Forums > General Industry > Anyone else have bad TF shoot experiences?


Hancock Image Services

Posts: 185

Rock Hill, South Carolina, US

I've had more issues with paid folks not picking their dang finals so I can edit and close out a shoot...

If there's nothing going on, we're close by shooting or here, I say grab a drink and let's edit! Same day! LOL!

Up to 6 weeks if things are really heavy, but that's pretty rare.

Nov 07 11 07:24 am Link



Posts: 921

Portland, Oregon, US

Shutterbug5269 wrote:
Just about everybody I know of who does TF on a regular basis have had at least one negative TF experience.

Hell I've had several.

It doesn't necessarily make TF a bad thing.

+1 Yes I've had some bad TF experiences, but I've had plenty of wonderful TF experiences too. Don't let a few bad apple ruin the barrel for you. ;-)

Nov 07 11 07:42 am Link


Ashley Graham

Posts: 26822

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Oh god! No not returning pictures, the horror!

It happens all the time

Nov 07 11 08:17 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

did you check references prior to the shoot to make sure at least some models were getting images? some guys just can't deliver (for a variety of reasons). i think for some it's because what they really enjoy is shooting, not processing (but then they should release unedited images or just pay the model already).

Nov 07 11 08:18 am Link


Chloe Selene

Posts: 636

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Was the photographer going to email you the photos?  I've had one or two people email me photos as attachments, and because there were so many attachments or multiple emails from the same address, the got sent directly to spam.

Nov 07 11 02:12 pm Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Cherrystone wrote:
Whatevah are your secrets?

Damianne wrote:
Always bring an escort, never shoot TF* or pay models, keep caution tape on my person at all times, Jesus, and nudes are for people that don't respect their bodies.

You forgot to mention that you BRING an escort, but don't take them back.  The escort stays with the photographer until "All the images" are delivered; "edited." 


Personally, I've had a variety of bad experiences, from cancellations and no shows to a variety of other oddities.  But overall, this site has been a great experience.

Nov 07 11 02:29 pm Link


Lady Pelvic

Posts: 1414

Orlando, Florida, US

C L A V I C wrote:
I always deliver images within a week.

I am awesome.

And modest. ^_^b

Nov 07 11 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 17

Benjamin, Utah, US

1. if the images came out not so good and there aren't any useable images, just say so. ppl will understand. don't just ignore someone who's wondering wth is going on and why theyre not getting their images or a response. take it like a man/woman!

2. if it's taking a while b/c you're backed up on other work, again, just say so. ppl will understand. it doesnt take that much effort to write a short message saying "got kinda busy. still working on the images."

so far, i haven't had any major problems w/ ppl i've worked w/ through MM smile

Nov 07 11 07:53 pm Link



Posts: 106

Brighton, England, United Kingdom

I had problems with an MUA I worked with, not from MM though.  We had worked together three times previously, and I always gave her web-resolution watermarked images, which she had been happy with.  The last time we worked together didn't go so well though! 

After shooting, she told me she wanted hi-res non-watermarked images the next day!  Turns out she needed them for flyers to advertise her business.  She then said she wanted the RAW images for her friend to Photoshop.. 

I think she was just a bit naive about the whole process, and kinda forgot that I wasn't just there to provide her with free marketing materials.  I wanted to get good photos for my own portfolio.

Anyway, the lesson learnt for me was to always communicate thoroughly, and know exactly what each person wants out the shoot if it's TF.

And when it comes to working with clients, I always like to under promise and over deliver.  e.g. I'll tell them they'll get 10 photos in 14 days, but then actually give them 12 photos in 10 days.

Nov 08 11 04:34 am Link


Bora Images

Posts: 40

Totowa, New Jersey, US

Erin x3D wrote:
I have been on a couple of TF shoots with photographers I have never met before, & they seem really eager to work together & nice in person once we do shoot. Now, I don't have a problem if a photographer is going to take a while to get pictures delivered to me, but has anyone else experienced a photographer say they will deliver your pictures by a specific time & then never send them? & on top of that, they ignore you for long periods of time.
WHY DO THEY DO THIS?! It's so unprofessional!!

it hard to tell why! but my advise ;-) if it happen ;-) move on! and depending on details never work with them again!
negative energy is not needed ;-)


Nov 08 11 04:00 pm Link


Jay Tavarez City

Posts: 173

New York, New York, US

There is no excuse for not giving a model their photos. Sometimes however, photos that are not so great tend to go the bottom of the priority list. Even if your photos are bad I believe a photographer should give you the photos.

Nov 08 11 08:50 pm Link


Jay Tavarez City

Posts: 173

New York, New York, US

Irene Elle wrote:
1. if the images came out not so good and there aren't any useable images, just say so. ppl will understand. don't just ignore someone who's wondering wth is going on and why theyre not getting their images or a response. take it like a man/woman!

2. if it's taking a while b/c you're backed up on other work, again, just say so. ppl will understand. it doesnt take that much effort to write a short message saying "got kinda busy. still working on the images."

so far, i haven't had any major problems w/ ppl i've worked w/ through MM smile

This has happened to me especially number 1. I have offered the models the photos and also a chance to reshoot with some suggestions for a stronger photo

Nov 08 11 08:52 pm Link


x Ali

Posts: 2543

West Hollywood, California, US

Shit happens, and it'll continue to happen. I say get used to it, remember who owes you pics, and keep shooting. There's no way to prevent it or weed them out. You can let it get to you, but that's just a waste of energy on negative feelings. When that happens, I sum it up to the experience and when I finally get the pics it's a nice surprised...... unless I've lost too much weight since the shoot to be able to use them haha

Photogs say two weeks.. I say "ok! Great! Can't wait!" and don't expect them for less than a month. What we do we get done immediately. Photographers have todevote tear spare time after the time devoted to the shoot to edit it. If they aren't getting paid, there are a lot more important life things that can come up.. Trade is still trade. I just know this happens so I don't take any time frames seriously! It's better for me that way smile

Nov 08 11 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 1

Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Damianne wrote:
Always bring an escort, never shoot TF* or pay models, keep caution tape on my person at all times, Jesus, and nudes are for people that don't respect their bodies.

