Forums > Photography Talk > calibration qestions----gretag eye-one?



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

hi, been having some trouble calibrating my computer monitor, i used adobe gamma but not really working, i'm thinking about getting a gretag eye-one, has anyone out there use one, I look it up on b&h with some going from $69 to over a $1000.
can anybuddy help with what i need?

Jul 09 05 06:04 pm Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

The Eye-One , expect around 800$ for the actual hardware/software. A second option to consider for more affordible is the Colorvision Spyder2 ( which works for both LCD and CRT ).

However in my opinion, nothing holds a candle to the Gretag-Macbeth.

Jul 09 05 06:58 pm Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

It'd be nice if you could just rent one for a day.  I recognize the importance of using one, but the expense is a little rough to justify to the little lady.

Jul 09 05 07:14 pm Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

I second the vote for the Colorvision spyder.

And the reason you can't rent one is that the hardware requires software also.  The spyder is only about $200.  Well worth it.


Jul 09 05 08:42 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

The equivalent to the Colorvision Spyder is the GretagMacbeth Eye-One Display2.  They're both about $200, but all it can do is calibrate your monitor.  The $1000 jobbies also do scanners, printers, lcd projectors, etc.  Read GM's WHICH PRODUCT IS RIGHT FOR ME?

Jul 09 05 08:54 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

It looks like the $69 one is the non-current Eye-One Display.  How much of a difference that makes, I couldn't tell you.  It's what I use, though I paid $200 for it...

Jul 09 05 08:55 pm Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

$69?  That is borderline reasonable.  How do you like it?  Hopefully it beats retweaking the same image and sending to a print shop a few dozen times attempting to calibrate by eye.

Jul 09 05 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

well not looking for the top of the line, jest i'm messing up my eyes doing adobe gamma, jest looking for something to hold me over till i get rich and famous.
thanks for the info and the links, i seen the spyder going for around $100 at my camera store.
again thanks for the info, and tell me, are you happy with the non-current eye-on?

Jul 09 05 09:51 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm happy with it.  The color is good, but if I REALLY needed critical color correction, I'd pay someone else for it.

Jul 10 05 01:09 am Link



Posts: 122

Norwood, Colorado, US eazycolor i use this and the manual 'monitor' screen calibration is spot on with a few tries.
you have to allow a half hour to wait till the monitor is fully warmed up and also allow for the ecco or phosphor warm up too as there can be some slight castings all depending on the monitor's tube in question. this ofcourse is all thrown out with LCD screens!

Jul 10 05 09:35 am Link