Forums > Model Colloquy > How do models choose friends?


Stanley L Moore

Posts: 1681

Houston, Texas, US

Today I got a friend request from a newbie model who has been here all of 1 day. I am his 11th friend.  I wonder why he picked me out of the blue. I am not some high power pro photographer. My question is how do you all decide who to network with?

Apr 06 14 03:01 pm Link


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Stanley L Moore wrote:
Today I got a friend request from a newbie model who has been here all of 1 day. I am his 11th friend.  I wonder why he picked me out of the blue. I am not some high power pro photographer. My question is how do you all decide who to network with?


It seems random and relevant to the individual.

I am not sure about other folks but some seem to just collect 'friends.' I prefer to avoid all drive by friend requests automatically at the moment.

The friends on here I do have are either people I've met with in real life, have shot with, admire their work, their forum personality and there are several people whose work and forum personality I do admire that I am not friends on here with too.

Apr 06 14 03:06 pm Link


SPV Photo

Posts: 808

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Stanley L Moore wrote:
Today I got a friend request from a newbie model who has been here all of 1 day. I am his 11th friend.  I wonder why he picked me out of the blue. I am not some high power pro photographer.

Well, if he's a newbie, maybe that's why. Certainly he wouldn't expect to work with a "high power pro" right away, right?

Apr 06 14 03:12 pm Link


Gelsen Aripia

Posts: 1407

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm terrible at networking.  It literally doesn't even occur to me to network.  Hence, I rarely send friend requests.  When I do, it's often because that person was really nice to me, stuff like that.  Not because we would ever work together, just simply because they were nice to me or someone else. 

I have to force myself to contact photographers whose work I admire.  The blame for this falls on extreme shyness and introversion.  If I contact one per week, I feel like I've exhausted that part of myself for a little while. 

I never send random friend requests.  That is so foreign to me.  I have it in BIG letters on my profile that I don't want to receive random friend requests, but of course I still receive them all the time.

Apr 06 14 03:20 pm Link


Images by MR

Posts: 8908

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Maybe they like your work..

Apr 06 14 03:20 pm Link



Posts: 2844

Detroit, Michigan, US

I don't do random friend requests, either sending or receiving, and my total list is less than 50 people after having been here 2 years.

All of the people on my friends list are either models or photographers I know in real life, have worked with, want to work with, or admire their work and want to follow as they update it.

I don't see any point in having 2000 friends just at random.

Apr 06 14 03:24 pm Link


Paige Thomley

Posts: 573

West Bend, Wisconsin, US

When I first started on MM I 'friended' everyone I would ever consider working with within a 50 mile radius. I then culled those friends down to people who I really AM going to work with in the future. He probably wants to shoot with you. If you'd consider TF with him, why not reach out?

Apr 06 14 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 3656

New York, New York, US

Blanket coverage.. they browse everyone in their area n friend everyone!

Like fishing... an answer or a thanks n bingo we got one!.. reel em in! Now the pic comments, tags n pms start!

people collect friends n swap comments like bottle caps.. stupid facebook mentality!

Block n delete if you dont want it.

Apr 06 14 03:41 pm Link


Stanley L Moore

Posts: 1681

Houston, Texas, US

Images by MR wrote:
Maybe they like your work..

Perhaps but he contacted 1 day after he gets approved.  He is a fitness model and that's what I photograph mostly.  I sometimes get random requests from female models with whom I will never work.  It is as if they never looked at my port.

Nevertheless I accept all friends requests not wanting more seem churlish. 

I choose mostly models I would like to shoot with. I'm pickier with other photographers.  Mostly I befriend those who do similar would to mine.  In 3 years I have accumulated a couple thousand "friends" not random but ones I worked with or want to.

Apr 06 14 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 152

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I only accept friend requests from people that I would work with, people that I've had conversations with, and sometimes people whose posts I enjoy. Usually, more of the first one because I want to be able to navigate my friends list for people that I would really like to shoot with.

Apr 06 14 05:55 pm Link


dead and goneeeeeeeeee

Posts: 161

Aniak, Alaska, US

I usually pick a friend because I've worked with them or anticipate working with them.

Apr 06 14 06:56 pm Link


Alabaster Crowley

Posts: 8283

Tucson, Arizona, US

I don't think I've ever friend requested someone on here. lol

Apr 06 14 06:59 pm Link



Posts: 10390

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I pretty much add anyone to see how they'll react. Bonus points if they make a forum thread about it.

