Forums > Contests > Picture of the Day Discussion Center.


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

Hi everyone,

This discussion thread is meant to address questions and concerns regarding Model Mayhem’s new Picture of the Day competition.  It is not a critique thread nor a congratulatory thread for winners like those automatically generated each day.

Here you will also find the latest Picture of the Day rules, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and important announcements. 

My personal style is to discuss issues one-on-one with individuals that have questions, encounter problems, or offer suggestions to improve the Picture of the Day.  And I encourage you to write to me directly with your thoughts.  However it is also good to openly kick ideas back and forth with many voices giving their perspective.

Initially the daily congratulations threads were used for this purpose.  However with a new thread everyday the ongoing dialog has lost any continuity.  I hope to change that with the Discussion Center.

One thing:  Please keep the dialog not just civil, but polite.  Those of you that know me from the Picture of the Day - Original Edition also know this is my forum style.  And I intend to continue this style here.

With that I toss it out to you!

Take care,
T R Willmitch
Host, Model Mayhem’s Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day - Original Edition competitions

Oct 17 08 10:50 am Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

The Picture of the Day Rules

The Picture of the Day’s core rules are found on the competition’s FAQ page, while the vote stacking rule (Site Rule #1 – Anti-spamming) is found among the other site policies.

Below are the current and complete Picture of the Day contest rules.  Violating these rules may mean that your entry is disqualified. 

These rules may be subject to change without notice.

1.  No mature images. Model Mayhem’s mature (18+) image policy is found here.

2.  You may enter only 1 image per day, even if you have multiple accounts.

3.  You may only enter an image that you were directly involved in creating.

4.  Entries must be in the form of
single images.  Multiple images, even those combined to form a thematic series, are prohibited. 

5.  You may not resubmit a given image for at least 15 days.

6.  First-place winning images (including Picture of the Day – Original Edition winners) may not be resubmitted.

7.  No vote stacking by soliciting votes for an entry through announcements, tags, the forums, or other means.

8.  Each day the Picture of the Day contest officially ends at Midnight Pacific Time.

9.  The Picture of the Day moderators reserve the right to disqualify images at their discretion.

10.  All current Picture of the Day rules are listed here. By entering an image in the competition you agree to follow the rules posted at the start of that day. Rules may be modified, added, or dropped without notice.

Oct 17 08 10:50 am Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve run into a Picture of the Day problem and aren’t sure what to do?  Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions before contacting contest moderator T R Willmitch.

Q (1).  I just entered an image in the Picture of the Day competition, but can’t find it in the voting gallery.  What happened?

A.  When you enter an image in Picture of the Day it goes into a waiting area known as the queue.  All new entries wait in the queue until midnight, when they move into the voting gallery together for the next day.

Thus an image entered on Monday appears in the voting gallery on Tuesday.  An image entered on Tuesday can be voted for on Wednesday, and so on…

If you have just entered an image then look for it in the queue.  A link to the queue is found at the bottom of the Picture of the Day’s main page.

Q (2).  I go to vote in Picture of the Day and a screen appears telling me “no.”  What is the deal?

A.  This is a Picture of the Day security feature to prevent multiple votes from one individual.  Model Mayhem’s Brian Diaz addresses this issue in the Site Related forum here.

Q (3).  I entered an image in Picture of the Day and then saw it in the waiting queue for tomorrow; but now my entry has disappeared.  Why?

A.  The most likely reason that an image has disappeared from the queue is that it was disqualified for a Picture of the Day rule violation.  The latest Picture of the Day rules are found right here in the Discussion Center.

Q (4).  What is “vote stacking”?  Why is it prohibited?

A.  Vote stacking is asking others to vote for your Picture of the Day entry. 

The Picture of the Day is meant to be about the images and not a measure of one’s popularity or ability to solicit votes through the use of PMs, tags, announcements, or the shout box.

Not only is vote stacking a  Picture of the Day rule violation (Rule #7), it also violates Model Mayhem’s site rules.  Specifically stacking violates Rule #1:

(1) Spam is evil: Spamming unsolicited advertisements anywhere on will get you banned. "Vote for me" and "Vouch for me" posts are considered spam.

