Forums > General Industry > Turn it around: protecting the photographers


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Well, Net Bull Dog... you are an example of the OMP mentality. Attack people, belittle people, and harrass.

I'm unsure what value you bring except entertainment value.

I expose people like you that claim to be oh so knowledgable, but then post dribble.

To date, Everytime I have challenged you to prove a point, you have said, "Oh quit attacking me..." and not answered back.

Just like you refuse to answer now about the statements you made.

You can not have it both ways Austin.
Either, The 'net is a place where models can and do find work and can get the step they need to get out and make it in the real world, OR the net is useless for models which then means, you are here for what purpose again?

You ahve made claims that you know this that and the other because you are a licensed and bonded agency in Texas.
I have shown that anyone that is not in debt and not a criminal, with enough money can get licensed and bonded in Texas.
So, that means you have to show something more.

You claim you have done these things with the models you manage.

I have shown according to your site that you manage a grand total of TWO models.
The rest is a database of talent no different than OMP or MM or webtalent. And If I understand correctly, is not even yours, but a conglomeration of "Talent" agencies.

So, again, I ask, What is it really that makes you an "expert"?

I can not see any real models that list your agency as one they have ever dealt with.

You can claim you provided talent for this that and the other, but that is a play on words too. OMP has provided talent for at least 200 times as many projects as you and yet you claim they are useless, and models there will never get anywhere, etc...

So Yeah, I call people like you to task.

You want to claim to be Superman, Show me the 'S' on your chest.
Otherwise, when you post crap, expect me to rub your nose in it!

May 09 05 09:55 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

When a dog does wrong, we must teach it.  When a child is new to the world, we educate it.  Let me teach you something now, Net Bull Dog:

Under contract we currently have, exclusively (do you know what that means?), over 100 models and talent.  Do you know the difference between AGENT and MANAGER?  Apparently not.  We are manager for two individuals.  We are the Agency representing over 100 others.  They are exclusive and not with other agencies.   

As for answering your other challenges, go bark up a tree you Net Bull Dog. You are nothing more than a guy with a couple of snap shots, a M-F day job with a PC on the Net, and a lot of hot air.  In school there were always bully's too.  You are a bully.  Most bully's are actually really cowards.  What contribution do you make here when all you really want (and admit to) is to harrass someone else on a personal level? 

May 09 05 10:11 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
Under contract we currently have, exclusively (do you know what that means?), over 100 models and talent.  Do you know the difference between AGENT and MANAGER?  Apparently now.  We are manager for two individuals.  We are the Agency representing over 100 others.  They are exclusive and not with other agencies.

As for answering your other challenges, go bark up a tree you Net Bull Dog. You are nothing more than a guy with a couple of snap shots, a M-F day job with a PC on the Net, and a lot of hot air.  In school there were always bully's too.  You are a bully.  Most bully's are actually really cowards.

Hmmm. Interesting
So you have all those models to "agent", yet you are here like 24/7....
You are like so good for them....


14) Are you an exclusive agency?
Yes and no. AM&T is more than just a standard model or talent agency. Because we also provide full service management and career development, we do use an exclusive agreement with our primary talent. At the same time, we do offer a non-exclusive option as well. Most new talent begin with a non-exclusive agreement. You may discuss your options with us at the time of mutual interest in signing.
16) What if I sign and I get a different offer or decide I no longer want representation?
Currently, all our contracts include a thirty-day, no-fault "out" clause. Because we are selective in who we sign, we are more focused on the individuals in our agency. If you feel there are other opportunities that are better suited to you, we will fully support your decision and cancel our agreement for you. In many cases, we will even waive the 30-day-notice, unless we currently have a client reviewing you for potential work. We will even help you with your transition to your new agency, including helping with new photos if your new agency needs anything specific

UM - EXCLUSIVE but with a 30 day out because
Low Volume Representation - We do not have a huge inventory of talent where individual people can be easily forgotten. Our talent is hand-picked based upon our belief in their potential to succeed. We are not going to forget who you are, and we are going to work as best we can, beyond just job placement, to help you develop the right career choices and path. Due to our online forum site, we communicate constantly with our talent and know each person individually. This helps us work as manager as well as agent.

Please Make up your mind!

Sit Ubu Sit!

Call me all the names you wish, But in general, You need to explain "Why" you are an expert before claiming to "Be" an expert.

See, You have posted responses as to why I was wrong, But other creditted photographers, that are highly respected in this field, and that have been in the industry for ages, have told you you were wrong.
Other models have told you you were wrong from their personal experience as well.

Yet, you still insist you are an expert...

I am telling you, before I, or anyone else with half a brain, will take you seriously, you need to show us. You can not simply say something and then claim it fact because you said it Austin.

I could literally wrangle 100 models in NJ to sign exclusive contracts with me as well. That means nothing.

Show us their success stories.
You would think that that would be predominate on your website.
It is not.
You are a database and clearinghouse for talent.
If you were as good as you claim, you could not possible post on here as often as you do.
You'd be too freaking busy getting that work you claim to be getting...

How abouts, I query some of that exclusive talent to see just how much work you have gotten them, and post all that info here.

