Forums > Newbie Forum > What is a photographers NIGHTMARE?


Michele Chevere

Posts: 104

Washington, District of Columbia, US


What turns off a photographer at a photoshoot? What do they absolutly hate in general from start to finish? There are so many posts on what you should do... what should you NOT do?

-Michele Belle
Thanks for the time to respond to my post!

Apr 15 10 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 16390

New York, New York, US

You'd probably get loads of serious and silly responses to this if you posted it in the photography forum.

Meanwhile, welcome!  And NOT working with you would be one...  wink

Apr 15 10 01:42 pm Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

Don't be more than 10 minutes late.
Don't arrive with mangled fingernails/toenails.
Don't be hungover/cracked out from the rough time last night.
Don't pull your 3 wrinkled outfits out of a trashbag, all of which happen to be black.
Don't change the terms of the agreed upon shoot as you walk on set.
Don't act like you're doing me a favor by being there.

That's just a few.

Apr 15 10 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 6662

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Michele Belle wrote:

What turns off a photographer at a photoshoot? What do they absolutly hate in general from start to finish? There are so many posts on what you should do... what should you NOT do?

-Michele Belle
Thanks for the time to respond to my post!

Having a model on the phone constantly with her "manager" during a shoot, while that manager tries to direct my shoot. That's an excuse for a homicide, but it's happening more and more frequently sad

Apr 15 10 01:46 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

Michele Belle wrote:

What turns off a photographer at a photoshoot? What do they absolutly hate in general from start to finish? There are so many posts on what you should do... what should you NOT do?

-Michele Belle
Thanks for the time to respond to my post!


flakes .... not the corn ones

escorts/relatives/bf's/gf's that don't know the rules

a model that changes their mind on what they want//willing to do after agreements

being late ... not calling while we wait

Apr 15 10 01:56 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

ForeverFotos wrote:

Having a model on the phone constantly with her "manager" during a shoot, while that manager tries to direct my shoot. That's an excuse for a homicide, but it's happening more and more frequently sad

had that happen once.....shoot ended before it got started ... no tolerance for it

Apr 15 10 01:57 pm Link


a digital cure

Posts: 39

Annapolis, Maryland, US

When they just show up with their boyfriend/husband without asking...If you MOST bring an escort bring a friend!

         I always volunteer to meet the model in a public place first, send her references, insure her that a hair/makeup artist will be present but if she still has concerns then we can talk about bringing a friend...

Apr 15 10 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

try to keep your demands/requirements reasonable, at least at first.

don't bring your boyfriend if he's going to hate every outfit you try on so we only wind up with one outfit to shoot with. don't bring your boyfriend if he's going to be in a weird mood that distracts the photographer.

otherwise, i'd just say have fun and go for it!

Apr 15 10 02:00 pm Link


Santacruz Photography

Posts: 388

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

be earlier than me!
if make up is being provided and you know that, bring a clean face.
if wardrobe is being provided make sure you meet me before the shoot to try out wardrobe.
Excellent attitude a must.
don't go against direction from the photographer when asking you how to do a certain pose, remember from his perspective(viewfinder) things look different.
I'm OK with escorts but they have to be far from the shoot or they'll be my bitch.
Also have a good attitude it goes a long way.
and most important have fun!!
oh yeah, welcome to the mayhem.

Apr 15 10 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 4193

San Diego, California, US

good question Michele. mine are...

1. models that bring wrinkled clothes.
2. Models that misrepresent themselves. (height, experience, age, etc)
3. people that are late or flakes.
4. models that have attitude or insist they know how they like to be shot.
5. models that see my work yet still think I shoot some other style.
6. insist they need an escort when I already have a team of people.
7. models that harass me for photos after only 1-2 weeks of shooting.
8. models that are limited with posing yet have "experienced" on their profiles
9. models that dont read my bio (and still ask for full unedited files/photos)
10. Fake people/models. (Just be yourself.)

i can list more but ill shut up now lol

Apr 15 10 02:28 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

One particular phobia I have is a model arranging a shoot at their home without actually getting proper blessing from other residents.

For example, she knows her BF opposes her modeling or doesn't know about it to begin with. She is counting on him not being around for the shoot but comes home unexpectedly.

Or she lives with her parents and forgets to tell them that a photographer is coming over.

Or perhaps the home belongs to a friend or relative who said "You can come over any time and shoot" 2 years ago.

Apr 15 10 03:01 pm Link


BNH Photoworx

Posts: 2

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Michelle, it's simple: A model who shows up on time with no vibrant energy...

Apr 15 10 03:03 pm Link


JSI Productions

Posts: 50

Calabasas, California, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:
Don't be more than 10 minutes late.
Don't arrive with mangled fingernails/toenails.
Don't be hungover/cracked out from the rough time last night.
Don't pull your 3 wrinkled outfits out of a trashbag, all of which happen to be black.
Don't change the terms of the agreed upon shoot as you walk on set.
Don't act like you're doing me a favor by being there.

