Forums > Model Colloquy > Not posing nude?


Too Hot For Snakes

Posts: 5596


Augustine York wrote:
I for one am really curious about the girls who choose not to pose at all. Y'know, for like... an actual photo shoot.



Jul 15 12 06:36 am Link


Charles Oliver Jones

Posts: 2

Chicago, Illinois, US

I shoot a lot of nudes and beyond.

When I work with a model, the question only has 2 answers: yes or no.  If the answer is no, there is no further need to explain.  Your choice.  Period.  I have absolutely no problem with that and respect your choice enough to not try to convince you to change your principles.

I have had models change their mind after working together, because they like my concepts and "feel comfortable" with me, but I don't press.

My major issue is with models who list that they do shoot nudes and turn around and say that they don't.  But their port is full of nudes.  Or answer a casting that specifically says nudity but their profile says no nudes. 

I would like to see more models be honest in their profiles and to read the castings before just responding.  Put in your profile something like "Yes I do nudes, but not on the first date."

Jul 15 12 06:43 am Link


Jarrell Photography

Posts: 45

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US

There may not be a reason as such,  and it is just about nudity. I think some of it is a perception of portraying sexuality, or even sensuality.
Some models will shoot in a tiny bikini but jeans and a bra is too exposed. Or topless as long as the nipple is covered,  but a sheer top is fine.

Jul 15 12 07:06 am Link


Jarrell Photography

Posts: 45

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US

Jarrell Photography wrote:
There may not be a reason as such,  and it is just about nudity. I think some of it is a perception of portraying sexuality, or even sensuality.
Some models will shoot in a tiny bikini but jeans and a bra is too exposed. Or topless as long as the nipple is covered,  but a sheer top is fine. [/quote

"is not just about. . ."

Jul 15 12 07:07 am Link


Julia Steel

Posts: 2474

Sylvania, Ohio, US

Jem Iredale wrote:
I was wondering what the people who choose not to pose nude's reasons were?

several reasons:

1. don't look all that great naked

2. protective boyfriend who does not want anyone seeing me naked

3. nude photography just doesn't really appeal to me, i'm more into fashion

Jul 15 12 07:47 am Link



Posts: 16084

Herkimer, New York, US

To be honest I never could understand why a model should have to need a reason to choose not to do a particular type of modeling. 

The simple fact that they choose not to do it should be enough and be respected.

Jul 15 12 07:52 am Link


Stay Puft

Posts: 2413

Ofu, Manu'a, American Samoa

Shauna Carlo wrote:
I wouldn't do it for a billion dollars either.

Sorry, I'm just not buying this. I just don't think that you have sat down and thought about all the people that you could help with a billion dollars, even if you don't need or want the money yourself. Is limiting the number of people who have seen your nipples really more important to you than feeding tens of thousands of hungry kids in Africa (for example)?

Either you haven't really thought about what a billion dollars could do for others or you are the most selfish person on earth, which I don't believe either.

Jul 15 12 08:23 am Link


Stay Puft

Posts: 2413

Ofu, Manu'a, American Samoa

I've been shooting nudes for over 10 years, and I agree with those who say that no pressure should be applied. There are plenty of models who will pose nude. That said, here are the responses I typically get when I talk about the issue with models.

1) I don't want someone I know seeing them.
2) I don't want to wind up on a porn site (similar to #1).
3) I'm not comfortable with my body (usually disguised as another answer but you can tell that this is what it really is about).
4) I'm going into a profession or career where it could hurt me (usually a school teacher, but sometimes something else like beauty pageants or police work.)
5) My dad would kill me.
6) My boyfriend would kill me.
7) My agency is against it.
8) Religion

Actually, I probably hear religion the least as it is pretty clear from my portfolio that nude is what I do, so those models tend to self select out before we even talk.

The others are often issues that models want to talk about as they are concerns that can be addressed if the shoot is handled the right way and/or the distribution of the end product is limited, etc.

Jul 15 12 08:39 am Link


Distorted Horizon Photo

Posts: 141

Denver, Colorado, US

Tilcia wrote:
Nude or clothed - it's a personal choice.  It's not right and it's not wrong.. simply a matter of choice by the model.

I don't do nudes - my choice.  I have my reasons and whether someone likes those reasons or not, it's their problem not mine.

