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Forums > General Industry > Minors shooting lignerie?


TreyB Photography

Posts: 34

Lancaster, California, US

I would like to first note that I have not indicated that I have agreed to do this type of shoot, so please keep this in mind when firing back responses about my morality.  I am just curious about other's professional opinions and experiences with situations like this.

I was approached by a model who is under 18 and wants to do a modest lingerie shoot.  None of the shots will be more revealing than typical swimwear (not see-thru or overly skimpy.)  Her mother has also agreed to sign a model release with her.

I'm interested in hearing how other photogs handle situations like this. 


Nov 16 06 08:13 am Link


Lee Gillies

Posts: 1560

London, England, United Kingdom

you have her parents permission, do it. If you want to.

Nov 16 06 08:15 am Link


WZ Photography

Posts: 584

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

Lingerie might be too much however, a bikini shoot might be more appropriate.


Nov 16 06 08:16 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Legal and appropriate are often two different issues. I don't know the law and I'm sure it varies by state but if you have parental consent and no nudity is involved I'm pretty sure it would be legal. Appropriate is something you have to decide along with the parents I would think.

Nov 16 06 08:18 am Link


James Hilsdon

Posts: 31

Hagerstown, Maryland, US


If you allow this you are looking for trouble.

She is underage. In some states, a minor in bare FEET is all it takes. I'm serious, if you wan't to protect your REPUTATION as well as your BUSINESS then DON'T DO IT.

What would her parents say?  Have they been with her at any of her photo shoots (IF NOT YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. THEY SHOULD BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES. PERIOD)

Does this young lady have any particular REASON to be photographed in lingerie? It is very unwise for her to go down that path anyway. Young girls should not act so sexy. Youth is much more beautiful without all the added vampiness. I'd have a talk with her parents.

Nov 16 06 08:18 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Hilsdon Photography LLC wrote:

If you allow this you are looking for trouble.

She is underage. In some states, a minor in bare FEET is all it takes. I'm serious, if you wan't to protect your REPUTATION as well as your BUSINESS then DON'T DO IT.

What would her parents say?  Have they been with her at any of her photo shoots (IF NOT YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. THEY SHOULD BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES. PERIOD)

Does this young lady have any particular REASON to be photographed in lingerie? It is very unwise for her to go down that path anyway. Young girls should not act so sexy. Youth is much more beautiful without all the added vampiness. I'd have a talk with her parents.

In what state is it illegal for a minor to show their bare feet lol? He already said her parents consented to the shoot content and would be present. Just for arguments swimwear appropriate?

Nov 16 06 08:23 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Hilsdon Photography LLC wrote:

If you allow this you are looking for trouble.

She is underage. In some states, a minor in bare FEET is all it takes. I'm serious, if you wan't to protect your REPUTATION as well as your BUSINESS then DON'T DO IT.

What would her parents say?  Have they been with her at any of her photo shoots (IF NOT YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. THEY SHOULD BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES. PERIOD)

Does this young lady have any particular REASON to be photographed in lingerie? It is very unwise for her to go down that path anyway. Young girls should not act so sexy. Youth is much more beautiful without all the added vampiness. I'd have a talk with her parents.

Did you even read his post!? And, sorry to say, most of what you've written is hyperbole.

Nov 16 06 08:24 am Link



Posts: 133

San Antonio, Florida, US

Hilsdon Photography LLC wrote:

If you allow this you are looking for trouble.

She is underage. In some states, a minor in bare FEET is all it takes. I'm serious, if you wan't to protect your REPUTATION as well as your BUSINESS then DON'T DO IT.

What would her parents say?  Have they been with her at any of her photo shoots (IF NOT YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. THEY SHOULD BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES. PERIOD)

Does this young lady have any particular REASON to be photographed in lingerie? It is very unwise for her to go down that path anyway. Young girls should not act so sexy. Youth is much more beautiful without all the added vampiness. I'd have a talk with her parents.

I think you have to substiture "churches" in for "states" for this to make sense

Nov 16 06 08:26 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12986

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Oh good lord must we have this pissing match every two days?

