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Forums > General Industry > Model Mayhem -Waste of time?


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I guess at that point I'm supposed to send ANOTHER email??!!?

Unless you're booking through an agency, you're most likely going to be dealing directly with "Net Models".  I'm technically one myself, so I'm not making any judgement calls on that.  However, in my experiences, the range of attention spans and reading comprehension levels among Net Models varies greatly.  If you find that annoying to deal with, then maybe searching for models online isn't really the best method for you?  It's pretty unavoidable behavior on the web, unfortunately.

Personally, I prefer to do most of my booking via email.  (I'm not here to be someone's free version of a 1-900 number.)  To be completely honest, people who cannot communicate effectively via text tend to irritate me.  I practically live online so it's the fastest and least intrusive way to get ahold of me, especially when I am at work (the real job) and find the phone to be INCREDIBLY disruptive.

Model Mayhem has been an excellent resource for me.  Through it, I have booked upcoming shoots with super talented people in Los Angeles and New York, as well as tons of local Seattle/Vancouver BC people I've had the pleasure of working with since I opened my account here.  It's like alternative education-- what you get out of it seems to directly relate to what you put in.

Since your email looks pretty generic, models are probably hesitant to make a phone call and reveal their phone number to a totally unknown (to them) person.  It may take another round of emails back to show that you are actually interested in them as individuals, and not just sending a casting call for which they may never get selected.

That is a VERY good point.  For every flakey "model" on a site like this, there is an equally questionable "photographer".  Screening is necessary, especially for unpaid hobbyists like myself.  I have called people here on the phone, but only after initial communication had been firmly established.

Mar 08 06 05:40 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

(Duplicate post.)

Mar 08 06 05:42 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Your NOT a photographic superstar or even a well know name and you are soloiciting for unpaid stock photos...NOT a lucerative business in general for models especially. Models could see that as another possible GWC and so they want to be sure you have SOMETHING that is worth their time. Just my opinion of course. And even getting a single response is worth more than you pay to be here now isn't it? It took a couple of months before I got a lot of response here but now it is equal to that "Other" modeling site i have been on for 6 years! Oh, and I joined her like 6 months ago!

Mar 08 06 05:46 pm Link



Posts: 93

Muncie, Indiana, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
This is the Internet.  Email is a powerful and simple tool for communication over the Internet.  A lot of people prefer email to the phone.  I am one of them.  It's just something you'll have to get used to.



Mar 08 06 06:02 pm Link


Isadora Whitewing

Posts: 64

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

John Ricard photography wrote:
I joined this site about a month ago and so far, its been a big waste of time.  Typically it goes like this...  I browse the model pages until I find a model that may be suited for a project that I am working on.  I send an email to the model with breif details about the project and about myself and I ask the model to CALL if he or she is interested.

If a model does not respond, that is fine with me and I do not contact the model again.

However, if a model IS interested, I would expect the model to call so I can provide full details about the project.  However, instead of a phone call, I get email responses like, "I am very interested."

I guess at that point I'm supposed to send ANOTHER email??!!? and we're supposed to go back and forth day after day?  I guess some people think model mayhem is another name for My Space.  I'm not looking for email pen pals -just models for legitimate projects. 

Why any model would be "interested" in a project but NOT call to secure a spot as part of that project is totally beyond me...

If you'd like to see a sample of 4 email responses that are typical of the sort of responses I've gotten from this site, visit this link:

This has been touched on in many other threads,  but just to bring you up to date,  I'll restate:
Internet modelling is not the same as regular commercial modelling.  You meet some guy on the interernet who you've never met before,  nor have you ever met any of his refrences or been to the location he asks you to meet him at.  The model is expected to show up excort free at this location and wear next to nothing or probably nothing.  Its not that they are not interested.  Its just safety precations.  If you can't understand that,  then I don't think MM is for you.