Most people find it surprising that one of my reasons is that I'm a minister (now) and I'm trying to raise funds to build/start my ministry to help disadvantaged children.  I doubt some of my staunch supporters would appreciate it (esp. considering that I live the Bible Belt of ubber conservative (often narrow minded) business people).

plus I'm not comfortable being naked ... or even in a bikini...LOL

.... That's what I don't get... this mentality where it's OK to pose like this...

But heaven forbid someone actually see you naked in an art piece such as a painting or a nice black and white gallery shot.

It's just funny that so many make the justification "well at least I'm not naked".

and especially in the bible belt, that shot might not be approved.

Jul 15 12 08:51 am Link


Distorted Horizon Photo

Posts: 141

Denver, Colorado, US

Caustic Disco wrote:

several reasons:

1. don't look all that great naked

2. protective boyfriend who does not want anyone seeing me naked

3. nude photography just doesn't really appeal to me, i'm more into fashion

1. Subjective, I bet if you changed your status to Nudes: Yes, you would have LOTS of people contact you.

2. Sounds like you have a very insecure boyfriend (he doesn't think you look good naked?)

3. I don't know of very many models that actually prefer nudity, they prefer the money that comes with posing nude.

Jul 15 12 08:53 am Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Shauna Carlo wrote:
I said this is the other thread last week. It's the best way I can put it.

I might be a bit "cocky." But I think someone has to be pretty damn special to be lucky enough to see me naked. That's literally how I see it. I like having control over who sees me naked. I don't want just any creep to get to see me.

I won't do it for Vogue or any publication no matter how popular or respected and I wouldn't do it for a billion dollars either. Money doesn't mean THAT much to me. There is NO amount of money to get me naked. I'm not up for sale. 
I do not put others down for being willing to do nudes, nor do I ever wonder why they choose to do nude modeling. Not sure why it is such a question as to why some of us don't.

That's all I've got to say about that, lol. big_smile

So how do you manage to get a yearly exam done?  Seriously its just a body, its really nothing all that special.  I will never understand how some people attach so much significance to nudity. 

Too much drama, I think its easier to shoot food smile

Jul 15 12 09:03 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Trust me -- no one wants to see me nude.

Jul 15 12 09:12 am Link


liindsay ann

Posts: 1861

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I don't like the idea of anyone having access to see my body when they feel like it.. not on mm, but random friends, coworkers, and family.  I also couldn't imagine having an unflattering naked picture out there taken by a beginner photographer.. at least when I shoot my implieds/lingerie my entire body isn't being revealed, and I will settle with the idea the picture looks bad.. because anyone can see my face and body and notice the photographer did a bad job shooting me.  Also, my husband, his family, and my family are pretty conservative and I don't feel like explaining to them anything if they came across it.

Jul 15 12 10:06 am Link


New Kidd Imagery

Posts: 1909

South Salt Lake, Utah, US

liindsay ann wrote:
I don't like the idea of anyone having access to see my body when they feel like it.. not on mm, but random friends, coworkers, and family.  I also couldn't imagine having an unflattering naked picture out there taken by a beginner photographer.. at least when I shoot my implieds/lingerie my entire body isn't being revealed, and I will settle with the idea the picture looks bad.. because anyone can see my face and body and notice the photographer did a bad job shooting me.  Also, my husband, his family, and my family are pretty conservative and I don't feel like explaining to them anything if they came across it.

Another "conservative" excuse.

It's OK if people see me naked or family and friends see me "mostly" naked as long as my nipples and pussy aren't showing.

Well hey, your parents are a lot more liberal then mine.
If any of my sisters posed or had pictures like yours found, there would be a never ending lecture to be heard (even though they are over 18)

Jul 15 12 10:21 am Link



Posts: 11271

Seattle, Washington, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Trust me -- no one wants to see me nude.

What about the dog next door?   smile

Jul 15 12 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I started doing nudes 3 months after I started modeling. I did some implieds first to see if I was ready, and it just ended up being the logical next step.

My fiance doesn't feel any less special because other people have seen me naked. He actually takes a bit of pride in it. "See that hot chick? She's mine!". big_smile He is very proud of my modeling and that's pretty damn awesome.

