Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Hardcore Videos?

Makeup Artist


Posts: 64

Los Angeles, California, US

So, I check my email yesterday and have a request to be a makeup artist for a hardcore porn video. They asked if I will be available for 5 eight hour days. They will pay me $400 PER DAY..... is this a joke? Plus it is in Las Vegas.

I understand some of us take jobs we do not list on our resume, but is the money really worth it? This is Porn!

I honestly dont think $400 a day is worth it based on the fact that:
-My morals
-I would end up buying a kit specially for the actors (or whatever you call them)
-I would be uneasy and maybe unsafe going to the job.
-I would be touching up lips and other parts that have been busy for hours I am sure!

Sorry I had to vent since I have never been asked or thought of doing this.......any thoughts?

Mar 29 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

vent away. 

Its your thread

Mar 29 06 08:59 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

no thoughts. you already answered your own questions on this. unless you're questioning it as a tempting opportunity.

Mar 29 06 09:09 pm Link


Scot Ezzell

Posts: 2

Los Angeles, California, US

I've assisted on many adult shoots (stills) and been at a few video shoots.  The people that I have worked with have been very professional.  And only on the rare occaision have I encountered any rude or obnoxious behavior, and that was just diva model personalities that come up on any type of shoot.

If you are uncomfortable around this type of shoot you may want to avoid it.  I would at least try to sit in on a shoot before you work for them.  Every company has different standards and expects different things from their employees.  You may just be in a make up area applying make up to faces.  You may be on-set touching up in between shoots, fixing hair, hiding blemishes, etc.  But some of the blemishes that need touching up on adult shoots can be in tricky places which embarrass normal make up artists.

I'm fine with adult work and I would say to take the job if it's with a reputible company.  But the people I know doing this kind of work make $500 to $750 per day.  A standard day is 10 hours.

Mar 29 06 09:24 pm Link


Incident Image

Posts: 342

Los Angeles, California, US

I shoot adult and its completely safe and business-like.  If it's not your bag, then that fine, but you assume it to be this horrifying thing that it, in fact, is not.  Most people have misconceptions about the industry, which is too bad... morally, if you're opposed, then thats ok.  $400-$500 is a standard day rate in adult, because u really dont do that much... maybe 3 girls per day, 1 look each.

Mar 29 06 09:28 pm Link


Jon Davis

Posts: 21

Los Angeles, California, US

give them a day rate that you would do it for and if they really like your work and want to you to do the job then they will pay it.. so do something like $1000  a day.. which isn't outragous.

Mar 29 06 09:29 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Clearly this is not for you.

Don't fret. There is a boatload of MUAs who watch porn with their boyfriends who will be happy with $400 a day.

Mar 29 06 09:29 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
Clearly this is not for you.

Don't fret. There is a boatload of MUAs who watch porn with their boyfriends who will be happy with $400 a day.

there is a boatload of women who watch porn without their boyfriends.

Mar 29 06 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 162

Stephen Dawson wrote:
Clearly this is not for you.

Don't fret. There is a boatload of MUAs who watch porn with their boyfriends who will be happy with $400 a day.


Mar 29 06 09:41 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

Don't be such a prude! If you don't feel comfy don't do it.

Were it me, I wouldn't make any moral objections but would feel a little uneasy about touching the gals up in between scenes, cos, well you know...

Mar 30 06 01:28 am Link

Makeup Artist

Jessica Steele

Posts: 370

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't think you're being a prude, Ellen.
You choose your field- you build your image- and you have a right to be "prudent" about your business associates. Even if it were 5x as much money- it would get easier and easier to take such work- and before you know it- that is what you do for a living. Those are the only connections you are making- and that is your reality.
Personally, beyond moral and professional choices, I think it would be desensitzing (perhaps even disempowering) sexually to be in that atmosphere for an extended period of time. You can be open minded, live and let live, be nonjudgemental, and still say no thank you to situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Like previously stated- there are plenty of people who would be happy to do it.
You are a gifted artist however- and the fashion industry is lucky to have you. In the future, you can laugh over this story at a Vogue shoot!

Mar 30 06 02:07 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

if you decide to do it, just make sure your name is not anywhere to be found in the credits.