Would that settle it for you?

May 09 05 10:32 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
If you were as good as you claim, you could not possible post on here as often as you do.

Or, as owner, perhaps my staff is working and I'm sitting here having fun.  I also have made no claims as to how busy or not busy that I am - nor any specific claims about our individual talent, etc.  As for proving anything to you, I need only prove things to my clients by results. For you, I need only laugh and pity.  When someone seeks to bully another person, it often is a result of issues that they have with themselves.

I wonder if MM condones downright harrassment and personalized attacks.  If they observe their own forums, I pose that question to them.  Thanks.

May 09 05 10:44 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
If you were as good as you claim, you could not possible post on here as often as you do.

Or, as owner, perhaps my staff is working and I'm sitting here having fun.  I also have made no claims as to how busy or not busy that I am - nor any specific claims about our individual talent, etc.  As for proving anything to you, I need only prove things to my clients by results. For you, I need only laugh and pity.  When someone seeks to bully another person, it often is a result of issues that they have with themselves.

I wonder if MM condones downright harrassment and personalized attacks.  If they observe their own forums, I pose that question to them.  Thanks.

Where is it a Personal Attack?
I never called you an idiot like you did me.
I am asking you to justify this image you portray of yourself.
"I am right because I run a licensed and bonded agency. Therefore I am right, and I am right, and you are wrong because I am right, and that is the way it is."

You leave no room for debate, and you bring this inquiry on yourself.

I made a statement, You said I was wrong. I said prove it, you say I am wrong because you are a licensed and bonded blah blah blah, I say yeah but here is proof I am right, you say, well, that may be, but you are wrong.
I say prove it, you say I am attacking you.

Should I repost the threads here for you to see that.

You said I was wrong Austin.
I responded to that claim.
you can not justify your response except to claim you are a licensed... blah blah blah"

So fine, I am now telling you, and everyone here, That that still means crap.

In NJ there are a ton of licensed and bonded agencies. Out of all of them, 99% are useless.
Same with NYC area, although there it might be 99.5%

So, making a claim based on the fact you were not a criminal, not in debt and had enough money to pay STILL does not make it fact.

ARGUE THE FACTS with me, Prove your accusations that I am wrong.

That is all I ask.

I am not the bully here, I am simply joe common man saying that the king has no clothes!

May 09 05 10:52 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
I am not the bully here

No, you said you were the Net Bull Dog.  Pick a title and stick with it.  I'm not sure in a free country that we need a "Net Bull Dog" to reign terror over the minion.  I hope that MM management will be the only authority here, not you.

May 09 05 11:04 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
I am not the bully here

No, you said you were the Net Bull Dog.  Pick a title and stick with it.  I'm not sure in a free country that we need a "Net Bull Dog" to reign terror over the minion.  I hope that MM management will be the only authority here, not you.

What authority?
You claim I attacked you personally, Yet it was the other way around.
I simply am questioning your legitimacy.

I am not censoring your posts, nor do I wish to censor your posts.

I love your posts. It gives me something to rag on all day because you will not stick to the issues.

I disagree, therefore I am attacking you.


May 09 05 11:13 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

shut up.

May 09 05 11:24 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by theda: 
shut up.

If I am wrong Theda, Please show me.
Otherwise, Until he steps off his high horse, I will be here and waiting.

I offered him peace. He kept going.
Now, he needs to justify himself if he ever wants me to back down.

I have shown why my statements are true.
He should be held to the same standard he originally held me to, otherwise he will be laughed off of here just like he was in at least one other forum I know of. (at least that is what they are claiming)

Is that too much to ask?

May 09 05 11:29 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency:As for answering your other challenges, go bark up a tree you Net Bull Dog. You are nothing more than a guy with a couple of snap shots, a M-F day job with a PC on the Net, and a lot of hot air.  In school there were always bully's too.  You are a bully.  Most bully's are actually really cowards.  What contribution do you make here when all you really want (and admit to) is to harrass someone else on a personal level?   

I have a monday to friday job, I have my own company, I have a bunch of things.
It does not change the fact.
What Contribution I make is simple. I tell it like it is.
I posted about things to make a model look and be professional.

Your contribution was to say it was 'net mentality and was way wrong.

I countered with proof, as did others that it was right.
you countered with, I am a licensed and bonded blah blah blah and it was wrong.

So who is contributing here?

Every time I post something and you say I am wrong, I counter with proof I am right.

Everytime you post something and I say you are wrong, you counter with "Stop attacking me."

It is like a politician without a plan.
When an opponent says Candidate X is wrong, Candidate X says, It is mudslinging.
When Candidtate X says the opponent is wrong, it is Politicking.

I am not personally attacking you. Yet you have now personally attacked me 3 times.

All I am asking of you is to prove your statements.
You say I am wrong, Prove it. Back it with something.
Otherwise, you are exactly what you are claiming me to be.

I have backed my statements, and even apologized when I misspoke. I was wrong and admitted it publicly in a thread.
You however, have been told you are wrong numerous times, and not only by me, and you resort with, "I am being attacked."

May 09 05 11:56 am Link