Forums > Photography Talk > What's your goal?


Low Tek Photography

Posts: 597

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I know that a lot of new photographers start shooting for different reasons. Almost everyone will set a goal for themselves to achieve one day no matter how easy or difficult it is to attain.

So ultimately, what is your goal as a photographer? To be published? Shoot for a magazine? Work with a particular model? Direct a video? Be able to eat next week?

Your goal doesn't have to be reasonable, it just has to be a reason that keeps you shooting.

For me, I hope to one day publish a book of all of my best creative and fashion images.

Jul 11 05 01:41 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Low Tek: 
So ultimately, what is your goal as a photographer?

I have no goal. I just signed up for the journey.


Jul 11 05 01:45 pm Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

My ultimate goal is to able to work with all of my favorite models and shoot them the way I see them. Many of my favorites do the same type of photoshoots over and over, I would like to do something more creative then the typical "hot model in skimpy clothes" type photos I see way too much of.

Jul 11 05 01:52 pm Link


Going Big

Posts: 43

Huntsville, Alabama, US

To do one photo that is so great that people will just have to stop and stare.

Jul 11 05 02:18 pm Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Have fun, get some time for shoots and have the feeling that once in a while I produce something that's worthwhile looking at.

There's no ultimate goal.

Jul 11 05 02:19 pm Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

Sometimes it seems like most photographer's goal is to get to look at girls naked or at least scantily clad.

When I started originally my goal was just to do a better job than the sort of photographers my wife was attracting.  That I thought I was better wasn't saying much.  Now she doesn't need me anymore so I guess I am just in it for fun from here on out.  If I ever made even a dollar from it, that would probably be the penultimate moment of my life. 

Jul 11 05 02:28 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Make cool images,  meet cool people,  make some art maybe,  make money and get the money delivered in a timely manner not 9 months from now, 

laugh and make others laugh,  sometimes at themselves,  sometimes at the world,

Shoot some commercial or fashion work because I just like large friendly groups of humans.   Lame attempts at art and comedy can be solitary at times.

I have a goal of having my art go into the Vatican museum.  You would be surprised at some of the radical stuff in that museaum if you have never gone to see it.

This goal section is a good one for with goals,  one can more easily understand from where a person is coming from.   This includes models,   photographers,  and even agents.

It would be most useful if one stated their goals when posting for work or critique.

Jul 11 05 02:34 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I want to see all the Perfect-10s in the world take their shirts off! YAY!

Oh, yah, I want Angeline Jolie to return my phone calls. sad And a Ferrari. I bet models would totally TFP for me if I told them I wanted them to pose in the field behind the Dennys where I work, lying topless on the hood of a Ferrari. At least that seems to work for all the big name photographrs! And I want a 4 megapixel camera that supports RAW because all the serious pros use RAW whatevers.


Jul 11 05 02:44 pm Link


Sandy Ramirez

Posts: 6089

Brooklyn, New York, US

Be published by one of the major fashion magazines.

Jul 11 05 02:49 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My goal...




keep shooting until the day I die.

Jul 11 05 02:56 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

"Let me Think"

Dont Think!!


Its like a finger pointing to the Moon.


Dont Concentrate on the finger!

Or youll miss all the Heavenly Glory above!!

Bruce lee

Jul 11 05 03:04 pm Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

My Goal: To have fun... yikes)

I love the situation when the model ask me if she should take of the dress - I say yes - AND SHE ACTUALLY DOES IT yikes)))

Oh - maybe on a more intellectual level: I would love to have my own exhibition...

Jul 11 05 03:04 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Posted by Sandy Ramirez: 
Be published by one of the major fashion magazines.

What Sandy said plus, "to strive to seek to find and not to yeild," and to shoot some music videos.

Jul 11 05 04:47 pm Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Hard to answer this one.  I'd love to ultimately be a sought after photographer.

But for right now (since I have a full time job with the Army) is to provide the best images I possibly can for the models I work with.  Find out what they need for their portfolios and shoot it for them so they can get ahead.

Ultimately I'll get what I need for my book and things will all work out.

The Crazy Army Guy

Jul 11 05 05:13 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Posted by Chris Hansen: 
The Crazy Army Guy

Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone
In the ranks of death you will find him;
His father's sword he hath girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him;

"Land of Song!" said the warrior bard,
"Tho' all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee!

Jul 11 05 05:20 pm Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

Let me be honest...

When I first started over 20 years ago, the first 2 years, I only shot landscapes, nature,etc.

My Uncle told me that I had too much equipment, not to make any money with it. So then I started photograph  people. (people pay, plants don't)

Eventually, I discovered how girls/women re-act to the camera, then I started shooting models (or wanna-be's, remember this is back in the 70's when TFP REALLY MEANT for prints!!!)

After all of this, I came to appreciate the BUSINESS of an art form & industry.