This rule applies site-wide.  It is grounds for disqualifying a Picture of the Day image.

Q (5).  I enter the same image every day and it disappears every time…  How come?

A.  You cannot enter the same or a nearly identical image over-and-over, day-after-day.  There is a 15-day waiting period before resubmitting an image by Picture of the Day Rule #5.  This is the single most common reason why entries are disqualified.

Q (6).  You disqualified my entry for violating the 15-day waiting period for resubmission, but I found one in the voting gallery that you missed.  How is that fair?

A.  To answer this please see Model Mayhem Rule # 35.

Q (7).  Why no mature (18+) images in the Picture of the Day competition?  If I can’t enter my image here then where can I enter it?

A.  The Picture of the Day competition is viewable by the pubic.  As such all images must be “workplace safe.”  Thus no entry may be mature by Model Mayhem’s mature (18+) image-guidelines

Site-creator Tyler is developing a gallery-style mature-image competition.  However there is no timeline for its premiere.  Still you can enter your mature images in the forum-style 18+ Picture of the Day competition, sticky’ed to the top of the General Industry forum-thread list.

Q (8).  How do you decide an image is mature (18+)?

A.  An image is ruled “mature” strictly by Model Mayhem’s mature (18+) image-guidelines and no other criteria.

This having been said, the contest moderators reserve the right to disqualify any image at their discretion.

Q (9).  I entered this really tall image that’s so big no one could miss it.  Now it’s gone.  If there are no size limitations then how can you disqualify it?

A.  A really, really big image can be really gone, quickly!

If huge entries become a problem for the Picture of the Day then size restrictions will be added to the rules.  However for the time being entry size is at the discretion of the contest moderators.

Q (10).  Alright, you disqualified my entry for a rule violation… Fair enough.  However why didn’t you write to tell me?

A.  Picture of the Day entries are submitted anonymously.  Only the system knows your identity to keep the contest fair.  Thus it is impossible to identify and inform you if your entry is disqualified.

You are welcome to write to contest moderator T R Willmitch if you encounter a problem or think that your entry has been disqualified.  Please be sure to clearly state the problem, indicate the date that you entered your image, and include a link to the image so it can be identified.  Allow at least 24 hours for a reply, even if your message is read immediately.

Q (11).  Can you disqualify an image that has moved from the waiting queue to the voting gallery?  Will you disqualify an image that has actually won, stripping it of its title?

A.  An entry can be disqualified for a rule violation even if it has been moved from the queue to the voting gallery.  Likewise images have been stripped of their win for rule violations – specifically the Picture of the Day’s anti-vote stacking rule (Rule #7). 

Q (12).  I’ve won, I’ve won…!  How do I get one of those neat first-place Picture of the Day medallions for my profile page?

A.  Congratulations if you are a first-place Model Mayhem Picture of the Day winner!  If you are unsure where to find the contest’s gold medallion then please write to contest moderator T R Willmitch.  Please allow at least 24 hours for a reply.

Oct 17 08 10:50 am Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US


Picture of the Day Rule Update

One of my goals is to keep the Picture of the Day rules relatively consistent with those of the 18+ Picture of the Day competition.  In an attempt to do this, Rule # 7:

7. No vote stacking by soliciting votes for an entry through announcements, tags, the forums, or other means.

Was recently interpreted to include requests for votes on profile pages and off-site, such as at MySpace and FaceBook.

In a further refinement, I am now applying the same penalties for vote stacking as the 18+ competition.  These includes:

1st Offense - 2 week suspension from the Picture of the Day competition.

2nd Offense - 1 month suspension from the competition.

3rd Offense - Permanent ban from the competition.

These penalties go into effect immediately.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Check out Ed Burn's facinating thread exploring how many great Picture of the Day-winning images were created!
The "How I Got the Shot" - POTD Winners thread is found at:

Forums > General Mayhem > "How I Got the Shot" - POTD Winners

Oct 17 08 10:50 am Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Get rid of those darn collages!!!!   lol

Good idea Tom, it's going to be much nicer to have the discussion all in one place.

