Forums > General Industry > WARNING: Alan Headland/Southern Girl Photography



Posts: 2

Canterbury, England, United Kingdom

I did a shoot with Alan Headland (Southern Girl Photography) back in mid-February.  We agreed via email that he would pay my travel expenses (£50) to get from Cardiff to Nottingham.  On the day, the shoot went well but when it came to leaving, I asked for my money and he said he didn't remember telling me he was going to pay.  I have it written down that he did agree, so he said he would pay it into my bank in the next few weeks.
It has obviously been more than a few weeks now, and I have tried emailing, texting and calling him to get it sorted.  He either doesn't reply or tells me he is going to pay it in "next week" but obviously next week never comes.

I am a University student who has no form of income and I'm already £10,000 in debt, I do NOT agree to doing shoots unless I can get my travel expenses paid cuz obviously I cannot afford it.  I am extremely annoyed about the unprofessional behaviour of Mr. Headland and I would like like to warn other models about this.
PLEASE do not agree to working with him if you don't want to forfeit your travel expenses, or if he does agree to pay - get him to pay BEFORE you go!

I don't suppose anyone has any advise of what courses of action I can take now?



Apr 27 05 08:51 am Link



Posts: 23

Carbondale, Colorado, US

The only advice I can give is........ Be a bully and beat him up at least you'll feel better.  But I am going to cheer you up by telling everyone a very short story.

I worked with a photographer in Aug. 2004 doing a TFP shoot. Well He told me that " he would send the cd to me by mail" So I said ok and left it at that, Well Dec. 2004 rolls by and I contacted him yet again. Well I looked at his profile and saw pics of me on there and flipped out. I called him and then I called an attorney.  Lets make a long story short. It is now the end of April and I have only had to CD since the end of Feb. Early Mar.

For all models out there


Hope that enlightened your day.

Apr 28 05 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

KEEP going girls.  This is the only way to FLUSH OUT the USERS. If you say your going to do something Do it. your only as good as your word. We all have trouble with things at times But Make some kind of effort to do whats right.

I tell models and photographers I know with out models Might as well watch tv or movies.

I am gratefull to all the models I have worked with good or bad.  Even if it was bad I learned something. Or just maybe it was wrong timing to shoot with that model. However I feel empty if I do shoot a Model and only get a FEW good pics from her. I feel it's my fault.

If it's a TFP or not. It's no reason to take it out on the model. After all if she agrees to shoot tfp then whats the problem with mailing out a cd. God it's not like it's going to cost more them the time you spent shooting with her or him. I TRY and give the Disc to the Model Right away, especially if they are from out of town. I feel better them the disc getting lost in the mail. But 2nd day mail is 4 bucks. If you can't afford 4 Buck for a tfp them, hmmmmmmm maybe no more tfps for the photographer is needed.

There should be a fourm for dead beats. And a flake models list as well. But kept clean and not slanderous. I tell models look if you want LIE to me if your not going to shoot. I don't care What you tell me. just tell me NO even. Since I make latex custom for some models what do I do with it after a NO show ?  There is nothing wrong with a NO thanks.

But bring on more info  girls I think it's needed.

Apr 28 05 05:35 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Yikes! Remind me never to tick you guys off!

I promise to deliver when I say I'm going to deliver. I promise not to be a palm-licker. I promise not to leave the seat up. I promise not to squeeze the toothpaste from the middle and to always replace the cap.

Ummmm, what else? Hmmmm. Maybe I should also promise to stop going in front of the window of the 24 Hour Fitness cardio room with my models and having them eat donuts while I take pictures of them as people walk on treadmills behind them. That would just be just WRONG!

I like my mind. Sarcasm and wry wit. Where's my book deal?

Apr 28 05 06:04 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

I can't  speak for any other photographer, so this is what you should of done the second you got to the studio or location...was to ask for those expenses up front before the click of the shutter ever went off. I am sometimes sometimes on a location shoot and the art director or client ask me to shoot additional shots......I make sure my assistant has a contract there for them to sign and agree on the additional fees & cost that will go into this. So always keep it professional and ask for things in writing and always get those expenses up front before the first click of the shutter.

