Forums > General Industry > Models NOT READING casting call details


Pixel Shooter

Posts: 2

New York, New York, US

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL. The #1 problem I run into is models who reply to a casting call, and after a few correspondence, are not ok with basic details regarding the job such as: Dates, times, location, or pay.

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

Do not ask to change the location.
Do not ask for more money.
Do not ask to change the style of shoot.

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.

Oct 21 14 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 4221

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

First off, you have beautiful work.

Secondly maybe they really really want to work with you?

Thirdly, no one reads anymore.

Once in awhile I try and post a casting on MM but I usually wind up pulling from an agency in the end -- it is just easier that way and they just get it.

I probably should have put number 3 as reason #1 but I had to throw out the bit about your work first.

Their loss.

Oct 21 14 08:31 pm Link


Lallure Photographic

Posts: 2086

Taylors, South Carolina, US

They never will.

Oct 22 14 07:12 am Link



Posts: 3971

Seattle, Washington, US

Complaining about models not reading your castings is an exercise of futility. Those models aren't going to read this.

Sorting through castings, or just dealing with the public in general involves working with people that don't always do exactly what you want them to. If you don't know how to deal with people, or simply find it too annoying, then don't post castings. It's ultimately up to you. If you make the choice to post castings, you make the choice to deal with models who don't always read. 

Castings are supposed to save you time, so that you don't have to contact models one by one. If they're not saving you time, then stop posting them, and if they are saving you time, then stop complaining.

Oct 22 14 07:19 am Link



Posts: 10604

Los Angeles, California, US

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL. The #1 problem I run into is models who reply to a casting call, and after a few correspondence, are not ok with basic details regarding the job such as: Dates, times, location, or pay.

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

Do not ask to change the location.
Do not ask for more money.
Do not ask to change the style of shoot.

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.


Oct 22 14 07:23 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL. The #1 problem I run into is models who reply to a casting call, and after a few correspondence, are not ok with basic details regarding the job such as: Dates, times, location, or pay.

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

Do not ask to change the location.
Do not ask for more money.
Do not ask to change the style of shoot.

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.

This post assumes that people (regardless if they're a model or a photographer or Joe/Jane Schmuckatellie off the street) take the time to read in general. I'd argue that they don't, especially in this day & age of the mobile device.

Oct 22 14 07:26 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Alannah The Stylist

Posts: 1550

Los Angeles, California, US

Just ignore those people.

Oct 22 14 07:27 am Link


Payton Hailey

Posts: 939

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Best to not have your first post in the forums be a rant

Oct 22 14 07:28 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL.

you've been doing this for three years and only figured it out now enough to rant about it?

if you have clients that need to use mm and cl for models, they will need to learn the limitations and deal with what comes with that territory.

Oct 22 14 07:37 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL. The #1 problem I run into is models who reply to a casting call, and after a few correspondence, are not ok with basic details regarding the job such as: Dates, times, location, or pay.

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

Do not ask to change the location.
Do not ask for more money.
Do not ask to change the style of shoot.

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.

>>>>>  Snark Mode On  >>>>>
Congratulations!  You solved this universal problem!  Thank you!
>>>>>  Snark Mode Off >>>>>


Honestly, posting yet another "people don't read castings" post is not likely to accomplish anything.  Your other choices:  adapt or quit.

In addition, I think that some castings will have more flexibility than others (in terms of location, date, time, compensation, etc.) -- it shouldn't hurt to ask.  Indeed, some models are better suited for a project than others -- shouldn't the best model possibly be entitled to more compensation, based solely on supply & demand?  After all, exploring the limits of the parties' flexibility is the foundation of negotiation.

Finally, I hope this is the worst problem you need to deal with.  It's not all that difficult to deal with this, and there are a lot worse problems going on.  I'll leave it as an exercise for the readers to review the forums to find these worse problems.

Oct 22 14 07:46 am Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Finally, I hope this is the worst problem you need to deal with.  It's not all that difficult to deal with this, and there are a lot worse problems going on.  I'll leave it as an exercise for the readers to review the forums to find these worse problems. … 493&page=1 smile

Oct 22 14 07:51 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

I always mention in the casting for interested modes to contract me directly.  If they aren't even reading it with enough detail to do that, I figure they're not worth my time anyways.

Oct 22 14 10:06 am Link



Posts: 342

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL. The #1 problem I run into is models who reply to a casting call, and after a few correspondence, are not ok with basic details regarding the job such as: Dates, times, location, or pay.

