Forums > General Industry > Not so nice comment.



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

Found this just wandering around on FG...then there was a link.

This is from a live journal.

LOLLERSKATES Jul. 30th, 2005 @ 03:07 pm 

From a photographer's journal:

So I go to thru the agencies but those fuckers see the $$ in the client and start raising their prices-greedy motherfuckers- so I start doing web searches, which is the worst place to find models.
I also joined that modelmayhem site- I gotta tell you, looking for models on these things is like dumpster diving-you search search search and maybe come out with a half rotten slice of pizza.
Current Mood:  amused
Tags: amusing photographers, hahahhahahahhahaa
(Leave a comment)

It is from netmodelreview...anyone care to leave a comment?
Here is the link. … hahahhahaa

I hate to think of ourselves as half rotten slices of pizza. Although we have nothing to prove to this dipwad, it distresses me a little. Free speech, it is, but there is alot of talent on this site. Either someone was jealous or just picked one of those fake profiles that exist (as they all do) out there somewhere.

Oh well.
Back to coffee and looking at beautiful pictures of models on MM.


Aug 04 05 06:57 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Aww just blow it off. who cares what some blog jockey says.....

Back in 1990 when I was attending Brooks  ( yep I was a Brookie) one of my instructors made the comment to the class that to "make sure your 1st portfolio is made of soft leather with no sharp corners...... The reason is so when you are showing it to some Jr Art Director and they throw it back at you if it hits your chest it wont hurt as much "  Of course we all laughed because we knew he was speaking metaphorically about how hard the Advertising industry is to break into. Well after a few years of assisting in NYC and showing my food and still life book around to various ad agencies I came to the conclusion that Damn he was giving practical advice.  :-)

There is a reason why its called the ugly business of being beautiful. Oh the thing is the better you are the more people will talk shit on you behind your back.

It's like they say, If you want a friend in the advertising industry ....get a dog.

Besides it sounds like bullshit to me. If he is shooting for big budget clients why is he pissing about the fees. Those are between the client and the agency. Plus for smaller budget jobs almost all agencies will negotiate on price. Sounds like he isn't qualified to get a agency model and is just "pissing in the wind."  If he had any sense he would understand the dynamics of web modeling and agency modes. Nope he just sounds like he's some wanker.

Aug 04 05 07:15 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Yea just blow it off like Dan says, it is not worth it to even read it.

(leaving nasty comment on the site)

Soooooo like i was saying, its not worth it.  (another nasty comment on the site)

Have a nice day   smile

Aug 04 05 09:28 am Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

dont take comments like that seriously, cause those such as that are complete and utter jokes....

Aug 04 05 09:31 am Link


Chris Winters

Posts: 45

West Hollywood, California, US

first, with attitudes as he portrayed like that, i wouldnt work with him-- because his attitude is as bad as a week old slice of pizza. stale and hard.

not to mention ibased on this attitude - he's not a professional. most professionals tend to watch what they say.

--his wife needs to REALLY give him some attention.

why visit his blog anymore? its not worth it. Here, it is. because everybody is 'for' everyone!

have a great one

Aug 04 05 09:33 am Link



Posts: 135

Detroit, Alabama, US

LOL,  it was a funny rant. 

Aug 04 05 09:34 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

LOL  I just found a photo on that site of a girl in black latex with a darth vader mask on. Cool outfit but funny   smile

Aug 04 05 09:36 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 
Found this just wandering around on FG...

This is a funny phrase if you think about it.
Active but not active.

Aug 04 05 10:28 am Link


Ronnie Werner

Posts: 87

Portland, Oregon, US

I agree - ignore him. I don't think any model with good sense would work with a turd like that anyway.

Aug 04 05 03:24 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Posted by Dan Hood: 
Aww just blow it off. who cares what some blog jockey says.....

