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gordon runkle

Posts: 47

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Robert Lynch wrote:
That should be simple.  What is the lost potential income from those images in the real world due to licensing them to Maxim?   I'm still waiting for someone to answer that.

A dollar three-fitty.  Plus tax.  tongue

Seriously, people seem to forget that the dollar value of something is what someone is willing to pay for it, and not one cent more or less.  All the if's and but's don't change that simple fact.  I suspect that's why no one seems able / willing to answer your question.

As a matter of principle, allowing big media corporations to profit from the unpaid creativity and labor of others (Huffington Post, anybody?) is something that we all should oppose lest we wind up cutting our own economic throats.  Actually *paying* for the privilege of giving away our work should be right out.  Doesn't matter whether it's $5,000 or $5; once they get people to give away the $5, they start trying to get people to give away $10, then $20, then $40, then ...

Remember that the individual raindrop does not believe itself responsible for the flood.

Mar 02 11 10:41 pm Link