Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > DAR Critiques > New to MM. Can you critique me?


PhotodiZiac Retouching

Posts: 6

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hi All. I have been retouching for some time now but I always look for improvements and I`m sure I have miles and miles of such in front of me.
Can you please give me advice/ critique on my port so far?

Mar 23 10 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 30

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

C`mon. Help out a liitle guy here.
OOps. Signed from our other account.

Mar 23 10 06:41 pm Link



Posts: 267

San Francisco, California, US

here's my the overall sharpness, especially her eyes. skin looks amazing (flawless). not much to say here because u did very well imo. however, i would white her teeth & eyes a bit, get rid creases and a few distracted hairs.

Mar 23 10 10:14 pm Link


PhotodiZiac Retouching

Posts: 6

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Thanks y2cute for a critique. Comments are fare and will be rememberred when retouching in the future.

Guys, its hard to go and critique the whole port (even if there are 4 pics only for now). How about you`ll spare couple of minutes of your presicous time and have a go about this one :

Mar 24 10 08:28 pm Link


Corona Productions

Posts: 597

Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Not bad..... Just the basics.

Id hire someone who has this in their port and Extreme changes. Like changing tones, adding and blending images.

I dont know i just like to see how much experience PS wizards really have.

My $0.02

Mar 24 10 08:36 pm Link


PhotodiZiac Retouching

Posts: 6

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I see a line between retouching(enhancing) and manipulation ( wicked staff as they say). What you made me to think of something here.I realised I should do close ups of different parts of image so people can see the texture of skin, hair, lips n so on.From the distance it looks very "basic", you are right here. yeah, first thing to do when i have free time...thanks for that.

Mar 25 10 12:49 am Link



Posts: 635

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

You have an excellent start to you port. Most photoshop wizards that start out on here, don't have a clue on how to texturize the skin so it looks "real".
With more images and more drastic changes, you'll have a great port.

Mar 26 10 11:15 am Link