Apr 28 05 07:27 pm Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
I can't  speak for any other photographer, so this is what you should of done the second you got to the studio or location...was to ask for those expenses up front before the click of the shutter ever went off. I am sometimes sometimes on a location shoot and the art director or client ask me to shoot additional shots......I make sure my assistant has a contract there for them to sign and agree on the additional fees & cost that will go into this. So always keep it professional and ask for things in writing and always get those expenses up front before the first click of the shutter.

agrees.. I always get paid prior to the shoot when they are asking me to sign the model release. They want the release then they can pay me at the same time.

I sure hope you get your money. Through modeling i've been earning the money I need to pay for my schooling and know how hard it is.
Suggestion for further shoots though.. If I am traveling on expenses of a paid shoot I have them send me the tickets for travel way in advance. If they were intending to pay for it to begin with it's much cheaper for them if they buy it in advance so shouldn't be an issue.
If it is an issue well that could be a warning sign.

Apr 28 05 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Taryn: 
The only advice I can give is........ Be a bully and beat him up at least you'll feel better.

Is gonna mess with Taryn - then give her about 4 hours to stop being a bully. =o)

Really sad that people cant get their stuff together enough to come through. Don't they know how EASY it is to get your name destroyed in this business. And heck it could be just through an accusation.

May 05 05 02:41 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

The longest wait for a CD I have ever imposed on a llama I have worked with is 3 weeks due to other committments and the heavy amount of ps work on the images.  Anything more than a month should be considered delinquent. 

I agree with Alex, any payment business should be first and foremost before shooting begins.

May 05 05 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 1920

Lancaster, Ohio, US

Don't know if this will help or not,  I joined, but have yet to even go to their group.  [email protected]

As for my tfp's,  I have always called up the model and let her pick a day to come over, review what I have edited, and burn her a cd.  Only time I have mailed a cd was for a model I shot a year ago, and she had misplaced/lost her copy. Most have received thier photos within a week.
Steve C.

May 05 05 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Get everything in writing - plain and simple and signed..

I never get asked for anyhitng in writing from the llamas I have worked with - pro or no....

And then when i present the llama release and liability release and picture use form and property release etc - they go "man I never have to fill all this out with other photogrpahers...."


So it goes both ways - but I know I cover my ass regularly.

May 05 05 03:24 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I admit to having been delinquent a couple of times with CDs (with one still outstanding...model is cool with it though), but I'd like to think I made up for it in lots of other ways. For one, free website (independently managed by the llama and initially set up and designed by me), and secondly, free easel style portfolio with some of my prints already in it.

References, to name just a few...

Last, but not least, the attraction I draw for them whenever I get my name out and it's out there. And, the thing I have done is make whatever images I put on my port, immediately available to the llama as a download.

I believe I've gone above and beyond for the llamas I've worked with. So, I hope none are thinking ill about me. I put their interests above mine. All of what I'm doing is a necessary precursor for my ambitions as a Photographer/Manager after retiring from the I.T. world.

May 05 05 03:30 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45291

San Juan Bautista, California, US

You wrote this very well! It is honest and to the point. Don't know if it is proper of will do any good posted here ... except one very important lesson to be learned; Get your money up front before traveling!

Posted by Nixxx: 
I did a shoot with Alan Headland (Southern Girl Photography) back in mid-February.  We agreed via email that he would pay my travel expenses (£50) to get from Cardiff to Nottingham.  On the day, the shoot went well but when it came to leaving, I asked for my money and he said he didn't remember telling me he was going to pay.  I have it written down that he did agree, so he said he would pay it into my bank in the next few weeks.
It has obviously been more than a few weeks now, and I have tried emailing, texting and calling him to get it sorted.  He either doesn't reply or tells me he is going to pay it in "next week" but obviously next week never comes.

I am a University student who has no form of income and I'm already £10,000 in debt, I do NOT agree to doing shoots unless I can get my travel expenses paid cuz obviously I cannot afford it.  I am extremely annoyed about the unprofessional behaviour of Mr. Headland and I would like like to warn other llamas about this.
PLEASE do not agree to working with him if you don't want to forfeit your travel expenses, or if he does agree to pay - get him to pay BEFORE you go!

I don't suppose anyone has any advise of what courses of action I can take now?



May 05 05 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Hell yeah. Or at least a deposit when travel is required. Not that it is ever an issue for us because we don't require llamas to travel and usually travel to them. Well except for this car show we are doing currently.

But when I do TFCD stuff I just burn the CD right then and there. And if that can't be done everything get zipped and thrown on the server where the llama can just download it. No one ever waits longer than 24 hours when possible.

May 05 05 03:58 pm Link