Someone will tell you that there is nothing wrong with it, that 14-18 year olds are developing young women and have a right to explore their blossoming womanhood on film and will point out that someone has to model for the sears catalog. They will point out that it is not against the law and they will mostly be right.

Someone else will tell you it's immoral and illegal and the baby boobie police will lock you up as soon as your finger touches the shutter, and who knows maybe on some level they might have a point.

If you really must know use the search feature and look up the 12,057 previous threads on this and every possible variation of this thread.
Lord knows we don't need another bitchfest thread (but I guess we have it).

Nov 16 06 08:30 am Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

Legal or not...... I wouldn't go there, why take such a "risk".
Not a morality judgment..... just a fact. Think of it this way....
In lingerie, what kind of expression would you be going for form her... what kind of expression would she want to give the "camera"?
If a picture speaks a thousand words... what would you want an under aged girl in lingerie to say?  "Back Off I'm jail bait!"

Nov 16 06 08:33 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Oh good lord must we have this pissing match every two days?

This is getting to the point where I'm just cutting & pasting previous comments just to bump up my post numbers smile And besides, it's not every 2 days...more like every day.

Nov 16 06 08:34 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

There are different and polarized opinions on this, because our lives and professions as photographers are very different.

If I was a famous photographer routinely shooting for Victorias Secret, Macy's, Vogue, etc., I would not have the slightest hesitation at shooting an under-18 model in lingerie for a client of that stature to include in their advertising or editorial materials.

If I was a small-time local photographer whose clients tend to be his subjects, I would not shoot a minor in lingerie for any amount of money, regardless of whether or not she had parental permission or not.

If I was a photographer who often shoots adults, creating images with sexual themes, I would not shoot a minor in lingerie for any amount of money, regardless of whether or not she had parental permission or not.

It's that simple.

Trey Bruggeman Photo wrote:
Just curious what everyone's opinion and the laws are on models of minor age (under 18) shooting in lingerie.  I am asking this only because I was approached by a model who is under 18 and wants to do a lingerie shoot.  None of the shots will be more revealing than typical swimwear (not see-thru or overly skimpy.)  Her mother has also agreed to sign a model release with her.

I'm interested in hearing how other photogs handle situations like this.


Nov 16 06 08:37 am Link


Real people

Posts: 148

Chicago, Illinois, US

Trey Bruggeman Photo wrote:
Just curious what everyone's opinion and the laws are on models of minor age (under 18) shooting in lingerie.  I am asking this only because I was approached by a model who is under 18 and wants to do a lingerie shoot.  None of the shots will be more revealing than typical swimwear (not see-thru or overly skimpy.)  Her mother has also agreed to sign a model release with her.

I'm interested in hearing how other photogs handle situations like this.


Why would you want to photograph a child in lingerie? Just because you have a parents permission doesn't make it right. There are parents who sell their children to others. There are people who force children into prostitution.

Not saying that you are or the parents are, but if you can't decide what is right for yourself, then there seems to be a problem.

Nov 16 06 08:38 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Oh good lord must we have this pissing match every two days?

Someone will tell you that there is nothing wrong with it, that 14-18 year olds are developing young women and have a right to explore their blossoming womanhood on film and will point out that someone has to model for the sears catalog. They will point out that it is not against the law and they will mostly be right.

Someone else will tell you it's immoral and illegal and the baby boobie police will lock you up as soon as your finger touches the shutter, and who knows maybe on some level they might have a point.

If you really must know use the search feature and look up the 12,057 previous threads on this and every possible variation of this thread.
Lord knows we don't need another bitchfest thread (but I guess we have it).

Of course we must, this IS Model MAYHEM after all. What fun would it be without the MAYHEM part?

Nov 16 06 08:39 am Link


Ron Casas Photography

Posts: 813

Chapin, South Carolina, US

If for some strange reason I get hired by “Haines” or “Fruit of the Loom” to shoot their teen line of undergarments I am all over it and would do it in a heart beat. Now if the intended purpose is to just have sexy photos of the teen in question then I would have to decline the job, because it just does not fit with my moral values.