I see it as a way to open a dialogue. "This person looks interesting"

Apr 06 14 07:23 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

I've been on MM since it first went online in April, 2005. I have 212 friends. I reject friend requests all the time and rarely make them myself. This is how I address the issue on my profile.

"Please note: With very rare exception, I will add to my friends list ONLY those models with whom I've worked or wish to work and ONLY those photographers and others whose work I greatly admire and/or with whom I feel artistic/business networking might be beneficial."

Apr 06 14 07:41 pm Link


Beautiful Sundays

Posts: 3852

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This isn't FB where it makes sense to suss out 'friends'....

MM has 'Friends' and 'Favorites'.

'Friends' is loosy-goosy and I accept/offer without too much fuss...if I like a bio or book, I might make a friend request. I always accept requests. I assume the person at least looked at my page.

'Favorites' is where people should be 'picky' ie definite work contacts etc. Having the distinction is nice.

In browse, you can search 'friends', 'favorites' or whatever mix you like...very handy feature.

Apr 06 14 07:56 pm Link


Beautiful Sundays

Posts: 3852

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Herb Way wrote:
"Please note: With very rare exception, I will add to my friends list ONLY those models with whom I've worked or wish to work and ONLY those photographers and others whose work I greatly admire and/or with whom I feel artistic/business networking might be beneficial."

These are people I put in 'Favorites'...perfect description.

Apr 06 14 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 4254

Los Angeles, California, US

I friend people on here, because MM doesn't have a "poke"


Apr 06 14 08:34 pm Link


Nat has a username

Posts: 3590

Oakland, California, US

Eh I send friend requests as a "remember this person" to myself since new profiles don't have favorites, or if I run out of messages and want to connect with the person later.

I don't take it as an offense if people send me friend requests, it is a networking site after all.

Apr 06 14 08:53 pm Link


Mark C Smith

Posts: 1073

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

a raw muse wrote:
Eh I send friend requests as a "remember this person" to myself since new profiles don't have favorites, or if I run out of messages and want to connect with the person later.

I don't take it as an offense if people send me friend requests, it is a networking site after all.

x2. I try to stick to friending models and MUAs/stylists/designers (either sending requests or approving requests sent to me) who are in my general area. I don't see the need to friend models I'll never work with.

Photographers I will friend regardless of location if I dig their work.

Apr 06 14 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 3557

Muncie, Indiana, US

He is a fitness model and you photograph them. This was anything but a random friend request. He may be new but he found you;)

Apr 07 14 07:52 am Link


Elisa 1

Posts: 3344

Monmouth, Wales, United Kingdom

I'm going to take a wild shot here and say they probably found you on Google or browse as,a photographer that may be interested in shooting fitness or bodybuilding maybe, if it's not immediate area. Alternatives could be you have shot or worked with someone they know?

Apr 07 14 10:57 am Link



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I accept every friend request sent to me. I don't have the patience to sort through them all.

Apr 07 14 11:00 am Link


Mark Reeder

Posts: 627

Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

I was wondering about this, or more so whether models are proactive in connecting with photographers or wait to be contacted. If I "friend" a model chances are i think it might be cool to work with them at some point.

Apr 07 14 11:36 am Link



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Mark Reeder Photography wrote:
I was wondering about this, or more so whether models are proactive in connecting with photographers or wait to be contacted. If I "friend" a model chances are i think it might be cool to work with them at some point.

Models get hundreds of friend requests. If you want to actually work with someone, send him or her a friendly message. You'll probably have send out 40 emails to different people, I'm order to get one good shoot set up, but it's worth it.

Apr 07 14 12:39 pm Link


Mark Reeder

Posts: 627

Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Koryn wrote:

Models get hundreds of friend requests. If you want to actually work with someone, send him or her a friendly message. You'll probably have send out 40 emails to different people, I'm order to get one good shoot set up, but it's worth it.

I totally get that and that's exactly what I've been doing. So far so good, I don't have any complaints yet with my experience on mm, other than wanting more time to shoot more. smile

Apr 07 14 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 2647

New York, New York, US

Images by MR wrote:
Maybe they like your work..

^^ this, or they could be trying to up their numbers to look cool on MM. lol  Who knows. Maybe send whomever it is a note and say thanks for the FR, and ask how they found you?  They might legitimately want to shoot with you. You don't know unless you ask the individual. good luck

Apr 07 14 01:55 pm Link


Stanley L Moore

Posts: 1681

Houston, Texas, US

Isis22 wrote:
He is a fitness model and you photograph them. This was anything but a random friend request. He may be new but he found you;)

But in one day? I just wonder at the efficiency of it all. Now I understand how networking works. Most model's friends are mainly photographers and most photographer's friends are models. When a model makes a friend request I look at their port then at their friends who as I said are usually photographers. If there is a photographer I am unfamiliar with I check out his port and his friends (mostly models). I find suitable models to befriend that way, from other photographers who do my type of work.

