Forums > Model Colloquy > Models have you ever had a "skeevy" experience


Revenge Photography

Posts: 1905

Horsham, Victoria, Australia

T A Y L O R  wrote:

Because it's not the first time it's happened and I'm used to telling people no. Everyone has their limits. I'd rather discuss what mine are than have assumptions made. I think he was confused by the phrase "sex positive" because he mentioned that without seeming to know what it meant. FWIW: sex positive does not mean I like a lot of sex, especially with people who are not my boyfriend. roll

I guess he got confused by the sex positive thing, it might be a good idea to avoid mentioning it at shoots.

Jul 02 13 05:10 am Link



Posts: 96

London, England, United Kingdom

Never had the displeasure of finding myself in an unsafe situation smile
ever ! maybe im just lucky .

Sure some people can be a little weird but again , things can interpreted 
the wrong way so i would probably brush it off .

I get alot worse when i go out clubbing

& I generally find the majority of the people iv'e worked with
to be far more respectful than some random dudes
in clubs/ bars and even just walking around town .

Jul 02 13 05:39 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

T A Y L O R  wrote:
99% sure a photographer I worked with earlier this month ended our shoot like 4 hours early because I wouldn't agree to have sex with him for money.


Jul 02 13 06:16 am Link


R Bruce Duncan

Posts: 1178

Santa Barbara, California, US

I'm confused, Star-

Forgive me, but I'm pretty new.

I went to your profile, and it says

"While I have chosen to remain a member I want to publicly state that I am not affiliated with MM's management on any level. I do not approve of the management of this site and how it drives professionals from participation and would not recommend the forums to any person, professional or amateur...."

If you don't recommend the Forums, why are you posting here?


Jul 02 13 08:40 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

R Bruce Duncan wrote:
I'm confused, Star-

Forgive me, but I'm pretty new.

I went to your profile, and it says

"While I have chosen to remain a member I want to publicly state that I am not affiliated with MM's management on any level. I do not approve of the management of this site and how it drives professionals from participation and would not recommend the forums to any person, professional or amateur...."

If you don't recommend the Forums, why are you posting here?


In fairness to Star, she is unable to reply at this time.  Please do not infer anything from her lack of response.

Jul 02 13 09:22 pm Link


R Bruce Duncan

Posts: 1178

Santa Barbara, California, US

Post hidden on Jul 04, 2013 10:14 am
Reason: not helpful
please focus on the topic(s) at hand, not the person(s) presenting them

Jul 03 13 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

R Bruce Duncan wrote:

Buy you lunch next time I'm in Santa Barbara? big_smile

Jul 03 13 11:36 pm Link



Posts: 39248

Portland, Oregon, US

T A Y L O R  wrote:
Because it's not the first time it's happened and I'm used to telling people no. Everyone has their limits. I'd rather discuss what mine are than have assumptions made. I think he was confused by the phrase "sex positive" because he mentioned that without seeming to know what it meant. FWIW: sex positive does not mean I like a lot of sex, especially with people who are not my boyfriend. roll

Revenge Photography wrote:
I guess he got confused by the sex positive thing, it might be a good idea to avoid mentioning it at shoots.

sex positive:

He was positive he was going to have sex
She was positive she was not going to have sex

Jul 03 13 11:49 pm Link



Posts: 14585

Palm Beach, Florida, US

ontherocks wrote:
by the legal system is what i was told. his wife had to take over shooting duties for their boudoir business.

I can't imagine how that did not destroy his business altogether.

That story sounds a little off to me.


Jul 03 13 11:54 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

Moderator Warning!
Everyone, please keep your posts and comments focused on the topic and ideas presented, and not on the person(s) presenting them.


Jul 04 13 10:08 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

dunno. i haven't tried to research it. but it was presented very matter of factly. people (models, photographers, MUAs) are always telling me stuff. how much of it is true i can't say but they seem earnest enough when they are saying it.

Chicchowmein wrote:
I can't imagine how that did not destroy his business altogether.

That story sounds a little off to me.


Jul 04 13 10:21 am Link


Amul La La

Posts: 885

London, England, United Kingdom

I wonder what sort of responses would be disclosed if there was a thread title,

"Photographers have you ever had a skeevy experience"

That would be interesting.