Nov 16 06 08:40 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12986

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Oh good lord must we have this pissing match every two days?

Michael Pandolfo wrote:
This is getting to the point where I'm just cutting & pasting previous comments just to bump up my post numbers smile And besides, it's not every 2 days...more like every day.

Yeah.... you're right,
But I don't log in every day,
So I am saved some of the Horror of it all.

Nov 16 06 08:41 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12986

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Mark Reese Photography wrote:
Of course we must, this IS Model MAYHEM after all. What fun would it be without the MAYHEM part?

I would just like to see some new topics,
Like maybe is SHEEP PORN illegal?
and what are the barnyard boundaries?
Is it ok for the GOATS to watch?
or more on topic what is the age of consent for a hot young Ewe?

and when is James going to chime in and offer to shoot the lass free of charge?

Nov 16 06 08:46 am Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hilsdon Photography LLC wrote:

If you allow this you are looking for trouble.

She is underage. In some states, a minor in bare FEET is all it takes. I'm serious, if you wan't to protect your REPUTATION as well as your BUSINESS then DON'T DO IT.

What would her parents say?  Have they been with her at any of her photo shoots (IF NOT YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. THEY SHOULD BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES. PERIOD)

Does this young lady have any particular REASON to be photographed in lingerie? It is very unwise for her to go down that path anyway. Young girls should not act so sexy. Youth is much more beautiful without all the added vampiness. I'd have a talk with her parents.

woah... sounds like someone has over reacted just a bit.  whenever someone says underage people immediately think of 12 and 13 years old.. no one unless they're a pedophile would shoot that.. however 17 years old? 16? i could see that depending on the models look.  let not forget, we shoot a model because of a look that we or the client wants not the age.

Nov 16 06 08:47 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Trey Bruggeman Photo wrote:
Just curious what everyone's opinion and the laws are on models of minor age (under 18) shooting in lingerie.  I am asking this only because I was approached by a model who is under 18 and wants to do a lingerie shoot.  None of the shots will be more revealing than typical swimwear (not see-thru or overly skimpy.)  Her mother has also agreed to sign a model release with her.

I'm interested in hearing how other photogs handle situations like this.


Legally, there is no law preventing you from doing the shoot.
Morally, that is up to you.

Nov 16 06 08:48 am Link


JLC Images

Posts: 11615

Phillipsburg, New Jersey, US

If this kid and her parents are hell bent on shooting the kid in lingerie it will get done eventually.  I think I would rather have someone that is concerned about it than the wrong person they will have to get when all respectable photographers turn them down.  Just use common sense, taste and tact keep the parent in the room.

Nov 16 06 08:49 am Link


TC Studios

Posts: 85

New York, New York, US

Gheez, Kate Moss, 16 years old, topless for Calvin Klein.

Pasted all over the country, mag and outdoor.

It's legal, if you follow the rules.

Parents present, permission in writing, and the tough part, the work can't be 'pornographic'.

That is the part open for interpretation on an individual basis. I would err on the side of conservatisim there. It's both the image, and the usage. If you had a fully cover girl in lingeré and she was seductively posed, and it was on a porn site, you might be in trouble. But if you had a totally nude girl in a really 'artsy' shot in a gallery you might not be.

Nov 16 06 08:49 am Link


Real people

Posts: 148

Chicago, Illinois, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:

In what state is it illegal for a minor to show their bare feet lol? He already said her parents consented to the shoot content and would be present. Just for arguments swimwear appropriate?

If parents consent by signing a piece of paper stating that they give permission allowing someone to take pictures of their child nude, does that make it legal?

Individuals need to protect children and just being a parent doesn't naturally make that person to protect that child. Why did you think we have a system set up to protect children from parents who are not responsible to take care of them.

I certainly hope that if someone ever did take a picture of a child wearing something that is meant for adults, that if it went to court, that the baliff would smack the persons penis off with the gavel.

Nov 16 06 08:49 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Flip a coin!   The masses seem to be evenly divided.

Nov 16 06 08:50 am Link



Posts: 308

Longwood, Florida, US

Just say No.............

