Forums > Critique > Fun and Games > Critique...go ahead, I can take it!


Monika Heidel

Posts: 81

Redding, California, US

Ok, so I have replied to a couple critique offers on here, but never heard anything. Do you get notified if someone responds to something in a forum? If so, i am not getting the notice. So I thought I'd start my own thread. I am actually thinking of quitting modeling and just doing photography. What do you think? I am kinda old to model...have gained a few lbs. Just feel I should leave it to the young ones with their great shapes. LOL I am not thoroughly pleased with my port. Some shots are so amateur. Some are so plain. I like pics that make you go WOW. I don't have enough WOW in my port. It's just OK. Please critique away! I am an artist too, so I have an idea of how I think pics should look...that's why I think I should be the photographer. Unless of course I come across a photographer that makes me say WOW...then I want to shoot with them...for now, it's just for the hell of it. Please respond! Thanks alot!

Feb 11 10 01:11 pm Link


Deleted by Request

Posts: 591

Alta, Iowa, US

You want an in-depth critique?  I will give you one from my point of view but feel free to take it with a grain of salt, I’m no pro either.  Here you go…
I like it, it’s an album cover and the part you play speaks directly to the title “heroin”.  You look like a quasi-glam heroin addict, the location is good, the props work and I like the composition.
It’s a pretty picture, you are a pretty woman.  Great location and decent execution.  Like you said, you have a lot of good images but not a lot of WOW images and this is one of the good ones.  Nothing wrong with it but nothing really pops.  If I shot this I would probably put it up on my port at least to see if it got a reaction but I would say that 3 comments out of 56 views over the past 3 ½ months…  It’s not hurting anything being here but it isn’t making your port either.
A pretty woman with an implied nude, make it black & white and we have a winner!  It’s hot but it’s plain too isn’t it?  Another good image.  What is keeping you from getting more provocative with your implieds?  Push it more, you certainly have the figure for a tasteful layout shot with everything strategically covered if you don’t want to go nude but still want the titillation factor.  Just a thought.
This is very pretty and closer to being a WOW image.  It is crisp and clean and you eyes are sexy!  Good composition and angle too, keep it and love it!
Again with the eyes!!  You are undeniably pretty and this is a charming display of your beauty.  Simple image but nothing wrong with that at all.
A decent headshot for sure and there is nothing wrong with this.  You really should make a point out of showing off your eyes as much as possible and play with some makeup that can enhance them even more, that’s when you get some WOW headshots to make us all drool.
It’s cute, you look good but it isn’t doing anything.  This is my go to pose for almost every photoshoot I do because it is a pose that I know will get me a decent image even if the rest aren’t turning out.  The thing is, I hardly ever use them myself, I just give them to the models as a quality shot in case they need some filler.  If you are looking to fill all 20 slots in your port then use it, if you have others then try something different.
Soulful and melancholy, it is nice.  This offers some diversity in your port and it is a very good shot so hold on to it unless you can beat it.
The black dress that shows off your figure, I like the idea but I think it can be improved upon.  Again, another good shot and most models I see on here would be lucky to have this but jazz this up as soon as you can and get a different take on this.  Something suggestive and a little bit naughty maybe and you can do that with an expression and a change of location without even a bit of difference to the dress or how you are wearing it.  But seriously, you do look hot!
Same black dress, same advice as before.  Imagine if you wear sitting on that concrete facing the camera with your feet hanging over the front, knees close to each other but not all the way together and feet spread apart.  Pull the front of the dress up past your knees just a bit so that the shadow between your exposed knees created a suggestion of something totally unseen.  Add your expression from the previous dress shot and I am a puddle on the floor.
Better, I like this.  It is similar in tone to my previous suggestions with the shoulder strap hanging down and the front of the dress up around your knees and lap.  We can see the bottom of your thigh and that directs our gaze to something that is beyond our vision but it still says, “I am a sexual creature and I am not afraid to let you know.”  You have great expressions but I would go a bit less sweet with your smile here and more aggressive.
This is your WOW.  The colors pop, you look amazing and I like the location and background sky.  Pulling your hair up exposes your neck which is a very passively sexual signal.  More of this please!
From the same set as the last one but not as good.  It looks like an in-between takes shot and upon getting a better look at the towel I have to think there was something better to use.  You still look great but the whole image isn’t working as well as the previous one, plus, we have already seen that outfit in a superior shot at this point so it is a decrescendo.  There is copious amounts of thigh though so that is something wink
Nope, doesn’t do anything.  Other than I can see those beautiful eyes again I get nothing from this.  It could have been your boyfriend playing with a point and shoot camera as far as I can tell.
Your info below it indicates that this was part of a calendar shoot but it looks very static and unprofessional.  You, on the other hand, are knocking me out!  Get more swimsuit shots!!!  Please!  Just take this one out as soon as you do.  And can I tell you again how damn beautiful you are?  Seriously!
Almost a WOW.  Great lighting in the background, great pose, great outfit and everything else as well, except the resolution or file size is killing the viewing here.  Also, a slightly closer crop would even out the balance of the shot.
Yes, another swimsuit shot!  Only, why is it cropped like that?  And why are you so sad?  Also, it could be more crisp.  You are built for swimsuit shots Monika, or lingerie, where is that in your port?
While I would stare at headshots of you all day I have to say that this one isn’t the one you should be using.  I don’t want to disparage whoever else is in the shot with you but all I see is a blurry head distracting me from your captivating gaze and playful smirk.  Stop flirting with me!! wink hahaha
Yeah, it would be illegal for me to say anything negative about this image.  I will only say, more of this asap!
Cool, if you want to promote your brother in one of your open slots then that is nice and there is nothing wrong with that.  It is a neat image and I know I couldn’t do it so I won’t critique it, but is it doing anything for you?  Like I said though, it is a sweet thing to do, I wish my brother promoted me…

Okay, I have never done that before so I hope I didn’t come off like an asshole.  I think you are strikingly beautiful and an extremely sexy woman and I would hate to hear that you stopped modeling because of some number associated with your age.  You are rocking my socks off and if I lived anywhere near you I would make it my mission to shoot with you as much as humanly possible.  If you want to talk about any of this more please PM me, it would flatter me to death   Keep it up!!

Feb 11 10 08:05 pm Link


Monika Heidel

Posts: 81

Redding, California, US

That was very time consuming and so i want you to know how much I appreciate your honest opinions. I am in agreement with 99% of it. Thanks so much for taking the time. That was cool. You rock!

Feb 13 10 02:39 am Link