That's just a few.

Don't Forget to SHAVE

Apr 15 10 03:04 pm Link



Posts: 470

Palm Beach, Florida, US

Apr 15 10 03:06 pm Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

For me, most issues happen prior to a shoot.  Once I get to the point of having a model show up, it usually goes very well.

Things that have happened on rare occasion:

1. Showing up with someone they never mentioned.

2.  Not wanting to sign a model release, even though she had read it and agreed to it prior to the shoot.  (Of course, she did, so bringing it up only served to create tension).

3.  Not wanting to do the genre agreed to, such as art nudes. 

4.  Not bringing the wardrobe agreed to.

5. Continually doing these really stiff, very unnatural looking poses.

Again, by far most models I've worked with have been absolutely delightful.

The only thing that's ever happened during a shoot that really pissed me off was forgetting to change the WB.  Oh, I hate it when I do that.

Apr 15 10 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

SunCurves Photo wrote:
Michelle, it's simple: A model who shows up on time with no vibrant energy...

I get frustrated by models who claim to enjoy the shoot and like the images, but wind up being non-resposive when it comes to image selection and port usage.

Apr 15 10 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

The worst would be a model who does something to upset a wardrobe stylist, hairstylist, or makeup artist.

If a model shows up 30 minutes late and 30lbs heavier - that's not really a problem, I just won't shoot her.

But if a model damages a dress that costs more than she makes in a month, that's going to be a serious problem. Or if she makes a makeup artist's or hairstylist's day miserable, that's going to reflect back on me, and that's a problem.

Apr 15 10 03:07 pm Link


Daniel Sulla

Posts: 109

Chicago, Illinois, US

Three simple (not easy) things. Be Responsible, be respectful, be engaged. Actually got that from my daughter's High School. I have some skin in the game and want to know that you do too. It's not much to ask but it is not easy either. By the way you should expect that from me too. If you feel you are not getting it let me know. This is a collaboration if we work together then its a win win if not it's a so so.

Apr 15 10 03:14 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Getting everything right with hair, makeup, and outfit but totally forgetting the nails. This has happened several times.

Apr 15 10 03:15 pm Link


R Blake Photography

Posts: 175

Houston, Texas, US

I had this one where I showed up to a photoshoot and my CF card was malfunctioning, my back-up card didn't work, my lens fell off and cracked in to a big group of spiders and I was only wearing underwear.

Hell of a nightmare.

Apr 15 10 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 2106

Atlanta, Georgia, US

as a new model

if your doing everything for free your not a model-
your green, ( new ), amateur
just because you did  a ton of free fashion shows and felt used afterward for wasting your time -great-

I dont want to here about it-

Just because you have done 30 photoshoots and have a portfolio of crappy pictures and you have a bad taste in your mouth about modeling

I dont want to hear about it-

Because you sorry azz should have " PAID" one good photographer instead of wasteing all that time , energy and gas on crapp. 

I dont want to hear about it-

But what I do want to hear about is sucess stories about how a good photographer took your pictures - you went into an agency got signed and are booking work - on tv, or pursueing modeling because its fun and that is what you enjoy-

Negative shit keep to yourself , you put your self through it ( Stay Positive )

The industry isnt all bad. Every model I have worked with has a great story and pursue modeling like a part time job.

These are the models that I wish to work with .   FEWWW  enough of that shiz......

Apr 15 10 03:20 pm Link


Steve Dilts

Posts: 64

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Whatever you've been doing keep it up! You're a damn good model! And your port looks like you're a photographer's dream.

Apr 15 10 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 795

Los Angeles, California, US

Models that show up early.  I know people hate late models, but I really hate early ones.  5 minutes I can tolerate.  30 minutes I cannot.  I'm very busy doing prep in the 30 minutes leading to a shoot (as is my MUA and any other crew,) last thing I want is a model underfoot.

Apr 15 10 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 16390

New York, New York, US

NY Fashion Photographer wrote:

Ballsy answer.  lol

Apr 15 10 06:42 pm Link


Jeff Hopkins

Posts: 251

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Apr 15 10 06:58 pm Link


Michele Chevere

Posts: 104

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Thanks for the helpful responses thus far! I'm enjoying reading the replies, LOL!

Apr 15 10 07:08 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

Reading this in a profile:

"I will be very picky as to who I shoot with, so please do not waste my time or yours by emailing me if you are an amateur with less than stellar pics in your portfolio."

I know that my pics are not stellar.