Nov 16 06 08:54 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

if the purpose of creating imaging is to move the model forward; just how does lingerie do that for an underage model?

if those are quick to respond with, but hey, nyc fashion shoots are all about that for the youngin's, well, the next question becomes; is this a nyc fashion shoot?

this is another example of not understanding shooting within the means of the marketplace.  that lack of understanding goes to the model wanting to create pictures for ego reasoning and photographers doing so that aren't fully aware of the predominance in how underage models are used outside the internet.

it becomes a sensibility factor that separates taking pictures from actual modeling beyond creating a portfolio on the internet.

--face reality

Nov 16 06 08:54 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Real people wrote:

If parents consent by signing a piece of paper stating that they give permission allowing someone to take pictures of their child nude, does that make it legal?

Individuals need to protect children and just being a parent doesn't naturally make that person to protect that child. Why did you think we have a system set up to protect children from parents who are not responsible to take care of them.

I certainly hope that if someone ever did take a picture of a child wearing something that is meant for adults, that if it went to court, that the baliff would smack the persons penis off with the gavel.

go back to your church and preach...
There is no law in any state in the US prohibiting the photographing of nude minors, much less minors in lingerie.
does the name Sally Mann ring a bell?

Nov 16 06 08:54 am Link


Sergei Belski

Posts: 213

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

If you personally have moral problems with it than dont do it... other wise why not? you have her perents permission and there is nothing wrong with doing a photoshoot.


Nov 16 06 08:54 am Link



Posts: 615

Memphis, Alabama, US

Trey Bruggeman Photo wrote:
I would like to first note that I have not indicated that I have agreed to do this type of shoot, so please keep this in mind when firing back responses about my morality.  I am just curious about other's professional opinions and experiences with situations like this.

I was approached by a model who is under 18 and wants to do a modest lingerie shoot.  None of the shots will be more revealing than typical swimwear (not see-thru or overly skimpy.)  Her mother has also agreed to sign a model release with her.

I'm interested in hearing how other photogs handle situations like this. 


Jeez you have been a member here since August and your first post here on MM is IS IT OK TO PHOTOGRAPH A MINOR IN LINGERIE...I smell an opportunity for MSNBC to pay a visit smile

Personally I would tell her she has the better part of her life to model lingerie and then I would consult a Lawyer to get a clarification.....

Nov 16 06 08:59 am Link


JLC Images

Posts: 11615

Phillipsburg, New Jersey, US

Ty Simone wrote:

Real people wrote:
There is no law in any state in the US prohibiting the photographing of nude minors, much less minors in lingerie.

Unless it is deamed pornographic and/or infringes on the wellfare of the child.

Unless child services feels that this is endangering the child there is nothing stating it can't be done.

Nov 16 06 08:59 am Link


K. Adam Stockstill

Posts: 338

Austin, Indiana, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Oh good lord must we have this pissing match every two days?


Nov 16 06 09:01 am Link


Real people

Posts: 148

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ty Simone wrote:

go back to your church and preach...
There is no law in any state in the US prohibiting the photographing of nude minors, much less minors in lingerie.
does the name Sally Mann ring a bell?

Did I mention that I was from a Church? If this is your response, I suppose I can be just as clever. Crawl back under the rock you crawled out from.

Nov 16 06 09:03 am Link


JLC Images

Posts: 11615

Phillipsburg, New Jersey, US

wouldn't a better response have been:

Crawl back from the ooze you evoled from.

Now that would be clever!

Nov 16 06 09:07 am Link


JLC Images

Posts: 11615

Phillipsburg, New Jersey, US

Wow...who new a Theory of Evolution joke would bring this thread to a crashing halt.....

what do I win?

Nov 16 06 09:12 am Link


Real people

Posts: 148

Chicago, Illinois, US

Swabere wrote:

Ty Simone wrote:

Real people wrote:
There is no law in any state in the US prohibiting the photographing of nude minors, much less minors in lingerie.

Unless it is deamed pornographic and/or infringes on the wellfare of the child.

Unless child services feels that this is endangering the child there is nothing stating it can't be done.

