Forums > Critique > Fun and Games > Does your photo tell a story?


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Either model or photographer

Did you do a photo that you could build a story around?  Does the image SAY something or is it just another waif thin girl staring at the camera?  Can a story be written around it?

Submit your pic and I'll write a little story about what your photo says...


Had to make then eat dinner, lol.  I'm back and see that I missed one. Oops!

Back at it!  Cult...


Taking a break for a few to put the kiddos to bed.

Feb 10 10 10:42 am Link


Tatiana Lyadochkina

Posts: 65

Feb 10 10 11:45 am Link



Posts: 470

Palm Beach, Florida, US

Feb 10 10 11:47 am Link


grateful photography

Posts: 90

Asheville, North Carolina, US

Feb 10 10 11:48 am Link


M co

Posts: 461

Lakewood, Washington, US

Feb 10 10 01:07 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Tatiana Lyadochkina wrote:

...She didn't know what to do. Her father took years to build up a good kingdom, solid, responsible. Now he was gone.  The barbaric invaders had made their demands. The Princess needed to think. She had everything, beauty, gold, jewels, and - most importantly - the power to do something but she had to consider the consequences of her actions.  If she agreed to the savages demands and saved herself - her subjects would be hurt, possibly killed. If she stood up to them and refused to marry the savage king - she would be forever imprisoned by the old witch. Trapped forever in a crystal castle void of human contact - and her fathers kingdom, her people, would probably be ravaged anyway.

The Princess needed a plan - soon.

Feb 10 10 03:15 pm Link


Daniel M Martin

Posts: 194

Los Angeles, California, US

Here's one. I'd love to read your story about this shot...............Peace...............Dan

Feb 10 10 03:20 pm Link


Alexis Burton

Posts: 315

Atlanta, Georgia, US 


Feb 10 10 03:23 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

es loves u wrote:

"Come on babe" he said, frustration clear in his voice "I SAID I was sorry. You know I love you!"
She refused to look at him - not because she would be taken by his story but because of the hatred she felt - the anger. Keeping both hands on the wheel of the car she said slowly, evenly, "Don't call me babe.  Don't even call me ever again. I don't know what I was doing, wasting my time with you this long."  He gave a snorting sound kind of laugh, as if he thought she was just saying this. This strengthened her resolve. She adjusted her sunglasses and put her foot on the gas pedal turned her head and looked at him, "you just lost the BEST thing you ever had.  And the worst part is, you're too stupid and self important to figure that out. Goodbye" She hit the gas and took off, spinning him around and knocking him backwards.  As she drove away she yelled, "And I'm keeping the FUCKING CAR DICKHEAD!!!"

Feb 10 10 03:30 pm Link


Tatiana Lyadochkina

Posts: 65

Cultural Enigma wrote:

...She didn't know what to do. Her father took years to build up a good kingdom, solid, responsible. Now he was gone.  The barbaric invaders had made their demands. The Princess needed to think. She had everything, beauty, gold, jewels, and - most importantly - the power to do something but she had to consider the consequences of her actions.  If she agreed to the savages demands and saved herself - her subjects would be hurt, possibly killed. If she stood up to them and refused to marry the savage king - she would be forever imprisoned by the old witch. Trapped forever in a crystal castle void of human contact - and her fathers kingdom, her people, would probably be ravaged anyway.

The Princess needed a plan - soon.

That was really good. Your a talented writer!

Feb 10 10 03:37 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

"holy shit holy shit p..p..please dont..." the girl sputtered, fear bright in her eyes, tears glistening in the bright moonlight. "why are you doing this ppppleease".

The other woman said nothing, just slowly advanced across the rocky rooftop, gun in hand, small smile playing on the corner of her mouth. Who the girl was didnt' matter.  She was just the quarry, the scared rabbit.  The  Huntress fully smiled, she had her rabbit. The smile might have been maternal at one point but was now feral. She had tracked her for days, watching her, learning her habits, her ways. This rabbit was sloppy, she was self absorbed.  She was not a nice person.  She contributed nothing to the world and the Huntress was culling out the useless rabbits.  To call yourself a Woman you had to be strong, brave, and willing to do things no one else would do.  It also helped that the Huntress enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. But the moment, the singular moment she reveled in, relived over and over after each hunt - was the EXACT moment that the Rabbit knew they were going to die. When they make their decision to go easy, or go hard.

The Rabbit was sputtering and crying snot running down her face into her mouth. She had slid down the wall and scraped her back and left shoulder, eyes wide and breath coming in short fish like gasping sounds.  The Rabbit knew.  The Huntress felt a jolt of adrenaline go through her. she had another trophy to collect as she eyed the Rabbits earrings and she raised the pistol...

Feb 10 10 03:42 pm Link



Posts: 266

Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

...I don't know if this will work


Feb 10 10 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 419

Los Angeles, California, US

Hmm... ?

Feb 10 10 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 1346

Knowlton, Quebec, Canada

???? Curious to read your version !