Edit:  "as to whom"

Apr 15 10 07:16 pm Link


coach moon

Posts: 5522

Pensacola, Florida, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:
Don't be more than 10 minutes late.
Don't arrive with mangled fingernails/toenails.
Don't be hungover/cracked out from the rough time last night.
Don't pull your 3 wrinkled outfits out of a trashbag, all of which happen to be black.
Don't change the terms of the agreed upon shoot as you walk on set.
Don't act like you're doing me a favor by being there.

That's just a few.

i hate that one.

Apr 15 10 07:17 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Beaten, raped and murdered. That would be my worst nightmare.

Now what ticks me off is...
Being late
Bitch/Diva attitudes
Poor grooming
List goes on, but you get the idea. Show up ready to go is what I expect.

Apr 15 10 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 424

Dallas, Texas, US

Misrepresenting your experience level. If you are a newbie    just say so.

Apr 15 10 07:19 pm Link



Posts: 612

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:
Don't act like you're doing me a favor by being there.

omg, Yes..

Apr 15 10 07:20 pm Link


The Divine Emily Fine

Posts: 20454

Owings Mills, Maryland, US

Fifty bajillion demands and acting like I should be gosh darn grateful for their existence  usually puts me in a sour mood.

Also, people who only do "implied" stuff. I don't even care if I'm not gonna shoot nudes with them or not, I don't get that crap. Covering up your nips and calling it "implied nude" so you don't feel guilty for showing skin is like preaching no sex before marriage, doing anal and believing that you're still a virgin.


Those things.

Escorts annoy me a bit, too, but not as much as the aforementioned things.


And this - "I will be very picky as to who I shoot with, so please do not waste my time or yours by emailing me if you are an amateur with less than stellar pics in your portfolio" - Yeah, that's no way to make friends.

Apr 15 10 07:21 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

The Divine Emily Fine wrote:
. . .
Also, people who only do "implied" stuff. I don't even care if I'm not gonna shoot nudes with them or not, I don't get that crap. Covering up your nips and calling it "implied nude" so you don't feel guilty for showing skin is like preaching no sex before marriage, doing anal and believing that you're still a virgin.
. . .
Escorts annoy me a bit, too, but not as much as the aforementioned things.

I love you, Emily!

Apr 15 10 07:24 pm Link


Ashenhurst Photography

Posts: 24

Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

1) dont be late
2) no flaking!
3) no bringing your kid/husband/anyone except the 1 escort agreed upon
4)do NOT hound me in a week about when the pictures are ready,
5)when we agree on terms and you sign the paperwork agreeing to it don't think that because "you say so"
6) If i tell you that you have a specific amount of time to pic your prints so you can get a %off your prints (i do 25% off if you order in the first three weeks) don;t say you "forgot and therefore need an extension)

I could go on but my bloodpresure is high enough just typing those six

Apr 15 10 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

The Don Mon wrote:



Apr 15 10 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 5480

Vallejo, California, US

Mark Salo wrote:
Reading this in a profile:

"I will be very picky as to who I shoot with, so please do not waste my time or yours by emailing me if you are an amateur with less than stellar pics in your portfolio."

I know that my pics are not stellar.

Edit:  "as to whom"

I love this one. Especially from models that have pics from their cell phone, poses that are terrible, pics done in someones apt and junk all over showing in the photo. Totally amatuer pics. Then they insist on getting paid and not just paid but $200 for nudes, $100 for swimsuit. I have to laugh because I can get online here and get some of the top models for $200 for a 3 hour shoot.

Apr 15 10 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 16390

New York, New York, US

The Don Mon wrote:

Cherrystone wrote:

Lollery lol

Apr 15 10 07:37 pm Link


Doug Winter

Posts: 67

Sacramento, California, US

The model who brings a friend to the photo shoot and then the friend wants to shoot "some flix" with my "pro gear."

Apr 15 10 07:41 pm Link


Ashenhurst Photography

Posts: 24

Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

Douglas Winter wrote:
The model who brings a friend to the photo shoot and then the friend wants to shoot "some flix" with my "pro gear."

wow really?

I have a strict policy on my gear, if your not my wife, and i don't hand you it, TOUCH IT AND YOU BETTER HOPE YOU CAN RUN FASTER THEN ME!

Apr 15 10 07:45 pm Link


Elizabeth Councill

Posts: 223

Miami, Florida, US

Dealbreakers - things that will make me pack up and leave or boot the model right out the door of the studio:

1. Showing up to a shoot with an unannounced "escort"/guest. 
2. Acting like a diva or other form of a-hole.
3. Arriving completely unprepared (looking like you are still drunk from the night before, chipped nails/toes, hairy underarms/legs, etc.)
4. Flaking.  Models who flake go on the "never ever contact again" list.
5. Lying about being underage.  I don't work with models under 18 period.
6. Refusing to take direction.

For me, the way a model conducts herself as a person has a lot to do with how likely I am to work with her again or at all.

Apr 15 10 07:54 pm Link