Forums > General Industry > Anyone running Ubuntu?


Virtual Studio

Posts: 6725

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Novus Photography wrote:
I've got a spare laptop that's pretty decent, and was thinking of installing Ubuntu Linux on it and checking out the ease of use on it. (The last time I looked at Linux was quite a few years ago, with Red Hat 6 I believe).

Just wondering if anyone else uses Linux, and if so, what are basic tasks like, like RAW file handling, image transfers (from CF card to HDD), photoshop, and the like?

Cheers in advance!

Use it all the time. Works great. There's some decent RAW processing software and Gimp is great once you have a JPG to work with. If you want to process 16 bit images try CinePaint.

Dont think PS works at all on Linux - but then the whole point of an Ubuntu system s that it's all free / very low cost so PS doesn't work for that anyhow.

CF -> HDD is a automatic.

Oct 05 11 11:49 pm Link