This thread was locked on 2014-06-04 15:45:21
Forums > Model Colloquy > Photographer asking for sex



Posts: 322

Los Angeles, California, US

I have edited this because admin is helping me but for the future.....

I am guessing this happens to models sometimes, how do you handle it?

May 30 14 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 3557

Muncie, Indiana, US

If he emailed you on here CAM him.

May 30 14 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 322

Los Angeles, California, US

He tried to add me on here but emailed me on my email so I cannot figure out how to report.

May 30 14 12:27 pm Link


Kev Lawson

Posts: 11294

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Moderator Note!
Please open a CAM ( ) and include a link to his profile. Tell us exactly what happened in the CAM. We may ask you to forward any email to our mod email... we will have to see what your CAM say's and look at the photographers history.

I am very sorry you had this happen to you. Fortunately he did not approach you during a shoot but before in the planning stage.

May 30 14 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 18465

Orlando, Florida, US

christiecreepydolls wrote:
He tried to add me on here but emailed me on my email so I cannot figure out how to report.

Screenshot the emails and open a cam

May 30 14 12:34 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

christiecreepydolls wrote:
I am guessing this happens to models sometimes, how do you handle it?

Edited wrote:
***Edited to include previous steps already completed in model's original post***

If a person you're working with (model, photographer, stylist, escort, whatever) propositions you, you are free to choose to say yes or no.  If you do not appreciate his/her advances, say no very directly (the person bringing this up originally did that).  If the person making the advances continues to ask you for sex or tries to contact you repeatedly even after you've made it clear that you no longer wish to speak with them, or if the advances get more violent, then follow the below advice.

If you haven't already, email him a simple message telling him that you do not want him to contact you anymore by any method. Don't say anything about reasons or anything else... just something along the lines of "Today is mm-dd-yyyy. As of this date I request and require that you no longer contact me via email, telephone, text message, or any other method."

If he replies call the police and report him for harassment and stalking.

May 30 14 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 1022

London, England, United Kingdom

Oh no, so sorry to hear that! I'm glad he asked via email so you didn't have to meet him.

Unfortunately, this is not very unusual, it has happened to me many times, especially when I get offered paid jobs.

Just recently I had a shoot with photographer (none of the ones in my portfolio), he seemed to be very happy with the results and offered another one, this time in France. During the first shoot he was trying to kiss me and he was begging me to let him touch my boobs. I told him I don't wish to have psychical contact with him and I thought he understood, after that he was acting professional.

The day before our scheduled 2 days shoot in France I asked about accommodation and he said we will be sharing bed, like it was the most obvious thing ever (from what he was saying apparently all his previous models had no problem at all with sleeping in the same bed with him). I told him this is not an option and I will pay for my own room. Then he got pissed off and cancelled everything because he can't work with someone who's got trust issues.

Once, I went to a different city for a calendar shoot and after the shoot I was told I had to say ''thank you'' (yes, a special thank you) to the photographer (and there were also a ''director''), when I refused I didn't get paid and they didn't use my pictures. After, the photographer send me an email saying I won't achieve anything, I don't know the industry etc. Not to mention that I was like 16 at that time and they were over 50.

Can't count how many times it was suggested to me on the phone or via email that I will have to have sex with someone, I just block them straight away.

Even for normal jobs it can happen, I was trying to get a job as a waitress in a restaurant and the owner asked me for a hand job... I was shocked and disgusted.

Unfortunately so many women are desperate to get modelling jobs or even TF pictures with good photographers that they will open their legs straight away. Because of that some photographers try their luck- it worked before so why not this time? That makes me appreciate genuine ones even more.

Anyway, his lost! And I don't understand why did he call you fat, he was trying to sleep with you so was it supposed to be an insult or what? Ridiculous, disgusting guy.

May 30 14 01:00 pm Link


Isaiah Brink

Posts: 2328

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

christiecreepydolls wrote:
I was contacted about doing a shoot. Several messages in I was asked if I would have sex with the photographer.

I stopped responding and today he wrote to say he still wanted to shoot.