Back in 1990 when I was attending Brooks  ( yep I was a Brookie) one of my instructors made the comment to the class that to "make sure your 1st portfolio is made of soft leather with no sharp corners...... The reason is so when you are showing it to some Jr Art Director and they throw it back at you if it hits your chest it wont hurt as much "  Of course we all laughed because we knew he was speaking metaphorically about how hard the Advertising industry is to break into. Well after a few years of assisting in NYC and showing my food and still life book around to various ad agencies I came to the conclusion that Damn he was giving practical advice.  :-)

There is a reason why its called the ugly business of being beautiful. Oh the thing is the better you are the more people will talk shit on you behind your back.

It's like they say, If you want a friend in the advertising industry ....get a dog.

Besides it sounds like bullshit to me. If he is shooting for big budget clients why is he pissing about the fees. Those are between the client and the agency. Plus for smaller budget jobs almost all agencies will negotiate on price. Sounds like he isn't qualified to get a agency model and is just "pissing in the wind."  If he had any sense he would understand the dynamics of web modeling and agency modes. Nope he just sounds like he's some wanker.

I agree...I mean, I'm an average photographer and I find pretty hot girls on a regular if he's any good, he should have no trouble at all.  Either that I have low standards, but I like to think I know a good looking woman when I see one.

Aug 04 05 03:49 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 
Found this just wandering around on FG...then there was a link.

This is from a live journal.

LOLLERSKATES Jul. 30th, 2005 @ 03:07 pm 

From a photographer's journal:

So I go to thru the agencies but those fuckers see the $$ in the client and start raising their prices-greedy motherfuckers- so I start doing web searches, which is the worst place to find models.
I also joined that modelmayhem site- I gotta tell you, looking for models on these things is like dumpster diving-you search search search and maybe come out with a half rotten slice of pizza.
Current Mood:  amused
Tags: amusing photographers, hahahhahahahhahaa
(Leave a comment)

It is from netmodelreview...anyone care to leave a comment?
Here is the link. … hahahhahaa

I hate to think of ourselves as half rotten slices of pizza. Although we have nothing to prove to this dipwad, it distresses me a little. Free speech, it is, but there is alot of talent on this site. Either someone was jealous or just picked one of those fake profiles that exist (as they all do) out there somewhere.

Oh well.
Back to coffee and looking at beautiful pictures of models on MM.


He's a poser.   Think small male parts need big car you understand the tortured boy's plight.

Aug 04 05 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Hmm, you guys are making all these comments about his work and the models he can get or that he shoots, but I don't think anyone followed the link to the full comments to even see who it is!

Seems to be that winkytikipinups guy that everyone seemed to praise so highly when his work was shown on a MM thread a while back: … /3883.html

You may as well read the whole thing in context, "lollerskates" only quoted a portion of the whole thing and the damning commnets:

its finally done-all three hundred sixty something images for the book. Probably only about half will be used in the edit, but thats the way it goes I guess. Between having one of the busiest shooting months ever and late nights edting- I'm planning on getting outta dodge for a few.
Wait, now I gotta find a name for it-who the hell about just "book", I feel just as retarded as Tarzan naming his kid "boy".
I cant even stand looking at my photos.
I picked up a new client that will get me consistent work-West Coast Choppers, shooting girlies for their Sites and stuff. PArt of what I do is casting the models, which seems like an easy task at first, specially since the girls get paid somewhat decently for keeping their clothes on. I guess I was wrong-
This is turning into a project as Jesse has a particular idea of the kinda models he wants- Confident girls with an attitude, some ink and rock and roll vibe. Kinda like the SG type except better looking plus Im paying more-
So I go to thru the agencies but those fuckers see the $$ in the client and start raising their prices-greedy motherfuckers- so I start doing web searches, which is the worst place to find models.
I also joined that modelmayhem site- I gotta tell you, looking for models on these things is like dumpster diving-you search search search and maybe come out with a half rotten slice of pizza.
Half the girls are dumbass beach bunnies or import models or overweight goth girls-
argh...Or when I find the ones that meet the type, theyre a bunch of amateurs and can only shoot evenings and weekends. Like , Im gonna book locations and crew after hours just to accomodate them- goddam biznatch!
Fucking amateur hour! First model I book, gorgeous gal-but looked at me dumbfounded when I gave her the 8 am call time (it is a job after all)-the asked me when she gets the pics-how about I give you some pieces of paper with a picture of ben franklin on it, Dumbass...
Oh well, Gotta keep looking- Its actually easier for me to find a girl who'll stick a fist up her ass, do it with a smile, get paid and go home- The adult industry is such a comfort zone for me... The civilian world is far too flaky-
Off to my morning beer."

