Forums > Photography Talk > looking for a assisting job



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

HI, i live in austin tx, been looking like crazy for a assisting job, jest to learn more and network, with no luck.
anybuddy got advice?
or anybuddy photographer from austin?
part of me fell like i should jump in and do it, but yet i really i really like to know what i'm doing and be better

Jul 02 05 09:04 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

First lesson,  learn to post in the right section,  I am not going to let you touch my autofocus Hassy if you cannot post in the right thread.  You probably think it is Okay to hit on the models.

Jul 02 05 09:21 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Maybe too harsh but I will let the peanut gallery decide.

Try ASMP,  try doing a search both with the search option and manually.  Look in the phone book,  what other cities are you close to,  have you thought about moving to a NY, Chicago, or LA for at least a few years to learn, 

Have you tried some of the big high school photographers in Texas.  They are quite good really and could teach me much about the business side,  .........

There are several books on the topic that are recent.  Google search,  magazine search,...

Fill in the rest...

Jul 02 05 09:55 pm Link


Tom Weis

Posts: 44

Forest Hills, New York, US

I looked at your portfolio.
Do what I failed to do at your (student) age: move to London, Milan (first choices), or NYC (second choice).

Also, not to be harsh or sarcastic, learn to spell.
Good grammar will only help you find work.

Jul 02 05 10:34 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by Tom Weis: 
I looked at your portfolio.
Do what I failed to do at your (student) age: move to London, Milan (first choices), or NYC (second choice).

Also, not to be harsh or sarcastic, learn to spell.
Good grammar will only help you find work.

You can always move back home.

Jul 02 05 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 174

Raleigh, Illinois, US

Posted by Tom Weis: 

Also, not to be harsh or sarcastic, learn to spell.
Good grammar will only help you find work.

I was thinking the same thing.

Jul 02 05 10:39 pm Link


Dayvid LeMmon

Posts: 52

Phoenix, Arizona, US

go pick up a copy of your local ASMP bulletin (or find local photogs on asmp's website:  pick up the phone and ask if they have any assisting positions open.  good luck!

Jul 03 05 03:39 pm Link



Posts: 235

Austin, Texas, US


Here's the resource: ASMP Austin/San Antonio website is

Check that site for upcoming programs and think about joining as a student or assistant member. Attend meetings, meet people, etc...  There is also a google group for austin photo events - join here:

FWIW - there are not really any full-time assisting "positions" to be found in Austin. It's simply not that kinda of photo market. There are a small handful of regularly working freelance assistants in Austin. Trying to find work even with a lot of experience is not an easy thing here.

You might consider looking at Dallas - they have many more studio photographers who use full-time or part-time staff assistants.

Also - if looking for assisting work - you need to have a flexible schedule. Often jobs are booked only with a few days notice.

(note - I'm the ASMP Austin/San Antonio Chapter Communications Director)

Last note - Make the watermarks on your images smaller or less obtrusive. They make otherwise good photos look kinda junky.

Jul 06 05 04:12 pm Link