Forums > Accomplishments, Achievements and High Fives > I've been cast in a show at the Kennedy Center!


Lyndsay Rini

Posts: 68

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I'm not sure if tickets are available just yet, but May 8th at the Eisenhower Theater (over 1,000 seats, omg!) at The Kennedy Center in Washington DC!

I was recently cast as Anne Frank, in a production of the "Trial of Franklin D. Roosevelt", essentially representing those who lost their lives in the holocaust.

This is a fictional play about the SS St Louis Tragedy where FDR is put on trial for his crime of not allowing their passage into America. Most of the people on board were sent back to concentration camps and died there, but there will be a few survivors in attendance at the production on May 8th. There's also talks that this will be televised, and that Senator Kerry might be speaking.

I'm super thrilled... it's such an honor to me to get an opportunity to perform in such a compelling and important piece, especially because I know many of my ancestors perished in the holocaust as well.

Also, it's just a dream come true to work in a theater that I've dreamed of performing in since I went to see the Nutcracker there when I was a little girl.

Never participated in this section, but if it really is for sharing accomplishments, I really wanted to share this one with all of you smile

*Also, if any of you artists/ photographers/ models/ actresses like the musical Hair, I'm in that as well, I was cast as Crissy smile at the Keegan Theatre in DC. It's all about hippies, and drugs, and sex, rock and roll, love, peace, and war! I believe tickets are available for that one, if you want to come see me perform! *

Jan 12 14 08:54 pm Link



Posts: 4254

Los Angeles, California, US

What a great dream-come-true Lyndsay! I'm excited for you.

Jan 13 14 02:44 am Link


Cali Life Productions

Posts: 33

Beverly, Massachusetts, US

That's fantastic. smile

Jan 13 14 06:00 am Link


Gelsen Aripia

Posts: 1407

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Congratulations Lyndsay--that is really cool!

Jan 13 14 07:32 am Link


Lyndsay Rini

Posts: 68

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Thank you so so so much everyone! Thank you smile <3

Jan 13 14 11:20 am Link