Forums > Photography Talk > MojoKiss Color Secrets


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

This deserves a bump.

Nov 12 08 10:29 pm Link


Trevor Warren

Posts: 434

Portland, Oregon, US

Mojokiss wrote:
18. flatten and save as .png
19. convert to 8bit and save as .png and jpg for web

I'm curious about these last two. I don't know all that much about PNG but am curious about the benefits of that being your final retouched copy rather than a PSD or TIFF. Do you keep a 16-bit copy of your retouched image?

Nov 12 08 11:06 pm Link


Tim Blokel

Posts: 140

Chicago, Illinois, US

Love this thread so far. I havent read it all, but definitely bookmark!

Thank you

Nov 12 08 11:29 pm Link



Posts: 591

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Mojokiss wrote:
- i make an effect layer with gradient map.
- it pops up the gradient options - click on the gradient bar
- select the black to white gradient preset
- add a point in the middle of the gradient bar
- open up the color selector for that point
- select a hue of "30" and put the selector a bit above middle center
- close everything and set the layer to 30% opacity, or more if you like, and then open up the gradient map again and play with it - play around.

how i came up with the hue of 30?

- it seems to be a useful color for muting the blue sky since its the opposite of blue roughly
- it lessens the contrast of problematic skin tones and distracting tones in a nice image
- its a good tone for skin in general
- it has that sepia quality just a bit warmer to serve as a suble color correction as well as the "effect" it serves

I think I'm missing something here ... call me silly! (I work with a Mac, so the Photoshop command names and layout may differ slightly to your PC version)

After I open Gradient Map and click through the Gradient bar, then open the Color selector ... I cannot see a 'Hue' setting.

Do I type in '30%' to the Location field on the right hand side, adjacent to the Color drop-down box - or do something with the color picker box?

I must be a real dunce, ha ha!

Nov 13 08 05:56 pm Link


Roger A Scheck

Posts: 175

Los Angeles, California, US

stevejonesimages wrote:

I think I'm missing something here ... call me silly! (I work with a Mac, so the Photoshop command names and layout may differ slightly to your PC version)

After I open Gradient Map and click through the Gradient bar, then open the Color selector ... I cannot see a 'Hue' setting.

Do I type in '30%' to the Location field on the right hand side, adjacent to the Color drop-down box - or do something with the color picker box?

I must be a real dunce, ha ha!

Working on a mac too. Same problem here. Any one know the answer?

Nov 13 08 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 1263

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I work on Win-doze and have the same issue.
When you double click to get the color picker there are about 12 boxes to enter values. I think the top 3 are H S B - Hue, Saturation and Brightness(?).
So sure... I can enter a 30 in the H box, but what about the S and B?

I really have no idea where the 30 is supposed to go... we need a screenshot!

Nov 13 08 10:25 pm Link


slave to the lens

Posts: 9078

Woodland Hills, California, US

AK Photography wrote:
This is going to be another one of those threads that I'll have bookmarked.

done and done.

Nov 13 08 10:32 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Mojokiss wrote:
stay tuned. heading to fix brothers computer now... on 3 hrs sleep! feeling good tho

i'll come up with something to talk about when i get back if im still alive

here's a random pic out of lightroom

You should let me play with this image and add my style of color to it. smile

Nov 14 08 12:25 am Link


Roger A Scheck

Posts: 175

Los Angeles, California, US

Roger A Scheck wrote:

Working on a mac too. Same problem here. Any one know the answer?

One more time...any answers?

Nov 14 08 08:12 pm Link



Posts: 591

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Perhaps we have to buy the video to find out .. ha ha wink

I think I have sussed it, I'm not sure yet, not quite liking the effect I'm getting, so I must still be missing a link in the chain of workflow commands, still testing ... watch this space!

Nov 15 08 07:13 am Link


Julia Gerace

Posts: 1889

Monroe, Connecticut, US

I bought one of his tutorials but have yet to figure out how to view it - has anyone bought one that would know the next step??


