Forums > Photography Talk > Retouching


Kevin P.

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

Just curious if any of you do a lot of retouching.  I have a few examples online...
Some interactive samples. Let the main image load and then roll your mouse over it to load the second image. You can roll on and off to see the changes. Then click to view the next before/after.

Apr 18 05 04:29 pm Link


Dave Madsen

Posts: 63

BOISE, Idaho, US

I am sitting at the wrong computer to show examples, but...Yes, a lot!

Apr 18 05 04:50 pm Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Most of my editing is color correction, contrast and balance. Then add some glow to the skin.

Apr 18 05 05:06 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I do a lot of commercial stuff, so yeah. A lot of post production work. contrast saturation, blemishes, blah, blah, blah. I need an intern or an apprentice as slave for this stuff.

Apr 18 05 05:15 pm Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

SHORT ANSWER...YES. long answer...bill hours doing them.

Apr 18 05 05:36 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

YES! Color correcting, Blemish removal. Tweeking for web viewing.

Apr 18 05 08:18 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

My pictures are always perfect-so i never touch

Apr 18 05 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Hey that was great examples of why retouching is so cool. I do for models all thew time and they get worried because they do not look like that in person. That was very cool.

Apr 18 05 08:35 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Posted by Hugh Jorgen: 
My pictures are always perfect-so i never touch

Well, Hugh. For us mere mortals...sometimes I think I dream about using Photoshop. Maybe they're nightmares? Hmmmmm...

You know, I used to make fun of one of my workers for saying that he had a Halo dream the other night.

Apr 18 05 08:41 pm Link


Kevin P.

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

I should have specified more I guess. Do any of you do "extensive" retouching? Like 2 hours or more on each photo?  This post was spawned by the recent thread on TFP and TFCD and how models don't realize the time involved after the shoot. I just thought it would be nice to see some examples of how drastic some of the retouching can be.

Apr 18 05 09:03 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Hugh Jorgen: 
My pictures are always perfect-so i never touch

Yes indeed..depending on how extrem i get i can put many hours into one photo..average on each photo is 20-30 min for a quick job
Dream on the other hand will spend 2 hours or more on every photo.she is getting very good at it she is starting to teach me things now!! (:--

Apr 18 05 09:08 pm Link


12 First

Posts: 82

San Jose, California, US

Hugh, you crack me up... YES we have to do touch-up... I also include degraining to get skin to be more even toned.

Brian D
© iYi

Apr 18 05 09:12 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Like most photogs, I am doing post production right now, hence the reason I'm always on the computer. For every hour of shooting I do, it seems like I have 3 hours of post, convert from raw, save as tiff, contrast, color, blemish, resize, save...repeat, yadda, yadda, yadda, wash, rinse, repeat...burn, backup, upload, make sure the staff has clean newspapers and enough food and water, send love letters to the accountant so maybe the bills will magically disappear and leave a burnt offering for the secretary, for she is truly the office goddess and keeper of all things organized.

Apr 18 05 09:12 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

I retouch every image that goes to a model as a final non-proof image, but I try to keep the retouching to a minimum, spending no more than 5-10 minutes on each print (colour adjustment, blemish removal, airbrushing).  I do spend more time if I pick one of the prints for selective colour treatment (B&W image with selected elements of colour). 

Retouching is built into my rates, except for extensive retouching.  Sometimes I will throw in a selective colour image if it's something I want to do for myself.

Apr 18 05 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 23

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Quote: I should have specified more I guess. Do any of you do "extensive" retouching? Like 2 hours or more on each photo?

2 hours? Ee gads I spend a whole day sometimes compositing my work. Not the stuff I have posted here mind you only paid work but in certain cases I do spend a great deal of time masaging the image. Most of my stuff has a predestined home that must fit a Quark doc or another specific application so its all part of my process. The model stuff i just do for fun and its limited at that but I do work them for color and blems but just enoguh to clean them up and not change the feel.

  I did one shoot that had over 70 layers! I had radiation poisoning when I was done. Lol

Apr 19 05 12:32 pm Link


Ryan Elston

Posts: 2

Salinas, California, US

When ever my girlfriend comes home from a shoot with a cd we always go through the pictures and i touch up the ones we both like for her web site. sometimes i spend a few hours on a single image but rarely, im pretty quick and direct with my PShop work.

Apr 19 05 03:00 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 

Posted by Hugh Jorgen: 
My pictures are always perfect-so i never touch

Well, Hugh. For us mere mortals...sometimes I think I dream about using Photoshop. Maybe they're nightmares? Hmmmmm...

You know, I used to make fun of one of my workers for saying that he had a Halo dream the other night.

Well i hope you start dreaming of something better than

Apr 19 05 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 178

I usually fix blemishes and color correcting as well as adjusting contrast.

Apr 19 05 03:22 pm Link


Freeze Digital

Posts: 70

Roanoke, Virginia, US

Sometimes, mainly on my shoots of I will spend days retouching. do a couple hours at a time. come back the next day.

Apr 19 05 05:16 pm Link


Lesley Brown

Posts: 172

Marfa, Texas, US

i do the basic editing but that is only because i am clueless when it comes to photo shop.  i pretty much wing it and have no idea what i am doing smile

Apr 20 05 01:00 am Link


12 First

Posts: 82

San Jose, California, US

There are images that I can spend maybe 20-30 minutes on.. But they are the best of the best...

Apr 20 05 01:03 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

I post about 30-40 pics to my site every week and work a full time job so I dont have time to spend on pics.  In general, I can knock out a 30-40 image set in 2 hours meaning 3-4 minutes or less per image.

Here's what I do (valid as of today, will change as I learn more tomrrow):

Select Images and Crop (though for crop I use a free ware called JPEGCrops- so dang quick)

In Photoshop:
1> Clean blemishes using clone stamp tool (just the big ones that are gonna be visible on a scaled down web size image)

2) Use magic wand tool to select skin areas (9 on face and 12 on body- am trying to just select skin, here) and use gaus blur of usually about 3.0- I hate overly blurry pics and Im usually playing with a big file from an 8MP cam.

3) use blur tool to round out any harsh pixels (mostly around face)

4) If needed, whiten eye whites and teeth

5) adjust brightness and contrast


On pics with solid backgrounds I will select the background color and lightern or darken.  On white backgrounds I will add a step to create a curves layer and deselect the model and reverse the curve so the white is whiter and the model is still normal looking.

Rarely play with colors as Im not too into the fantasy extreme color looks.

Hope that helps,

Apr 20 05 02:38 am Link