I urge everyone to be civil here, more can be accomplished with thoughtfull and respectfull conversation.  We all know at the moment that the new format has growing pain issues, so there is no reason to be counterproductive by threatening not to play or getting in a huff. 

Instead, suggest real do-able fixes and be patient because change takes time.  smile

Oct 17 08 10:58 am Link



Posts: 1330

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

I asked this in a thread but forgot where! So...what time do us UK MMer's begin posting images,as I have tried numerous times, to be told Im too slow!

Oct 17 08 03:04 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Ok, here is a Time Zone Conversion chart for the world's cities.   The time listed for your city is what time you can start entering images.  smile
Addis Ababa Sat 7:01 AM     Guatemala Fri 10:01 PM            Nassau * Sat 12:01 AM
Adelaide * Sat 2:31 PM        Halifax * Sat 1:01 AM             New Delhi Sat 9:31 AM
Aden Sat 7:01 AM               Hanoi Sat 11:01 AM                New Orleans * Fri 11:01 PM
Algiers Sat 5:01 AM             Harare Sat 6:01 AM                New York * Sat 12:01 AM
Almaty Sat 10:01 AM           Havana * Sat 12:01 AM          Oslo * Sat 6:01 AM
Amman * Sat 7:01 AM         Helsinki * Sat 7:01 AM             Ottawa * Sat 12:01 AM
Amsterdam * Sat 6:01 AM    Hong Kong Sat 12:01 PM          Paris * Sat 6:01 AM
Anadyr * Sat 5:01 PM          Honolulu Fri 6:01 PM               Perth Sat 12:01 PM
Anchorage * Fri 8:01 PM       Houston * Fri 11:01 PM           Philadelphia * Sat 12:01 AM
Ankara * Sat 7:01 AM          Indianapolis * Sat 12:01 AM      Phoenix Fri 9:01 PM
Antananarivo Sat 7:01 AM     Islamabad * Sat 10:01 AM      Prague * Sat 6:01 AM
Asuncion Sat 12:01 AM         Istanbul * Sat 7:01 AM          Reykjavik Sat 4:01 AM
Athens * Sat 7:01 AM          Jakarta Sat 11:01 AM              Rio de Janeiro Sat 1:01 AM
Atlanta * Sat 12:01 AM        Jerusalem Sat 6:01 AM           Riyadh Sat 7:01 AM
Auckland * Sat 5:01 PM        Johannesburg Sat 6:01 AM      Rome * Sat 6:01 AM
Baghdad Sat 7:01 AM           Kabul Sat 8:31 AM               San Francisco * Fri 9:01 PM
Bangkok Sat 11:01 AM          Kamchatka * Sat 5:01 PM      San Juan Sat 12:01 AM
Barcelona * Sat 6:01 AM       Karachi * Sat 10:01 AM       San Salvador Fri 10:01 PM
Beijing Sat 12:01 PM             Kathmandu Sat 9:46 AM         Santiago * Sat 1:01 AM
Beirut * Sat 7:01 AM            Khartoum Sat 7:01 AM          Santo Domingo Sat 12:01 AM
Belgrade * Sat 6:01 AM        Kingston Fri 11:01 PM           Sao Paulo Sat 1:01 AM
Berlin * Sat 6:01 AM            Kiritimati Sat 6:01 PM            Seattle * Fri 9:01 PM
Bogota Fri 11:01 PM            Kolkata Sat 9:31 AM             Seoul Sat 1:01 PM
Boston * Sat 12:01 AM        Kuala Lumpur Sat 12:01 PM      Shanghai Sat 12:01 PM
Brasilia Sat 1:01 AM            Kuwait City Sat 7:01 AM         Singapore Sat 12:01 PM
Brisbane Sat 2:01 PM          Kyiv * Sat 7:01 AM                Sofia * Sat 7:01 AM
Brussels * Sat 6:01 AM       La Paz Sat 12:01 AM              St. John's * Sat 1:31 AM
Bucharest * Sat 7:01 AM     Lagos Sat 5:01 AM              St. Paul * Fri 11:01 PM
Budapest * Sat 6:01 AM     Lahore * Sat 10:01 AM          Stockholm * Sat 6:01 AM
Buenos Aires Sat 1:01 AM    Lima Fri 11:01 PM                Suva Sat 4:01 PM
Cairo Sat 6:01 AM              Lisbon * Sat 5:01 AM             Sydney * Sat 3:01 PM
Canberra * Sat 3:01 PM      London * Sat 5:01 AM            Taipei Sat 12:01 PM
Cape Town Sat 6:01 AM      Los Angeles * Fri 9:01 PM       Tallinn * Sat 7:01 AM
Caracas Fri 11:31 PM          Madrid * Sat 6:01 AM            Tashkent Sat 9:01 AM
Casablanca Sat 4:01 AM      Managua Fri 10:01 PM            Tegucigalpa Fri 10:01 PM
Chatham Island  5:46 PM     Manila Sat 12:01 PM              Tehran Sat 7:31 AM
Chicago * Fri 11:01 PM        Melbourne * Sat 3:01 PM        Tokyo Sat 1:01 PM
Copenhagen   6:01 AM        Mexico City * Fri 11:01 PM        Toronto * Sat 12:01 AM
Darwin Sat 1:31 PM            Miami * Sat 12:01 AM             Vancouver * Fri 9:01 PM
Denver * Fri 10:01 PM         Minneapolis * Fri 11:01 PM        Vienna * Sat 6:01 AM
Detroit * Sat 12:01 AM       Minsk * Sat 7:01 AM              Vladivostok * Sat 3:01 PM
Dhaka Sat 10:01 AM           Montevideo * Sat 2:01 AM        Warsaw * Sat 6:01 AM
Dubai Sat 8:01 AM             Montgomery * Fri 11:01 PM       Washington DC * Sat 12:01 AM
Dublin * Sat 5:01 AM         Montreal * Sat 12:01 AM          Winnipeg * Fri 11:01 PM
Edmonton * Fri 10:01 PM    Moscow * Sat 8:01 AM            Yangon Sat 10:31 AM
Frankfurt * Sat 6:01 AM     Mumbai Sat 9:31 AM               Zagreb * Sat 6:01 AM
Geneva * Sat 6:01 AM       Nairobi Sat 7:01 AM                Zürich * Sat 6:01 AM

