Forums > Model Colloquy > They wont ...!


Nina Carter

Posts: 129

London, England, United Kingdom

* Question  now answered*

Recently i was sent to shoot a set for a uk mens mag i was like GREAT
well paid ,great photographer great team shoot went well -sort of

and then....

I get a call ******* is  witholding payment until
you provide us with 2 Forms of photographic ID
bearing in mind i had already given them one form of id
and none of this was mentioned before or during the shoot
or before i signed the release

why would they a) need too forms of photo ID ?
and b ) not mention any of this before or during the shoot

The only thing i an think of is the photographer kept saying oh you don't look 18 -you look underage every f**king ten seconds which is kind of
offensive anyway .

Maybe they where thinking i was lying about my age  which
is kind of laughable if you met me i could probably pass for like 28
but you can't refuse to pay someone because you think they look
younger- that's ermm not fair

Quickly sent of for a second form of ID, i was told to get hold of another one quickly like within the week that's almost impossible - also concerned
about getting it quickly - as i changed my address less than a month
ago and not registered the new one on the electoral roll
as of yet -so not sure if when they check whatever they
have to check weather that will affect anything ??

If that happens can they really just not pay me /
especially as iv'e already given them Proof of age /what can i do ?

Oct 28 13 02:03 pm Link


Awesome Headshots

Posts: 2370

San Ramon, California, US

Nina Carter wrote:
* Long post beware *

Recently i was sent to shoot a set for a uk mens mag i was like GREAT
well paid ,great photographer great team shoot went well -sort of

and then....

I get a call ******* is  witholding payment until
you provide us with 2 Forms of photographic ID
bearing in mind i had already given them one form of id
and none of this was mentioned before or during the shoot
or before i signed the release

why would they a) need too forms of photo ID ?
and b ) not mention any of this before or during the shoot

The only thing i an think of is the photographer kept saying oh you don't look 18 -you look underage every f**king ten seconds which is kind of
offensive anyway .

Maybe they where thinking i was lying about my age  which
is kind of laughable if you met me i could probably pass for like 28
but you can't refuse to pay someone because you think they look
younger- that's ermm not fair

Quickly sent of for a second form of ID, i was told to get hold of another one quickly like within the week that's almost impossible - also concerned
about getting it quickly - as i changed my address less than a month
ago and not registered the new one on the electoral roll
as of yet -so not sure if when they check whatever they
have to check weather that will affect anything ??

If that happens can they really just not pay me /
especially as iv'e already given them Proof of age /what can i do ?

Sounds like they're either scamming you and will never pay you or they're total paranoid meth heads. In either case, what does your agreement/contract say for pay? If you signed it, provided what the contract asked for i.e. proof of age then you might want to consider putting your foot down and demanding payment.

Good Luck big_smile

Oct 28 13 02:14 pm Link


Nina Carter

Posts: 129

London, England, United Kingdom

Awesome Headshots wrote:
Sounds like they're either scamming you and will never pay you or they're total paranoid meth heads. In either case, what does your agreement/contract say for pay? If you signed it, provided what the contract asked for i.e. proof of age then you might want to consider putting your foot down and demanding payment.

Good Luck big_smile

The company is respectable and the amount there paying me
although nice money too me for one shoot - would be small change to the
actual company- this is why i never assumed i would have trouble
getting paid

Now i am like What the actual fuck .

edit: didn't read  whole paper -but everything seemed fine at the time as in no one mentioned it when i was SITTING  there just  what was told to sign looked like a standard model release

Photographer wrote on it "3" sets and the amount supposed to be Transfered into my account and that was it ...

Oct 28 13 02:23 pm Link


Awesome Headshots

Posts: 2370

San Ramon, California, US

Nina Carter wrote:

The company is respectable and the amount there paying me
although nice money too me for one shoot - would be small change to the
actual company- this is why i never assumed i would have trouble
getting paid

Now i am like What the actual fuck .

So what does your contract say for compensation?