Mar 08 06 06:08 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Hmmmm... well now... lets see... 4 of the 5 models who attended our last 'Flashbox Glamourshoot' on Feb 25 were from Model Mayhem... 13 of the 17 photographers were also from Model Mayhem.  A waste of time?... not hardly!  Making new friends, socializing and networking with local talent is the key to getting this site to work for you... wink

Mar 08 06 06:10 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Sirena Scott wrote:
...models are probably hesitant to make a phone call and reveal their phone number to a totally unknown (to them) person.  It may take another round of emails back to show that you are actually interested in them as individuals, and not just sending a casting call for which they may never get selected.

I have to agree here. I get way too many emails from photographers who tell me I'm perfect for a project but never follow thru after I tell them I'm interested. That leads me to believe it was a generic email and he has found the models he wants to use.

It could also be something came up...

but I guess the name of the game is clear communication.  Letting the other person know what your needs/expectations are, and taking it from there.  I've been remiss in getting back to a few models letting them know I'm still interested but have had scheduling issues (guess I should do that now).  And there have been a number of models who have contacted me and then after I've replied, never heard from again. One thing I always say to someone (whether a model or anyone in life) is that if you're not interested, just say so.   That way, no one is wasting their time pursuing something that isn't going to happen.

In general though, I don't have a communication problem with seasoned models.  Which is another reason why I tend to like working with models that have been at their craft for a while.

Mar 08 06 06:28 pm Link


Tonic Dog Studios

Posts: 12527

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Touscany Photography wrote:
Quit your whining!  You're in NYC.  There's beautiful models on every freakin' corner!  MM is only one of hundreds of resources you should look to for talent.  You have to create your own resources.

Ditto on the stop whining.  If you're in NY of Calif, you can't throw a rock w/o hitting a model.  Boo hoo.  Try learning to close the deal.

Mar 08 06 06:30 pm Link


Ashley Jaime

Posts: 254

Los Angeles, California, US

Give it a chance. I joined MM in Aug. I have done 7 photoshoots by networking on this site. Only 2 of them in my home state. There are a lot of great projects that I have seen get accomplished because of this site. You are lucky that you live in a place where there is a huge market. I myself am not so fortunate. There are flakes yes ,but there are flakes in all arenas. Sometimes it takes a little time to find the right fit.I have not shot with everyone that I have had contact with,and sometimes
it takes a while to find projects that benefit both parties involved. Give us a shot there are a lot of great people on this site. I am sure many who would love to work with you. Forget the flakes. EAT THEM FOR BREAKFAST!!!!

Mar 08 06 06:31 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

VikyL wrote:
I'm right there with you, John.  I've been a member of this site since October.  In that time I've managed to shoot with...ONE photographer off this site.  And it's not for lack of trying.  They don't respond.  They won't set a date.  They don't show up.  Email song and dance.  Meanwhile, I'm booking paid gig after paid other ways (Craig'slist bizzarely, photographers I've worked with before, a casting director I freelance with, friends I have in the magazine industry).  OMP was the same way for me: I got a billion "Desire to work with" messages, but they never went anywhere, and I eventually deleted myself from that site. 

Why am I still here?  I love the message boards.  I resigned myself to the fact that I will never get to shoot with any of you, but you sure are fun to talk to.

Viki, I shoot with lots of models, and I hear this a lot.  I'm sorry so many photogs have wasted your time or faded away, both on OMP and here.  BTW, 3 models I know said they get almost all of their shoots from OMP.  I think the best approach is the shotgun approach.  Get your name out, everywhere, on all the appropriate sites, knowing that few will bear much fruit, but by being on so many sites, you increase your odds.  The model I know who shoots the most uses that approach. And she's not shy about emailing prospects and suggesting shoots.  And she has a mass email mailing list.  She sends chatty, gossipy emails, but of course her real purpose is to remind her circle of photogs that she's alive and well.  It worked on me.  I've shot with her 3 times, partly because her emails keep her in my mind.  :-)