Oct 17 08 03:11 pm Link


SJH photography

Posts: 11354

Adeje (Las Americas), Tenerife, Canary Islands

Hi .this is a good idea for all questions to be in 1 place
Ok regarding the pic of the day competition , i ran a test at mine with visiting freinds over the past few days , when it came to near the end of the competition , 95% of my freinds would only vote for pics , that stood a chance of winning , even though they preferred a pics that only had a couple of votes , they said why waste a vote on a pics that has no chance of winning ,
Yes in a way this is correct some will say , but if the shot is that good , it should stand on its own merit shouldnt it ?.So is there any way we can keep the vote tally hidden , it might create a few surprises .  just a thought .

ps can we have the world posting times in alphabetical order please , only joking big_smile

Oct 17 08 04:42 pm Link



Posts: 481

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

im pretty sure i submitted a picture that was considered 18+ tho i didnt ask, but it contained bondage so thats what im thinkin is why - its in my port now, i dont blame the moderator but i personally dont consider it adult material by any means

Oct 17 08 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Mojokiss wrote:
im pretty sure i submitted a picture that was considered 18+ tho i didnt ask, but it contained bondage so thats what im thinkin is why - its in my port now, i dont blame the moderator but i personally dont consider it adult material by any means

Bondage is considered 18+, and therefore not allowed in the Contest.