I wrote and told him as politely as I could that the whole sex thing made me not want to work together. He went all crazy accusing me of hating men and hating sex and he called me fat. Now, I am certainly fat, no suprise there but this whole situation has left a bad taste in my mouth.

I am trying to figure out how to report him.

I am guessing this happens to models sometimes, how do you handle it?  I have never been attacked in such a vile way through email- He talked about shooting a my house or abandoned places before asking for sex- this was weird to me because his stuff is all in populated areas. It was my first red flag.

I'm sorry to hear that this has happened.  It's a rare occurrence, but doesn't make it any easier for you to deal with.  I'd say CAM him with a link to his profile and explain what happened, maybe even somehow include any messages that he sent with stuff like that.  Also, this is probably a no brainer, but block him.

May 30 14 01:04 pm Link


SPV Photo

Posts: 808

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm sorry this happened and I'm not at all saying I don't believe you, BUT:

I think we should be careful accepting screenshots of emails as proof.

If it's through MM, obviously that can be verified by MM staff.

May 30 14 02:01 pm Link


Jenna Jay

Posts: 80

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, US

I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you, yuck! I've definitely had similar things happen quite a few times.

Once, a photographer refused to let me leave his home studio because he wanted to have sex with me and get me to be his sugar baby so badly.  Pushy, insistent, "I can make you feel like nobody ever has" kind of insistent. He was 65+, I was 20, and apparently it's worked on everyone else. Hmm.

More than I can count on two hands have been 100 percent professional in e-mails/phone calls only to go all skeeveball as soon as I showed up. Several have assumed I was also an escort and asked me what my rates were for that.  When I explained I was just a model, they were all like, "come on, we [photographers] know what you girls really do".  Huh?

All I've done in the past is either walk out of a shoot or tell other models who ask my honest experience with the photographer.  If someone was particularly unnerving, I'll tell them in no uncertain terms that they are not to contact me again.

I have no idea why people think they can get away with trying to treat others that way, but the good news is there are far more fantastic, kind, respectful photographers than there are disrespectful ones smile

May 30 14 03:23 pm Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

SPV Photo wrote:
I'm sorry this happened and I'm not at all saying I don't believe you, BUT:

I think we should be careful accepting screenshots of emails as proof.

If it's through MM, obviously that can be verified by MM staff.

I kinda agree. If this was not though MM messaging, this is not an MM issue, and not MM's business.  If this person contacted you with that offer though your email that he got somehow (doesn't matter how) then just deal with him like any other creep who isn't a photographer.

Only when the person is using MM to do something like this should the admin here get involved.

May 30 14 07:39 pm Link


The Grand Artist

Posts: 468

Fort Worth, Texas, US

MartaBrixton wrote:
Oh no, so sorry to hear that! I'm glad he asked via email so you didn't have to meet him.

Unfortunately, this is not very unusual, it has happened to me many times, especially when I get offered paid jobs.

Just recently I had a shoot with photographer (none of the ones in my portfolio), he seemed to be very happy with the results and offered another one, this time in France. During the first shoot he was trying to kiss me and he was begging me to let him touch my boobs. I told him I don't wish to have psychical contact with him and I thought he understood, after that he was acting professional.

The day before our scheduled 2 days shoot in France I asked about accommodation and he said we will be sharing bed, like it was the most obvious thing ever (from what he was saying apparently all his previous models had no problem at all with sleeping in the same bed with him). I told him this is not an option and I will pay for my own room. Then he got pissed off and cancelled everything because he can't work with someone who's got trust issues.

Once, I went to a different city for a calendar shoot and after the shoot I was told I had to say ''thank you'' (yes, a special thank you) to the photographer (and there were also a ''director''), when I refused I didn't get paid and they didn't use my pictures. After, the photographer send me an email saying I won't achieve anything, I don't know the industry etc. Not to mention that I was like 16 at that time and they were over 50.

Can't count how many times it was suggested to me on the phone or via email that I will have to have sex with someone, I just block them straight away.

