Makeup Artist


Posts: 1862

New York, New York, US

Yesterday I was contacted by a representative from blackbook stating that I was refered to him 2x and that if I would like to be in blackbook.  I've heard of it but I'm not sure if I want to be in blackbook.  I mean, ok, I want to be but it's like 2,000 (usually 5,000) for a page and I just don't have that kind of money.

Back in the day as a model I was scammed and I'm just so scared of that happening again.  He said that he likes my style and all this stuff and that I'm going to get a lot of business and that he's sure that I'm going to renew the next time around.

He sent me an email with the contract so that I can look it over and give him my answer today by 6pm.

I dont know what to do.  I dont even have the $400 for the down payment.  He also said that I don't have to pay him until I see business.

Help me my fellow MMers smile

Mar 28 06 11:33 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Yisell wrote:
He also said that I don't have to pay him until I see business.

Well, heck.  If you don't have to pay him until you get business then why not?

But then again, if you don't have to pay him until you get business then there is not $400 down payment.

Mar 28 06 11:44 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

A couple of times in my life, my dad would quote someone else by saying, "To make money, you need to spend money."

Two thousand dollars may be a lot of money for you, but if it generates $40,000, in the long run, it is worth it.

Recently, I bought a camera.  With tax, licensing, destination and dock fees, it was more than $4000 for me to walk out of the store.  I spent the money, not because I needed a camera or a tax break, I spent it because it was an investment into myself and my business.  This camera offers me the opportunity to give my clients a higher quality image.

For you, the Blackbook would give your business MORE credibility than it already has, a higher profile, AND because of that clients who call you because of it will have more money.

For me, when a client sees top of the line equipment, it justifies the higher prices that I charge.  For you, when a client sees your amazing work in a prestigious book, it will justify your higher price.

If I were you, I would spend the money

Tony Blei
SmartAz Photography

Mar 28 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I get Black Book sent to me gratis as a designer and I really can't remember seeing any stylists in there in the 8 years I've been getting them. I would recommend getting in Le Book or something comparable. Le Book is the fashion industry source book.


Mar 28 06 11:49 am Link

Makeup Artist

BridgitC-Makeup Artist

Posts: 231

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have been contacted by Blackbook too, they call me almost everyday for about 2 weeks then stop, then again a few weeks later....I have been to the website and I have asked a few people about them, it is a lot of money to spend, especially if no results come of it when there are alternatives to marketing. Some say they like it some say they don't I guess it just depends on what you are looking for and what they can deliver... I have not yet used them and don't think that I am.

Mar 28 06 11:52 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Stylists and makeup artists do not usually buy pages in books like that,  especially not the black book.
When you are repped then the rep agency will put you in a book like le book if needed.

I think this was a sales call.  Black book does not have the power it once did and I am sure their sales are not as good as in the past.

Use the money you do not have to get a rep.

Mar 28 06 11:57 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

just about every artist and stylist I know has received this call, they are doing a real push for stylists.  Because of the expense usually you see just the stylist agencies advertise if you do place an ad your competition will be the major agencies like art and commerce.  Thats fine if youre work is on the same level as theirs, if not you may get overlooked entirely. 

I considered it but figured I would need at least 2 jobs a year to make it pay I willing to work 2 to 3 full days to pay off this ad?  No....   because.......the kind of jobs that come from the Black Book are probably not going to be repeat customers...they will be out of town people coming to town for a shoot.  If I thought it would bring me 6 or more huge jobs I would do it, it would be worth while....I just dont see the happening.

Mar 28 06 11:58 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 472

New York, New York, US

I got one of those calls in January....

He "couldn't remember" how he got my number, "must have been from someone at a party"
He said they were trying to give unsigned artists a break on advertising
I said maybe in a few years when the expense was justifiable for me.

I'm in Dallas and everyone here already knows everyone else, or knows someone who does. I strongly doubt a production company from out of town is going to pick up Black Book and say, "hey I think we should hire this girl that no one has ever heard of, purely because of this ad here"!

If you're going to spend $2000 on your career, then

-go to an agency and tell them you know you are not ready to be signed yet, but do they have an assistant list and what do you need to have in your book to get signed.
Also do they have anyone they would recommend as far as photographers,stylists and models for testing.

-You're in NY.... go to some Powder Group Classes

-Pay your rent and bills ahead of

Save the money until your agency wants you to get their preferred portfolio.

My 2 cents, Hope it helps!


Mar 28 06 12:37 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Three questions -

What is their circulation (# issues per publication)?

Who sees their publication?

Can they provide you with specific and actual numbers concerning increased business experinced by some of their advertisers (and the examples should be make up artists) as a result of buying a page in the publication.

If you do not get verifiable and impressive answers to all of the above, pass.

PS: The "you have to place an order by ..." routine is one of the oldest sales tricks in the book. Ninety nine times out of a hundred the urgency is baloney and is specifically designed to keep you from thinking about what you are doing - the hope is that you will act impulsively and do something that you might not do otherwise.

Mar 28 06 12:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

i thought black book was just for photogs.

based on his selling pitch, i wouldnt do it.

i tend to not trust people that promise the world on a silver platter.

Mar 28 06 01:04 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

maryirwin wrote:
I got one of those calls in January....

He "couldn't remember" how he got my number, "must have been from someone at a party"
He said they were trying to give unsigned artists a break on advertising
I said maybe in a few years when the expense was justifiable for me.

I'm in Dallas and everyone here already knows everyone else, or knows someone who does. I strongly doubt a production company from out of town is going to pick up Black Book and say, "hey I think we should hire this girl that no one has ever heard of, purely because of this ad here"!

If you're going to spend $2000 on your career, then

-go to an agency and tell them you know you are not ready to be signed yet, but do they have an assistant list and what do you need to have in your book to get signed.
Also do they have anyone they would recommend as far as photographers,stylists and models for testing.

-You're in NY.... go to some Powder Group Classes

-Pay your rent and bills ahead of

Save the money until your agency wants you to get their preferred portfolio.

My 2 cents, Hope it helps!


this is funny....he told me that they only let very select stylists in and I am one of the best, one of the few they would allow in...yea right.....   LOL!    the rep called me every day and every day the deadline would extend till the end of that day...  Hmmmmm....strange how that works.  I agree with most of the advice you gave here.

Mar 28 06 03:00 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1862

New York, New York, US

Yeah he told me that he couldnt remember who gave him my info.  He thinks it was his boss.  When I asked him who his boss was and he told me some weird name.  I know every single person that I work with.  I have everyones name and number in case I wanna work with them or whatever.  I had no idea who or what name that was that he told me.  So how in the world did he get my info?

That's what's bothering me...

Mar 28 06 03:15 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Feme Naigow

Posts: 14

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

I agree with everyone. Normally if it is a refferal from someone  "most" people not trying to get money out of you would tell you b/c it is a compliment  that you were reffered.  For that money you could do so much more to promote yourself!

Mar 28 06 04:25 pm Link