The site does have an 18+ contest, enter it there.  smile … 6873&page=

Oct 17 08 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

SJH photography wrote:
Hi .this is a good idea for all questions to be in 1 place
Ok regarding the pic of the day competition , i ran a test at mine with visiting freinds over the past few days , when it came to near the end of the competition , 95% of my freinds would only vote for pics , that stood a chance of winning , even though they preferred a pics that only had a couple of votes , they said why waste a vote on a pics that has no chance of winning ,
Yes in a way this is correct some will say , but if the shot is that good , it should stand on its own merit shouldnt it ?.So is there any way we can keep the vote tally hidden , it might create a few surprises .  just a thought .

ps can we have the world posting times in alphabetical order please , only joking big_smile

Done, LoL.  smile

Oct 18 08 12:30 am Link



Posts: 236

Alexandria, Virginia, US

I haven't done any true testing to be able to say with absolute certainty that what I think is the case is true but it appears to me for the last week or so that when I pull up the vote page to vote that I'm consistently not seeing all the submissions because once I submit the vote there are always quite a few photos that show up in the standings that I didn't see on the vote page.

I'm running Firefox 3.0.3 on a Mac running 10.5.5.

And yes I know the easy test would be to count all 200+ photos on the vote page but I haven't had the time, lol.

- ben

Oct 18 08 03:09 am Link


Ken Hopkins

Posts: 6

Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

I like the POTD idea.
But is it possible to see (after the voting), who had submit the images?
Cause there are so many great pics, where I want to visit the ports, too.

Oct 20 08 03:47 am Link



Posts: 236

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Same here. I'm seeing lots of people I'd like to explore working with but have no way to find out who they are unless they win.

- ben

Ken Hopkins wrote:
I like the POTD idea.
But is it possible to see (after the voting), who had submit the images?
Cause there are so many great pics, where I want to visit the ports, too.

Oct 20 08 06:06 am Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

Ken Hopkins wrote:
I like the POTD idea.
But is it possible to see (after the voting), who had submit the images?
Cause there are so many great pics, where I want to visit the ports, too.


I agree and would like to see this feature changed.  Looking through the forums many people appear to agree.  However this feature was programmed into the new Picture of the Day by Tyler to discourage vote stacking.  And only he can change this feature.

Take care,
T R Willmitch
Host, Model Mayhem’s Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day - Original Edition competitions

Oct 20 08 12:17 pm Link


Michael Alan

Posts: 1499

Bayshore Gardens, Florida, US

T R Willmitch wrote:

I agree and would like to see this feature changed.  Looking through the forums many people appear to agree.  However this feature was programmed into the new Picture of the Day by Tyler to discourage vote stacking.  And only he can change this feature.

Take care,
T R Willmitch
Host, Model Mayhem’s Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day - Original Edition competitions

I like it the way it is and by the way I have seen people posting on the main page that their picture is in the running/looking for votes... It is working well without a link to the person and with the current vote count. IMHO, most of you vote once for yourselves and then for your friends picture anyway because IMHO many great pictures done by those who don't troll on this site gets very little votes.. Just check out the POD contest.... Friends stack voting all the time with the same clique always winning...

Oct 20 08 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Michael Alan wrote:

I like it the way it is and by the way I have seen people posting on the main page that their picture is in the running/looking for votes... It is working well without a link to the person and with the current vote count. IMHO, most of you vote once for yourselves and then for your friends picture anyway because IMHO many great pictures done by those who don't troll on this site gets very little votes.. Just check out the POD contest.... Friends stack voting all the time with the same click always winning...

Newbies come into the original PotD and stack votes occasionally, but they are isolated cases and are dealt with.

And cliques winning in the Original edition is simply not true.  Heck, there probably isn't 3 regulars left over in the competition from 6 months ago when you used to trash the thread complaining about this stuff, so how could you think there is a clique?  There is a religious contingent there now that wants to outlaw belly buttons, LoL, but they are small and irrelevant and not able to affect the vote.  I haven't even been able to see a voting pattern out of them, so I don't feel they are banding together and orchestrating votes.

Oct 20 08 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 5453

Long Beach, California, US

Curious about something.

I've just started entering the PotD contest, having a lot of fun seeing everyone's work and making my votes.

Reading the rules though, as far as "no resubmissions for 15 days."  I took this to mean you couldn't enter the same photo again until 15 days have passed.  Yet in the last 5 days or so, I've seen about 5 or 6 photos show up more than once in the daily entries.

