Forums > Newbie Forum > Asked for 10 erotic self-shots - scam?


Llyn Stransky

Posts: 3

Los Angeles, California, US

Hi!  My name is Llyn, and I'm total NOOOOOB, so please bear with me.  I replied to an email I received about a music video, and a gentleman called me.  He explained that the music video was for a "famous artist", but he could not say who it was.  He said that the casting director asked me to take 10 self shots in the mirror and send them within the next half hour.

I said this made me uncomfortable, and he asked why.  I explained that those are not professional photos, and I do not want "selfies" floating around of myself, and he told me that I was being illogical because no one would ask me for selfies because so many are available.  However, I feel that men do this sort of thing on the internet aaaalll the time...

What is your response to this?  Is it "normal" for a casting director to provide NO information about the production and ask for photos of your body like that?  It seemed shady to me.


Sep 09 13 12:46 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

10 seems like an odd amount.

And your title says that is a tip off of a scam if that's what they are looking for.

Otherwise, I think two photos of you in a bikini (taken by you or someone else) is not a big deal.

If they are's likely BS.  I'd pass.

Sep 09 13 12:52 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

It is a scam.  He wants to see you nekkid so just ignore him and move on.

FYI, you are right, there is absolutely no reason.

Sep 09 13 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 10604

Los Angeles, California, US

Sep 09 13 01:01 pm Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

This sounds very similar to a call that another L.A. friend of mine got recently that was so ridiculous that she called me to listen in.

The guy was a fast talker and through the entire 20 minute phone call would not identify himself, only to say that if he told her who he was, and who he was casting for, her head would explode.

He went on and on about needing current (like today) full body nudes, even though she had several nude photos taken recently available on her MM.  And he talked about this project of his that would be worth billions if successful, and even millions if it was a total failure.

It's disappointing that this ever works, but if it didn't, they'd stop calling people out of the blue.  Be smart.  No one needs 10 selfies of you.

oh... and he was incredibly condescending and even downright rude at times, insulting her.  Apparently, if the hard sell doesn't work, the next tactic on their list is to berate you into thinking that  you're not good enough for the project, but you'll do with a little grooming.

We both got a good lol out of it.

Sep 09 13 01:03 pm Link


Awesome Headshots

Posts: 2370

San Ramon, California, US

Llyn Stransky wrote:
Hi!  My name is Llyn, and I'm total NOOOOOB, so please bear with me.  I replied to an email I received about a music video, and a gentleman called me.  He explained that the music video was for a "famous artist", but he could not say who it was.  He said that the casting director asked me to take 10 self shots in the mirror and send them within the next half hour.

I said this made me uncomfortable, and he asked why.  I explained that those are not professional photos, and I do not want "selfies" floating around of myself, and he told me that I was being illogical because no one would ask me for selfies because so many are available.  However, I feel that men do this sort of thing on the internet aaaalll the time...

What is your response to this?  Is it "normal" for a casting director to provide NO information about the production and ask for photos of your body like that?  It seemed shady to me.


Not as much as a scam but a ploy for a perv doing the five knuckle shuffle with his piss pump adding selfies to his spank bank collection.

Ignore, block and move on. Oh yea, and welcome to MM big_smile

Sep 09 13 01:15 pm Link


Vector One Photography

Posts: 3722

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I know your are new and I don't want to be mean but if you need to ask this question you shouldn't be in the industry. There are two types of people, sharks and lunch and if you are not careful you are going to be lunch.

Sep 09 13 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

What kind of scam artist needs ten erotic selfies?

OP if you are sending any out, I'd be fine with just 5 or 6.


Sep 09 13 01:22 pm Link


Hikari Tech Photography

Posts: 791

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Yeah, it's a scam when the 'pressure tactic' respond now comes into play. The fact that the person gives you no usable info but wants you pretty much nekkid should also scream scam.

Good start with your port and welcome to the Mayhem.

Sep 09 13 01:40 pm Link


Llyn Stransky

Posts: 3

Los Angeles, California, US

Thanks for all your help and positive vibes!!! smile

Sep 09 13 01:48 pm Link


Flex Photography

Posts: 6472

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Where did they get your email in the first place?
Don't trust random email contacts!

Sep 09 13 07:52 pm Link


Rebel Lens

Posts: 225

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

No casting director would send you an email asking for 10 self shots of you in a mirror or even one shot for that matter.

The alarm bells should have gone off the minute you read that.

He's more than likely some sleaze trying to get a cheap thrill of seeing a half naked or naked girl.

The sad thing is lots of girls fall for it.  sad

Oh, I'm new here by the way..."So Hi!"

Sep 10 13 01:28 am Link



Posts: 11271

Seattle, Washington, US

I would've sent him 10 photos of some naked, hairy, fat ass dudes for the the fun of it. In case if you can't find any on the internet, I'm sure if you post a casting call here, there will be many photographers to volunteered their photos to be used, with their faces and identity covered of course.

Wouldn't that be a trip? I can't wait to see his reaction when he opens the files and thinking he got lucky and scored. smile

Sep 10 13 01:40 am Link



Posts: 250

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Makes me wonder if these guys are hoping to sell these pictures or something. After all if he was after a quick 5-finger shuffle the internet is already full of dirtee pics... (Unless perhaps he has exhausted the *entire* internet!)

Sep 10 13 01:41 am Link


Nico Simon Princely

Posts: 1972

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

It sounds like a scam. But not because he asked for mirror pics.

I have cast for nude/erotic models before and had girls reply that had no nude images. So I had to ask if they had some. If not, I told them a self mirror pick was ok front, back and both sides so I could see their body. It was no scam, I would not commit to booking someone for a nude shoot not even TF that I had not seen nude no professional would do that. Only an amateur getting of on getting a girl naked would agree to a nude shoot with someone they have never worked with or seen nude.

Now if you were not casting for a nude shoot he should not need to see you nude. That would be a Red flag!

I have seen some hip-hop videos where the models were topless. And if that's the case he would need to see you topless but that should have been explained along with who the video is for and who will be in it.

To me the most scammy part is that he gave you no info on what it was for. Legit castings in both acting and modeling always tell you what the job is and who you will be working for and for what. Even in the Adult industry they are open about that. Red flag #2

I vote Scam!

Sep 10 13 02:01 am Link



Posts: 3409

Tempe, Arizona, US

If you have to ask then it's time to move on...!  :-)

Sep 13 13 05:36 pm Link