Mar 30 06 07:09 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Do what your heart tells you to do and be true to your self first and foremost.

Mar 30 06 07:25 am Link

Makeup Artist

Belinda Muir

Posts: 192

London, England, United Kingdom

rachelrose wrote:
if you decide to do it, just make sure your name is not anywhere to be found in the credits.

Just use your porn star name!

Mar 30 06 07:41 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Ellen wrote:
So, I check my email yesterday and have a request to be a makeup artist for a hardcore porn video. They asked if I will be available for 5 eight hour days. They will pay me $400 PER DAY..... is this a joke? Plus it is in Las Vegas.

I understand some of us take jobs we do not list on our resume, but is the money really worth it? This is Porn!

I honestly dont think $400 a day is worth it based on the fact that:
-My morals
-I would end up buying a kit specially for the actors (or whatever you call them)
-I would be uneasy and maybe unsafe going to the job.
-I would be touching up lips and other parts that have been busy for hours I am sure!

Sorry I had to vent since I have never been asked or thought of doing this.......any thoughts?

I personally wouldnt do stuff like this and for $400.00 a day I wouldnt do anything for that....thats not even day rate for commercial work.  You are in Calif.  Day rates start at $650.00 and go up from there. Porn pays more then commercial.

I also wouldn't do anything I couldn't put my own name on....if I'm ashamed and don't want my name associated, I wouldnt do it in the first place.  I can fool the rest of the world with a fake name, but I can't fool myself.    Doing or not doing porn has nothing to do with being a prude, it has to do with you own personal standards and respecting them.

I have also heard a  lot of complaints from artists that do this stuff...not getting paid is a major one I hear over and over.  They assume you won't take them to court and let the world know you did this type of stuff.  I could go on about this industry and the kind of people it arracts but I won't because I dont want to get into it with the porn people and I know Model Mayhem has more then its share of porn industry photographers.

Mar 30 06 08:56 am Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

As long as you're comfy putting cover-up on ass pimples, do it.

OK, just kidding.

Why are you asking a bunch of people on a web site where your morals should lie?

Mar 30 06 09:07 am Link

Hair Stylist

Luis Rafael

Posts: 39

New York, New York, US

A lot of people forget that many famous fashion photographers, stylists and also many celebrities have started our woeking in the porn industry.  How I wish I wouldve done Pamela Andersona, Carmen Elektra or Jenny Mcarty when they were doing porn!!!  Now they will be on my celebrity list....

Mar 30 06 09:43 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

ReallyRandy wrote:
As long as you're comfy putting cover-up on ass pimples, do it.

OK, just kidding.

Why are you asking a bunch of people on a web site where your morals should lie?

hmmmm,  I didint get that she was asking about where her morals should lie.  I understood her to ask the following questions................

. "They will pay me $400 PER DAY..... is this a joke? Plus it is in Las Vegas."

My interpretation......Is this a scam of some kind?

"is the money really worth it? This is Porn!"

my interpretation.....If it isnt a scam what are they thinking?  $400.00 then she sites the reason it should pay more then $400.00

then she asks our thoughts on the email...

"Sorry I had to vent since I have never been asked or thought of doing this.......any thoughts? "
2006-03-29 20:51:02

Maybe my interpretation is off, thats how I interpreted her post

Mar 30 06 09:44 am Link

Hair Stylist

Luis Rafael

Posts: 39

New York, New York, US

A lot of people forget that many famous fashion photographers, stylists and also many celebrities have started our woeking in the porn industry.  How I wish I wouldve done Pamela Andersona, Carmen Elektra or Jenny Mcarty when they were doing porn!!!  Now they will be on my celebrity list....
PS.  You can tell them that if they ever shoot in New York and need a hair stylist, they can contact

Mar 30 06 09:44 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Luis Santiago wrote:
A lot of people forget that many famous fashion photographers, stylists and also many celebrities have started our woeking in the porn industry.  How I wish I wouldve done Pamela Andersona, Carmen Elektra or Jenny Mcarty when they were doing porn!!!  Now they will be on my celebrity list....

hmmmm.....I dont think I would be proud to say.... I did Pamela Andersons makeup in a porn video....hmmmmm....maybe thats just me.