Aug 04 05 04:50 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Sounds more like sour grapes than rotten pizza.
Maybe he really, really sucks.

Aug 04 05 08:51 pm Link


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

Posted by Aaron_H: 
Hmm, you guys are making all these comments about his work and the models he can get or that he shoots, but I don't think anyone followed the link to the full comments to even see who it is!

Seems to be that winkytikipinups guy that everyone seemed to praise so highly when his work was shown on a MM thread a while back: … /3883.html

You may as well read the whole thing in context, "lollerskates" only quoted a portion of the whole thing and the damning commnets:

its finally done-all three hundred sixty something images for the book. Probably only about half will be used in the edit, but thats the way it goes I guess. Between having one of the busiest shooting months ever and late nights edting- I'm planning on getting outta dodge for a few.
Wait, now I gotta find a name for it-who the hell about just "book", I feel just as retarded as Tarzan naming his kid "boy".
I cant even stand looking at my photos.
I picked up a new client that will get me consistent work-West Coast Choppers, shooting girlies for their Sites and stuff. PArt of what I do is casting the models, which seems like an easy task at first, specially since the girls get paid somewhat decently for keeping their clothes on. I guess I was wrong-
This is turning into a project as Jesse has a particular idea of the kinda models he wants- Confident girls with an attitude, some ink and rock and roll vibe. Kinda like the SG type except better looking plus Im paying more-
So I go to thru the agencies but those fuckers see the $$ in the client and start raising their prices-greedy motherfuckers- so I start doing web searches, which is the worst place to find models.
I also joined that modelmayhem site- I gotta tell you, looking for models on these things is like dumpster diving-you search search search and maybe come out with a half rotten slice of pizza.
Half the girls are dumbass beach bunnies or import models or overweight goth girls-
argh...Or when I find the ones that meet the type, theyre a bunch of amateurs and can only shoot evenings and weekends. Like , Im gonna book locations and crew after hours just to accomodate them- goddam biznatch!
Fucking amateur hour! First model I book, gorgeous gal-but looked at me dumbfounded when I gave her the 8 am call time (it is a job after all)-the asked me when she gets the pics-how about I give you some pieces of paper with a picture of ben franklin on it, Dumbass...
Oh well, Gotta keep looking- Its actually easier for me to find a girl who'll stick a fist up her ass, do it with a smile, get paid and go home- The adult industry is such a comfort zone for me... The civilian world is far too flaky-
Off to my morning beer."

Thank you for posting that... people always do that half posting thing and it drives me nuts.

I think it's very low to post his personal journal rants on a model site.  He is very professional and has worked with tons of wellknown models all over the world.  His work is outstanding, creative and very well liked by many many people.  Sorry to tell you but this photography gig is very stressful sometimes and hey if he feels like he needs to get it out on his own personal journal, that's his business!  He's known for being witty and having a great sense of humor and if you did know him (which the friends on his journal do) then you would get a good laugh from his rant.  Do yourself a HUGE favor and  stay away from gossip sites, keep your nose clean and you will live a happy joyful life.  Don't take everything so personally. Just my 2 cents!


Aug 04 05 09:02 pm Link


top asian model

Posts: 65

San Francisco, California, US

Lol who cares what this idoit says.