Is there any kind of moderator supervision of the contest to check for rules violations? Or does it take a CAM thread to bring the repeat images to mod attention, and is this something mods want to be notified about? Obviously if it's going to be addressed, it would have to be addressed quickly in response to the CAM, since each contest is only of one day's duration.

Oct 20 08 05:56 pm Link


Laura Ann Photography

Posts: 17921

Peoria, Arizona, US

wynnesome wrote:
Curious about something.

I've just started entering the PotD contest, having a lot of fun seeing everyone's work and making my votes.

Reading the rules though, as far as "no resubmissions for 15 days."  I took this to mean you couldn't enter the same photo again until 15 days have passed.  Yet in the last 5 days or so, I've seen about 5 or 6 photos show up more than once in the daily entries.

Is there any kind of moderator supervision of the contest to check for rules violations? Or does it take a CAM thread to bring the repeat images to mod attention, and is this something mods want to be notified about? Obviously if it's going to be addressed, it would have to be addressed quickly in response to the CAM, since each contest is only of one day's duration.

There is a moderator in place for the competition, however, it can extremely hard to review all the images and keep track of what has and hasn't been entered.

Perhaps this is an issue that should be raised.  More moderation for the contest, because I know the current moderator tries hard, but 200 images for 15 can be extremely difficult to monitor everything.

As for being notified, I'll let the moderator answer that.  I'm not sure what exactly he'd like to see happen with that.

Oct 20 08 07:21 pm Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

wynnesome wrote:
Curious about something.

I've just started entering the PotD contest, having a lot of fun seeing everyone's work and making my votes.

Reading the rules though, as far as "no resubmissions for 15 days."  I took this to mean you couldn't enter the same photo again until 15 days have passed.  Yet in the last 5 days or so, I've seen about 5 or 6 photos show up more than once in the daily entries.

Is there any kind of moderator supervision of the contest to check for rules violations? Or does it take a CAM thread to bring the repeat images to mod attention, and is this something mods want to be notified about? Obviously if it's going to be addressed, it would have to be addressed quickly in response to the CAM, since each contest is only of one day's duration.


I moderate the contest.  If you see a rule violation then please message me -- and this includes when you spot a violation of the 15-day waiting period. 

If I disqualify an image then I immediately delete it from the queue, making room for qualified entries.  Violation of the 15-day waiting period is one of the most common reasons for disqualification, with some images entered day after day.  I deleted around a dozen entries on Tuesday for this reason alone.

I'll add that if you see someone spamming the site for votes then you can CAM it directly.  However I would appreciate a heads up, since an image could potentially win before a Moderator can step in and address your CAM.  Then what a headache for everyone...

Well I appreciate your help in keeping the Picture of the Day fun and fair for everyone.

Take care,
T R Willmitch
Host, Model Mayhem’s Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day - Original Ed. competitions

Oct 21 08 01:59 am Link


Porcelain Poet

Posts: 69

Seattle, Washington, US

Why was my submission for October 21st deleted?
I just entered it tonight and when I went to check the queue to see the other entries the submit form was up again??

I re-submitted it and saw that indeed my image had been deleted from the queue.
There was NO nudity. It was NOT an 18+ image...

I'd like an explanation.

Oct 21 08 02:36 am Link


Porcelain Poet

Posts: 69

Seattle, Washington, US

And don't tell me that because it's a horror image you had the authority to delete it. I have seen images been submitted with fake blood in them and guts.

AS WELL AS half naked girls with boobs showing.
It is utter bullshit if you try and tell me that.

Oct 21 08 02:37 am Link


Porcelain Poet

Posts: 69

Seattle, Washington, US

Porcelain Poet wrote:
And don't tell me that because it's a horror image you had the authority to delete it. I have seen images been submitted with fake blood in them and guts.

AS WELL AS half naked girls with boobs showing.
It is utter bullshit if you try and tell me that.

