Forums > Critique > Critiquing Your Profile Away


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Egle Damulyte wrote:
me too ! smile

You have a beautiful authentic look! I absolutely love it. Your gaze is phenomenal. Your photographs are also very professional which shows me you care about your presentation. I would just want to see a bit more of your personality. You nailed down the serious look, now can you do something else besides that? tongue But seriously, props on your portfolio. It's beautiful and elegant.

Aug 23 12 08:28 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Tee ShotMe wrote:
I'm down

I like the fact that you're willing and trying, but you have got to learn a bit more about natural lighting. In your port you say that you love natural lighting, but I'm not seeing you using it very well. This is where you technique lacks. Also, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to work with some serious people. Maybe take a friend that knows the ropes of modeling, but as of right now, you also need to master lighting, which is what's making your port lack in that wow factor. Your avatar is pretty, but I think it's the only one in your port that has some sort of oomph. Best of luck! big_smile

Aug 23 12 08:31 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Maria J Campos wrote:
i'm game

Wow, your lighting is phenomenal. I'm really digging it. Your post work on some of the images is a bit too much for my taste, but I do like that you're playing around with different settings. I would just want to see more of your work, and also more with professional models. Cheers. smile

Aug 23 12 08:37 pm Link


Kerri Jean Photography

Posts: 588

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Oh please, PLEASE do mine!

Aug 23 12 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 585

Denver, Colorado, US


Aug 23 12 08:50 pm Link


Timeless Shutter

Posts: 68

Denver, Colorado, US

what do you think of my work?

Aug 23 12 09:19 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Paige Morgan wrote:

Beautiful facial features. Most of your work is really impressive, but then you have some images (like your avatar) that don't do you justice. Your glamour shots are all very beautiful too, but I'd want to see more lifestyle in your port. Love it when a model shows off a bit of her vulnerable smile. smile

Aug 23 12 09:31 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Ashley Riot wrote:
I'd love some feedback, thanks!

Well, your work is very different, no doubt about that. I see you have found a niche in anime, I believe. The costumes are pretty cool, but it's just not my cup of tea. On that note, I do see that your poses are pretty diverse, and you do happen to have good connection with the camera. I would also say to stay away from collages. They take away from an image, and just really makes the viewer just spasm a little. To be honest, I didn't know where to start.

Aug 23 12 09:37 pm Link


Gina Model

Posts: 7

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm new at modeling so I would appreciate helpful feedback. Thanks!

Aug 23 12 09:40 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Fotografica Gregor wrote:
I would be interested -

Studio work = stupendous. Would love to see more on location stuff, but I read that you work from a studio, and that's where your niche is. What about guys? Do you not shoot guys at all? Also, as far as your avatar goes, I'm not a huge fan of it. I think the background gradient takes away from the subject. I do happen to like your variety, and how beautiful your models' poses are. I would also suggest trimming down your port. You have a beautiful port, we get it tongue

Aug 23 12 09:41 pm Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

Would like some feedback!

Aug 23 12 09:44 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

HEATHER 27 wrote:
ok then

Love your serious look, but like I told you in our last critique, I'd love to see different facial expressions. Also, I'm not digging the runway images, I don't think they do much for your portfolio. Your eyes are beautiful, so I like how most images capture that. smile

Aug 23 12 09:45 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Angelcliff Photography wrote:
Interested. Thank you

Absolutely love your work. Your top four images are by far your best work, which brings me to say that you should watch out for some of your other work because it doesn't showcase your strength, which is mostly close-ups and headshots.

Aug 23 12 10:03 pm Link


Winnie L

Posts: 5868

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


Aug 23 12 10:46 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

zoe chanel wrote:
Would love to hear what you have to say.

I see you've updated your port. Digging it. Your avatar is beyond beautiful! Props. You definitely just need to continue building it because you have such a natural talent at just being yourself in front of a camera. Some people try too hard; you, don't even have to try at all. smile

Aug 24 12 08:20 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

GabrielleEC wrote:
I'm down for some hardcore critiquing!

So, some of your photos seem like they're high quality and come from good photographers. Then there are a few that seem like they were just possibly shot by a friend with a camera. To be honest, I'm much more of a fan of the photos when you don't look directly into the camera. There's something about them that just feel a lot more natural and dreamy. Also, just watch out for your poses. Like I told the critique before, there are just some models that try too hard to be models, and it sometimes come across like that in some of your photos.

This one is by far my fav of yours. smile

Aug 24 12 08:23 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Jason Rahim  wrote:
me next

Well, let's just say that your portfolio lacks in pretty much everything. If you're serious about llamaing, then you have got to hire someone for at least some good headshots.

This one is okay. Still a bit rough, but decent. Like I said, go out there and explore with a good photographer you're willing to hire.

Aug 24 12 08:28 am Link



Posts: 294

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Felipe Jimenez wrote:
It's time to get serious. Comment on here and I'll let you know what I truly think of your portfolio. I will let you know your weaknesses, as well as your strengths, and what you can do to improve (at least in my opinion).

Disclaimer: I will provide more feedback on some portfolios if I feel they can be improved. If I feel yours can't really improve, then I won't leave you as much feedback.

As far as nudes come, I can critique your work, but if that's all you have in your portfolio (not even classy nudes), then I will most likely not critique it at all.

Who's ready to play?

