Forums > Newbie Forum > Gas money and TF Shoots...


255 West

Posts: 6468

New York, New York, US

There's no way of knowing if it's really going to gas.

There absolutely is. It's called a receipt.

Mar 16 13 05:07 pm Link


255 West

Posts: 6468

New York, New York, US

acc2 wrote:
Personally i think it's pointless . trade shoots for me have to
be majorly worthwhile for me to do  and anyone that good i wouldn't ask
for "gas money" from .

Iv'e actually been offered travel money in the past and refused
it- i budget from the money i get from paid shoots so can
take gas money  if i so wish to trade with someone
out of that .

better pictures have always got me more work ]
which is more than worthwhile .

then again im not driving the car your driving big_smile

Um ... yeah.

#1 This is business, NEVER EVER TURN AWAY MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2 The trade is not gas money for photography ... it's your modeling for photography.

Mar 16 13 05:31 pm Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

255 West wrote:
There absolutely is. It's called a receipt.

Because I'm really going to ask the person what they really spent $50 (or whatever) on?

Andrew Thomas Evans

Mar 16 13 05:36 pm Link


255 West

Posts: 6468

New York, New York, US

Andrew Thomas Evans wrote:
Because I'm really going to ask the person what they really spent $50 (or whatever) on?

Andrew Thomas Evans

Some, no, many people here don't seem to understand business etiquette ... it's 100% fine to talk money, to talk expenses, and to ask for receipts. That's all standard business practice. I don't understand why people are so terrified to talk about money ... THAT'S what business is!

She asks for Gas money, the photographer (maybe) gives it to her, then he says "I need to make a copy of your gas station receipt for my studio expense record" ... and it's all legit.

Nothing underhanded or rude about it in the slightest ... and completely STANDARD business practice.
It would announce tho the world "AMATEUR" to NOT talk money.

Mar 16 13 06:02 pm Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

255 West wrote:
Some, no, many people here don't seem to understand business etiquette ... it's 100% fine to talk money, to talk expenses, and to ask for receipts. That's all standard business practice. I don't understand why people are so terrified to talk about money ... THAT'S what business is!

She asks for Gas money, the photographer (maybe) gives it to her, then he says "I need to make a copy of your gas station receipt for my studio expense record."

Nothing underhanded or rude about it in the slightest ... and completely STANDARD business practice.

Many people here take things way too seriously.

Andrew Thomas Evans

Mar 16 13 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 264

San Diego, California, US

Absolutely OK in my book...  it is just a good idea to ask before drive a 100 miles to get to a shoot in case the photographer is to cheep to offer.


Mar 16 13 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 3409

Tempe, Arizona, US

SPV Photo wrote:
Anybody can ask for anything. Whatever is agreed upon between the two parties is what is acceptable.


Mar 16 13 06:18 pm Link


Ray E Garner

Posts: 127

Asheboro, North Carolina, US

Even it's a TFCD Shoot I give the model gas money and buy their lunch if they have time after the shoot if she comes to me,If I travel to her I still offer to buy lunch for her but that 's just the way that I like to do things concerning a TFCD Shoot.

Mar 18 13 03:11 am Link



Posts: 85

Portland, Oregon, US

I recently flaked on a model (crisis situation) who drove a long way only to bang on my door for nothing.  In a follow-up email about rescheduling, she said she thought it would be fair if I helped pay for gas.  Hell, yeah, I think it's fair.  It wasn't my fault that I missed the shoot, but I did leave her on the hook for all that gas, so I need to make it up, and I'm happy to do so.  Even if it means scrounging for change under the couch. wink

Mar 19 13 02:58 am Link


Silver Mirage

Posts: 1585

Plainview, Texas, US

255 West wrote:

There absolutely is. It's called a receipt.

Does it matter if it goes directly into the tank? Maybe the model used next week's lunch money to fill the car before she drove to the session.

Doing business requires a certain amount of trust and flexibility.

Now if the photographer needs a receipt for tax records it is easy enough to type one up and have it ready for the model to sign when the money changes hands. Just call it "travel expenses" and be done with it.

Mar 21 13 12:01 am Link



Posts: 710

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I agree with other posters who said don't agree to a TF shoot, then ask if you can get gas money.  Personally I wouldn't have too big a problem if a girl I really liked who lived pretty far away asked for $10-$20 in gas & tolls.  Just ask prior to accepting the gig, on that condition, in your first response.

I'm sure some ppl would be turned off by it, if so then so be it.  Better than losing $$ on your end,.

Mar 21 13 06:07 am Link



Posts: 18465

Orlando, Florida, US

I had models answer my TF casting calls and then ask for gas money. I told them  to not answer a casting call if the location is to far for them.

Mar 21 13 06:11 am Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Never pay models... Unless paid by a publication or client... Will always pay gas money and sometimes hotel for model depending on how good she is and the distance

Mar 21 13 11:49 am Link


Melle Gabriella

Posts: 7

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Hey everyone I'm fairly new to mm. Please feedback my work. I'm trying to grow as a new model.

Mar 22 13 05:32 pm Link