Even for normal jobs it can happen, I was trying to get a job as a waitress in a restaurant and the owner asked me for a hand job... I was shocked and disgusted.

Unfortunately so many women are desperate to get modelling jobs or even TF pictures with good photographers that they will open their legs straight away. Because of that some photographers try their luck- it worked before so why not this time? That makes me appreciate genuine ones even more.

Anyway, his lost! And I don't understand why did he call you fat, he was trying to sleep with you so was it supposed to be an insult or what? Ridiculous, disgusting guy.

Does this really happen that much?

May 30 14 07:49 pm Link


Thinking Inside The Box

Posts: 311

Diamond Bar, California, US

The Grand Artist wrote:

MartaBrixton wrote:
Unfortunately, this is not very unusual, it has happened to me many times, especially when I get offered paid jobs.

MartaBrixton wrote:
Can't count how many times it was suggested to me on the phone or via email that I will have to have sex with someone, I just block them straight away.

Does this really happen that much?

I'd guess that this is not very unusual, it has happened to [her] many times. But that's just a guess.

May 30 14 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 194

New York, New York, US

I'm so sorry to hear that, I have been very lucky and no photographer has ever tried that on me, but do your homework and check your reference! I hope you will not experience the same thing ever again.


May 30 14 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

How do you handle it in the real world?

May 30 14 08:40 pm Link


Vampman Studios

Posts: 364

Chicago, Illinois, US

I've met a few models who've been hit on so many times by the photographers that they tell me up front that I have to shut up, shoot them, pay them, and go our own separate ways as quickly as possible. I've met four models like that. One even canceled a rooftop shoot upon arrival as soon as she saw that I was working alone and had no creative crew. She thought it was going to be like that scene in Fame where one of the characters is approached by a filmmaker to do a test shoot, but he turns out to be a pornographer. (Though given that it was the middle of February and we were outside on top of a skyscraper in the middle of downtown Chicago, that sort of thing was impossible to even consider.)

It pains me how some photographers are such creeps that the models would rather prefer icemen to genuinely friendly photographers who want to build a strong professional relationship with them rather than try to get into their pants.

May 30 14 09:16 pm Link


Connor Photography

Posts: 8539

Newark, Delaware, US

christiecreepydolls wrote:
Photographer asking for sex

Deal with it the same way when a stranger asking you for sex.  tongue

May 30 14 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 194

New York, New York, US

J O H N  A L L A N wrote:
How do you handle it in the real world?

what do you mean by the real world?

May 31 14 12:25 am Link



Posts: 3557

Muncie, Indiana, US

Phan Nguyen Nguyen wrote:

what do you mean by the real world?

Not online but in real life.

May 31 14 05:56 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The Grand Artist wrote:
Does this really happen that much?

Sadly, more often than you might think. I just did a shoot with a model who has an account on here. She was telling me during our shoot that she has had a string of bad luck with photographers hitting on her lately. The most recent of which was with a photographer who is somewhat well respected here in Las Vegas. When she went to do a wardrobe change, he followed her into the restroom while recording video. He said he wanted to shoot her nude while she changed. She asked him to stop several times and eventually he did. When she came out he was taking pictures of her emerging from the restroom and then said for the next set he wanted to find out if he could shoot her with his penis in the photo. She packed and left.

May 31 14 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

For some models beauty must be such as everyday struggle and burden it must be quiet a weight they carry having to be on guard.

May 31 14 02:48 pm Link


ARA Photo

Posts: 487

Mountain View, California, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:

I kinda agree. If this was not though MM messaging, this is not an MM issue, and not MM's business.  If this person contacted you with that offer though your email that he got somehow (doesn't matter how) then just deal with him like any other creep who isn't a photographer.

Only when the person is using MM to do something like this should the admin here get involved.

I'm going to call bullshit on both of you!

If this guy is operating on here, then he's no doubt treating models he's meeting on here in the same way. What you're also saying is if this guy is smart enough to take his bad behavior to his personal email then he's good to go!

May 31 14 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 18465

Orlando, Florida, US

The Grand Artist wrote:
Does this really happen that much?

Oh yes it does.

