Forums > General Industry > Question for Fitness Shoots....


Ryan McInerney

Posts: 18

Delray Beach, Florida, US

Ok so I have finally got my body in shape to the point where I feel comfortable to begin fitness modeling and expand my port......But here is my question....

Are there any tricks or routines that people do before their shoot so they look more defined or more ripped??????

Jun 05 09 06:49 am Link



Posts: 4834

Houston, Texas, US

Since no one's replied yet.. I'll just say what models for me have done. They bring weights and pump up before each shoot.   The one's I've shot don't eat before the shoot either..... I'm sure you'll get more info from others better suited to answer..

Jun 05 09 07:11 am Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

There seems to be levels of extreme when it comes to male models prepping for a fitness shoot.

You of course want to be in prime shape. But just how defined you want to be depends on the needs of the photographer (or you, if the photos are for yourself). I recommend talking to your photographer ahead of time.

In extremes, I know male models who go to an almost zero fat diet about a week before a shoot. Then they don't eat anything at all the day before the shoot. They drink minimal fluids the last 24 hours, trying to drop even that last bit of water weight. Almost like a competitive wrestler just before a weigh-in. They come to the shoot half starved and somewhat dehydrated. During the shoot, they'll do pushups , sit ups, curls and whatnot between takes, to keep their muscles and abs pumped.

To me this seems to border on unhealthy. If I did that, I'd probably pass out during the shoot. And for many shoots it is completely unnecessary. But if the photographer needs a model that is really super vein-popping ripped, that is what it takes.

Once I learned that some models do this, I have made a point to tell them not to for my shoots. I often work with fit nude male models for my art photography, but I never need quite that degree of rip. I don't need them making themselves sick for a photo shoot.

I think you really only need that extreme for photos for an article in Men's Health or and ad for some gym equipment or Abercrombie or something. For most general commercial shirtless photos, you need to be in really good shape, but you don't need to starve yourself.

Jun 05 09 09:19 pm Link