Feb 10 10 04:42 pm Link


Redd Dyver

Posts: 573

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I wanna see if you get the same story I was trying to tell

Feb 10 10 04:56 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

grateful photography wrote:

She looked at the webcam he had set up, and put the barrel of the gun to the back of the scums head.  "Look, I want ALL of you to see. See what happens when you think because you have a penis that you can take what you want.  Well you CANT just have what you want. There will be CONSEQUENCES! There will be PAYBACK!!!" she screamed, spittle flying from her mouth as the rage built.  Her eyes were burning with an anger and something else. 

The web hit counter was rising rapidly, and those watching couldn't bring themselves to tear their eyes away.  They saw the unconscious man lying there, pants half off and then the tarp, the gun, the "something else" in her eyes.  It was an animalistic, deep core, savage response. The kind of reaction the brain has to protect itself. Long past "flight", "Fight" had taken over and she was not a woman to be stopped. 

Hell itself wasn't a big enough deterrent to keep her from exacting her bloody, painful, permanent revenge. And the sick fuckers who had logged in and readied themselves to watch her demise were going to get more than they bargained for.

Feb 10 10 05:44 pm Link


Studio B Photo

Posts: 606

Lake in the Hills, Illinois, US

Always interested in what this says..

Feb 10 10 05:47 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

miller_productions wrote:

"What did you say?" He asked "That's not what the hell they told me back at base"

The older man next to him didnt' take move the night vision binoculars from his eyes as he repeated himself.  "Two days man, we gotta be out here two days. That's what each team does. We patrol for two days and then head back. That's the deal."

"Damn.  You sure it's quiet out here? I guess...I was just..I mean I was gonna call..."
"Spit it out kid, I can't r, r, r, ead your mmmmmind" the older man was picking on him, trying to light the mood.  The kid chuckled and said  "hey screw you man. Its just that I told my mom I'd call her tomorrow, and I know she's gonna be worried."
"Look kid" the older man's gravelly voice carried a thick southern accent, "lyou can call your mom when we get back. Right now I need you to pay attention to see if any of them in-surgy-ints is around.  Capiche?  We don't need no one blowing up our backside while you have mommy issues. "  The older man clapped him on the shoulder and turned to resume his watch from his post. The kid sighed, and settled in. He shook his head and began a long 48 hour watch for those who wanted to take away his loved one's freedom.  He was happy to make this sacrifice. He started to say something but decided not to and turned to stare into the murky darkness, watching the sand blow across his field of vision and thinking how like ghosts it looked.  It was going to be a long night.

Feb 10 10 06:01 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Lexi Doll  wrote: 


He breathed in her scent, she smelled like honeysuckle flowers.  He couldnt' get enough of her, the feel of her soft skin under his hand, the taste of her lips, the way her eyes smoldered when she looked at him through her lashes.  She sighed and pressed herself against him and he could feel the contrasting sensation of the warmth of her breasts and the cold steel of the piercings on his chest.  If he could think clearer, he would be marveling at the fact she had chosen him, that she loved him.  If he was thinking, he would wonder how such a beautiful woman wound up in his arms.  But he wasn't thinking - he was feeling, sensing, loving.

Feb 10 10 06:28 pm Link


Cultural Enigma

Posts: 543

Washington, District of Columbia, US

TarynEmilia wrote:
...I don't know if this will work


Rayna looked at the paperwork in front of her and tried to figure out what concept she was going to use to fill this request. Her boss was THE Mitchell Stevens of Stevens Advertising.  The problem was -  her boss, THE Mitchell Stevens  - was a bit of a pushover when it came to beautiful women.  And when one presented him with a nearly impossible project he was too busy looking at her figure to use his head.  Rayna rolled her eyes and looked at what he had given her.  A company that made scarves. Very high end expensive scarves made from silk worms grown in a remote part of China.  Celebrities coveted these scarves - they were the newest fad.  How on EARTH was she supposed to come up with a marketing plan for this?  Celebrities danced through fads like .... wait a minute.  That gave her an idea.

She turned and logged into her computer and pulled up her models database.  She trolled through and selected two models and placed a call to their agencies.  After working through the particulars - she scheduled them for that afternoon.  Then she pulled up her list of photographers and called MJ Perspectives.  Then she went to make sure the studio was clear that afternoon.

The models arrived on time for a change. She always wondered how it was that some of these models were such flakes.  She adn the photographer spoke and she told him about her idea.  Two models, using these scarves - the very ones the celebrities HAD to have.  They were to dance and use the scarves as covers. 

She hoped it would work - when the shoot was over she took the images over to Mitchell and the client...she paused outside his office door and took a deep breath. Hopefully - because the images were great - this would work for the client.  She put her hand on the door knob and entered....

Feb 10 10 06:55 pm Link


Aesthete Studios

Posts: 2088

Oakland, New Jersey, US

Feb 10 10 06:58 pm Link



Posts: 11863

Los Angeles, California, US 18+
Queen of Sheba (artistic nude)...

Feb 12 10 08:55 am Link


Roy Hubbard

Posts: 3199

East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, US

This was an interesting enough morning in its own right

Feb 12 10 09:12 am Link



Posts: 5911

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

How about this one smile

Feb 12 10 09:17 am Link


Stephanie Now

Posts: 207

Sacramento, California, US

How about this...

Feb 12 10 09:21 am Link



Posts: 201

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I like to think this one has possibilities

Feb 12 10 02:53 pm Link