My parents don't like my nude modeling, but at this point, I don't care anymore. I'm 28, it's none of their business. I don't hide it anymore because there is no point in doing it.

Jul 16 12 06:51 am Link



Posts: 453

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

I'm shy  lol. But I am coming out of that as I get more experience.

Jul 16 12 06:53 am Link


Kaley King

Posts: 1027

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

When I didn't want to the reasons:

1. Worrying what my family would think
2. Worrying about future employers
3.  Worrying about future boyfriends, would people wanna date me if I do something like that?

Then I felt life was too short to live within the confinements of society.

Jul 16 12 07:05 am Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Caustic Disco wrote:
several reasons:

1. don't look all that great naked

2. protective boyfriend who does not want anyone seeing me naked

3. nude photography just doesn't really appeal to me, i'm more into fashion

Distorted Horizon Photo wrote:
1. Subjective, I bet if you changed your status to Nudes: Yes, you would have LOTS of people contact you.

2. Sounds like you have a very insecure boyfriend (he doesn't think you look good naked?)

3. I don't know of very many models that actually prefer nudity, they prefer the money that comes with posing nude.

1. It's still her call.
2.  It's still her business.
3. I know plenty of models who prefer nudity, and plenty more who are neutral.  They're likely to provide better images than someone who has been pressured, by words or money, into something they aren't comfortable with.

Jul 16 12 08:28 am Link


Darren Brade

Posts: 3351

London, England, United Kingdom

Jem Iredale wrote:
I was wondering what the people who choose not to pose nude's reasons were?

Because they have a will of their own?

I don't get all the fuss over those that don't and why some people insist they should. To me it seems just a power-play that some people get off on, imposing their will over another to get what they want.

There's no wrong or right answer, just their answer.

Jul 16 12 08:57 am Link


liindsay ann

Posts: 1861

Cleveland, Ohio, US

New Kidd Imagery wrote:

Another "conservative" excuse.

It's OK if people see me naked or family and friends see me "mostly" naked as long as my nipples and pussy aren't showing.

Well hey, your parents are a lot more liberal then mine.
If any of my sisters posed or had pictures like yours found, there would be a never ending lecture to be heard (even though they are over 18)

My parents haven't seen my pictures here, but if they did, I'd be willing to explain, but if they seen a picture of my crotch and nipples it would be way more uncomfortable to explain - yes lol we must be very different then!

Jul 16 12 11:17 am Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Jem Iredale wrote:
I was wondering what the people who choose not to pose nude's reasons were?

I don't shoot nudes because it's too easy to be repetitive and bland. I suspect some models feel the same way, a great nude is art ... anything less is just a boob.

Jul 16 12 02:25 pm Link


Rays Fine Art

Posts: 7504

New York, New York, US

My observation has been that the real reason, whatever is stated, is that the model wants to be in control of who gets to see her naked, as some models have stated.

I've had deeply religious models and non-models come to me for unpublished nude shoots for their significant others, to have the mementos when they are older, to see what it feels like, because it's a little bit kinky, because it's liberating, just to convince themselves that they can if they ever decide they want to, all sorts of reasons.  Still, for their purposes as well as those of anyone with whom they don't feel comfortable enough to disrobe, they don't shoot nudes. 

If it works for them, it works for me.

Jul 16 12 03:50 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Because they're boring.

Jul 16 12 03:57 pm Link


Thomas Doggett

Posts: 18

Castletown, Castletown, United Kingdom

As one of my old photography professors (Al Darre - was a Navy photog at Normandy) said "no good can come from shooting nudes. It will always come back to haunt you".

Btw - Al died before digital. I'm guessing that has only compounded his statement...

Jul 16 12 04:01 pm Link


Venessa Baez

Posts: 616


I'm a minor.

But, that doesn't stop people from asking me if I'll do them when I turn 18.

My biggest reason for turning it down (even after I turn 18) is because I'm planning on attending college for Broadcast Journalism (possibly to be an anchor), as well as am still at the age where I'm auditioning for "children's" channels and movies. Even at 19/20/21 etc, I'd still be at an age where I'd be expected to be a role model for younger girls. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the artful side of nudes, but I know that 99.99% of mothers wouldn't want their daughters looking up to someone who has done "awful, dirty, scandalous" things.

