Forums > Photography Talk > Hasselblad H1D or Mamiya ZD DSLR's


Rob Hoffman

Posts: 20

San Diego, California, US

Does anyone have any experience with either the new Mamiya ZD DSLR or the Hassleblad H1D?

I am considering either of these for my studio. I know that the Mamiya has not officially been released as of yet, but was wondering if someone has gotten an advanced look. I have been able to look at the technical specs of each and with the exception of the high shutter speed, they are very similar---the Hassey high is only 1/800th whereas the Mamiya is 1/4000th---but in the studio that is really of no consequence.

So I was hoping maybe a handful of you here could give me some unbiased info, like ergonomics, battery issues if any, lag issues if any, focusing ability in AF, etc etc etc.

Any info would be great.

Jul 03 05 05:59 pm Link


Ian Powell

Posts: 246

Columbus, Ohio, US

i know the H1D costs more then most new cars... scares me away from it. Have used the normal H1 B&H in manhatten nice camera. But the digital's come out since then so no clue.

Jul 03 05 06:02 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

No experience but I want to rent one of te H1D's and try it out for a day.

Anyone want to go splits on that?

Jul 03 05 06:12 pm Link


Rob Hoffman

Posts: 20

San Diego, California, US

I know the H1D is expensive, but with specs like it touts, it could be the last camera I have to own in my career.  Some dealers are selling it and throwing in a dual processor Mac G5 no extra charge---I guess that says something about how much profit they have in it, which is unusual for camera dealers.

Jul 03 05 06:55 pm Link


Dave - The Rollei Guy

Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

You should look at the Rollei digital bundle.  It uses a 6008AF body and original Zeiss and Schneider lenses.  For sharpness nothing else in the medium format digital realm comes near  it.

Jul 03 05 06:59 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Posted by Dave Silverberg: 
You should look at the Rollei digital bundle.  It uses a 6008AF body and original Zeiss and Schneider lenses.  For sharpness nothing else in the medium format digital realm comes near  it.

I intend to! :-)

Jul 03 05 07:04 pm Link


Rob Hoffman

Posts: 20

San Diego, California, US

Thanks a bunch Dave.  Good tip on the Rollei.  It is also priced at a level that the amount saved would leave enough to put half down on a back up.

I know a lot of arguments have been made as to how a lot of the 35mm type DSLR's are almost disposable, with people replacing them every 2-3 years at the most---these three cameras sure seem to solve that situation---with this much of a camera, I just can't see the need to move up.  But, who knows what is to come??

Jul 03 05 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 1618

Madison, Wisconsin, US

The new issue of Digital Photo Pro compares/reviews these bodies along with the (yet unreleased) Pentax which is guessed to be 16-22MP and they have a feature on the Rollei.

Here's a few other reviews: … 1000939357 … -ist.shtml … ad_h1d.php


Jul 03 05 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 359

Downers Grove, Illinois, US

They are both pretty enticing....

But, with the 'blad, you can pop on a film back when you want.

Jul 03 05 08:56 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

im a hasselblad fan. 1/800th  isnt musch of a problem for our type of work i dont think. ya cant really go wrong with 22mp/ interchangable back for film whenever ya want to. i say if you can afford it go for it.

Jul 03 05 09:04 pm Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3579

Kerhonkson, New York, US

Posted by Rob Hoffman: 
Does anyone have any experience with either the new Mamiya ZD DSLR or the Hassleblad H1D?

So I was hoping maybe a handful of you here could give me some unbiased info, like ergonomics, battery issues if any, lag issues if any, focusing ability in AF, etc etc etc.

Any info would be great.

I only have biased info.  I have the H1, but instead of getting the H1D I got a great deal on an H1 kit and a Leaf 17mp digital back and purchased the upgrade to the new Leaf Aptus at the same time (am still awaiting the Aptus back: 6x7cm lcd and on-board power and memory).  All of that was less than the H1D and it included a film magazine and the 50-110 zoom lens.

I was considering the Imacon digital back/system, but there are a couple points that weighed against it.  Speed of fire, inability to shoot unteathered, and I personally didn't like the Imacon softwear and the inability to process RAW in CS (that may have changed since I looked). 

The difference between 17mp and 22mp was not critical for the majority of my work.  I've only been required to deliver that size file on a few jobs ever.  The 17mp RAW files create such a storage issue for me, that I can't imagine what 22mp would do to me.

I haven't even held a non-working ZD so I couldn't comment, but I personally never clicked with Mamiya's equip. and I would be hesitant to make that kind of an investment in a camera that could only deliver 12-bit files rather than 16-bit w/ the Leaf, Imacon or Phase. I have seen a ZD in use recently.  It looked like a DSLR w/ an action sports finder on top. If you like using a DSLR, it would probably feel familier, whereas If you are familier w/ Hasselblad esp. w/ the prism the H1 is easy to get used to.

As for the function of the H1, I have really loved it.  I took to it and the Leaf back so quickly and completely that I've almost forgot how to shoot with my Nikon. Almost all of the top two rows of my images on MM are from that combo. I got the 50-110 zoom lens which is a monster, but I have rarely taken it off the camera.  It catches most of length that I normally use (the 17mp image area has a slight lengthening of lens value).

The images are super sharp.  The focus is fast and quite.  It eats batteries at a fair clip and the ni-cad is pretty costly.  I have been able to shoot a couple projects in film with it.  The back can imprint your info on the film rebate which is cool.  The ink-jet prints I have gotten from it rock.  I am starting to see things in print that I have shot with it and everyone has been happy.  I've taken two dyed-in-the-wool film client to digital with it.  I'm still shooting exclusively teathered to my laptop, but that will change when my Aptus back arrives. 

