Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Thank you to all of the MMers who gave me hope

Makeup Artist

Melissa Rachelle

Posts: 2162

Miami, Florida, US

Apr 05 06 12:35 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Melissa Rachelle

Posts: 2162

Miami, Florida, US

Let me start out by saying a bit about myself.

I was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  The country is over 96% poor.  I remember having to sleep under my bed at nights because of the incessant gunfire from the corrupt military.  When I was five years old I saw a man burned alive.  A rubber tire wrapped around his waist, gas thrown on his body, the match lit and thrown at him while the so called "police" watched.  I used to hear stories of how beautiful the U.S. was and all of the great things everyone who lived there could do and could become.  I didn't even know what the US was but I knew I wanted to go there.

After seeing that man burned alive I told myself that I would never treat another human being with cruelty.  Of course I was only five years old then.  But I have done my best to live my life by that.  Some people call kindness weakness.  So I guess in their eyes I am less than nothing.

I am now 24 years old and I still have horrible nightmares about my first years in Haiti.  Waking up everyday and working as hard as my body would allow is what gave me hope.  Makeup artistry gave me hope.  Working hard on something that I loved gave me hope.

I am not here to tell anyone who to be or how to be.  I am simply stating the obvious.  What is the point of being cruel to one another?  What gain do we as human beings receive at the end of the day from being cruel to one another?

The next time you think about saying or doing something cruel to another human being just ask yourself these questions:

1.  who is this person?
2.  where does this person come from?
3. doesn't this person have the right to have hopes and dreams just as I do?

I'd like to say thank you to all of the makeup artists on here who gave me a slight bit of hope to carry on and work harder and harder each and every day.  I'd also like to say thank you to all of the photographers who gave me a chance when so many other people turned their backs and slammed their doors at the "poor little Haitian girl".  Thank you. 

I am eternally indebted to all of you who understand that a couple of kind words have the power to change someone's destiny.

With As Much Love as my heart and soul can give thank you!

"The Rose That Grew From Concrete"

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete
Proving nature's laws wrong it learned 2 walk without having feet
Funny it seems but by keeping its dreams it learned to breathe fresh air
Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else cared.

Much Love Always and Best Wishes to all of the people who push on to live a dream that most do not have the confidence and determination to pursue!


Apr 05 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 1508

New York, New York, US

That was a beautiful story.
I hope you reach every goal you set for yourself, you have already come so far.

Apr 05 06 01:16 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Beautiful story and you have a beautiful smile.
Glad to see that MM is helping you.

Apr 05 06 10:28 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

not a member ?

Apr 05 06 10:40 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
not a member ?

For not having 4 photos.  Put her back in for now but that is semi automatic.  Not sure if she knows. 

(please keep 4 photos up and a minimum of a profile up if you wish to remain an active member.)

Apr 05 06 10:46 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

I dedicate this song to you by Goapele call Closer.  I'm going to upload it to my web site soon.  I feel it is an indication of my life.  She sings about getting closer to her dreams.  It's a repetitive song but it is beautiful.  Now I dedicate it to you.  Keep doing what you do because you are blessed.


Apr 05 06 11:01 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Katalina Daer

Posts: 158

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Melissa Rachelle wrote:
Let me start out by saying a bit about myself.

I was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  The country is over 96% poor.  I remember having to sleep under my bed at nights because of the incessant gunfire from the corrupt military.  When I was five years old I saw a man burned alive.  A rubber tire wrapped around his waist, gas thrown on his body, the match lit and thrown at him while the so called "police" watched.  I used to hear stories of how beautiful the U.S. was and all of the great things everyone who lived there could do and could become.  I didn't even know what the US was but I knew I wanted to go there.

After seeing that man burned alive I told myself that I would never treat another human being with cruelty.  Of course I was only five years old then.  But I have done my best to live my life by that.  Some people call kindness weakness.  So I guess in their eyes I am less than nothing.

I am now 24 years old and I still have horrible nightmares about my first years in Haiti.  Waking up everyday and working as hard as my body would allow is what gave me hope.  Makeup artistry gave me hope.  Working hard on something that I loved gave me hope.

I am not here to tell anyone who to be or how to be.  I am simply stating the obvious.  What is the point of being cruel to one another?  What gain do we as human beings receive at the end of the day from being cruel to one another?

The next time you think about saying or doing something cruel to another human being just ask yourself these questions:

1.  who is this person?
2.  where does this person come from?
3. doesn't this person have the right to have hopes and dreams just as I do?

I'd like to say thank you to all of the makeup artists on here who gave me a slight bit of hope to carry on and work harder and harder each and every day.  I'd also like to say thank you to all of the photographers who gave me a chance when so many other people turned their backs and slammed their doors at the "poor little Haitian girl".  Thank you. 

I am eternally indebted to all of you who understand that a couple of kind words have the power to change someone's destiny.

With As Much Love as my heart and soul can give thank you!

Much Love Always and Best Wishes to all of the people who push on to live a dream that most do not have the confidence and determination to pursue!


Totally agree, I lived through the last years of Aparthied here in South Africa, with the release of Mandela and the subsiquent urban unrest and vioence that erupted form there, tribe murdering tribe, Mandela Supporters Murdering non mandela supporters, whites killing blacks, blacks killing whites.

You just gotta thing what the hell is it all for huh.

Apr 06 06 02:42 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

No matter what you do, or how much or how little you manage to achieve, or how much fortune and the capriciousness of others' opinions smile on you, I believe you'll be far richer and happier if you hold dear to this belief.

All my best wishes.

Apr 06 06 06:37 am Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Cheers to the Concrete Rose!

Apr 06 06 06:58 pm Link