BTW, I've looked at your port, and I'll probably email you directly, somewhere down the road, and invite you to shoot.  It'll be a while b/c there are so many models ahead of you.  No matter.  You probably don't believe me, anyway.  :-)

Mar 08 06 06:32 pm Link



Posts: 11

Mount Rainier, Maryland, US

one thing everyone failed to realize is this is the day and age of the net. has nothing to do with a model being uncomfortable or anything else. if you have a full time gig outside of being a photographer and your company has internet/ email access the managers communicate quicker thru email...sometimes just to say, "hey D, we need to set sometime to go over a game plan about this proposal"...and I could be sitting in the next office. but that doesn't stop the emailing back and forth on just setting up a time or whatsoever.

basically we are in a state of being impersonal due to the net and how easy it is to communicate thru it...nothing against the site itself. i know for now i have well over 10 different shoots over the next 2 months from this site alone.

Mar 08 06 07:22 pm Link


Victoria Elle

Posts: 688

New York, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:
Viki, I shoot with lots of models, and I hear this a lot.  I'm sorry so many photogs have wasted your time or faded away, both on OMP and here.  BTW, 3 models I know said they get almost all of their shoots from OMP.  I think the best approach is the shotgun approach.  Get your name out, everywhere, on all the appropriate sites, knowing that few will bear much fruit, but by being on so many sites, you increase your odds.  The model I know who shoots the most uses that approach. And she's not shy about emailing prospects and suggesting shoots.  And she has a mass email mailing list.  She sends chatty, gossipy emails, but of course her real purpose is to remind her circle of photogs that she's alive and well.  It worked on me.  I've shot with her 3 times, partly because her emails keep her in my mind.  :-)

BTW, I've looked at your port, and I'll probably email you directly, somewhere down the road, and invite you to shoot.  It'll be a while b/c there are so many models ahead of you.  No matter.  You probably don't believe me, anyway.  :-)

Oh, believe me, I do this too, and it does work!  ...Everywhere but on this site (and the other one), it seems.  And that's the other thing...I'm not lacking for work.  As I said: paid work even.  But I'd still like to collaborate with people for fun (there's an art director in me dying to get out!  A weird, weird art director).  That said: I don't have time for people to waste my time.  Literally.

I'll believe you, William.  Promise not to break my heart! ;D

Mar 08 06 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 26

Lincoln, Nebraska, US

CiaraK wrote:
I've had Photographers do that, so I guess it cuts both ways. With that said, I have met some great photographers on here and worked with them so it makes up for the few that waste my time.

I agree to this statement.

Mar 08 06 07:45 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Kevin Connery wrote:

CristinaLex wrote:
1. some might want to see what type of project your interested in doing with them

Then ASK. Saying "I'm interested" doesn't help.

Agreed entirely. I always summarize in a note, especailly if we've only discussed it on the phone.

A request that says "phone me for more details" that's replied to with email does show how business-like you are. It says "I don't read" or "I won't follow instructions". I'm not sure that's the direction most people want.

I don't ask for a phone call until the outline of the shoot has been described and there's some interest has been expressed. But I do prefer that phone call at that point; some things are MUCH faster on the phone than via many many email exchanges. And I DO include a phone number in my emails, pretty much from the beginning.

well looking at what i just said about calling an photographer....menaing that some photographers are perverts and will call for the hell of it ...i would not want any photographer telling me he has a good project for me he calls me or i call him and he is some sick thanks...let me know online..and i will email you back..professionally...every model isnt rude and wont right back...those who dont really respond with haste...might not be too serious about what they wanna do...simple....put the model on your shyt list lol

Mar 08 06 07:48 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I'm seeing that quite a few photographers think that just because they're offering money that models "owe" them a call.  That's not the case.  They could 1) not like your concept, 2) not like your work, 3) be making more money somewhere else. 