Now this one time hobby, one time get a girl to have sex plan....feeds my kids, sends me on vacations, pays my bills, allows me to meet people from all walks of life, taken me to far away places and has open SOOOO many doors that I never ever dreamt that a poor country boy like me would ever see or experience.

And last but not least, has given me a peace that only an artist can understand...the power of photography. WOW!!

Oliver K. Cole-Photographer

Jul 11 05 05:44 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!

World domination.

Nothing less will suffice.

Jul 11 05 05:46 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Like someone said, to shoot til I die.

To shoot is to breathe.  I find it elating.

Jul 11 05 07:58 pm Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

goals change as you acomplish them. As a motivational speaker, I always tell people to set small goals, and move on to the others....and often, take a picture of that goal (i know that sounds funny), but if you SEE the goal daily, it helps achieve, if your goal is to be published in vogue....put a cover up where you see it daily.

From a personal standpoint...I was always amazed as a kid at the big underwater prints I saw at Epcot. In shooting 12 years now underwater, I still dont have one of those....but since, have been published in all 3 major UW publications, and have been shooting marketing materials for one of the caribbean islands 3 years straight now...and since shooting models in 2002, have had minor publications (not websites, but actual that other thread, lol)...and since getting into the art scene, I want to sell prints in nyc galleries...not quite there yet either.

but the big goal is not lost....I still strive for that big giant print at Epcot.

and one day I will. it's all about believing in yourself. All of you can do it, if you stick to it...and set those goals small and realistic. Small success leads to big success.

Best of luck!


Jul 11 05 08:15 pm Link


Scott Meyer

Posts: 87

Cincinnati, Iowa, US

I just want to shoot and try to capture that perfect photo. Making a living at this would be nice also.

Jul 11 05 09:45 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

personal satisfation, professional respect within the community, a living wage. 

Jul 11 05 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 36

just to be recognised as a photographer, or maybe to publish a big fuck-off coffee table book of my "work"

Jul 11 05 10:14 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

To be in W


To have a BMW


To bean Dubya

Any will do for now.

Jul 11 05 11:23 pm Link


Ed Nazarko

Posts: 121

Lebanon, New Jersey, US

Posted by Low Tek: 

So ultimately, what is your goal as a photographer? To be published? Shoot for a magazine? Work with a particular model? Direct a video? Be able to eat next week?

Quit my freakin' consulting work that puts me on airplanes three to five days a week and be able to shoot editorial and stock full time, knowing full well I'll make a fraction of the income.  But I'll be happier and live longer. 

And in terms of stock: I want to form a "stock company" of a dozen or so models, two or three photographers, all owners, with a studio like a stage set and a warehouse full of props, and do absolute orgies of brainstorming and shooting of conceptual images.  I want the experience of working with creative people consistently enough that we become a terrifyingly creative collective entity.

Jul 12 05 07:57 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

To be a photographer for Maxim of course.  lmao

Jul 12 05 09:39 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Uh, aim higher, for some reason, only the model's boobs are in frame?

Jul 12 05 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 34

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

To maintain my soul, sustain my creative energy, learn, work with people who are not conventional types, and not ever, ever, ever ever ever lower myself to use poses that Glamour Shots prides themselves on using. Okay, slowly cock your head to the side, smile, and grab your collar with your thumb and index finger. If anyone on this board ever sees that shot in my portfolio, you have my permission to end my life as quickly as possible.


Jul 12 05 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 131

Hiram, Georgia, US

I wanna have fun!   Make some pretty pictures, make pretty girls smile and make the men look at them.  I wanna help girls look their best for whatever they want to do with the photos I take for them and I really want to be known as the nicest, most responsible, fun loving photographer any girl has ever worked with.  And I really, really want to work with girls whose futures are to be A-list actresses, supermodels, and the top of whatever profession they aspire to so I can say "hey, I knew them when........."   And, of course, I would like to work with some photographers who share the same dream....

Jul 12 05 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 17

Marion, North Carolina, US

Twenty years ago it was to make a living doing something I enjoy.  I walked away from an engineering job and took a MAJOR pay cut.
Since then I have have managed to put three kids through school and now I can enjoy shooting even more.  Two years ago, I even got to go to Austraila to shoot (expenses paid).  I shoot mainly guns and knives for a few publications and shoot models either with the products or as a break in routine.  So my goals have changed over the years.  Now I want to be the best in my field.
But if I can make it for this long anyone can.

Jul 13 05 01:51 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US


Jul 13 05 02:10 pm Link


Photographer in LA

Posts: 39

Los Angeles, California, US

Pay my bills and travel. 

Just over a year ago i droped out of corporate america, the stress and deadlines were shaving years off my life. So i decided to persue a new path that would enable me to get in touch with my creative inner child and here i am.
I guess my ultimate goal is to be happy, and i do belive with some hard work and persurverence photography will yeild what i am looking for. I know it wont be easy, but if i had never tried i would have always regreted it...

Jul 13 05 02:14 pm Link