I had guys ask for Nude photo-shoots everything sounds fine we discuss rates then they ask for if it includes a happy ending  that's when I just block  and end all discussion with the individual.

May 31 14 03:22 pm Link


Michael Zahra

Posts: 1106

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Believe it or not, it happens the other way around too, at shoots.

May 31 14 03:25 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

I don't want sex.  I'm having too much fun photographing the model!   big_smile

May 31 14 03:26 pm Link


East West

Posts: 847

Los Angeles, California, US

MartaBrixton wrote:
Oh no, so sorry to hear that! I'm glad he asked via email so you didn't have to meet him.

Unfortunately, this is not very unusual, it has happened to me many times, especially when I get offered paid jobs.

Just recently I had a shoot with photographer (none of the ones in my portfolio), he seemed to be very happy with the results and offered another one, this time in France. During the first shoot he was trying to kiss me and he was begging me to let him touch my boobs. I told him I don't wish to have psychical contact with him and I thought he understood, after that he was acting professional.

The day before our scheduled 2 days shoot in France I asked about accommodation and he said we will be sharing bed, like it was the most obvious thing ever (from what he was saying apparently all his previous models had no problem at all with sleeping in the same bed with him). I told him this is not an option and I will pay for my own room. Then he got pissed off and cancelled everything because he can't work with someone who's got trust issues.

Once, I went to a different city for a calendar shoot and after the shoot I was told I had to say ''thank you'' (yes, a special thank you) to the photographer (and there were also a ''director''), when I refused I didn't get paid and they didn't use my pictures. After, the photographer send me an email saying I won't achieve anything, I don't know the industry etc. Not to mention that I was like 16 at that time and they were over 50.

Can't count how many times it was suggested to me on the phone or via email that I will have to have sex with someone, I just block them straight away.

Even for normal jobs it can happen, I was trying to get a job as a waitress in a restaurant and the owner asked me for a hand job... I was shocked and disgusted.

Unfortunately so many women are desperate to get modelling jobs or even TF pictures with good photographers that they will open their legs straight away. Because of that some photographers try their luck- it worked before so why not this time? That makes me appreciate genuine ones even more.

Anyway, his lost! And I don't understand why did he call you fat, he was trying to sleep with you so was it supposed to be an insult or what? Ridiculous, disgusting guy.

Marta, this is what I don't understand.

During your first shoot, the photographer made unwanted advances towards you. Even though you were fortunate to get him to stop,  you continued working with him? Why didn't you just leave?

After this, how do you even get to the point of discussing a second shoot in France?

Hint-When a person comes on to you and you're able to make them stop. Realize it's not over. If you stay, in their mind, it means maybe later. They'll wait for another opportunity. 

Remember in grade school they teach you to Stop, Drop & Roll if you're on fire. In the real world when you're in a bad situation, one must learn to Stop, Pack & Leave!

May 31 14 04:30 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Is this thread for real? C'mon honestly!

May 31 14 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

The Something Guy wrote:
For some models beauty must be such as everyday struggle and burden it must be quiet a weight they carry having to be on guard.


May 31 14 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 4288

Amundsen-Scott - permanent station of the US, Unclaimed Sector, Antarctica

Michael Zahra wrote:
Believe it or not, it happens the other way around too, at shoots.

Not as much as I'd like, I can tell you that...


May 31 14 05:07 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28703

Phoenix, Arizona, US

"Christiecreepydolls" is shocked by other creepy peoples' behavior?

May 31 14 05:26 pm Link


jesse paulk

Posts: 3712

Phoenix, Arizona, US

how many models will it take actually reporting requests for sex before we stop thinking these requests are rare occurrences?

May 31 14 05:26 pm Link


Zuri Deva

Posts: 378

Phoenix, Arizona, US

jesse paulk wrote:
how many models will it take actually reporting requests for sex before we stop thinking these requests are rare occurrences?


May 31 14 05:36 pm Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

jesse paulk wrote:
how many models will it take actually reporting requests for sex before we stop thinking these requests are rare occurrences?