Although it can be kind of flaky for someone to not say "no thank you," do they really owe you anything, just because you're putting up some money?

Mar 08 06 07:50 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45323

San Juan Bautista, California, US

bob cooley wrote:

Who's bush are you blaming?? lol

I'd like to blame some bush too!  tongue

Mar 08 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 275

Wichita, Kansas, US

Like most on here I have had success and failures when communicating with potential models.  There are models I have really wanted to work with and I have emailed them with the details.  I give a full description of what I am wanting to achieve, the compensation, the time frame and how the finished product will be used.  If she is interested, she can base her decision on what I told her initially.  As for the ones that dont respond, they are on a mental list to never use in the future regardless because my time is too valuable to waste on people that are not serious.  I have received several emails from models interested in the paying jobs I have, yet they failed to realize that I had emailed them previously and they failed to respond. 

It all can be summarized by basic human nature.  We are all either hunters or prey.  If a model is hunting an awesome photographer for great images or $$$$, they will pursue them.  If a photographer is pursuing a model for a particular look, they will be the one initiating the conversation.  It only works for both when each party is satisfied with their compensation.  If the model doesnt like the photographers work, thinks its just his way of seeing her naked or semi dressed, or thinks that the compensation isnt good enough, he/she wont do it.  I also prefer to make phone contact as early as possible in the conversation.  I do understand the trepidation models might have by contacting a photographer because they are basicially "giving" their number to a guy they dont know, who might be on every state registration list, uses a disposable camera, lives in moms basement, and rides a schwinn every thursday to meet his parole officer.  I totally expect at least 2-3 emails between myself and a model before phone contact takes place.  A classic example is a bar...go into a bar and find a beautiful woman.  Tell her you are a photographer and ask for her number without giving any details.  My guess is the success rate will be about the same as leaving out the important stuff in the initial email.

Mar 08 06 08:08 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

VikyL wrote:

Oh, believe me, I do this too, and it does work!  ...Everywhere but on this site (and the other one), it seems.  And that's the other thing...I'm not lacking for work.  As I said: paid work even.  But I'd still like to collaborate with people for fun (there's an art director in me dying to get out!  A weird, weird art director).  That said: I don't have time for people to waste my time.  Literally.

I'll believe you, William.  Promise not to break my heart! ;D

I just put a Post-it note in my pocket with your MM number.  When I get home, I'll add you into my list of models to contact.  I like to think of myself as a heartbreaker, but I'm not really.  :-)

Mar 08 06 08:08 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45323

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Heck!  What do you expect for a "free" website profile?  Oh I "feel your pain" but as someone already said "this is the Internet!" and because things do happen in real time with little effort, we forget to be patient.  I was a member of OMP back in early 2001 when it was free.  It took a few months before I shot with the first model that I met off that site!  Then I had a dozen in little time at all! It does take effort to get any where, even on the Internet!

Maybe your expectations are a little too high?  I don't know you, but I can tell you that it's not like we photographers can just post a profile and the models come running to work with us!  More like sometimes they run from us!  lol   If someone had created a profile on here and it had been "instant work" coming in for them, that would be extremely unusual!  If that has happened to any, please tell us your secret!  lol

Best regards,

Mar 08 06 08:09 pm Link


John Ricard photography

Posts: 38

New York, New York, US

Mike Walker wrote:
Your NOT a photographic superstar or even a well know name and you are soloiciting for unpaid stock photos...NOT a lucerative business in general for models especially. Models could see that as another possible GWC and so they want to be sure you have SOMETHING that is worth their time. Just my opinion of course. And even getting a single response is worth more than you pay to be here now isn't it? It took a couple of months before I got a lot of response here but now it is equal to that "Other" modeling site i have been on for 6 years! Oh, and I joined her like 6 months ago!

