Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Why does SEX sell?


Genell Canty

Posts: 159

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Envy wrote:

Did I win anything? win a quote in my paper. haha. just kidding *goes to type paper*   =~]

Mar 10 06 09:22 pm Link


Genell Canty

Posts: 159

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm taking a break for now. I'll check back later =~]

Mar 10 06 09:33 pm Link


Genell Canty

Posts: 159

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I really am getting off of here now but here is and interesting article. … ForPrint=1

Mar 10 06 09:45 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

To me the most awful thing I could put in my mouth is meatloaf......but I will tell you what.......get a hot girl who is naked to try and sell me some and I would buy it right now. Hell, I would buy anything from a hot naked

Mar 10 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Sex sells,  The wanna be upscale Metrosexual or hardworking prettyboy to keep appearances:  Car: $40,000 $8,000 for keeping the car in  shape & metrosexual generic Ryan Seacrest look (Of the rack of cource) A celebrity suit can cost up to $30,000 that's why it's of the rack & gels & pampering one's self $40,000...pretending not to care at the club: 2 drink miniumum, All the cell phone/PDA's gadgets $8,000...Going to clubs being a pretty boy & buying drinks for all the pretty ladies : $15,000 tips included & Trips to exotic area $20,000...& a good Gym $2400, Pretending to talk to someone on cell phone: you know what sex does sell... A Negative $163,400 a year to keep up appearance...Sex sells...

Sex sells: Dead & bloated rock star is rich already:Free limo rides & everything free, pretty ladies buy dead bloated rock star the drinks, being obnoxious...LOL Free clothes from top designers, Sex does sell & $120,000 Oscar Bag of free goodies, all the stuff the Insecure Metrosexual guy bought, the dead bloated rock star invited to the Oscars, Grammies, & Emmy's and gets the free bag of goodies & gives it to his friends & buds or throws out the window of the free limo ride...and or vomits the cell phone in the toilet and flushes it down....and talks to the toilet & hugging the toilet, saying: "Never again"...also included in the free goodies bag: free trips to exotic places. Buys a Gym, never uses it...A tax deduction...
.  A Positive $360,000 plus a year, not caring about appearance & what the next person thinks...and this is only Dead bloated rock star...Not the A-list Rock Star--another thread LOL!

Metrosexual/Prettyboy(A Night at the Roxbury) : if he didn't have a good accountant & money planner.. Uses his 2 jobs & 30 credit cards, his parents & lifetime of debt..5 or 6 kids..goes to all the talk shows for the free trips & hotel rooms to deny kids are his....and he's right...his only victories in life... Sidenote:the female will appear at the same talk show about 10 times with 10 guys to get the free trips & hotel ro0ms too & food. All she has to do is pretend to cry in front of the show host and they go back to the green room & she is back on the same show with another guy saying the samething...another thread lol...

Dead bloated rock star:  Death or doesn't care  or if he or she has a good accountant & money planner : Free.....generational money...but did buy his parents a house...& cool debt...5 or 6 kids somewhere....destroys  free pent house hotel rooms gets more free pub & street cred....

Mar 10 06 10:00 pm Link


bob cooley

Posts: 81

New York, New York, US

To Quote the 1980s Philosopher David Lee Roth...

"Eveybody wants some..."

(sorry, couldn't sing it)  ;-)

Mar 11 06 10:52 am Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Maybe the thread in the critique section called "What do you think of this style of nude?" will provide you with some material smile

Mar 11 06 12:54 pm Link