It could be fun and enlightening. Give me a go smile

Kayz Modelling

Aug 24 12 08:31 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Hey guys. This is a tip for EVERYBODY!!

I know that everybody here wants to do mostly TF, but just because you do TF does not mean you will get the quality you want/need.

If you want to be taken seriously, then do serious work with serious photographers, even if it comes to spending a bit of $$$. I'm not saying that just because I want to get paid. I've done most of my portfolio (actually, all of it) as TF because I feel it will add strength and substance to my portfolio.

Rather, I'm saying it because as a professional photographer, I want to see those willing and passionate about modeling succeed.

Aug 24 12 08:32 am Link



Posts: 2

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Im game! Be honest, Im just getting started, and havent posted my best work yet

Aug 24 12 08:32 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Angels  Deadly Syn wrote:
yes please I am new to photography besides lighting what do I need to work on?

Well, let's just say that your avatar is decent. I would recommend really learning how to use your camera and play with angles. Try not to use the flash if you don't really know how to use it, and also try not playing too much with photoshop. Some of your post work is too amateurish. On the good note, I feel like you have some good concepts going on. Props. smile

Aug 25 12 12:15 pm Link


Todd Aaron

Posts: 40

Tyler, Texas, US

I don't feel like mine is strong at all. Critique away please.

Aug 25 12 12:23 pm Link


Luna Diosa

Posts: 13242

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

Felipe Jimenez wrote:

Well, let's just say that your avatar is decent. I would recommend really learning how to use your camera and play with angles. Try not to use the flash if you don't really know how to use it, and also try not playing too much with photoshop. Some of your post work is too amateurish. On the good note, I feel like you have some good concepts going on. Props. smile

Thank you smile I am trying to figure my camera out more I have no training at all in photography so I am really starting from scratch lol (I am on my model page)

Aug 25 12 04:02 pm Link


Penelope Davis

Posts: 67

Southampton, England, United Kingdom

I'll play smile

Aug 25 12 04:08 pm Link


Liv Luciano

Posts: 5

Chico, California, US

I'm game! What do you think?? smile

Aug 25 12 05:21 pm Link


Candy Ma

Posts: 167

San Diego, California, US

Would love some critique!

Aug 29 12 10:32 pm Link


Model Gia Lee

Posts: 46

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Felipe Jimenez wrote:
It's time to get serious. Comment on here and I'll let you know what I truly think of your portfolio. I will let you know your weaknesses, as well as your strengths, and what you can do to improve (at least in my opinion).

Disclaimer: I will provide more feedback on some portfolios if I feel they can be improved. If I feel yours can't really improve, then I won't leave you as much feedback.

As far as nudes come, I can critique your work, but if that's all you have in your portfolio (not even classy nudes), then I will most likely not critique it at all.

Who's ready to play?

I am too

Aug 29 12 10:41 pm Link



Posts: 391

Telluride, Colorado, US

It looks like you truly are giving some great feedback. I'm curious to see what you think.

Aug 29 12 10:48 pm Link


Kenzi D

Posts: 54

Denver, Colorado, US

If you're still going I would love to know what you think so far.

Aug 29 12 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 124

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

I'd like to know - if you still have time.

Aug 29 12 11:35 pm Link


Love Annie

Posts: 60

Arcadia, California, US

I'm down too! I'm still new, but like constructive criticism smile

Aug 29 12 11:50 pm Link


D Massey

Posts: 33

San Javier, Murcia, Spain

I'm ready! big_smile

Aug 30 12 01:40 am Link


Madison P Cook

Posts: 136

Miami, Florida, US

Please, please wink I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Aug 30 12 09:44 pm Link


Seismic Images

Posts: 525

Morisset, New South Wales, Australia

Ok, and thanks.

Aug 30 12 09:46 pm Link


Eleanor Rose

Posts: 2612

PASO ROBLES, California, US

I have mostly nudes, but I'd at least like to know if you're willing to critique me.

Aug 30 12 11:17 pm Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Ani A wrote:
I only two weeks into modeling, so please help me learn! Right now my portfolio is so scattered because I don't have much to choose from.

Good start. I would say definitely work on your facials. You have poses down. Start also playing around with your environment. smile

Oct 05 12 08:38 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Ashley Holloway wrote:
Sure! I'd like to hear your opinion smile

You have an amazing portfolio. Now, the thing I would focus on is making your MM visually appealing. What I mean by that, is put all horizontal pictures on one line, then all the vertical ones on another, etc. I think this is easier on the eye if someone is just previewing your work. Good stuff though. smile

Oct 05 12 08:40 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Mia sahurie wrote:

You are stunning my love. Great portfolio. Super short, simple, and to the point. Definitely a great way to wow photographers, or other models on this site. I'd love to see more of your work on there though.

Oct 05 12 08:41 am Link


Felipe Jimenez

Posts: 407

Denver, Colorado, US

Candy Ma  wrote:
I'm in. Would love some critique! smile

Your pictures are a bit too portrait for me. Kind of reminds me of senior portraits. Maybe you want to do more commercial, and that's fine. I'd want to see more of your work.

Oct 05 12 08:43 am Link


Affinity Finch

Posts: 652

Torpoint, England, United Kingdom

I love your work, So I'd ove to know your thoughts! smile

Oct 05 12 08:46 am Link