode but it drives me crazy when they show so many damn reruns ! What do they do make two at a time then rerun them three times each while they make the next two !

Mar 03 06 12:20 am Link



Posts: 140

Millersville, Maryland, US

Both your post and the link in your post made me laugh smile Thank you.

  Interesting idea of Ecko having to eventually kill the guy. Saying sorry before-hand. A play on ironic foreshadowing. I like it.

  I don't know what the Ecko thing was all about, though Vita's thoughts on it are cool. I did hear that the two strands of his beard that he gave the guy might have represented the two people he killed and was apologizing for. Who knows. It seemed weird to me that he gave the guy his hair.

  The excessive reruns might be due to the fact that alot of the set is outside so they are subject to the weather conditions.


Mar 03 06 12:25 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

K-a-t-r-i-n-a wrote:
Does anybody here watch Lost? And if so, what did you think of the latest episode? I LOVE that show, but this episode got me scratching my head with confusion especially with Ecko and the prisoner

I'm watching and I love the show...yeah...Echo...I don't know what to say about that...maybe it's a way of freaking that guy out so that he'll spill the beans...but I doubt episode looks good too!!

Mar 03 06 12:26 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

SWgeek678 wrote:
  The excessive reruns might be due to the fact that alot of the set is outside so they are subject to the weather conditions.


I never thought about that, I was wondering if it had to do with the high production values. Lost is more like a big screen movie then a weekly TV show.

Mar 03 06 12:29 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

SWgeek678 wrote:
I did hear that the two strands of his beard that he gave the guy might have represented the two people he killed and was apologizing for.

That's how I interpreted it--a confession of sorts.  That and his what, 40? days without speaking were his pennance.

Mar 03 06 12:33 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:

I never thought about that, I was wondering if it had to do with the high production values. Lost is more like a big screen movie then a weekly TV show.

I was just talking about this with my roommates--that it would be really cool to see Lost in a theater.

Mar 03 06 12:37 am Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

Brian Diaz wrote:

I was just talking about this with my roommates--that it would be really cool to see Lost in a theater.

That would rock.  It would at least beat some of the latest flicks I've seen.

Mar 03 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

How come I never saw those numbers????

Mar 03 06 12:43 am Link



Posts: 523

Southfield, Michigan, US

I just got into Lost this season and I love it. It's helping me cope with the fact that Alias is cancelled sad.

The 2 strands of Mr Ekho's beard to me represented the 2 people he killed. He was trying to let the guy know what he's capable of and willing to do. The big thing that was startling for me was Kate finding the fake beard and theatrical glue! She's got to tell someone about this, but who to tell and how'll they react. I'm having a bit of withdrawl as the past 2 eps have had very little or no Ana Lucia in them!

Is it just me or is it strange that there are about 40 survivors you see in the background of Lost but the show circles basically around the same 8-10?

Mar 03 06 12:49 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Hello fellow LOST people.

A good link here - many things explained, many theories postulated. … 0_,00.html

Mar 03 06 02:39 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

K-a-t-r-i-n-a wrote:
Does anybody here watch Lost? And if so, what did you think of the latest episode? I LOVE that show, but this episode got me scratching my head with confusion especially with Ecko and the prisoner

The writers are doing the same thing.  Next week. . .the pilot is supposed to come back from the dead too.  Like all the people from the back of the plane that blew to smitherines in Season 1.

Mar 03 06 02:48 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I like, but don't love, Lost.

It's way too random & unconvincing at parts.  Ideas seem to be tried at random & then dropped -- it's like the writers have a short attention span, or they are being replaced every couple of weeks.  For example:

>>> What's with the polar bear that got shot?
>>> What's with the thing that pulled the pilot out of the cockpit?
>>> I don't believe that anyone would have been convinced to push the button
       every hour & a half or so.
>>> etc.

These things are just thrown around -- either they are irrelevant or they need to be developed & tied into the entire fabric.

Mar 03 06 02:59 pm Link