Jul 04 13 12:43 pm Link


Chelsea Marlo

Posts: 144

Portland, Oregon, US

Definitely. The first photographer I ever worked with touched me very inappropriately and tried to pay me to have sex with him. I also had a recent experience where a photographer I had known for two years and thought was harmless tried to get me drunk and hook up with me despite being married. I've also had photographers who didn't touch me make creepy comments about my body. It's part of the industry.

However, most of the photographers I've worked with are actually decent and professional people. And there's been a lot of them. So check your references and it should be fine. With the creepy ones I hadn't checked and now I always do.

Jul 04 13 01:56 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

the lady who does my hair recently tried modeling for the first time and told me about a skeevy experience with the photographer and asked if that was normal? i thought about saying "well, it might be normal for model mayhem" but thought better of it.

but really there seem to be a lot of guys wanting to get physical with their model and wanting to push their boundaries to see how far they will go. maybe they should have hired an escort from backpage or gone to a strip club instead. it's one thing to ask your model for a date (apparently some have said yes judging from these forums), quite another to sexually assault them or try to take advantage of your position and their newbieness to get some action or feel manly because you talked them into doing something they may regret later. just seems like there's a certain lack of respect for the model that's missing with some of these guys. i'm all for people getting laid but i think there's a right way to go about it and a wrong way. and i'd hope that culturally we're evolving to the point where taking advantage isn't the right way.

Jul 06 13 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 152

Los Angeles, California, US

A guy that used to post on a forum I used to frequent would always post pics, (of not very high photographic quality), of girls he called "models", and in the pictures he'd be fingering them.

In none of his numerous posts did the women ever look comfortable.

I felt so bad for those girls. he always maintained they were models who just let him touch them, but I have a hunch he was hiring prostitutes for his photo shoots. This guy was disgusting, he looked like Jabba the hut, and his hands were inside these girls.

Very very skeevy. I despise that dude and I wish the forum would have banned him. I've got nothing against pornography mainly because the women agree to do it, but the thought of a model going to a shoot and ending up getting touched by some GWC really really bothers me down deep. I pray that those girls were ok with those shoots, as there was no photographic merit to anything I saw posted.


Jul 07 13 11:55 pm Link


Caitlyn xo

Posts: 1

Seattle, Washington, US

I had it happen where the photographer touched my breasts, and then asked me to touch myself while he "walked away." I was so uncomfortable. I just kind of felt like he was just there to look at me, and then take pictures to "save for later."

Jul 08 13 12:01 am Link



Posts: 73

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Well after reading all the posts here, its really a shame of what models have gone through.

I here all the stories from models but try and stay focus with my shoots in a professional manner. I had one model who kept on telling me about all her bad experiences and she did not have any nice things to say about other photographers so I cut the shoot early. There's a time, place and people who could help models with these experiences but when a model goes on and on about it during a shoot gets pretty annoying.

Also, I attended a meetup shoot with other photographers which I don't do anymore. One of the models brought up a photographer in question and I was listening to this photographer who wouldn't shut up about the other photographer. He didn't even know the other photographer and was making judgements. It ruined the whole flow during the shoot and again I left early.

I don't condone any kind of improper behaviour but noticed sometimes this topic seems to get brought up and wish it wouldn't during a shoot. All my other experiences have been very positive.

Jul 08 13 09:44 am Link


Nikki Vicious

Posts: 131

Flower Mound, Texas, US

Funny that I see this now...

I had a photographer that found me on another modeling site, said he wanted to book me for a pinup shoot. I'm thinking ok cool, no big deal. We emailed back and forth, he seemed ok, and he had actually shot with a few girls I know locally, based on his port, so we traded numbers just so we could set the shoot up quicker. He called me, asks the normal questions about rates, days I'm available... Nothing really unusual. Out of the blue, he goes "now, with your rate, does that come with a blow job?"

I seriously thought that I had misheard him, so I politely said "I'm sorry, you cut out, could you repeat that?"

He comes back with "will you put your mouth on my cock? If I'm paying you that much, you better be fucking me as well."