I think ahead. Oh yeah smile

Jul 16 12 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 510

Portland, Oregon, US

Wysiwyg Photography wrote:
That doesn't stop some wink

I just did some head shots for and actress. She mentioned that at her first shoot, 17 years ago, the photographer stripped naked to shoot her.

Jul 16 12 04:11 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

liindsay ann wrote:

My parents haven't seen my pictures here, but if they did, I'd be willing to explain

I'm confused by this.  What is there to "explain" about the images in your portfolio?  Their nature is self evident.  What is there to explain about a photo of you in lingerie or only partially clothed that would overcome objections to a photo like that existing?

Jul 16 12 04:14 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Danielle Verde

Posts: 122

San Diego, California, US

Jem Iredale wrote:
I was wondering what the people who choose not to pose nude's reasons were?

Maybe because it can portray a negative image to certain clients

Jul 16 12 04:19 pm Link


Distorted Horizon Photo

Posts: 141

Denver, Colorado, US

liindsay ann wrote:
My parents haven't seen my pictures here, but if they did, I'd be willing to explain

Robert Lynch wrote:
I'm confused by this.  What is there to "explain" about the images in your portfolio?  Their nature is self evident.  What is there to explain about a photo of you in lingerie or only partially clothed that would overcome objections to a photo like that existing?

Though I understand what you are saying, this is why models shouldn't give a reason, because then people see "holes" in their argument and try and 'talk' them into posing nude anyway.

I know you aren't trying to talk her into doing nudes, but apparently her parents would be cool about her posing in the nude (as long as nothing is seen)... I don't think most parents see it that way, but who would know her parents better then anyone here except HER.

I know it's crazy, but some people still care what their parents think of them no matter how old they get.

Jul 16 12 07:13 pm Link


Distorted Horizon Photo

Posts: 141

Denver, Colorado, US

Caustic Disco wrote:
several reasons:

1. don't look all that great naked

2. protective boyfriend who does not want anyone seeing me naked

3. nude photography just doesn't really appeal to me, i'm more into fashion

Distorted Horizon Photo wrote:
1. Subjective, I bet if you changed your status to Nudes: Yes, you would have LOTS of people contact you.

2. Sounds like you have a very insecure boyfriend (he doesn't think you look good naked?)

3. I don't know of very many models that actually prefer nudity, they prefer the money that comes with posing nude.

Art of the nude wrote:
1. It's still her call.
2.  It's still her business.
3. I know plenty of models who prefer nudity, and plenty more who are neutral.  They're likely to provide better images than someone who has been pressured, by words or money, into something they aren't comfortable with.

I completely agree.

I just think it's funny that IF they look so bad naked.. why do they constantly STILL get requests for it?

It's definitely her call, but probably mostly in her head that she thinks she doesn't look good naked.

as for #3... I'm still new here, I have had mostly "I'd do that concept if it were clothed"...

Jul 16 12 07:21 pm Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Distorted Horizon Photo wrote:
I completely agree.

I just think it's funny that IF they look so bad naked.. why do they constantly STILL get requests for it?

It's definitely her call, but probably mostly in her head that she thinks she doesn't look good naked.

as for #3... I'm still new here, I have had mostly "I'd do that concept if it were clothed"...

Well, I haven't seen her naked, and I'm not really talking about her in particular, but some models are wrong, and some people don't know, or don't care.

As far as the other; on rare occasions, I have, basically, shot non nude art nudes.  A couple examples:

Jul 16 12 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 185

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Distorted Horizon Photo wrote:

.... That's what I don't get... this mentality where it's OK to pose like this...

But heaven forbid someone actually see you naked in an art piece such as a painting or a nice black and white gallery shot.

It's just funny that so many make the justification "well at least I'm not naked".

and especially in the bible belt, that shot might not be approved.

It's strange what ubber conservative "religious" people think... show a nipple or the nether regions and it's fire and brimstone.  Do lingerie and it's "riske", swimsuit isn't a problem... but you show a nipple or some ass or ass crack or the Y and you've committed ultimate blasphemy.  Seriously.

I find nothing wrong with the naked form.  God created us naked, to not be ashamed but people will quickly turn on you if they feel you're not following the straight and narrow.  (They'll also say they'll pray for your soul so you're not going to hell for "sinning") ... it all makes me laugh.  Sad that people think that way but they do.

