Forums > General Industry > Wardrobe and styling...



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Do most of the models pre-arrange their outfits days before the shoot? I was thinking about getting someone to assist me as a stylist to help with my arrangements. What are some of the ways some of you more experienced models go about styling their shoots?

Apr 29 05 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I basically always do my own styling. And yes, that means I spend a few hours putting the outfits together at least a day before the shoot.

I keep my eyes open or something that would work for a shoot when I'm out and about, but I have a pretty obscene wardrobe to pull from already. Occasionally, I borrow pieces from people who trust me.

Apr 29 05 12:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I would hire a stylist to help.  Many will ask you to bring your wardrobe to the shoot, then they will decide what you should wear.  For extra they will shop with you.

Make sure you look at the stylists work first, some are better then others.

If you decide not to hire a stylist, spend a lot of time thinking about what you will wear and then bring some alternatives in case the photographer doesn like what you brought (some things do not photograph well)

Stay away from clothing that is all white, its harder to shoot, it stands out in the photo and it makes you appear larger. 

You would be suprised at what a good stylist can come up with just from the clothing you bring to a shoot.

Apr 29 05 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Thanks, you guys! I have one photographer that is also a stylist and we came up with the most creative shoot. So, I may have to ask her to assist me so I can really create more images to stand out!

Apr 29 05 01:18 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I start thinking about it as soon as the photographer has communicated to me what they're thinking (usually I ask). I always start assembling stuff either several hours before the shoot or the evening before- that way I have plenty of time to deal with wrinkles that need ironed, etc.

I also spend a lot of time in thrift stores, looking for items that would be interesting to shoot in or with.

Apr 29 05 03:06 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I usually tell the model what type of look I'm going for and to bring outfits to match the scenerio.  Sometimes I bring the outfits and find a model to match the scenario.  Sometimes I just don't care and tell them to bring a whole bunch of outfits they like and haven't shot in yet. 

Apr 29 05 07:21 pm Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

I shoot a lot of costume stuff so that's always easy, but generally I find out what the photographer is looking to shoot, and then I either raid my closet or go shopping.  It really isn't that hard.

May 04 05 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

I have bought those handled storage boxes that companies use to store records. I went through my things and items which I don't wear on a daily basis, yet can be used in photo shoots I have put in the boxes. Each one is labeled, such as, Hats, gloves, scarves & boa's etc. another will be shoes (normally have to refill), one for swimsuits & lingerie etc. I keep all my gowns in a hang up bag in my closet so they are always ready to go and it keeps them from getting dusty or having to be cleaned and pressed.
After discussing with whom I'll work with what they are really looking for I'll grab the appropriate boxes and add maybe a few things that they may have mentioned.
In the back of the car I added a hang up bar. A cheap way to do this is buy a shower curtain rod and take off the ends. Put the rod over the hang up hooks in the back and tighten the bar, now you can add your hang up clothes that you just washed and pressed for the shoot and not worry about them getting wrinkled.
I just found in many shoots other ideas come along and it's better to be over prepared then under prepared.

Also it helps me so I don't have to spend countless hours trying to put together outfits.

Even on shoots where the clothes are supplied I bring extra's. Never know when an accessory may come in handy.

At least this makes my life easier.

May 05 05 12:25 am Link