That ended that call real quick. The photographer now says that his account was hacked, and the number that the guy called me from doesn't work, so I honestly don't know if he's telling me the truth or not... But just eww.

I have had photographers book me for something like swimsuit or implied, and they try to get more... I'm sorry, but I'm not dumb enough to put my ass in the air and "pretend like I'm feeling myself" and "no one will be able to see it" when you're standing directly behind me. One, who is apparently also on MM, also likes to sell pictures that are supposed to be TFP shoots to porn sites without model releases at all... So I'm wondering how long before other models figure that one out.

Jul 08 13 10:39 pm Link


Mike Batz Photography

Posts: 35

Los Angeles, California, US

WOW...just, WOW.

Nikki Vicious wrote:
Out of the blue, he goes "now, with your rate, does that come with a blow job?"

That ended that call real quick.

Jul 11 13 12:03 pm Link


Gianna Virginia

Posts: 178

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Star wrote:
Look, I personally could give a rats ass about escorts. So don't even think this is about this, but i am a bit tired of people pretending that mdoeling is just like working in a bank.

So, let's put it to the population at large.

Models, have you ever been in a shoot (or casting) where the photographer began acting in a way that felt "skeevy*."

If you have been, would you be comfortable enough to share some details about that experience?

* Skeevy covers a range of things, like touching, talking in a creepy manner, offering money or other things in exchange for sexual favors, writing you messages, blowing in your ear and calling you his little princess- you know what i mean by skeevy

Yes. I felt objectified the whole shoot. He kept saying things like "that's delicious" etc. Then he asked for a hug good bye and kissed me on the cheek. Gave me a bottle of champaign and kept texting me and obsessing about the shoot. I was very skeeved.

Jul 11 13 05:01 pm Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Star wrote:
Look, I personally could give a rats ass about escorts. So don't even think this is about this, but i am a bit tired of people pretending that mdoeling is just like working in a bank.

I think that the mistaken part of this whole conversation is the idea that people DON'T behave inappropriately when working "in a bank."  Whether it's trying to date the pretty new teller, or tying promotions / whatever to sexual favors or hoped for sexual advantage, inappropriate actions are sadly common in business settings.  It's pretty much inconceivable that model photography wouldn't share that problem.

But, when some models report half, or nearly all, shoots have involved inappropriate behavior by the photographer, and other models report hundreds of nude shoots with NO such problems, it seems kinda hard to accept that it's random.

Jul 13 13 09:36 am Link


name removed3

Posts: 264

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Meghan Hale wrote:
2 experiences, both online.

1.  I was once contacted by a woman who was recruiting models for a clothing store.  She told me that the photographer would want to kiss me and I had to be okay with that, and that it's something I'll have to deal with in the industry.   Instantly stopped contact.  (I was unfortunately never told the name of the store, or anything that could have me report her).

2.  I photographer I worked with twice started being creepy, saying things about how we should do a shoot with more cleavage and whatnot (I was 14 at the time).  About a month after that, he told another model how hard it was to shoot her without getting a boner, and after that he became pretty much of a joke in my city's local industry.  He was also very unprofessional, though I worked with him because I needed experience (this was again shortly after I started modelling).

if the word Boner is uttered by the photog, then yes you picked a winner and you should run the fuck out.

Jul 17 13 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 3557

Muncie, Indiana, US

Yes. I would prefer to not give details.

Jul 17 13 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 16

Kearney, Nebraska, US

I have never had a skeezy photographer, however I have an escort with me at every photo shoot, and I make it very clear that I do NOT do nudes. HOWEVER I had a friend ask me about a photographer that I had just worked with because he had messaged her on here. I told her that his photography was not exceptional and all of his photos in his port were suggestive but I had no reason to think he was a perv.
When she came back she was nearly in tears. He spent the entire shoot trying to convince her to get naked (even though she had told him over and over that she didn't do them or implied.) He kept at her the entire time. Every photo he took was awful because he was so busy trying to get a 'panty shot'. And the ones that weren't like that she looked so uncomfortable that they were just awful.
I haven't had this happen to me, but I think that some photographers need to respect the models and their morals.

Jul 19 13 04:09 pm Link