Forums > Model Colloquy > What can a photog do to attract nude models?



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

- Put some fine art nudes in your portfolio.
- Casting calls.
- Use the browse function to search models in your area who list that they do nudes, and ask if they would like to shoot.
- Offer images of exceptional quality as compensation, and if that doesn't work, look at working on paying some people so you can create images that WILL attract trade nude models.

Lennon wrote:
If you shoot fine art nudes on a trade basis what do you look for?

When I was actively modeling, I looked for:
- Images that were better than the quality of what I had in my portfolio at the time.
- Money

If I didn't feel someone could improve my portfolio with their images, I requested financial compensation, and that was that. Many of the more experienced art models you will find online shoot for pay. Hard truth. If you can offer them something special with your images, you will find some who will trade with you. If you have nothing to offer them, you will find out pretty fast.

Lennon wrote:
What can I add in my port to help?


This is not the critique forum. We are not allowed to critique you here.

May 14 13 12:15 pm Link


Hugh Alison

Posts: 2125

Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom

Eliza C wrote:
Why would we need another nude photograph no matter how good on our ports? There are only so many nude photos we need.

The great art nude models seem to remain enthusiastic and interested in producing fresh art.

It's not necessarily just a job.

May 14 13 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Hugh Alison wrote:

The great art nude models seem to remain enthusiastic and interested in producing fresh art.

It's not necessarily just a job.



May 14 13 12:23 pm Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

That Italian Guy wrote:

Even the very best and most popular models will shoot nudes on a trade basis IF they think they're going to get something out of it that will improve their portfolio and generate bookings.

Ironically, the worst and least popular models often don't seem to understand this and are the ones who resolutely demand pay regardless of the quality of the photographer, and thus their portfolios never improve and they end up not getting the bookings they so desperately chase!

Just my $0.02


Absolutely true!

In a nutshell, shoot work that nude models would want in their portfolio and you would have no problem getting nude models for TFP. As suggested, if you're serious about this, get a critique in the serious critique forum

May 14 13 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 4834

Houston, Texas, US

Hugh Alison wrote:
The great art nude models seem to remain enthusiastic and interested in producing fresh art.

It's not necessarily just a job.

Maybe.....but it doesn't mean they shouldn't be discerning about who they work with..... I think we're all saying the same thing smile

May 14 13 12:27 pm Link


Hugh Alison

Posts: 2125

Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom

KevinMcGowanPhotography wrote:

Maybe.....but it doesn't mean they shouldn't be discerning about who they work with.

They are.

May 14 13 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 1120

Pembroke Pines, Florida, US

Pay and or do dope shit

May 14 13 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 4834

Houston, Texas, US

Hugh Alison wrote:
They are.

Unfortunately for them,  some photographers don't see it that way.

To the OP.. This has been discussed.. A LOT..  I think the general consensus has been, if you're not attracting the models you want for TF then offer money.  Get the book you want and see THEN if you can get TF.

May 14 13 12:37 pm Link


Dark Shadows

Posts: 2269

Miami, Florida, US

I think if you persist in contacting models eventually some of them are going to say yes.

It might seem to you logically that it might be better to contact newer models that have a more pressing need for portfolio photos, but that is not necessarily the case. A lot of newer models believe they should get paid for nude work regardless, so sometimes contacting more experienced models works out better, in my experience.

I should mention that you also should try outlets other than MM. FB is a good one, and there are others.

May 14 13 12:39 pm Link


Swanson Studios

Posts: 403

Galesburg, Illinois, US

In a word.... Make it rain money!

May 14 13 12:45 pm Link


Hugh Alison

Posts: 2125

Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom

From my experience:

1) be outstanding at fashion nudes, and live in somewhere near a major fashion centre

2) be outstanding at art nude in the landscape, and live somewhere incredibly beautiful


3) own horses, and let naked chicks ride them

Note the words "outstanding" in 1 and 2, and "horses" in 3.

May 14 13 01:00 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

If you shoot fine art nudes on a trade basis what do you look for?
What can I add in my port to help?

No critiques in this forum; I haven't viewed the OP's portfolio.