While I agree with most of it, I find it very ignorant to say people who shoot nude have less self respect for their bodies. Self respect is based on their own self worth and an opinion placed by you towards their own really doesn't make much sense. While I don't do them myself, nude shots don't have to be erotic or taken for the pleasure of others, nudity can be used in so many artistic ways to create an impact image. Nudity is in Fashion all the time from topless models to semi-sheer or even fully sheer gowns worn on runway and for shoots. A body is simply a vessel we live our lives through and each and every one is unique similar to a water colour pallet mixing with different levels of water to create thousands of shades. The body is beautiful and anyone who chooses to do nude shots shouldn't be put on trial for having confidence to do so. xx

Dec 14 14 09:11 am Link


Loki Studio

Posts: 3523

Royal Oak, Michigan, US

Scarlet_Fawn wrote:
While I agree with most of it, I find it very ignorant to say people who shoot nude have less self respect for their bodies. Self respect is based on their own self worth and an opinion placed by you towards their own really doesn't make much sense. While I don't do them myself, nude shots don't have to be erotic or taken for the pleasure of others, nudity can be used in so many artistic ways to create an impact image. Nudity is in Fashion all the time from topless models to semi-sheer or even fully sheer gowns worn on runway and for shoots. A body is simply a vessel we live our lives through and each and every one is unique similar to a water colour pallet mixing with different levels of water to create thousands of shades. The body is beautiful and anyone who chooses to do nude shots shouldn't be put on trial for having confidence to do so. xx

It's pure sarcasm from 2011.  Let it go, let it go.........

Dec 14 14 09:39 am Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Has happened to everybody at sometime (or it will eventually).

I am bad on delivery, as it may take me as much as a week to even look at them. I want to examine what I got, not what I hoped to get. For some of us, expectations cloud our judgement of what we actually shot and we toss great shots.

And I may not even start editing for several weeks.

Exceptions made if there is some urgency...paid shoot, publication deadline, b-day gift etc.

Dec 14 14 11:36 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

OP is long gone.

Dec 14 14 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US


Dec 14 14 12:46 pm Link


Rik Williams

Posts: 4005

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

David Cajio Photography wrote:
Sometimes real life gets in the way.  You aren't on a site filled with professional photographers and you aren't a model with a professional agency.  You are on a site with a lot of hobbyists and very few professionals. 

Sometimes TF work out, sometimes they don't.  If you want quality images, delivered on time, of a high-standard, than hire a professional photographer with a contract or vet those you choose to work with better.

Couldn't agree more on this point!

On the other hand I once had an expensive location secured, a full creative team on board along with a designer ready to go, only to have an overweight model turn up after lying about her size.
And yes it as a paid gig for her... A complete f@ck up in the end.

Dec 14 14 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 878

Oakland, California, US

Erin x3D wrote:
I have been on a couple of TF shoots with photographers I have never met before, & they seem really eager to work together & nice in person once we do shoot. Now, I don't have a problem if a photographer is going to take a while to get pictures delivered to me, but has anyone else experienced a photographer say they will deliver your pictures by a specific time & then never send them? & on top of that, they ignore you for long periods of time.
WHY DO THEY DO THIS?! It's so unprofessional!!

Thread back from the dead!
OP left the building.

Dec 14 14 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 576

New York, New York, US

If the photographer had high expectations of you before the shoot, then he meets you in person and during the shoot he says to himself "wow...this girl can't model if her life depended on it, this is a waste of my time, cause i'm probably not going to get any images I can use for my port", he's probably going to cut off all communication with you from that point. So if this has happened to you frequently, it's because you're not a good model and photographers feel like they wasted their time doing a TF with you. Only way to solve this problem, is to pay photographers for their time so they have something in return for the terrible shoot.


Dec 17 14 07:14 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Did the OP die of old age?

Anyway.  I never have problems with TFP shoots with experienced photographers.

However, I do notice that photography students seem to be more stingy with the number of photos they give on TFP shoots.  They also seem to not want to provide much resolution either for some reason.  Anyone else ever notice that or is it just me?

Dec 20 14 12:09 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45321

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Scarlet_Fawn wrote:

While I agree with most of it, I find it very ignorant to say people who shoot nude have less self respect for their bodies. Self respect is based on their own self worth and an opinion placed by you towards their own really doesn''t make much sense. While I don''t do them myself, nude shots don''t have to be erotic or taken for the pleasure of others, nudity can be used in so many artistic ways to create an impact image. Nudity is in Fashion all the time from topless models to semi-sheer or even fully sheer gowns worn on runway and for shoots. A body is simply a vessel we live our lives through and each and every one is unique similar to a water colour pallet mixing with different levels of water to create thousands of shades. The body is beautiful and anyone who chooses to do nude shots shouldn''t be put on trial for having confidence to do so. xx

If you knew Damianne, you would know that her entire comment was complete sarcasm.  She does not follow any of what she said.  Anyway, why bring back an ancient zombie thread from 2011?

Dec 20 14 12:33 am Link