Jul 16 12 10:10 pm Link


Ryan South

Posts: 1421

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

small wiener

Jul 16 12 10:14 pm Link


Distorted Horizon Photo

Posts: 141

Denver, Colorado, US

Tilcia wrote:

It's strange what ubber conservative "religious" people think... show a nipple or the nether regions and it's fire and brimstone.  Do lingerie and it's "riske", swimsuit isn't a problem... but you show a nipple or some ass or ass crack or the Y and you've committed ultimate blasphemy.  Seriously.

I find nothing wrong with the naked form.  God created us naked, to not be ashamed but people will quickly turn on you if they feel you're not following the straight and narrow.  (They'll also say they'll pray for your soul so you're not going to hell for "sinning") ... it all makes me laugh.  Sad that people think that way but they do.

Yes, but I think a priest or some religious figure posing in their underwear could be just as scandalous. Especially in the bible belt (I lived there for a couple years, I know what they are like. )

Maybe your congregation would forgive you for posing in your underwear, I don't know.

Basically saying, I'm not judging you... It's not my place to do so, but you are right, Nudity is "Taboo".

Me personally, it would drive me nuts to be dictated by what the public thought of me.. as if I wanted to shoot nudes, I would find a way to do it, but I have found most like to think of excuses rather then state the heart of the situation.

I just don't see why people cannot just be honest and say "I don't do nudes, because I don't wanna".. they think they need to be justified in their reason when, "I don't wanna" is good enough and doesn't need to be challenged.

Jul 16 12 11:32 pm Link


Inactive K

Posts: 803

Pago Pago, American Samoa, American Samoa

I'm not shy about my reasons. There are several factors in my case.

1. I'm comfortable in my skin, but not so comfortable that I can really see myself being successful or useful to a photographer shooting nudes because I feel as though my body can use a lot of work and has flaws. I wouldn't want a photographer to have to spend hours on retouching my keratosis pilaris or my cellulite or my stretch marks... etc, that said, I still feel beautiful... when clothed at least.

2. I'm married, which in itself is irrelevant. My husband and I have talked about it, as a possible future option and he told me he would never tell me what to do or not to do with my body, and that he would support me no matter what, but he did say that he was uncomfortable with the idea of me being naked and available for anyone to look at... Especially because he's a soldier and unfortunately posing nude is STILL taken as taboo in certain organizations. Plus he said he wouldn't want his buddies seeing me nude. It's pretty much a non-issue because even if I did nudes, it would be limited to artistic nudes covering my private areas (I don't know if that's implied then?)... because I really find them so beautiful, but very tasteful too in my OWN opinion.

3. I'm also a recording musician with aspirations for the big stage, and I am fully aware that the choices I make every day will affect my life later on. I know I want to work with children and use music as the means to start a foundation for abused and neglected children someday, and everyone knows how the media LOVES scandal which unfortunately could be presented if ever I did nudes and then someone would turn that into "she did porn" and there goes working with kids. It's unfortunate that the world views it this way, but we all know they do. So to protect my future plans, I have to act accordingly now. Who knows if I'll ever make it, but in the chance I do, well, I want to be smart about it.

Bottom line is, I think nudes are a great form of expression and I would never discourage anyone from doing them. It's all about what one is comfortable with, and I say enjoy yourself, but I know that for me and my life path, it's probably never going to happen.


Jul 17 12 10:49 am Link


Drew Smith Photography

Posts: 5214

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Augustine York wrote:
I for one am really curious about the girls who choose not to pose at all. Y'know, for like... an actual photo shoot.


These are what we refer to as 'Flakes'.

Jul 17 12 10:50 am Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Because I grew up in a family of artists and can appreciate art involving the human form.
Because I love being naked.
Because I look fantastic naked.
Because I love being a part of nude art.
And because reasons.

Jul 17 12 01:02 pm Link


Leopard Noir

Posts: 364

Fremont, California, US

Peter wrote:
I don't really care why you don't pose nude.


Jul 17 12 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 342

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jem Iredale wrote:
I was wondering what the people who choose not to pose nude's reasons were?

I can't imagine one. I hardly ever pose in clothes, and I'm getting old.

Jul 17 12 07:25 pm Link