Forums > Critique > any guesses?


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

We need a few more critiria to really take a authentic guess at this.
1) Is the photo rotated at all?
2) How difinitive of an answer do you want? A candle was mentioned but are you looking for (example): A candle that was just blown out with the wax dripping down the side (my personal guess if its not an egg).
3) Determining the way the photo was shot (example: looking down at it as it sits on a table, closeup as it is attached to a wall.
4) Is it something you set up or is it natural.
5) You already said you boosted the saturation, it looks out of focus so is it a macro shot or a cropped section from some other photo?

That a few things i would be interested to know to help make a guess. I dont know about others but if you could answer some of these i think you might get alot more responce and better guess's.

Jul 15 05 10:20 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by Peter Dattolo: 

That a few things i would be interested to know to help make a guess. I dont know about others but if you could answer some of these i think you might get alot more responce and better guess's.

Points well taken. I'll try to provide some answers:[list]
[*]That is the image as framed in the camera. The camera, however, was off-axis when the shot was taken.
[*]This is the entire frame. No cropping.
[*]where I hinted about the candle, notice the CAPITALIZATION.
[*]Looking back at the EXIF information, the exposure was long and the aperture was wide open.
[*]It is a close-up.
[*]This was a handheld shot: both the camera and the object being shot and yes, there is some shake. We'd been drinking a bit.[/list]

I don't expect 100% correct, but combine ALL the information above with previous hints and you should be able to get really really close.



Jul 15 05 10:36 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Ok, Thanks.

Jul 15 05 10:38 am Link



Posts: 9122

A candle is a candle, lit or not.

So if it's a candle that's melted down in a votive or something, it's still a candle.

It's like door is always a door unless it's ajar.

Fun idea for the guessing game you had by the way....

Jul 15 05 10:41 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Ok well now that i have those extra bits of data (thanks for the info).......I still dont know.
I would venture as far as to say you put a broken light bulb (screw part maybe was broken off) and stuck it in the top of a candle and took the photo thru the light bulb?
It is something stuck in the top of a candle it looks like, maybe even a clear bottle stuck neck first into the top of a candle while it was lit and the smoke filled the bottle when the flame went out?

Jul 15 05 10:44 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 
A candle is a candle, lit or not.

So if it's a candle that's meted down in a votive or something, it's still a candle.

It's like door is always a door unless it's ajar.

If it were a candle, the game would be over. That doesn't mean, however, that a candle doesn't impact the image in some significant way.


Jul 15 05 10:44 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Maybe you just stuck a light bulb in the melted wax on top of a candle and took the photo thru the light bulb?

Jul 15 05 10:47 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by Peter Dattolo: 
Ok well now that i have those extra bits of data (thanks for the info).......I still dont know.
I would venture as far as to say you put a broken light bulb (screw part maybe was broken off) and stuck it in the top of a candle and took the photo thru the light bulb?
It is something stuck in the top of a candle it looks like, maybe even a clear bottle stuck neck first into the top of a candle while it was lit and the smoke filled the bottle when the flame went out?

If so, how do you account for the red? I said I boosted the saturation... I didn't change any colors.

I guess it could have been a red lightbulb... but it's not :-D . However, you're on the right track.

Jul 15 05 10:49 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

My last post i think is correct, you took a 5500 hlaogen (or similiar longer type light for your main lighting) light bulb and put it to the top of the candle at a angle and took the photo from the side a bit. That is a candle def on the bottom, the red is the candle reflection onto the light bulb and you have a light from the left about 10-11 oclock.

Jul 15 05 10:57 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by Peter Dattolo: 
My last post i think is correct, you took a 5500 hlaogen (or similiar longer type light for your main lighting) light bulb and put it to the top of the candle at a angle and took the photo from the side a bit. That is a candle def on the bottom, the red is the candle reflection onto the light bulb and you have a light from the left about 10-11 oclock.

way cold ;-)

Jul 15 05 10:58 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

The light you were holding about 7 oclock by the threaded end and put the bulb section onto the top of the candle which put it out, thus giving you the unclear adges of the light bulb in the 12 to 3-4 oclock sections.
The blackness on the bottom 4-6 oclock is probably and most likely due to the fact you had on a dark shirt and standing right over it maybe. The light is from some kind of light source other than the camera since it is in macro and you had it on flouresent setting since it has a yellow tint to it somewhat.
Am i close now?

Jul 15 05 11:03 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Way cold?   Hmmm  ok
Wow this is tough but interesting. Maybe we could make up a thread just for this kind of stuff. Gets the mind going, kinda like puzzles or word games.

Jul 15 05 11:05 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by Peter Dattolo: 
The light you were holding about 7 oclock by the threaded end and put the bulb section onto the top of the candle which put it out, thus giving you the unclear adges of the light bulb in the 12 to 3-4 oclock sections.
The blackness on the bottom 4-6 oclock is probably and most likely due to the fact you had on a dark shirt and standing right over it maybe. The light is from some kind of light source other than the camera since it is in macro and you had it on flouresent setting since it has a yellow tint to it somewhat.
Am i close now?

Think simple. To what other uses might a candle be put? And under what circumstances?

I put an announce up, I don't know if you saw it before it scrolled past. (Check the history.. it's not that long past)

I'm on my way out to lunch.. I should be back a little after 1pm EST.

edit: Er, make that 2pm EST. (Sorry, got held up here)

Jul 15 05 11:06 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

I know it's bad forum etiquette to follow one's own post, but I wanted to wrap this up and say thank you to everyone who took the time to look and guess. There were some credible guesses - the lavalamp folks especially. I liked the egg guess as well. The colors aren't right for an egg, but the shape is definitely there.

What this in fact is, is a glass of red wine. The black circle in the upper middle third is the stem connecting to the base, and the lines extending to the left define the stem itself. The liquid plus some camera and/or object shape created the distortion, and you can also see "waves" along the right edge. I do not recall whether I shot looking into the glass (bowl facing forward) or from the base (bowl facing away). It was 4 1/2 years ago, and, as I wrote in a previous post, we had been drinking a little bit (of wine!).

The wine glass was backlit by a single candle. So now you all know where the candle fits into the scene. The room was otherwise dark because - due to a truck hitting a Duke Power substation about 15 miles away - the electricity had gone out over a wide area. We had to stop shooting but we didn't have to stop drinking so I lit a few candles, put one on the table, picked up my wine glass and, when it passed in front of the candle, said "whoa, that's cool." I tried a few other glass things but only this one image turned out interesting.

It makes a very cool print. I want to get it printed on canvas, 22x30, but I need a buyer for it first.

Again, thanks to everyone who played along, and when I think of some silly new self-promotional gimmick I'll be sure to let y'all know!



Jul 15 05 09:11 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

But what does that have to do with Madonna?

(This was my 200th post...maybe I'll celebrate with some wine and drunken photos.)

Jul 15 05 09:37 pm Link