This thread was locked on 2010-04-07 17:08:06
Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > DAR Critiques > First time editing...... Critique and help


Ap_ Photography

Posts: 71

Greenville, North Carolina, US

First off I hate this type of shooting but I want to be versatile in all aspects of photography... anywho .. So as you can see from my first image
That well floor looks like crap and w/e but my main problem is those massive stretch marks... and discoloration after my poor attempt to dodge and burn..I get a lil red discoloration and what looks like ashy spots.. can someone help me with my problem...
here what I ended up with..losing the pores x_x

Apr 07 10 02:00 am Link


J Strath

Posts: 928

Los Angeles, California, US

It's not a bad edit, though you really flattened out the surface on her booty.  For the purpose of this photo, I actually don't mind the blurred skin surface.  What you could do, is using the D&B technique, just airbrush some new shadows and highlights to mimic the original photo to make it look natural.

I know what you mean when you get red saturation from D&B.  I usually get that from lightening dark areas sometimes.  What I do when that happens, is I pick up a skin tone with the eye dropper, and then on a new layer I paint over the saturation with the color.  I then set the layer to "color" and adjust the opacity accordingly.  ^_^

So yeah, maybe give that a try?

Apr 07 10 12:08 pm Link