This thread was locked on 2010-07-12 15:00:45
Forums > General Industry > Missing Houston area model


ESR Photography

Posts: 1116

Austin, Texas, US

Fotosbymike wrote:

Sorry but you cried "wolf" too many times. Your need for attention is outweighing your logic. None of it makes sense and the more you post, the worse it gets.

I call "bullshit" on all of your "mysterious" explanations that do nothing to clear up what really happened. Her life was in danger?!! Really?!!

I make a pretty good living at doing resesarch and I couldn't find anything to corroborate your story.

Seriously, seek help. What you're doing here is very sick and twisted.

+1000. It further makes those who may have initially cared about this situation to now become somewhat annoyed by the simple mention of it all. Just my take.

Jul 09 10 04:09 pm Link


Ereka Marcelino

Posts: 2600

Kihei, Hawaii, US

Sounds like a case for Inspector Gadget...

Glad she was found ok, if she was actually missing to begin with.

I'm in Costa Rica for the month, taking time out. My cell doesn't work here in the jungle, please do not start a thread that I am missing. I am here on purpose. wink

Jul 09 10 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 81

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This whole story smells to high heaven.

Jul 09 10 04:28 pm Link


Ervin Katai Photography

Posts: 1082

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

seems like A.D.D. to

Jul 09 10 05:40 pm Link


El Mercurio

Posts: 1784

Houston, Texas, US

According to the "Mel "Vega" Munoz is Missing" Facebook page posted Friday at 4:12 pm:

"I just personally spoke with Melanie for about an hour. She's coming to stay with friends out of town for awhile to sort through a rough time. Thank you so much for your support, prayers, and all your efforts. We're so happy to know she is safe and have her back."

Whatever happened, I'm personally glad she is ok.

Jul 11 10 02:21 am Link


Brian Baybo

Posts: 1417

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

To everyone who offered your hatred and your foul accusations - I hope someday you realize how pointlessly hurtful, terrible, and mean-spirited it is to say some of the things you said and I hope for other's sakes you never act like that again. I also hope you never have to experience something like this yourselves.

Had "someone" been willing to provide the information that satisfied the nay sayers, there would be no need for this paragraph. You post something in the forums so, expect people to ask questions. When you avoid those questions, you cast doubt on your story. THINK B-4 YOU POST

Jul 11 10 07:46 am Link



Posts: 15162

Portland, Oregon, US

Shame on the OP.

This is the most unhelpful "help" thread ever.

Jul 11 10 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 7947

Monterey, California, US

Joshua Mercurio  wrote:
According to the "Mel "Vega" Munoz is Missing" Facebook page posted Friday at 4:12 pm:

"I just personally spoke with Melanie for about an hour. She's coming to stay with friends out of town for awhile to sort through a rough time. Thank you so much for your support, prayers, and all your efforts. We're so happy to know she is safe and have her back."

Whatever happened, I'm personally glad she is ok.

That is good news! Thanks for the update.

Jul 11 10 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 8139

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Glad to hear she was found.

And shame on some of the people in this thread.  When I was in a serious car accident two years ago, my ex-boyfriend (without my permission- I asked him to contact someone on MM I was supposed to work with, not post on the forums- but I digress...) posted from my profile about my accident.  Several people found lots of holes in his story, accused him of lying...I hope they felt like the jackasses they were when several of my MM friends called me in the hospital and talked to me.

Jul 11 10 03:27 pm Link


Dakota Day

Posts: 9

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I think people have an issue with that fact that she was not missing. She wanted to disappear. I don't care how hard of a rough patch you are having, you don't just disappear and worry people you care about. That is very selfish.

Jul 12 10 02:52 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Dakota Day wrote:
I think people have an issue with that fact that she was not missing. She wanted to disappear. I don't care how hard of a rough patch you are having, you don't just disappear and worry people you care about. That is very selfish.

I think that you don't understand

Jul 12 10 07:38 am Link


Rachel Jay

Posts: 20441

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Glad Mel has been found and is safe!

Jul 12 10 07:59 am Link



Posts: 865

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

Rachel Jay wrote:
Glad Mel has been found and is safe!

this week.

next week is another story.

soap operas always need new story lines.

Jul 12 10 08:46 am Link


Shanti G

Posts: 61

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Greg Kolack wrote:
I can't remember who it was, but supposedly an MM photographer was dead a couple of years ago. His girlfriend posted it on his account. Then suddenly he wasn't dead, his girlfriend was out to get him, and he made a melodramatic video he posted smoking and giving an performance of a lifetime explaining everything.

Pretty much everyone knew it was just a way to draw attention to himself.

I can't remember who that was, but to top it all off he wore an eyepatch...

This is priceless.