My problem isn't that I think I'm a "superstar" and I'm disappointed that noone is interested in my offer.  If a model isn't interested in what I'm offering that is fine by me and I understand completely.  Right off the bat I'm telling the model that this does not pay, and that I will ask her to sign a model release, so if a model is not interested in this type of arrangement I do understand. It is not for everyone.

Again, my problem is NOT that models are not interested in my offer.

My post was saying that this site is a waste of time for me when models respond, "I am interested", but then do not call and do not take any other steps to make the shoot actually happen for him or her.

Mar 08 06 08:28 pm Link



Posts: 18

Marana, Arizona, US

Or maybe the model is not comfortable giving out their phone number until they have talked things over a few times with a complete stranger on the internet.

I agree - to be honest photographers might not want to deal with complete strangers ...especially starting out.

I've found it a little odd sending out lots of information to folks by email - I guess you just want to put in the time ... make a connection and hopefully get some work done.

Good luck to all

Mar 08 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

John Ricard photography wrote:
I guess at that point I'm supposed to send ANOTHER email??!!? and we're supposed to go back and forth day after day?  I guess some people think model mayhem is another name for My Space.  I'm not looking for email pen pals -just models for legitimate projects. 

Why any model would be "interested" in a project but NOT call to secure a spot as part of that project is totally beyond me...

Hey John:

I see you made it to Mayhem.

I actually see exactly where you're coming from but I think the problem is not actually with the site. It's just the way young people prefer to communicate these days. To me, it's frustrating as hell. But for whatever reason, they have this insistance on using AIM, email, site messages, or whatever. I noticed that sometimes a model will connect with me and I ask them to leave a number or to call me and form there on, contact is lost.

I've even had a few models tell me that it was BETTER to reach by computer rather than the phone - WHAT?????

But please be aware that's not a Mayhem thing. I think it's a generation thing. Dude, we're getting older and our clients ages remain constant but their personality/mentality is ever shifting

Mar 08 06 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

By the way - for all those interested, John Riccard is a well established fashion/enterainment photographer operating out of New York.

He's shot many well known models and celebrities.

Mar 08 06 08:50 pm Link


Anthony Cole

Posts: 299

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

00siris wrote:
By the way - for all those interested, John Riccard is a well established fashion/enterainment photographer operating out of New York.

He's shot many well known models and celebrities.


Mar 08 06 09:06 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

00siris wrote:
By the way - for all those interested, John Riccard is a well established fashion/enterainment photographer operating out of New York.

He's shot many well known models and celebrities.

The why is he wasting his time on a no name site like this looking for models?

Mar 08 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Its a girl thing called tease.


Mar 08 06 09:16 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

E L Fanucchi wrote:
Its a girl thing called tease.


It can't be only him having trouble with models, is it?

Dude, I'm new to photography with less then 1 1/2 years experience and no training, yet I shoot up to 10 women a week because I put myself there.

I just don't understand anyone complaining about a free site.

::shakes head while spinning left and then right::

Mar 08 06 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
The why is he wasting his time on a no name site like this looking for models?

What I stated is absolutely true --- no need to lie or embellish

poor thing - you'll learn - (then again ... maybe you wont)

Mar 08 06 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

this is the internet
im a pro model
i dont book jobs from this site
dont expect to
and my fee would be too much anyway
treat it for what it is
there are some nice good people on here
but dont expect a professional relationship to blossom

Mar 08 06 09:31 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

00siris wrote:

What I stated is absolutely true --- no need to lie or embellish

poor thing - you'll learn - (then again ... maybe you wont)

I'll learn what, how to share the models I'm shooting with? I already do that with anywhere from 5 to 20 other photographers at least once a month if not more often.

If your friend were closer, I would offer to share both of the MM models I’m shooting tomorrow night in Seattle. I’m already sharing the models with another good friend and MM photographer.
I still don't understand complaining about a free site...

Mar 08 06 09:45 pm Link


Brian Egendorf

Posts: 305

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

bob cooley wrote:

This wouldn't work, as almost everyone would end up with a really negative score.