Jan 04 09 03:09 pm Link


Julia Gerace

Posts: 1889

Monroe, Connecticut, US


Jan 04 09 04:45 pm Link


R Kontrol

Posts: 21

Los Angeles, California, US

to the top

Nov 05 09 09:56 am Link



Posts: 481

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Julia Gerace wrote:

Julia did you ever get this workin?I'm sure you did cuz you are a friend I talk to often and this is probably an old post. my email addy is on the tutorials page too.

there is a new password now because someone tried to rip me off.

obsolete link (sorry)

more color secrets...

in next post.

Aug 12 10 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 481

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Hey everyone. I have been more or less quiet for a year or more. I've shut my profile off and on a couple times.

I'm more or less adjusted now.

I've been reserching a lot to do with film, and the aesthetics of believable art.

I love tumblr - i have collected some random imagery in a tumblr blog there just for inspiration at

Lately - my techniques and how they've changed:

A lot of what I do is the same, but perhaps more subtle. I find this reaches a larger audience.

The average art enthusiast or sentimental fool doesn't care about effects, but more so believable imagery that touches them deeply. This can be accomplished in many ways, primarily a balance of scenery, setting, color, shape, model, expression, styling, lens settings, light correction and fill.

That all goes to say - a lot goes into an image.

And its important what you do NOT show. This is p[rofoundly epically important. This is what makes great art - what is hidden, alluring, suggested.

This can be done with light, clothing, sheer, smoke, blur, anomalies, pose, etc.

Everyone is naked, even when we have clothes on, we just have a percentage of coverage, not full. This is important to understand, even when naked, we are clothed. Think about this - it will open your mind to being a great portrait artist.

note on color and shape: shape always fights with color. Less saturation will allow more shape to impact the viewer if that is the desire. It's worth debating or considering the amount of influence shape and color has ont he mind thru the eye. There are various receptors that determine apparent information about the environment based on shapes and colors and contrast of differentials.

Low Contrast: This can be awesome and so can high contrast. In low contrast there is more detail and more information.

High Contrast: high contrast will make your eye only see what part of the dictated middle tones and blown out low and high shapes that you want, without the distration of unneeded details

Photoshop stuff: I use it to make the face look as nice as possible while staying believable. texture can be replaced with "noise" using layers and effects such as 1. blur and 2. add noise

Shoot to Kill: Shoot as if you don't have photoshop.

Now lets talk.

(i've lost my last 6 months of medium format shots. sorry noone will see these ever - post office lost them. I'll be shooting again and trying to catch up. stay tuned to i love you all)

Aug 12 10 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 177

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

i love threads about technique that start with a tutorial..

and end with an opinion.


Aug 12 10 08:28 pm Link



Posts: 481

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

noisenest wrote:
i love threads about technique that start with a tutorial..

and end with an opinion.


awe is it ovah already?

I'm just constantly overwhelmed lately at the vastness of possibilities in the visible world.

Besides just a pretty girl...

The layers upon layers of options with light...

reflections, clear and transparent materials mixed into the images, making shadows of various "opacity" -

playing with curves in the composition using nature and the human form

I've been up for a few days.

Aug 13 10 04:32 am Link


Jim Lafferty

Posts: 2125

Brooklyn, New York, US

You sure are generous with info and have damn awful luck. First your lights, now your MF shots? I suppose it's a tribute to either your courage or obsessive mania that you're still shooting. I'm not sure I'd have it in me to still be going after these blows.

As for techniques that allow for artistic liberties without sacrificing subtlety: I'm in love with Luminosity Masks these days. That, and I'm shooting a lot on Blads and the 5D MkII  big_smile

Aug 13 10 07:12 am Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

Gibson Photo Art wrote:
This deserves a bump.


Aug 26 12 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 34

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

why am i not seeing anything at the foxblood site? It always redirects to and there is nothing...

Aug 28 12 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

ManfredC wrote:
why am i not seeing anything at the foxblood site? It always redirects to http://[redacted] and there is nothing...

Looks like the site is gone.

Aug 28 12 11:14 pm Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

mojokiss wrote:
awe is it ovah already?

It doesn't have to be.


Jan 15 14 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Love MojoKiss!

Jan 15 14 08:39 pm Link


sunn fotography

Posts: 278

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

thx for sharing!!

Jan 15 14 11:53 pm Link