Forums > Photography Talk > Water housings front port droplets


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Okay, everyone has a secret that they think helps keep waterdrops off the front port of your water housing. I've been told use really hot water and palmolive dishwashing liquid soap, use automotive wax cream not paste, rub a microfiber cloth on it right before getting it wet, yadda yadda yadda. Right now, I use a silicone grease infused "Gun & Reel" cleaning cloth.

Anyone got any other tricks to share?

Oh, and the other question i get a lot is about fog, especially from digital camera bodies in water housings, added heat, whatever. I use moisture munchers. little disposeable packets of dessicant, like what you might find in some snack food bags or with your vitamins.

Apr 15 05 09:48 pm Link


Kevin P.

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

Have you tried Rain-X windshield spray?  I know that divers spit on the inside of their masks to keep them from fogging. Not sure what it does for water droplets.

Apr 15 05 09:50 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Have not tried it, good idea. It's supposed to do that for car windshields. i dont' see why it wouldn't work for water shooting.

Apr 15 05 09:56 pm Link


James Groves

Posts: 74

La Mesa, California, US

Keep you casing in water for about 1/2 hr before actually diving. It'll prep the dome port and get the air temp in the casing balanced before you dive.

I se a 50/50 mix of baby shampoo and water on my diving mask to keep it from fogging, but I don't think it would be good for your port.

Apr 19 05 12:50 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Ah, James, sorry, didn't specify. I shoot mostly above the water with my housings. Lots of watersports photography. The housings are custom, made from carbon fiber and lexan, so even with my 100-400 IS push pull, the housing is waaaaay positive bouyant.

Apr 19 05 04:18 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I'm the speed bump windsurfers and kite boarders try to get as close as possible to, without hitting. I have a beautiful 13 inch scar down my right forearm to prove that sometimes they get too close.

Apr 19 05 04:20 pm Link