How to get models to pose nude for you:

Pay them:  A model's rates are mostly dependent upon the supply & demand of suitable & willing models.  In most areas, there is high demand & modest supply of models willing to pose nude.  Hence, nude models are often paid.  So, what's the problem with paying models?

Offer them superior quality images:  Photography is a very competitive business -- why would a model choose to work with you as opposed to your competition?  If you produce only "average" images (and again, I don't know), why would a model want to spend time with you?

Offer something else in trade:  For example, I am reasonably well known in my local artistic community since I am a communications hub for "the gang".  I have produced some good images, and many local photographers & models recommend me to beginner models.  Some newbies are happy to do trade with me, because I might be able to provide them with good images and with visibility to many dozens of local photographers.

May 14 13 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 5236

Dearborn, Michigan, US

I have shot art nudes for TF lots of times. Out of those times, I think they all fell within a handful of scenarios:
1. Early on in my modeling I just needed the experience so I was pretty open to shooting with anyone who looked like they could handle lighting and could get decent photos with a good reputation/references. This was how I developed my port and got paid work and TF shoots with better photographers. I am no longer able to do this because I do not have the time and I have a pretty solid port.

2. Friends. As in real friends who have been there for me who happen to be photographers as well. This also usually means there is a collaboration as well and that we have come up with the concept or style ahead of time.

3. A local group shoot where we all pay a small fee to shoot in a secure, safe, interesting location and book 1 to 2 hour time slots with each other. This is currently the #1 way to get to shoot with me, even over offering me pay. The event happens 2 or 3 times a year and I usually get any where from 6 to 9 shoots in. I usually try to book some photographers who I have worked with before, some who have very nice portfolios, and one or two who I have not worked with before and who may not be up to the usual standards, but who seem nice.

4. People who have a portfolio full of art nudes that make me wish I was the model in at least half the shots.

5. Providing some sort of additional goodness that entices me to shoot. This might be a body painter, an MUA, some kind of awesome unique wardrobe, a really cool location, live animals (this is a big, big drive for me personally), etc. I need unique stuff for my portfolio and to show my fans. Unfortunately this usually means you either have connections to those things or you paid out of pocket to get them which is not really completely TF, I suppose.

And also, and I say this a lot, I like nice people. I also like photographers who make me feel like they want to shoot with me not just any ole model who is willing to pose nude. Telling me you like my posing, or my look, or whatnot gets you some serious points. Granted you still need to have the skills, but if I am on the fence, that will bring me over to your side ^_~

As far as what I like to see in a portfolio:
- awesome lighting, awesome lighting, awesome lighting
- some unique angles or at least very flattering ones
- photos that make me wish I were the model in them

May 14 13 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 2590

Chicago, Illinois, US

I don't know if this has been covered or not but if you want to shoot nudes you should have some in your port. So I guess it's a bit of a catch 22.

My advice would be to be straight forward in saying that you want to shoot nudes. As opposed to trying to talk models into it once they get there. I did a whole series of nudes with models from MM for an art show I was a part of last year. Many of them are on my port. I didn't pay any of them. What I did do was invite them to the party. Me and 11 other photographers/ artists/ etc... we had a live dj/ catered food/ and went through something like 85 bottles of wine. So I sold it as great work for their portfolios, plus a party. And once I had a few examples to show, others came on board. Still it wasn't easy recruiting and there were a few models I would have loved to shoot with who just weren't up for shooting nudes tf*.

Good luck!

May 14 13 08:29 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

I look for the experience doing nudes and good quality images.

May 14 13 08:57 pm Link


Wesley Norman Studios

Posts: 51

Mount Clemens, Michigan, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

You could also target your local college community. Use resources beyond MM like FB or Craigslist. Get people to give you a good reference (maybe giving them a bonus for a successful referral). Get involved with your local shooting community (even if they don't specifically shoot people). Among many other options.

I love college girls and Craigslist, most of the the time $20 per hour/ or $50 for 3 hours (and 3 different sets).
They are happy they just made $50. and you have plenty of photos, you can use  the photo's in your port.
Fill your port with quality art nudes and that will attract women to do it more on a trade basis.