Aug 04 05 09:04 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Viva, I agree.  You said it very well.
Don't take it personally.  I went to the page and actually found a link to some of the most incredible body painting I have ever seen.

Aug 04 05 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

After all of what I read, I thought it negative, and didn't go any further. Winkitinki goes some awesome shit..maybe it was just  frustration (as we all have) but it just startled me that such a general comment was being said.

Aug 04 05 10:10 pm Link


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 
After all of what I read, I thought it negative, and didn't go any further. Winkitinki goes some awesome shit..maybe it was just  frustration (as we all have) but it just startled me that such a general comment was being said.

You just don't know him... but trust me.. the five models/or friends on his "personal" journal know that he is a trip and writes things to make them laugh.  He sends me funny emails all the time.  There are two sides to every story and people dam "jump the gun" way toooo often.  He's just ranting in a funny sort of way.  I read rants everyday on those journals!  Anyways,  back to work. 

Aug 04 05 10:26 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Hey, after a night of beer, the best thing I've ever tasted is the cold, half-eaten slices of pizza I put in the fridge from the night before...I miss college sometimes!!!

Aug 04 05 10:30 pm Link



Posts: 9122

I haven't read this thread.

Aug 04 05 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 465

Dallas, Texas, US

Aug 04 05 10:35 pm Link


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

Posted by R0nni3: 
I agree - ignore him. I don't think any model with good sense would work with a turd like that anyway.

Oh really well he has already worked with every top fetish model, pin-up model, etc.   And we really like this Turd!!   Ignore him???  She's on his personal space not the other way around?  His work ROCKS!   Just one very good example here>

Aug 04 05 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 3

you call THAT a good photo? I hope he didn't lose sleep planning that one out. That retro stuff is so not edgy..
I heard he also got her pregnant just so he can have the exclusive photo op. I read that somewhere on the internet where everything is TRUE. ya, come on over and Ill buy you a beer.

Aug 04 05 11:49 pm Link


Gio De Marco

Posts: 10

San Jose, California, US

ya gotta have thicker skin being in this industry I think! ;-)

Aug 05 05 05:52 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

I'll shoot a nice naked pizza tomorrow ,, BTW :-)

Aug 05 05 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

Posted by winkytiki: 
you call THAT a good photo? I hope he didn't lose sleep planning that one out. That retro stuff is so not edgy..
I heard he also got her pregnant just so he can have the exclusive photo op. I read that somewhere on the internet where everything is TRUE. ya, come on over and Ill buy you a beer.

Now that is the best prego chic photo I have ever seen. Tats and all. I wonder if they stretched really bad after the baby?
Did she eat alot of cold pizza too?

Love your work.

Aug 05 05 06:26 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Livejournal is so state of the art y2k.
I have made good friend for years around the world on it, that I meet when I travel.
but they give you tons & tons of filter options for a reason.

Aug 05 05 07:02 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Octavio is actually a really nice guy.  I wouldn't take the comment personally (I'm sure he wasn't talking about you specifically). 

Hell, even I think there is a ton of bad quality stuff here.  Everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?

Aug 05 05 07:23 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

So, I took a look at the website and it's filled with nothing but I HATE YOU kinda stuff. It's kinda funny. Dan's right though, blow it off.

Aug 05 05 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Posted by Louis Braga: 
I'll shoot a nice naked pizza tomorrow ,, BTW :-)

Photographers! They'll shoot almost anything naked.....LOL

Aug 05 05 07:27 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by DawnElizabeth: 

Posted by Louis Braga: 
I'll shoot a nice naked pizza tomorrow ,, BTW :-)

Photographers! They'll shoot almost anything naked.....LOL

I once shot a naked foot on the beach. Mine actually and by accident when I was checking how many frames I had left in the roll of film.

