Forums > General Industry > art, photography, and loosely related quotations



Posts: 11372

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.
Paul Dirac

Mar 03 09 07:17 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

"Photographers do this for a living, every single day -- they point their lenses toward every single corner of our world and somehow make the mundane mesmerizing through their artistic eye. It's all a matter of being aware of your surroundings and realizing that there are some really amazing and interesting things to look at, even if it may just be something so simple as a wall being covered up by paint." - Ward Jenkins

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." - Henri Cartier Bresson

"I was one of Them: the Strange Ones. The Funny People. The Odd Tribes of autograph collectors and photographers. The Ones who waited through long days and nights, who used other people's dreams for their lives." - Ray Bradbury

Mar 04 09 05:41 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

“The camera cannot compete with painting as long as it cannot be used in Heaven or Hell.”

-Edvard Munch

Mar 04 09 05:51 am Link


Light Writer

Posts: 18391

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Have Pentax Will Travel wrote:
I can't be the only fool running around the Internet saving art/photo/philosophy quotations to a text file on my desktop, right?

But is seems you're the only one willing to admit it.

Mar 04 09 05:59 am Link


Light Writer

Posts: 18391

Phoenix, Arizona, US

No man is an island, but many are surrounded by burnt bridges.

Life is not a puzzle. Once a puzzle is solved it's only good for nostalgiac curiosity.

Certainty is death, questions give us life.

If we think we truly know a thing, we are sadly mistaken. Only by feeling can we
gain a measure of knowledge.

Mar 04 09 06:09 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Niall rhymes with real wrote:
No man is an island, but many are surrounded by burnt bridges.

Life is not a puzzle. Once a puzzle is solved it's only good for nostalgiac curiosity.

Certainty is death, questions give us life.

If we think we truly know a thing, we are sadly mistaken. Only by feeling can we
gain a measure of knowledge.

These are attributed to whom?

Mar 04 09 06:10 am Link


Light Writer

Posts: 18391

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Have Pentax Will Travel wrote:

These are attributed to whom?

you may quote me

Mar 04 09 06:12 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US


Mar 04 09 07:17 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

if I wanted to take safe pictures Id shoot animals at the zoo. Thats what Will Springfield told me and then he opened his trunk and there he had a coffee table.

Mar 04 09 12:41 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

LeDeux Art wrote:
if I wanted to take safe pictures Id shoot animals at the zoo. Thats what Will Springfield told me and then he opened his trunk and there he had a coffee table.

Was it alive?

Mar 04 09 12:45 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

wink wink nudge nudge

Mar 05 09 06:27 am Link


504 Photography

Posts: 361

Glendale, California, US

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."  -- Terry Pratchett


"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen, and stupidity."  -- Harlan Ellison

Mar 05 09 06:36 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." - Aristotle

"Fashion & commerical photography speaks only to the present or the self. Its fundamental weakness is that its ultimately soulless." - Diane Arbus.

"To the critic, art is a noun. .... To the artist, art is a verb." -David Bayles and Ted Orland, Art and Fear

"You're confusing product with process. Most people, when they criticize, whether they like it or hate it, they're talking about product. That's not art, that's the result of art. Art, to whatever degree we can get a handle on (I'm not sure that we really can) is a process. It begins in the heart and the mind with the eyes and hands." -Jeff Melvoin, Northern Exposure, Fish Story, 1994

Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. - Walker Evans

All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness. - Eckhart Tolle

"Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are infected by these feelings and also experience them." -Leo Tolstoy

"An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason - thinks it would be a good idea to give them." - Andy Warhol

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." -Joseph Chilton Pearce

"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware ~ joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." Henry Miller.

"Art has never been made while thinking of art." - Niko Stumpo, The Wooster Collective, December 2006

"It is the artist's blessing to be able to create, but it is also their curse that to be able to create, they see and feel things in a magnified fashion, and it is through the expression of those perceptions and feelings into physical form that some of most beautiful works are born." - Grendel4s

I would shoot with you anytime. I'll make you look the way I need you to look, and i'll get the reaction from you I need to get. I'll make you a corporate vice president, or an 18 year old hooker or the girl next door. I'll make you light and airy and innocent or dark as night and nasty as a mother fucker. When I'm done with you, you'll forget all about every loser asshole that said he couldn't work with you because you don't have the right stuff. I'm a photographer, I'll make you into whatever I want to make you. - Bob Randall

Mar 05 09 06:45 am Link



Posts: 424

Norfolk, Virginia, US

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do
not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set
about remedying them - every day begin the task anew."
~ Saint Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622)

Mar 05 09 10:59 am Link


Beaute de LeDeux-Shelly

Posts: 2867

Ashland, California, US

fail to prepare and prepare to fail are the wurds Paul Parkus told me

Mar 05 09 11:30 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
"To the critic, art is a noun. .... To the artist, art is a verb." -David Bayles and Ted Orland, Art and Fear

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." -Joseph Chilton Pearce

These ideas seem to be common motifs in popular art quotations.

Mar 05 09 05:38 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US


Mar 07 09 07:33 am Link



Posts: 259

Loveland, Colorado, US

God bless Bob Randall.

Mar 08 09 11:51 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Luminos wrote:
symbols carry the meaning of the viewer and the displayer

Pulled from a thread about flags. - … ost9522012

Apr 12 09 12:08 pm Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

Apples are to oranges what popularity is to talent.

Apr 12 09 12:10 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Visions Of Excess  wrote:
Apples are to oranges what popularity is to talent.

- author?