As I was saying, here are some prime examples of images you people have allowed to be in the running, even though they went against the Pic of the Day rules: … 07-big.jpg … 06-big.jpg … 20-big.jpg

My image contains nothing 18+ as you can see, this is the image I entered, … e_count=33

Oct 21 08 02:42 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Porcelain Poet wrote:
And don't tell me that because it's a horror image you had the authority to delete it. I have seen images been submitted with fake blood in them and guts.

AS WELL AS half naked girls with boobs showing.
It is utter bullshit if you try and tell me that.

1.  No 18+ images. Model Mayhem’s 18+ image policy is found here.

Oct 21 08 02:44 am Link


Porcelain Poet

Posts: 69

Seattle, Washington, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Porcelain Poet wrote:
And don't tell me that because it's a horror image you had the authority to delete it. I have seen images been submitted with fake blood in them and guts.

AS WELL AS half naked girls with boobs showing.
It is utter bullshit if you try and tell me that.

If my image was in fact deleted because there's 2 inches of RED EYESHADOW used on her mouth to create the effect of blood, then why were the following images allowed on the Pic of the Day System: … 45-big.jpg … 70-big.jpg … 06-big.jpg … 25-big.jpg

If you're really telling me that this is an issue, then why are you allowing it?
That is discrimination.

Oct 21 08 02:48 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Oct 21 08 03:53 am Link


Ken Hopkins

Posts: 6

Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Michael Alan wrote:

I like it the way it is and by the way I have seen people posting on the main page that their picture is in the running/looking for votes... It is working well without a link to the person and with the current vote count. IMHO, most of you vote once for yourselves and then for your friends picture anyway because IMHO many great pictures done by those who don't troll on this site gets very little votes.. Just check out the POD contest.... Friends stack voting all the time with the same clique always winning...

Did I see your problem right (sorry, my English is not the best), that people votes for the person/a friend, if their names stand by the pic?

If this is the prob. Ride the name after the voting to the pics.

Oct 21 08 04:20 am Link


Porcelain Poet

Posts: 69

Seattle, Washington, US

Oct 21 08 04:28 am Link


Ken Hopkins

Posts: 6

Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Porcelain Poet wrote:

Uhh no, this is not the problem. I have NEVER asked people to vote for me.

Sorry, but my post goes to Michael Alan, not to you.

Oct 21 08 07:23 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Get rid of the collages entered in the competition.  It is pic of the day not pictures of the day.  It further tilts the viewing in that those pictures are much larger then the single images and therefore skew results.  I am waiting for someone to post a collage that is 15 images long and takes up the entire

Oct 21 08 06:53 pm Link


Porcelain Poet

Posts: 69

Seattle, Washington, US

GW Burns wrote:
Get rid of the collages entered in the competition.  It is pic of the day not pictures of the day.  It further tilts the viewing in that those pictures are much larger then the single images and therefore skew results.  I am waiting for someone to post a collage that is 15 images long and takes up the entire

I agree with you. Entering a collage of images is like entering 4 images at once. It's the equivalent of cheating in my opinion.

Oct 21 08 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 15162

Portland, Oregon, US

I'm only agreeing with what others have said:

* I have seen the same image several times, day after day.

* I have noticed (cannot confirm) images show up in the top votes that I do not remember seeing when I voted.

* Collages do seem to garner more votes. But then, so do close ups of eyes.

Oct 21 08 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 15162

Portland, Oregon, US

Someone should post a tall pic or a super tall collage just to make the point.

Oct 21 08 10:58 pm Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

MinisterC  wrote:
I'm only agreeing with what others have said:

* I have seen the same image several times, day after day.

* I have noticed (cannot confirm) images show up in the top votes that I do not remember seeing when I voted.

* Collages do seem to garner more votes. But then, so do close ups of eyes.

It seems pretty simple to me a collage is a group of picture(s).  This is titled PICTURE of the day and I dont know how more clear cut of a rules violation you can get then that, yet they continue to allow them.  Come on guys this is a no brainer.