I felt bad looking at the image afterwards. Felt like I was exploiting it. One good thing though...I didn't get aroused. LOL *private joke private joke*

Aug 05 05 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US


If the GWC who wrote is WAS A PRO he would NOT be looking for models.  He would be a HIRED photographer for who ever his Client is. 

Also you should  post the guys ID so all the models would know who NOT to work with.

Aug 05 05 07:41 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Just FYI-- Octavio is NOT associated with the netmodelreview thing on

And personally, I do not consider him to be a GWC.  His work is much higher quality than that.  (Shrug.)

Aug 05 05 07:45 pm Link


Brandy Engle

Posts: 257

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Yeah, I LOVE his work! He has great photos and composition! He always does over the top things in his photographs. SO yeah. I would work with him over any "hired/nonhired PHOTOGRAPHER/PRO" that has to trash other photographers to make their character look a little better than their talent.

Aug 05 05 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Posted by latex-fashions: 

If the GWC who wrote is WAS A PRO he would NOT be looking for models.  He would be a HIRED photographer for who ever his Client is. 

Also you should  post the guys ID so all the models would know who NOT to work with.

BIG HINT, try reading the thread before posting next time!

A FEW MORE BIG HINTS, it's not unheard of to use street casting/real people in ads. It's not uncommon for photographers to either be responsible for or to help with casting for real jobs. It's not uncommon for pro's to do personal work, self produced stock shoots or shooting for their own books and self promo material, and to do the casting for any of those things, and not always through an agency. Lastly, not being a pro doesn't automatically make one a GWC, and being a working photographer doesn't automatically prevent one from being a GWC (although just for the record, my definition, and the one I'm familiar with in general photography circles outside of the net glamour world, is different than what most people here seem to think it means)

Aug 05 05 10:41 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Lol that is actually funny smile

Aug 05 05 10:57 pm Link



Posts: 88

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Sun Karma: 
After all of what I read, I thought it negative, and didn't go any further. Winkitinki goes some awesome shit..maybe it was just  frustration (as we all have) but it just startled me that such a general comment was being said.

Lesson to be learned here people… read ALL the words before you go off half cocked.
Dr. O is the most real deal stand up guy I’ve met in this pathetic town.
The fact that he is a straight shootin’ no bullshit talker is one of the things I love best about em’ 
Ask any Betty he’s shot or any flatfoot fotog who knows him and they will tell you they’d   go to the mat for em’ I don’t know anybody else I can say that about.  You guys crack me up! I feel sorry for y’all that don’t know him!

Aug 06 05 12:10 am Link


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

Posted by _VICTOR_: 

Posted by Sun Karma: 
After all of what I read, I thought it negative, and didn't go any further. Winkitinki goes some awesome shit..maybe it was just  frustration (as we all have) but it just startled me that such a general comment was being said.

Lesson to be learned here people… read ALL the words before you go off half cocked.
Dr. O is the most real deal stand up guy I’ve met in this pathetic town.
The fact that he is a straight shootin’ no bullshit talker is one of the things I love best about em’ 
Ask any Betty he’s shot or any flatfoot fotog who knows him and they will tell you they’d   go to the mat for em’ I don’t know anybody else I can say that about.  You guys crack me up! I feel sorry for y’all that don’t know him!

I love when he's in the   Gotta love it! 

Aug 06 05 08:38 am Link



Posts: 69

London, England, United Kingdom

I only know Octavio/winkytiki via mail but he seems like a funny down to earth guy..

Just reading his 'how to become a glamour photographer faq' cracked me up.

The few mails we have exchanged, I'd say he's a honest funny guy, and I can't wait to get my chance to meet him smile

Octavio's seems like the kind of guy I'd definitely want to get drunk with..and that's based on internet communication..meaning a lot from me, being miss-ocpd big_smile

Aug 06 05 08:56 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Oh my god! How dare someone get frustrated and blow off steam on a personal blog! The bastard! Burn him! I'll get the torches.

Aug 06 05 10:17 am Link