But no one will do a TF shoot if they can't see your quality or how it will benefit them.

Wesley Norman
Ultra Shot Studios

May 15 13 01:00 am Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

Don't use the words fine art as nobody knows what it means.

May 15 13 08:54 am Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

M Pandolfo Photography wrote:


Or ANY Fine Art Nudes. I don't mean that as a Critique, just an observation. I would find it very difficult, if not impossible, to attract models to shoot High Fashion as a Trade, if I had no High Fashion images in my portfolio.

It's a bit of the Chicken/Egg argument. How do I attract models for Fine Art Nudes when I don't have Fine Art Nudes? And how do I get Fine Art Nudes if I can't attract the models?

Unless it's a model I know, who is willing to help me out of the goodness of her heart, I might have to pay a model in order to accumulate the type of genre I want to pursue.

Exactly, just like we had to pay to go to school and learn photography we have to pay to develop our first portfolio.  Even if a model is willing to trade there are many cost involved in producing a great shoot.

May 15 13 09:02 am Link



Posts: 2351

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

I found nude models at university by socializing in the bar with the fashion students and beauty students, some of whom were really keen to TF nude. Once I had a bit of practice, sometimes later on while shooting a paid job, I might ask the model to TF afterwards.

I would say having MM models listed in my profile has seemed to change the amount and type of messages I get from people. Mostly people want to shoot nude, and specifically charge more for nude. I do have problems on MM, but finding nude is not one of them, it's more like unclear communication or people ticking "fashion" but getting awkward over wearing a pair of tights. Nude models are very straightforwards here, they want the bigger money and are happy shooting nude for it.

May 15 13 09:29 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

About half of the art nudes I've done were on a trade basis.  Most were with models newer to modeling and most I got from casting calls other than MM. 

Most very experienced models will be very selective in accepting trade, but there are people out there who value nude images of themselves and will welcome the opportunity for trade. Compared to paying experienced models it means weeding through people who are unsuitable and more flaky behavior.

What's also worth noting is that many models seeking pay accept rates much lower than one commonly sees mentioned in the model rate threads.

May 15 13 09:46 am Link


Twila Jean

Posts: 67

Davis, California, US

Pay up?

May 15 13 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 224

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Don't say any of these things if you want to get or keep a model around:

May 15 13 03:44 pm Link


Bare Essential Photos

Posts: 3605

Upland, California, US

You need to be persistent and maintain your focus.

May 15 13 03:56 pm Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

If you shoot fine art nudes on a trade basis what do you look for?
What can I add in my port to help?



Paying tends to work.

Or, just have images they want for themselves.  I didn't look at your work, to avoid a potential critique.

May 15 13 05:20 pm Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

ontherocks wrote:
i'm willing to shoot with just one stripbox and have worked with great art nude models but i don't claim to be an art nude shooter much less a fine art nude shooter. i just shoot cheesecake for the most part and am happy with that. the fine art guys i know agonize over what kind of paper to use for their gallery prints of models on driftwood or models as pretzels.

It has nothing to do with what lights you use; I get a lot of my best stuff with natural light, and I've had plenty of models impressed with images I took with a $10 shop light.

May 15 13 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 1988

New Brunswick, New Jersey, US

Lennon wrote:
...what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me...


May 15 13 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 4649

Rochester, New York, US

Pay them!

May 15 13 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 369

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Fotopia wrote:
There are but two methods of finding models to work with:

1. Pay them.

2. Provide them with absolutely spectacular work unattainable anywhere else.

It doesn't matter if you think you are producing "Art", it only matters if others believe it.

+ 1

As a professional model, I do extremely limited TF, especially nude...but there are still a few photographers I am generally willing to do trade with (assuming I have the time), because they are amazing & I know they will give me quality images I could definitely see in an art gallery.
Ed Freeman is one of those photographers:
Alberto B is pretty rad too:

I will also do some nude trade for very dear friends who may be of similar quality to those I would require pay; but that's solely because they are good friends and though their portfolio may not be amazing, it is still strong.

May 15 13 09:03 pm Link