Oct 22 08 09:43 am Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

GW Burns wrote:
Get rid of the collages entered in the competition.  It is pic of the day not pictures of the day.  It further tilts the viewing in that those pictures are much larger then the single images and therefore skew results.  I am waiting for someone to post a collage that is 15 images long and takes up the entire

Porcelain Poet wrote:
I agree with you. Entering a collage of images is like entering 4 images at once. It's the equivalent of cheating in my opinion.

Yes I agree! It's totally unfair to stack together 2-4 completely unique, individually retouched and edited images and call that a single photo entry... and now we have several multi-image photostrips that have won over other fairly entered, deserving, single photo entries.

Oct 22 08 11:25 am Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Skydancer wrote:

GW Burns wrote:
Get rid of the collages entered in the competition.  It is pic of the day not pictures of the day.  It further tilts the viewing in that those pictures are much larger then the single images and therefore skew results.  I am waiting for someone to post a collage that is 15 images long and takes up the entire

Yes I agree! It's totally unfair to stack together 2-4 completely unique, individually retouched and edited images and call that a single photo entry... and now we have several multi-image photostrips that have won over other fairly entered, deserving, single photo entries. I for one am no longer participating or voting in any of TR's contests. There are other reasons, but suffice to say I am done offering feedback or support.

You have to make decisions when you run contests like this.  While I personally hate the collages also, I respect the fact that Tom has made the decision and I realize that he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.  Tom's effectiveness in running the Original PotD is overwhelmingly obvious, and given time to work out the bugs of this new one he'll be just as effective with this one.

Taking your ball and going home is a personal decision, but blaming Tom for it is reactionary and unfair.  The guy is pouring half his day into running the contest and fairly answering the gripes of the people who are filling up his inbox 24 hours a day.  He's earned more respect than that, and you've been here long enough to know it.

Oct 22 08 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 4

Buffalo, New York, US

Good afternoon! there used to be a little award sign, (potdmedal, i think it was called) that a winner could put up on the profile page. does is still exist and if so where can i find it?
thank you!

Oct 22 08 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Prometheus233 wrote:
Good afternoon! there used to be a little award sign, (potdmedal, i think it was called) that a winner could put up on the profile page. does is still exist and if so where can i find it?
thank you!

I'll message you the code for it.  smile

Oct 22 08 12:39 pm Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

Porcelain Poet wrote:
Why was my submission for October 21st deleted?
I just entered it tonight and when I went to check the queue to see the other entries the submit form was up again??

I re-submitted it and saw that indeed my image had been deleted from the queue.
There was NO nudity. It was NOT an 18+ image...

I'd like an explanation.

Wow, this really exploded into a rather angry exchange.  But you know the funny thing...?  The image was never disqualified and was in the competition all along.  You simply missed it!

OK...  Now if you can't spot your own picture in the queue or voting gallery, what do you think it's like for me trying to remember someone else's entry from ten days ago?  Maybe culling out images that violate the 15-day wait is not as easy as folks seem to think!

Returning to the issue at hand, you've presented me with an interesting problem.  Initially I did not interpret your image (or those you linked to) as "depictions of blood."  I considered the "blood" a minor picture element if it was suppose to be blood at all.  Yet it seems to me that you've eloquently argued the case against yourself.

Do I keep your image or does it go?

One suggestion when it comes to 18+ images...  There is a contest specifically designed for them:  the 18+ Picture of the Day found in the General Industry forum here.  Your 18+ entry (and vote) are always welcome there.

Take care,
T R Willmitch
Host, Model Mayhem’s Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day - Original Ed. competitions

Oct 22 08 01:27 pm Link


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US

Prometheus233 wrote:
Good afternoon! there used to be a little award sign, (potdmedal, i think it was called) that a winner could put up on the profile page. does is still exist and if so where can i find it?
thank you!


You are correct, there is a gold Picture of the Day  medallion that the first-place winners are welcome to display on there profile page or elsewhere.  I've thought about simply posting a link, but then everyone would download a copy.  So simply write to me and I'll send you the link.

Congratulations on your Picture of the Day win.  And thanks for being a part of the competition!

Take care,
T R Willmitch
Host, Model Mayhem’s Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day - Original Ed. competitions

Oct 22 08 01:31 pm Link