Overall I'm a happy camper with it.  So far it has paid for it's care and feeding (purchase and lease) each month I have had it in billing digi-capture fee to my clients.  This month it will get a workout w/ catalog and advertising projects.  Hope that helps.

Jul 03 05 09:54 pm Link


Rob Hoffman

Posts: 20

San Diego, California, US

Thanks all and Dan especially since you are using one.

I am kind of leaning toward the H1D, so your input was valuable.  I have been a longtime Hasselblad and RB67 user in my camera room, but with all of the needs for digital I made the switch a few years ago and currently use Kodak Pro SLR/c's in the camera room.  A lot of my portrait clients, where most of my income comes from, are buying 40" prints though, and I am just not as happy as I used to be with 6x7 negs, but I know I would miss all of the digital capabilities if I switched back to film.  Thus the H1D--I thought it could bridge the gap for me.  One thing I did learn in reading about the Rollei though is that they have maintained leaf shutters for that camera, which would certainly come in handy here in Sunny SoCal for any outdoor work with fill---gonna be a tough decision.  Thanks again.


Jul 03 05 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 122

Norwood, Colorado, US

i looked into the new H1D, and unless i need 'bigger' prints than 12x18 ill have to just stick with the Minolta Dimage 7Hi

i went throught he math, the H1D is almost proportionately the same as the Minolta (5.2Mpix 12Bit RAW) as opposed to 22Mpix 16bit for the H1D, the sensor size is the same per sq mm so the bigger camera cant really capture any finer imagery, just bigger. and when you get right down to it the printing technology is just going to chuck anything greater than ~300dpi away so what it really boils down to is #1 how big do you need to print! give me an 8Mpix with a 16bit (24 would be nice) capability at the +1Lb weight of the Minolta and a bigger objective lense for greater low light usability at a fast speed & im all over it....

i will linger a particular poin that may be a fettish, if i could get the H1D to tie to a 3-10,000MM lenze then i could see somthing....

Jul 06 05 10:17 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Shoots with both RZProII(PhaseOne Backs) & RZProIID.....I always question when someone says it cost as much as a car. If this is what you make a living at...easy to get a system that will pay for itself in the long run

Jul 06 05 10:31 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

How do they compare in regards to rentals? 
The few times I did rent,  I just rented the Hassy because I am more familiar.

But availibility,  price,  etc...

Jul 06 05 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 151

Chicago, Illinois, US

The H1 is a decent camera, I just did a shoot with it and the Imicon(sp) back with the 22mp capture. That back is pretty close to a 645 formatt.
Enh. Not fast enough, the focus sensor is dead center, which is borderline useless for any vertical shot. The Imicon back requires being tethered to either a HD pack or G5 tower. The tower slows everthing down. 7 frame burst. The pack doesn't allow preview.
Wierdest thing, the camera on day two wouldn't sync at 1/90th of a second. Also, if using the HD to shoot fast, your slowed by the  transfer rate from it to a G5.
Shooting fast seems to be the new 16.7 Canon, Ads you almost need the extra bits on the bigger chips. I'd like to seen the Mamiya. My main camera is a RZ. I use a D70 with PhaseOne Capture One software for processing the raws on quick portfolio samples. There all tools. I wouldn't but any of the higher end digital rigs. The tech changes every minute. I'm still a fan of film and a great drum scan for portfolio.

Jul 07 05 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Rob... aren't you supposed to be dead? … %20Hoffman

Jul 07 05 09:21 pm Link


Rob Hoffman

Posts: 20

San Diego, California, US

I am fine---have been the whole time.

Thanks for asking.

Jul 08 05 03:23 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Oh I thought maybe it was some kind of Biblical resurrection type of thing. That or maybe some kind of "Dawn of the dead" zombie like thing going on.

Well for what it's worth welcome back to the land of the living. Your not really a zombie or anything right...I mean you don't want to eat my brains or anything do you????

Jul 08 05 03:54 am Link


Rob Hoffman

Posts: 20

San Diego, California, US

Thanks Dan---and since I was never really dead I guess I don't qualify as any type of zombie---so I will leave the brains delicacy to those who are better qualified than I.

Jul 08 05 04:05 am Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

Hi Rob,

A good friend has the H1D and also has the Canon 1Ds MkII.  He prefers the H1D but personally I can't see the difference between them.  At 22mp, I agree it might be your last camera.


Jul 08 05 05:13 am Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3579

Kerhonkson, New York, US

Posted by ragefoto: 
The Imicon back requires being tethered to either a HD pack or G5 tower. The tower slows everthing down. 7 frame burst. 

That is one reason I chose the Leaf system for the H1.  The digital back cycles faster than my strobe recycles, so I can practically shoot frames 1-500 at the same capture rate.  I have hit my systems buffer limit only twice that I can remember.  I am more often limited by my laptop's harddrive compacity.  When shooting w/ contstant light, the cycle rate is impressive.  It's not going to be shooting sports anytime soon, but depending on how many frames you need to shoot quickly, the Leaf will keep on chugging after the Canons and Nikons have hit their buffers and slow down dramatically. I haven't seen any acutal tests, but my suspicion is that the Leaf would catch up and surpass the DSLR's over a minute or two of continuous fire. 

I can't imagine an application that would be useful, but for an active catalog shoot that requires 20-30 frames of one model and quickly changing to 20-30 frames on another model, and so on would challenge any system.

Jul 08 05 07:22 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

give canon 6 months to a year- a 12mp fullframe for under $3k is rumored for late summer early fall (this is from a professional dealer in NYC that I know)- I wouldn't be surprised is they release a top end at around 22mp in the following months. 

I'm not hearing the best things about the ZD vs the standard dslrs

Jul 08 05 08:06 am Link