Jul 12 10 09:27 am Link



Posts: 185

Dallas, Texas, US

Dakota Day wrote:
I think people have an issue with that fact that she was not missing. She wanted to disappear. I don't care how hard of a rough patch you are having, you don't just disappear and worry people you care about. That is very selfish.

"She just wanted to disappear."

This is not correct, you don't know what the situation was.

This was not the case of her hiding out somewhere.

She was unable to leave the place where she was.

I am impressed by the supreme level of arrogance it takes to assume you know everything about everyone. I am also impressed by your ability to know everything about everyone without first consulting with the police, her parents, etc.

The only people who think she was "just hiding out" are random folks like you on the internet.

You folks who think this was a fake are the same ones who thought her blog post from 2009 was proof she wasn't missing, the same ones who couldn't even pick up a phone and call the police to confirm a missing persons report.

Do you really have nothing better to do than try to talk trash about something youclearly don't understand at all?

Jul 12 10 02:35 pm Link


Alisyn Carliene

Posts: 11756

San Bernardino, California, US

Well hopefully she will come home. Glad she is OK.

Jul 12 10 02:39 pm Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

LaRana wrote:

"She just wanted to disappear."

This is not correct, you don't know what the situation was.

This was not the case of her hiding out somewhere.

She was unable to leave the place where she was.

I am impressed by the supreme level of arrogance it takes to assume you know everything about everyone. I am also impressed by your ability to know everything about everyone without first consulting with the police, her parents, etc.

The only people who think she was "just hiding out" are random folks like you on the internet.

You folks who think this was a fake are the same ones who thought her blog post from 2009 was proof she wasn't missing, the same ones who couldn't even pick up a phone and call the police to confirm a missing persons report.

Do you really have nothing better to do than try to talk trash about something youclearly don't understand at all?

Look, you came in here with a VERY vague and unproveable story about your friend missing. Then when asked questions, you dodged and weaved more than Barry Sanders in a footbal game. Had you come in here asking for help and then provided clear answers to those questions, there would be very few people pissing all over the posts here. MOST people on Mayhem are intelligent and caring people. We just would rather be told the TRUTH than be led down a path with no verifiable information. So...IF your friend was missing, then tell the whole damned story here or lock this stupid thread.

Jul 12 10 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

FlirtynFun Photography wrote:
Look, you came in here with a VERY vague and unproveable story about your friend missing. Then when asked questions, you dodged and weaved more than Barry Sanders in a footbal game. Had you come in here asking for help and then provided clear answers to those questions, there would be very few people pissing all over the posts here. MOST people on Mayhem are intelligent and caring people. We just would rather be told the TRUTH than be led down a path with no verifiable information. So...IF your friend was missing, then tell the whole damned story here or lock this stupid thread.


You never bothered to explain your own mother talking to her on the phone during her disappearance.

This thread should just be locked. It's no ones business other than her own why she left, if in fact she did disappear.

Jul 12 10 02:50 pm Link


Ervin Katai Photography

Posts: 1082

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

LaRana wrote:

"She just wanted to disappear."

This is not correct, you don't know what the situation was.

This was not the case of her hiding out somewhere.

She was unable to leave the place where she was.

I am impressed by the supreme level of arrogance it takes to assume you know everything about everyone. I am also impressed by your ability to know everything about everyone without first consulting with the police, her parents, etc.

The only people who think she was "just hiding out" are random folks like you on the internet.

You folks who think this was a fake are the same ones who thought her blog post from 2009 was proof she wasn't missing, the same ones who couldn't even pick up a phone and call the police to confirm a missing persons report.

Do you really have nothing better to do than try to talk trash about something youclearly don't understand at all?

Look, did you ever told us what the situation was? Your story had discrepancies all over, even you made up that your mum was talking to her bullshit. You did ask us to help and misslead us. What the fuck do you expect us to do? I still think you should seek help urgently. Oh face book I think you should come out clean and say what happened or dont say a fucking thing at all!!! Its way too easy to use words like we dont know what happened.... you did misslead us thats what happened...

Oh and stop your  2 fucking friends to tag me with their full of attitude comments...
anyway they are blocked now...

Jul 12 10 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 11863

Los Angeles, California, US

Envy wrote:


You never bothered to explain your own mother talking to her on the phone during her disappearance.

This thread should just be locked. It's no ones business other than her own why she left, if in fact she did disappear.

Locked and trainwreck thrown away since she's found and this thread has derailed permanently yikes

Jul 12 10 02:56 pm Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

Miss Anthrope 1007 wrote:
Locked and trainwreck thrown away since she's found and this thread has derailed permanently yikes

I CAM'd it by the way

Jul 12 10 02:59 pm Link


Ervin Katai Photography

Posts: 1082

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

I noticed your friends last activity was on the 11th...
why didnt she commented on this?

Jul 12 10 03:00 pm Link