Mar 30 06 09:46 am Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

You may be right, Mary.

Now I'm not sure if she's balking at the compensation or the subject matter.

Mar 30 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US


And that does sound like a pretty low rate to pay you considering how much the porn industry really should be getting some thing close the $1000....cause whatever they do ...I know that they would sell soo much from it

But if you dont feel comfortable with doing adult don't do it...and dont let the others in this site tell you that you think your too good to do it...

Theres a difference between having sex, watching it on SCREEN....and standing there after every film shoot waiting to put makeup back on the "models" after they bust a wouldnt feel comfortable standing there for that...

So do what you feel and dont do it if you feel like you can take credit for it or if you dont like the idea of it...You get more and better opportunities smile

Mar 30 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

first the CA porn producers are moving to Vegas because productions costs are cheaper.
they get away from the $800 day stylist costs in Burbank.

Some folk get hot thinking a move was made in Vegas - even if they made it a room in Victorville.

You will be bored most of the day on a adult set. your biggest challenge will be covering pimples on someone's butt.

take a book, and do the makeup, and wait and wait, and do a touch up then sit and read and read and wait.

and get a few pointers!

Mar 30 06 10:17 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 64

Los Angeles, California, US

Mary wrote:
hmmmm,  I didint get that she was asking about where her morals should lie.  I understood her to ask the following questions................

. "They will pay me $400 PER DAY..... is this a joke? Plus it is in Las Vegas."

My interpretation......Is this a scam of some kind?

"is the money really worth it? This is Porn!"

my interpretation.....If it isnt a scam what are they thinking?  $400.00 then she sites the reason it should pay more then $400.00

then she asks our thoughts on the email...

"Sorry I had to vent since I have never been asked or thought of doing this.......any thoughts? "
2006-03-29 20:51:02

Maybe my interpretation is off, thats how I interpreted her post

You said it for me Mary....I guess other stylists can read into it......I have had no intention in saying yes to this offer.

I just think it's funny that someone would think $400 is enough for that business (as a stylist) and hope that whoever takes that job will request more. The porn industry is not for me and never will be.
Whoever does makeup in the porn industry is they're choice and I have no problem with that, I would never do it myself.

I love my career and work very hard each day to make sure I make the most without regrets or feeling bad....each job I take I hope it will help me grow as an artist.

Mar 30 06 02:05 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 64

Los Angeles, California, US

Jessica Steele wrote:
I don't think you're being a prude, Ellen.
You choose your field- you build your image- and you have a right to be "prudent" about your business associates. Even if it were 5x as much money- it would get easier and easier to take such work- and before you know it- that is what you do for a living. Those are the only connections you are making- and that is your reality.
Personally, beyond moral and professional choices, I think it would be desensitzing (perhaps even disempowering) sexually to be in that atmosphere for an extended period of time. You can be open minded, live and let live, be nonjudgemental, and still say no thank you to situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Like previously stated- there are plenty of people who would be happy to do it.
You are a gifted artist however- and the fashion industry is lucky to have you. In the future, you can laugh over this story at a Vogue shoot!

Thank you Jessica, both your postings have made me get it too!

I was reading a book that was borrowed.....called 120 days to sodom, WOW! Just as a story written in the late 17th century by Marquis De graphic, sexually disturbing, sad, etc. That book bothered me after reading just a few pages! I could'nt finish it since it made me mad and uneasy but some I am sure arent bothered by that book. I don't want to be desensitized at all and I feel strong about my beliefs (non-religious).

Vogue WILL hear about this one.

Mar 30 06 02:27 pm Link



Posts: 162

Ellen wrote:
Thank you Jessica, both your postings have made me get it too!

I was reading a book that was borrowed.....called 120 days to sodom, WOW! Just as a story written in the late 17th century by Marquis De graphic, sexually disturbing, sad, etc. That book bothered me after reading just a few pages! I could'nt finish it since it made me mad and uneasy but some I am sure arent bothered by that book. I don't want to be desensitized at all and I feel strong about my beliefs (non-religious).

Vogue WILL hear about this one.

It's a great book. I enjoyed all of his writings. His work is not for everyone though.

Mar 30 06 02:39 pm Link