Asking someone at the child services would be a great place to get the answer. If they say it's alright then it must be. I'll put up 100 dollars that child services will ask your name and number before telling you the answer is no.

Did the minor just walk up to the photographer and say, "Would you shoot me in lingerie? My parents say it's alright and they will sign anything that you want".

This does get into a pissing match, so putting morals aside and just going by what the law states, I would recommend finding a very good lawyer and getting the answer.

Although the answer may be yes you can, when cases come to court, it is not based always on a clear cut decision.

Nov 16 06 09:14 am Link


Real people

Posts: 148

Chicago, Illinois, US

Swabere wrote:
wouldn't a better response have been:

Crawl back from the ooze you evoled from.

Now that would be clever!

Go back to Church and do your preaching there was such a new saying, that I had to reply with the newness of it with something just as new.

Nov 16 06 09:16 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Swabere wrote:
Unless it is deamed pornographic and/or infringes on the wellfare of the child.

Unless child services feels that this is endangering the child there is nothing stating it can't be done.

actually 3 cases now have been decided on the welfare of the child issue, and all three in favor of the parents.
I did not say PORNOGRAPHIC anywhere.

there is a big difference.

Pornographic, in regards to children does not even have to be nude.

Nov 16 06 09:18 am Link


JLC Images

Posts: 11615

Phillipsburg, New Jersey, US

I was just saying if it is Deemed pornographic.

Nov 16 06 09:21 am Link



Posts: 4581

Brooklyn, New York, US

Real people wrote:

Why would you want to photograph a child in lingerie? Just because you have a parents permission doesn't make it right. There are parents who sell their children to others. There are people who force children into prostitution.

Not saying that you are or the parents are, but if you can't decide what is right for yourself, then there seems to be a problem.

Let's be "Real" here. A 17 year old is NOT a child. Some places, they already have two kids of their own by 17. They are just as developed (mentally & physically) as an 18 or 19 year old.

What do you think is being shot for major magazines and lingerie catalogs? 30 year olds? Nope, 15-22 year olds.

Nov 16 06 09:22 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Real people wrote:

Did I mention that I was from a Church? If this is your response, I suppose I can be just as clever. Crawl back under the rock you crawled out from.

The rock I crawled out from under must be a pretty great place because at least I understand what I am posting about before I post it.

You however, are simply making asinine statements with no basis in fact.
you are trying to preach your moral beliefs to a photographer which goes against EVERYTHING a photographer should stand for.

However, for sake of argument, Let's say that shooting Lingerie is wrong.
Is shooting a minor in a bikini then wrong as well?
Both cover the exact same amount of skin, and usually lingerie covers more.
So, No more bikini shots of minors either.
Oh, while we are at it, all bathing suits shots should be off limits.
Because they show too much skin.
And perhaps shorts as well, and tank tops and t-shirts....

If she is not completely covered do not shoot it!

As for welfare of the child crap, never hold water.
for further reference see "The Blue Lagoon, Pappillion and Lolita"
all three of them had a nude minor in them, all three times some yahoo prosecuter tried to go after someone associated with it (including block busters once) and allt three times they were promptly bounce out of court.

Please show me ONE example of where a nude minor photograph, like Sally Mann's or a Minor in Lingerie photograph has EVER been successfully prosecuted as either Child Porn, or endangering the welfare of a child.
Successfully prosecuted.

the closest you will come is the suggestive photographs in Ohio of the Father and Daughter 2 years ago, and that was dismissed / settled on appeal.

Nov 16 06 09:27 am Link



Posts: 615

Memphis, Alabama, US

Vito wrote:
Let's be "Real" here. A 17 year old is NOT a child. Some places, they already have two kids of their own by 17. They are just as developed (mentally & physically) as an 18 or 19 year old.

What do you think is being shot for major magazines and lingerie catalogs? 30 year olds? Nope, 15-22 year olds.

There is a a legal difference between a CHILD and a MINOR....thew laws generally don't address the child they address the MINOR.....and whether they have given  birth has no influence over the matter...

Nov 16 06 09:27 am Link