Forums > Critique > Fun and Games > Wanna Play? ;)


SFG Photography

Posts: 2494

Oceanside, California, US

I'm bored, and looking to give and get some critiques.
So this is how it goes.

I'll choose my favorite and Least favorite image of yours. Tell you why i like it/why i don't.
You do the same for me.

Let's go smile

Feb 11 10 01:50 pm Link


R Blake Photography

Posts: 175

Houston, Texas, US

Alrighty then.

My favorite shot on your gallery is Katrina 2009.

The colors are highly saturated and vibrant mixing yellow and green to give an overall impression of youth, growth, warmth, and being totally ok with tripping and falling in to a field of tall grass. The expression on the model is somewhere between amused and dreamy, as if she were wrapped up in some thought or the other and you captured that exact moment before she realized anyone was watching.

Technically, I think the photo suffers just a bit from the soft focus on the face and sharpness on the plant leaves. This, to me, draws the eye a bit away from the best part of the image and pushes that poor plant in to a role it wasn't prepared to play. Otherwise, thumbs up.

My least favorite photo is lemon bath. Normally I'm all about lemons, and bathing, and bathing with lemons, but the cross processing.. ugh, cross processing. I wish I had more to say about it, but the colors make me queasy and punch my optic nerve like a fist made of up yours.

Feb 11 10 01:54 pm Link


SFG Photography

Posts: 2494

Oceanside, California, US

R Blake Photography wrote:
Alrighty then.

The angle is awesome in this shot, and her outfit is pretty cool.

Least Favorite:
Ask yourself, "what does this image for me as a photographer?"
In my opionion, nothing. It shows a girl smoking, and smoking shots never really do anything for both model/photographers because smoking isn't always attractive in photos. Very few shots can do something for you. However this is just a not so good angle and the smoke is all over her face.

You can definitely kick that photo if your looking to delete stuff.

Anyways good start. You have some cool photos and themes.
Keep it up. smile

Feb 11 10 02:00 pm Link


Tatiana Lyadochkina

Posts: 65

Im game

Feb 11 10 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 3880

Arcata, California, US

hienvy I'm in...

going to your portfolio now...
My Fav... I love the angle and the pensive expression...
My Least Fav... pose and expression bother me a bit, and the really blown highlights bother me a lot

Feb 11 10 03:17 pm Link


SFG Photography

Posts: 2494

Oceanside, California, US

Tatiana Lyadochkina wrote:
Im game

Least Favorite:
Very awkward looking.You lost your neck.

I love the softness in this photo. and you look stunning.

Amazing portfolio!
Your gorgeous

Feb 11 10 03:39 pm Link


SFG Photography

Posts: 2494

Oceanside, California, US

remerrill wrote:
hienvy I'm in...

going to your portfolio now...
My Fav... I love the angle and the pensive expression...
My Least Fav... pose and expression bother me a bit, and the really blown highlights bother me a lot

Least Favorite:
I'm not to fond of the editing and her blown out skin.
and it's just pretty boring.


This is AMAZING beyond words can say.The color contrast of the darkness and lightness is brilliant. In my opinion your best photo.

Feb 11 10 03:45 pm Link


Tatiana Lyadochkina

Posts: 65

Thank you!

For you


I love her smile, it seems real. I also love the lighting.

Least Favorite:

I just find this one boring. Nothing really draws me in. Although I must add it was hard for me to decide which one was my least favorite considering I loved most of them.

Feb 11 10 03:52 pm Link


Stephanie Now

Posts: 207

Sacramento, California, US

I'll play!  smile

Love the smile!  So natural!

Least Fave:

I wish this one was panned out a bit more...

Very nice looking portfolio.  Lovely!!!

Feb 11 10 03:58 pm Link


Deleted by Request

Posts: 591

Alta, Iowa, US

Go for it, I am bored as well.

Feb 11 10 08:26 pm Link


Frances Jewel

Posts: 9149

Dayton, Ohio, US

have at it smile

Least favorite. I'm not fond of the blur on the bubbles.

Favorite! I love everything about this photo.

Feb 11 10 09:06 pm Link


Roy Hubbard

Posts: 3199

East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, US

Brilliant.  I LOVE the composition, tone, setting, and mood evoked by this.

Maybe it's just me, but her expression seems a tad awkward or strained.  I look at the image as a whole and want to love it, but that one thing brings it down for me.

Feb 11 10 09:17 pm Link