If I get a lot of unwanted questions/offers/requests, I can only imagine the sort of junk that the models must get on a daily basis. 

Answering an email is not requirement, just as you don't have to pick up the phone if you don't want to recieve calls from telemarketers (who often show up as local numbers).

If I had to answer my cel phone every time it rang, I would throw it away.

Likewise, if I'm a model who is recieving offers for work I clearly do not want, or am recieving emails from "GLD"s* (guys looking for dates) and am penalized for not answering them, I will leave the site in a heartbeat.

How about this, Let's use the system in a way that will actually attract people to our offers, and not make them think that we are just spamming them?

Everyone is looking for a reason to blame the system, or the models (or photogs), or the tools.

Since many of us use the system quite successfully, why do you assume it is the systems' fault, and not our own for not using it correctly?

* can I claim originating this acronym?  :-)

Of course, I tend to think of life in simple terms..And if I am not interested in working someone, I'd just send them an e-mail explaining why...

I don't have all the answers..but I am a communication freak that obsessively checks his e-mail every hour, and when someone does not get back to me, it drives me straight up the wall.  I generally can be patient for 24 to 48 hours, but if I don't hear after that, I get pretty annoyed.

Maybe a reply to an initial e-mail can be ignored, but once you DO communicate, then the finish of the conversation should either be an announcement of non-interest, or a photoshoot.  Its not right to leave someone hanging.. Especially someone who is looking to get started (like myself) and needs all the help they can to do so.  Hitting dead end after dead end with models has been more than frustrating for me at times, its been debilitating..  I've been trying to outrace being broke while I was in the last six months of corporate employment, and on six months of unemployment...and that race has now been lost because I was never able to get all the pieces in place that I needed to because too many people disappeared on me.

I try to be courteous to people..but I am not good at swallowing my pride when someone kicks me in the teeth.  So I can understand why some people get really annoyed when people disappear, don't show up, and don't call or e-mail you why, and won't reply to your e-mails to find out what happened after the fact.  I've experienced that enough now, that I wish that someone could figure out either incentives or penalties for not following through.


Mar 08 06 09:48 pm Link


John Ricard photography

Posts: 38

New York, New York, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

Then why is he wasting his time on a no name site like this looking for models?

In no particular order...

1) I like to have new models in my files, rather than the same models that editors have already seen.

2) There are some very good models here (check the resume for Sheryl K, for example)

3) I can deal with models themselves without the hassle of dealing with their agents (now there's a thread we r-e-a-l-l-y don't want to get into).

Mar 08 06 10:00 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
I still don't understand complaining about a free site...

that's fine - but you're support to that point was a subtle marginalizing John's credit for being on this site.

All I'm saying, sir, is that there are some really accomplished photographers on this site who are well known in the industry. And their bringing up certain points is by no means a suggestion that they are of lesser calibre.

Check out the work of

MSJ Images:

These people are all accomplished photographers and you can easily find their work outside of this site.

If you read into what he was saying, you'd see that John's "complaint" is not really about this site at all but more about a certain type of model.

Mar 08 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 64

Paramus, New Jersey, US

We have to keep in mind that we're usually dealing with the 18-23 age group, not really experienced in the methods of conducting themselves professionally.  Once they understand the importance of a reliable reputation their careers will take a turn for the better.

Mar 08 06 10:36 pm Link


Robert Perez

Posts: 1165

Brooklyn, New York, US

John Ricard photography wrote:
I joined this site about a month ago and so far, its been a big waste of time.  Typically it goes like this...  I browse the model pages until I find a model that may be suited for a project that I am working on.  I send an email to the model with breif details about the project and about myself and I ask the model to CALL if he or she is interested.

If a model does not respond, that is fine with me and I do not contact the model again.

However, if a model IS interested, I would expect the model to call so I can provide full details about the project.  However, instead of a phone call, I get email responses like, "I am very interested."

