Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Makeup Agencies

Makeup Artist

Andrea L. Dow

Posts: 109

Costa Mesa, California, US

Alright, I have searched for this topic and came back 0 results, so please forgive me if it has been discussed previously and I just looked in the wrong place. 

I am debating the whole getting an agent thing.  Of course there may be no debate, I might not be ready for an agent yet, but I'm thinking my goal is to get a good book together in order to start looking for one.

I have read Mary's FAQ's and I know which she thinks are the best.  I also have Crystal Wright's book so I have a list of the rest of them.

I guess the real question of this post is, do you have an agent?  If so, how is that working out for you?  If not, are you trying to get one?  If not, are you getting enough work as a freelance artist? 

I know we are in a pretty cut-throat industry here, but I would really like to know how others go about these things especially where freelance artist look for paid work, because I don't think its on CL and I dont think its on MM.

I'll start and if anyone has any ideas that they are willing to share I would love to hear it.

My paid work has come through one main photographer who I contacted from his website and we have bonded and now he uses me pretty consistently, hires me for his personal photographic projects and recommends me to his clients.
I also lucked out with a commercial company who got my name from a friend of a friend so now I get a call whenever their primary mua is not available.
I have one other client who uses me when their primary mua is unavailable and that was through the university I attended and she was my theatrical make up teacher.

So is anyone else willing to share?  I'd love to know how others do it, and especially if any one else is contimplating agency.


Andrea Dow - I just got married and this is my first time using the new last name...pretty exciting!

Mar 17 06 01:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Jessica Steele

Posts: 370

Los Angeles, California, US

Here are a few pages with agencies.
I don't currently work with an exclusive agent because my book isn't ready/ up to par yet. I'd say your best bet would be to go with agencies that are not exclusive and list with modeling agencies that rep MUAs and stylists. That way you can get new leads and build relationships. My career has always been word of mouth based on my talent and personality- and that has worked very well so far. In the future when I have built a stronger book and reputation I will be persuing better agencies because that is where the real jobs are (and that comes with the real money). … usa/3.html … encies.htm

Mar 17 06 04:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Jessica Steele

Posts: 370

Los Angeles, California, US

PS- your work is beautiful.
Would you list agencies not on my list? I am looking for agents in all locations. I'm not represented in Atlanta and I go there for work often.

Mar 17 06 04:22 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Andrea L. Dow

Posts: 109

Costa Mesa, California, US

Thank you for responding.  Celestine and Cloutier are my top two and of course they seem to want you to have a client base to bring with you...Kind of funny, I feel like I need celebrity pictures to get an agent, but I need an agent to get the celebrities.  Seems like this business if full of those kind of catches.  Anyway, beyond those two I am interested in Luxe Management.  I didn't see them anywhere on your list. And check out Arlene Wilson Management in Georgia

Mar 17 06 05:10 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Jessica Steele

Posts: 370

Los Angeles, California, US

That is funny- the catch 22. Luckily you are in an area where you can work with up-and-comers who can become famous. I have worked with a few people who went onto fame, but the pics I have are not portfolio quality (though I can list them on my resume). The best bet (which you are doing) is to work closely with other artists who do quality work and who are upwardly mobile. It puts you in a position where you will cosistantly be working with better and better talent. Though we do work in a competitive field- trust me, people recognize talent and love to work with people who bring lightness and fun to work with them.

Mar 17 06 05:32 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I do work through an agency for my print work.  A few of my friends with my agency make a few hundred thousand a year. It's totally worth it for me.  But then again if an agency takes you on and you do nothing to further your career yourself, it's going to be a waste of time for both you and the agency.

Mar 17 06 08:08 pm Link


michaelrowe photography

Posts: 147

Los Angeles, California, US

i can only give you high end ones..  not sure they will take you, but its worth a try. They deal with TOP make-up artist, photographers, stylist and hair people.
top photogs like - Like steven meisel, anne Leibowitz, stewart shining, craig Macdean-
top makeup artist like Gucci Westman and Dick Page.

Good Luck.

Mar 17 06 08:21 pm Link