I alos find models by looking at the contests. The 18+ male contest is a pretty limited field with only a couple dozen regulars but I do run across models there. The regular POTD contest is wider scope and lately male images have been garnering significant votes. I find friends ther among models.

Apr 07 14 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 543

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Cervezax wrote:
I only accept friend requests from people that I would work with, people that I've had conversations with, and sometimes people whose posts I enjoy. Usually, more of the first one because I want to be able to navigate my friends list for people that I would really like to shoot with.

pretty much this, i only send out and accept requests based on who i would shoot with, that said if i don't like what they have in their port or aren't likely to work with them based on geography im not likely to accept or send a request....

but i have a few exceptions because i really like their work and even if they aren't geo-desi i would love a chance

Apr 07 14 02:54 pm Link


Stanley L Moore

Posts: 1681

Houston, Texas, US

Koryn wrote:

Models get hundreds of friend requests....

I never thought of that. I get only one or two requests per month. Not hundreds like some models.

Apr 07 14 04:20 pm Link



Posts: 320

Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland

First I check out the port. If I like what I see (which is often the case big_smile) I move on to checking the  location. If they are not likely to stop by, or if I am not flying over there in July, maybe there is no point. I also always read the profile for more info and entertainment values (I apprectaie a good writer. I do). If all of these appeal to me, heck yea I'll add them! (or, if I find them bombard them with tags and messages and FR's)

Apr 07 14 11:33 pm Link


Marin Photo NYC

Posts: 7348

New York, New York, US

It cost nothing to get your page all over the place. Who knows who might see it? So why not.  Visibility makes you more marketable and it is part of the process of building your network. Networking in the dark doesn't do you much good at all.

Apr 07 14 11:43 pm Link


Stanley L Moore

Posts: 1681

Houston, Texas, US

Well I took the obvious step and asked the mmodel how he found me. It turns out he got a friend request from someone else and saw a tag I had left on that guy's page.

I guess it pays to use tags and pic comments to network.

Apr 08 14 08:15 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

I throw darts at people.  If the darts stick and the person doesn't kill me, that's gonna be a friend.

Apr 08 14 02:54 pm Link


Gelsen Aripia

Posts: 1407

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Stanley L Moore wrote:

I never thought of that. I get only one or two requests per month. Not hundreds like some models.

I get about two per month, often from people who live in some far off country...

Apr 09 14 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 5426

Amarillo, Texas, US

Marin Photography NYC wrote:
It cost nothing to get your page all over the place. Who knows who might see it? So why not.  Visibility makes you more marketable and it is part of the process of building your network. Networking in the dark doesn't do you much good at all.

This! This is supposed to be fun as well as profitable for some. What does it hurt to accept a FR from someone who appreciates your work or look enough to let you know by sending one. As stated, this is a network and it's one more page that someone might see. It's free, doesn't take much time and like favorites it can be used as a reference if needed.

On the other hand, I do find it a little odd when I see a port with a few three year old images and the model has 10 or 12 thousand friends. But hey, you spend your money, start a port and you can use it anyway you see fit. If that's collecting friends so be it.

My .02 cents

Apr 09 14 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 1203

Escondido, California, US

At first I accepted everyone who sent me a request. Now I am much more picky and only accept those who actually message me, and those who I have worked with.

Apr 09 14 04:55 pm Link


Siddy Pain

Posts: 593

Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand

I accept all requests from people in NZ. When I get requests from randoms who haven't sent me so much as a message or tag I check their port to see what we have in common and if there is nothing I decline. I think MM has a lot of friend collectors. I personally like to add people whose work I admire and also people from the forums that I enjoy seeing posts from.

Apr 09 14 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 4

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

I pick by area (hongkong) and if I like the port, that's it. I would not waste any time to think about why someone adds me?! Either they just collect friends or they really like your port/profile. Or they seek your attention for a possible shooting / collaboration.

Apr 10 14 12:28 am Link



Posts: 28

London, England, United Kingdom

I really don't see the purpose in having friends on this site, please can someone explain?

Apr 10 14 08:10 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Kyzn wrote:
I really don't see the purpose in having friends on this site, please can someone explain?

Let's see...

There's networking.  Then there's becoming actual friends.  Then there's networking.

Did I mention networking and actual friends?


Apr 10 14 08:17 am Link