I guess at that point I'm supposed to send ANOTHER email??!!? and we're supposed to go back and forth day after day?  I guess some people think model mayhem is another name for My Space.  I'm not looking for email pen pals -just models for legitimate projects. 

Why any model would be "interested" in a project but NOT call to secure a spot as part of that project is totally beyond me...

If you'd like to see a sample of 4 email responses that are typical of the sort of responses I've gotten from this site, visit this link:

I know what you mean I get this response too and I also add the links to my main online port in the email but I just move on and figure it is the nature of the beast.

   I am wondering those jokes that do that I notice contact me months later with some excuse and are still interested in working with me.

Do you get this too?

Mar 08 06 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 40

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

John Ricard photography wrote:

In no particular order...

1) I like to have new models in my files, rather than the same models that editors have already seen.

2) There are some very good models here (check the resume for Sheryl K, for example)

3) I can deal with models themselves without the hassle of dealing with their agents (now there's a thread we r-e-a-l-l-y don't want to get into).

I think the problem is that this is a free site, since its free not everyone takes it seriously. On here its pretty much a gamble, but there are alot of really professional models on here that take a job offer and commit to it. Its not just online after talking with a few agencies, they have to jrop alot of their models because they are to lazy to go on go see's and some don't even show up to scheduled shoots they have through the agency. Its not just you, alot of photographers on here don't follow through on shoots either. All I can say is good luck with everything, and just ignore the people that dont follow through they would probably be a waste of your time anyway.

Mar 08 06 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The point so many people miss is that Mayhem is not the brainchild of a media mogul, or a cadre of communications specialists. It is "My Space" for models and photographers (and those who wish to be either) which has been forced to evolve, in an effort to catch up to the sum of it's parts.
  The fact that this appeared to start in the bedroom of a 20-something male model wannabe is what makes it's success all the more interesting.
   I have been here pretty much since the beginning, and I have been amazed at the changes, and the talent that has congregated here to interact. I am here to network with some of the finest photographers and models in the world, and to keep in touch with people I have known from many online forums in the last eight years I have been on the net.
  I have booked only 3 models through this site, while the bulk of my work comes through OMP. I don't live in New York, Miami or LA. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and for me there are too few contacts in my region for this site to help me close to home. OMP offers me a larger model base, search functions more regionally oriented, and (almost) reliable communications.
  My point is, each of us has a different business plan, and use our resources differently, to individual advantage. There is no right, no wrong. Only what works for you, and what works for me, and they don't have to be the same.

"  In nature there is no Good or Evil, there are only consequences."
William Blake

Mar 09 06 01:21 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Again - this is NOT about booking !!!!!!!!!!!!

It's about the insistance upon using the internet as a form of communication as opposed to a good old fashioned phone call.

Mar 09 06 01:25 am Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

John Ricard photography wrote:
I joined this site about a month ago and so far, its been a big waste of time.  Typically it goes like this...  I browse the model pages until I find a model that may be suited for a project that I am working on.  I send an email to the model with breif details about the project and about myself and I ask the model to CALL if he or she is interested.

Why should the model run up his/her phone bill when you're the one initiating the contact?  Or take the chance that you've got caller ID and will start "stalking" them?  Think about it.  Models get a lot of bullshit offers - if you were in their shoes, wouldn't you want to keep things a bit more "impersonal" and anonymous?

If you think the site is a waste of time, go elsewhere.

Mar 09 06 01:31 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Hmm I'm of two minds on this one. If I'm interested in the job, I generally respond with my mobile number and ask that the tog either writes or calls me to discuss specifics. I find some people prefer to call but most would rather write an email, usually to discuss meeting before a shoot. I'be no doubt it's more a matter of convinence than anything else. It doesn't bother me either way but the internet is certainly becoming the easiest way to contact and meet people so I suppose it stands to reason that it is also how people would choose to maintain contact.

Mar 09 06 01:46 am Link