There were over 7500 charges made in Atlanta in 2012 (not all female mind you).  So what do you suppose MM do about it?

May 31 14 05:42 pm Link


jesse paulk

Posts: 3712

Phoenix, Arizona, US

AJScalzitti wrote:

There were over 7500 charges made in Atlanta in 2012 (not all female mind you).  So what do you suppose MM do about it?

MM does what it can, i was not addressing them( or you), but us, the forum population.  especially the ones of us who were all "this is rare" #lolnotallmen

May 31 14 05:52 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

Kev Lawson wrote:
Please open a CAM ( ) and include a link to his profile. Tell us exactly what happened in the CAM. We may ask you to forward any email to our mod email... we will have to see what your CAM say's and look at the photographers history.

I am very sorry you had this happen to you. Fortunately he did not approach you during a shoot but before in the planning stage.

I'm by no means taking sides on this and don't condone it at all.

But she said it happened through email and not through MM messaging.

Are you saying MM may take action on something that didn't happen on MM?

May 31 14 07:15 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11734

Olney, Maryland, US

John Jebbia wrote:
"Christiecreepydolls" is shocked by other creepy peoples' behavior?


May 31 14 07:17 pm Link


jesse paulk

Posts: 3712

Phoenix, Arizona, US


Jun 01 14 04:11 am Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Yep.... def been hit on by models and asked for sex.  So not really hard to imagine any of these stories.  I don't think it is illegal to ask for sex...... and as I was told years ago.... "it happens and some people are just waiting to be asked!".  I shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't need that kinda rep!".  To many points on here though..... if they are still asking then it has probably worked/been received well in the past.  Sorry this happened to you but honestly  it's probably not the last time it will happen to you on shoot and certainly not the last time it will happen to you in life.


Jun 01 14 04:26 am Link


Catherine Hamilton

Posts: 4

Chicago, Illinois, US

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter your age, size or experience--folks can act anywhere from unprofessional and inappropriate up to predatory and criminal--have to reduce the risk the best you can.  Even though I'm ultra careful--and not a tiny, young woman--have had the skeevies approach me too.

Some hints, this old lady has learned along the way (used to work in victim services early in my career and my sister is a prosecutor)--hope they help:

If someone stalks you online, use every venue open to you for reporting:

* reply and put "Cease and Desist" in the Subject and state clearly you are not interested and s/he needs to not contact you again. 

* BCC another email you have for history and to clearly show time/date stamp

* Report them to your email/isp service provider (check the details of your provider's support info--in some cases, they'll give you an email address to cc on these correspondences.)  Then block this email address as abusive.

* Report through CAM.

* If s/he attempts to get in touch with you again, take this information and file a police report.

Also, as a woman who has had a day job in tech sales and marketing for 20+ years where I was typically the only woman on the road "with the boys", some additional notes based on some of the replies: 

* if you don't know the photographer, interview him/her on phone or in person before you are alone with them in a studio/on site.  Listen to your inner BS meter--if they seem skeevy, they are not going to get better.  Walk away.

* when travelling for a gig (or even for a local one which requires you to invest your time/has expenses), have a legal contract in place that is explicit about what you are being paid for, travel/lodging details etc. and have it executed before you get on site. 

* if you are staying overnight during a gig, resist the urge to "hang out" with the photog and/or crew or drink on the trip.  Alcohol can put you at risk--your defenses are down and folks can easily spike an alcoholic drink.  If there is another female model, join forces and have dinner, take a walking tour of the town or something not wrapped around alcohol.  If alone, find alternative choices for evening entertainment instead of the bar--cute restaurant (food side) or a movie or local theater for a play.  Ask a woman who works at hotel about nice places to go for dinner and how safe is it to wander on your own in area?  At worst, get food, take back to room and have a laid back evening in your jammies with the tv.

Wishing you all much success--and safety!


Jun 01 14 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 1771

San Diego, California, US

salvatori. wrote:

Not as much as I'd like, I can tell you that...


Maybe you aren't handsome or friendly enough wink

Jun 01 14 04:07 pm Link