Oct 28 13 02:25 pm Link


Nina Carter

Posts: 129

London, England, United Kingdom

Awesome Headshots wrote:

So what does your contract say for compensation?

edited post read above ^

Oct 28 13 02:32 pm Link


Jonathan M Hughes

Posts: 48

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

"Photographer wrote on it "3" sets ... " is that 3 sets of photo ID or pictures?

Oct 28 13 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 269

Dallas, Texas, US

I work as freelance labor outside the photography world.

If this is a large, respectable company, you will probably be paid.  It may take some patience.  If you plan to work with them in the future, tread lightly.

I would:

#1) Read your contract.  Find any sections that deal with payment.  Some have a clause that indicates when you should expect payment.

#2) Politely call your contact and explain the situation.  Bear in mind that in these big companies, the accounting department is probably a bureaucracy and works very slowly.  Also bear in mind that depending the UK law, the clock to pay you may not start until they have 2 forms of government ID.

#3) Talk to your local labor board.  Many of them have free legal services that offer advice on the best way to resolve a situation like this.  In the US (Texas) if you are not paid for work, you would file with your county unemployment office.  They would contact the business in question and get their side of the story.  They would have a hearing and render a decision.  Small claims court would be another option.

My only thought for two pieces of ID is '80s porn star Traci Lords.  She was 15 and made many adult movies (with 18 being the minimum age).  She had a fake California driver's license and a fake US passport.  All of the producers that were charged with making child pornography were found not guilty.  The lawyers argued she fooled both the State of California and the US government, so why should porn producers be held to a higher standard.

Good luck.

Oct 28 13 02:48 pm Link


Nina Carter

Posts: 129

London, England, United Kingdom

thanks guys have reply now



Oct 28 13 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 3782

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Nina Carter wrote:
* Question  now answered*


The only thing i an think of is the photographer kept saying oh you don't look 18 -you look underage every f**king ten seconds which is kind of
offensive anyway .

Maybe they where thinking i was lying about my age  which
is kind of laughable if you met me i could probably pass for like 28
but you can't refuse to pay someone because you think they look
younger- that's ermm not fair


Modeling is how you look more times than not. And as I get older, I have a tougher time judging ages.

I cannot vouch for UK laws, but the ID is required in the US for explicit shots, not simple nudity. The only other reason to require ID is to ensure you are of legal age to sign the model release yourself. I'm not certain why two forms of ID are required, unless it a personal thing of varying laws.

Once they start shooting, it seems they do owe you compensation. If they were going to be strict on the IDs, they should have told you before the shoot, and then not shoot until you presented the IDs.

Oct 28 13 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 3078

Los Angeles, California, US

some publications and/or companies just want 2 IDs whether they legally really need them or not.

Oct 28 13 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 4627

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Always read the contract no matter how it "looks" when glanced over.

Oct 28 13 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Quite common for 2 pieces of Gov't ID (at least one of which has photo and age) before the photos can be sold to a number of publications.

Legal stuff related to proof of who you are and that you're old enough for both the content being shot and for the contract to be valid.  Plus to fulfill legal record keeping requirements should they wish to distribute / sell the content (magazines or online) in some countries.

Translation: Depending on their market, they can't make money off of your sets without it, and they're holding payment to make sure they actually get the required IDs on record, so that they haven't wasted their time and resources.

The only surprise was they didn't get your proper ID on file at the beginning of the shoot before even proceeding...

Hope that helps!

Oct 30 13 03:48 am Link


R Byron Johnson

Posts: 767

Norman, Oklahoma, US

It's quite common for men's or adult magazines to request two forms of ID.  You have Traci Lords to thank for that.  Only one photo ID is legally required for a sexually themed shoot, but many publications and websites like to have a second form of ID just to prove that the first ID isn't fake.

It may sound silly, but there's valid reasons for it.  A friend of one woman I photographed who was only 17 was using a fake driver's license to get adult gigs.

Oct 31 13 07:04 pm Link