Apr 12 09 12:52 pm Link


Studio MD - Casting

Posts: 1227

Los Angeles, California, US

"Ordinarily, the artist is the most egoistic person in the room. But then he is not a true artist. He has used his art as a means for his ego trip. Artists are very egoistic, constantly bragging about themselves and constantly fighting with each other; everybody thinks he is the first and last. But that is not true art." - Osho

"The true artist disappears utterly. Those other people are only technicians." - Osho

"The less the artist is in his work, the more perfect it is." - Osho

Apr 12 09 01:03 pm Link


brandon dean

Posts: 871

Los Angeles, California, US

"Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death."
---william blake

"The name of this job [an artist] is: 'Look at me! Ain't I smart?  Ain't I cute? Ain't I clever?"
---george carlin

“I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time.”
--orson welles

Apr 12 09 01:08 pm Link


E Clark 2

Posts: 834

Hamilton, Ohio, US

"I ain't proud of some stuff I done. And the stuff I am proud of is disgusting."
-Moe Syzlac

Apr 12 09 01:52 pm Link


brandon dean

Posts: 871

Los Angeles, California, US

E Clark 2 wrote:
"I ain't proud of some stuff I done. And the stuff I am proud of is disgusting."
-Moe Syzlac

haha "cheese it--the feds!"

Apr 12 09 01:59 pm Link


Rick Dupuis Photography

Posts: 6825

Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

""After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one."     Marcus Porcius Cato

I dissaprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire

"We the unwilling, led by the inept, have been doing the unbelievable with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do the impossible with nothing.".. about a hundred thousand soldiers in Vietnam.

"There are no rules for good photography. There are only good photographs"...  Ansel Adams

"... Don't give up the ship.  Fight her till she sinks!" Lieutenant James Lawrence (thats how we should live our entire life)

"This ticket grants me the God-given right to make a complete ass of myself on television."    Homer Simpson

Apr 12 09 02:08 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

"Maybe that's the reason most people don't go for it," he says. "You can scare yourself with ambition-- having the audacity to want to be as good as John Lennon or Paul McCartney or Joe Strummer. There has been so much great shit before me I feel like a student: Who the fuck do I think I am. But you have to battle past that," he insists in his rapid fire punk chirp. "It's the people who are overconfident who are the ones putting out the biggest piles of shit. If you're at that place where you're working hard but don't feel like you know what you're doing anymore,then you're on to something."

- Billie Joe Armstrong in Rolling Stone

May 29 09 12:07 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

"What we see in the viewfinder is emotional. What we see in the enlarger is intellectual, and art is emotion."
Lucien Clergue

“At forty-two I decided to become a photographer because it offered a means of creative thought and action. I didn't rationalize this, I just felt it intuitively and followed my intuition, which I have never regretted.”
 Wynn Bullock

“I didn't want to tell the tree or weed what it was. I wanted it to tell me something and through me express its meaning in nature.”
 Wynn Bullock

May 29 09 04:18 pm Link


Rays Fine Art

Posts: 7504

New York, New York, US

What bothers me is that I see only one model, Janice Marie Foote, participating in this little intellectual exercise.  Is this how stereotypes are created?

May 29 09 05:03 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Rays Fine Art wrote:
What bothers me is that I see only one model, Janice Marie Foote, participating in this little intellectual exercise.  Is this how stereotypes are created?

They're all posting from their photographer accounts.

May 29 09 07:43 pm Link


Supermodel Photographer

Posts: 3309

Oyster Bay, New York, US

"All non-nude portrait photography is fashion photography"
-- Supermodel Photographer (Myself)

May 29 09 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 1304

Vallejo, California, US

Some of my favs:

A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera ...Dorothea Lange

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination ...... Oscar Wilde

Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it ....... Confucius

He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. -Oscar Wilde

I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day ..... Frank Sinatra

I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception. -Groucho Marx

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. .... Shirley Temple

I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. - Groucho Marx

If the human body's obscene, complain to the manufacturer, not to me. - Larry Flynt

Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere!       - Albert Einstein

Some cause happiness wherever they go ......... others, whenever they go. -Oscar Wilde                         

Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself!  ..... Mark Twain

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars .... Oscar Wilde

May 29 09 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

"A writer needs a pen, an artist needs a brush, but a filmmaker needs an army."
— Orson Welles

May 29 09 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 15162

Portland, Oregon, US

Mi Do wrote:
"The true artist disappears utterly. Those other people are only technicians." - Osho

I love Osho.

May 29 09 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 420

Los Angeles, California, US

Darin B wrote:
Bunch of awesome stuff about the Circus.


May 29 09 08:27 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Supermodel Photographer wrote:
"All non-nude portrait photography is fashion photography"
-- Supermodel Photographer (Myself)

What about all the fashion photography that involves nudity? I don't think you've thought this through.

May 30 09 09:40 am Link


Tom Linkens

Posts: 6450

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Experience is the name given to our mistakes. -Oscar Wilde.

Now is not the time to make enemies. -Voltaire, when asked to denounce Satan on his deathbed.

May 30 09 10:19 am Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

"Shoot It or Die" - Janice Marie Foote...

May 31 09 05:11 am Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Supermodel Photographer wrote:
"All non-nude portrait photography is fashion photography"
-- Supermodel Photographer (Myself)

Have Pentax Will Travel wrote:
What about all the fashion photography that involves nudity? I don't think you've thought this through.

Wow that would make my image of me sitting on a porch drinking a Koka Kola
wearing my jeans and tank top a fashion shot = woot!!! big_smile

May 31 09 05:12 am Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Rays Fine Art wrote:
What bothers me is that I see only one model, Janice Marie Foote, participating in this little intellectual exercise.  Is this how stereotypes are created?

That's because I have a big mouth and need to share my life altering quotes
with everyone on here (my nickname isn't chatterbox for nothing)...

May 31 09 05:14 am Link