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

Do not ask to change the location.
Do not ask for more money.
Do not ask to change the style of shoot.

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.

Would be great if all this info were on every posting. Only ones I have a potential disagreement with are dates and times. If the booking is still under discussion, and somebody else comes along with a solid offer; I can see taking it. The  other stuff listed can be viewed as an offer take it or not. Even there, an offer might be modified.

Oct 22 14 10:10 am Link


Rays Fine Art

Posts: 7504

New York, New York, US

I dunno,

Seems to me that a casting call is an advertisement.  If advertisers posted something that said "Don't come into my store unless you want to buy something" stores would be a lot emptier,  just as photographers would have a lot less choices available to them.

Doesn't take a lot of time, knowledge or skill to just eliminate the ones that don't fit the needs of the job at hand, but it also seems to me that by applying a little time, knowledge and skill to looking over the not-quite-right applicants, the photographer might sometimes either discover another approach or come up with a new idea.

Besides, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast" so you ain't gonna stop 'em.  Might just as well try to find a use for 'em.  Kinda put a little lemonade in your life.

All IMHO as always, of course.

Oct 22 14 11:52 am Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

A classic example of what you said can be seen here, most of the replies are priceless: … 585&page=1

Nationwide - Model Wanted (Indep Horror Film) - Paid   

I am currently seeking male and female models ages 18-36 all ethnic backgrounds, for an upcoming independent horror film project.

The theme of this shoot is horror. Think 80's B movie. You will be compensated for your time up to $100 hour depending on your experience. Travel expenses paid. You will receive an 8x10 color print as a small bonus and thank you for your time.

NO nudity. Possible implied, but certainly not required. This will take place in Orlando, Florida in the month of September. Dates are not set yet. Please feel free to leave a tag here showing your interest. I will look over each portfolio and notify those whose look I feel will best fit the look we are trying to achieve.

The producer is going for a believable look, therefore all props will be authentic- this includes all blades, guns, bows and arrows, and quicksand. In order to capture reactions as real as possible, injuries may be sustained in which case we would continue filming to get your genuine reaction. These injuries may include the following: road rash, dismemberment, broken nails, cuts, bruises, loss of hair, West Nile, gonorrea, weight loss or gain, or teeth removal. Please make note of that before you respond to this casting. Thanks for your time and interest.

Post here if interested. Messages in my inbox will be ignored.

Oct 22 14 11:56 am Link



Posts: 132

CANOGA PARK, California, US

Don't get me started on this.

I've gotten more than my share of models responding to my Casting Notices thinking i'm a photographer and not a model. I would even spot them the first time since we are all trying to book ASAP and God knows I've been guilty of misreading ads and emails on occasion, we all have, but I've had several email conversations going back and forth several times before the model realizes that I would be on camera with them and not behind it. Of course they drop out immediately like it was my fault. I find it puts the "dumb" in "dumbfounded" when they look at my port and STILL think I'm a photographer. Forget reading the front page, doesn't it seem strange that there is only ONE male in all the photos?

And I HATE having to dumb down my notices. You would think it would be enough to stay away from phrases like "working with" or "shooting with" which I can understand is likely to cause confusion. But when I respond to Availability Notices and all but have to write things like "I am a model. I would like to model with you. Would you like to model with me?" it's pretty sad.

..especially when they STILL don't get it.

Thank God I only want to work with mature models. The ones us over 40s that value and have reading skills.

Oct 22 14 11:56 am Link



Posts: 868

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

I have been casting for shoots for clients for over 3 years on MM and CL. The #1 problem I run into is models who reply to a casting call, and after a few correspondence, are not ok with basic details regarding the job such as: Dates, times, location, or pay.

Models are blindly responding to castings on MM without actually reading the information people like myself take the time to post.

Do not ask to change the location.
Do not ask for more money.
Do not ask to change the style of shoot.

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.

We all get you, because we all experience the very same. Just blow some steam off, and go about your day... I did it in this forum a couple of months back.



Oct 22 14 12:19 pm Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US



Damn !!!!
I wanted to be 1st with this

OP, your post/rant is utterly pointless
Thats just the way things are
Deal with it

Oct 22 14 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 5620

London, England, United Kingdom

MelissaAnn  wrote:
Sorting through castings, or just dealing with the public in general involves working with people that don't always do exactly what you want them to. If you don't know how to deal with people, or simply find it too annoying, then don't post castings. It's ultimately up to you. If you make the choice to post castings, you make the choice to deal with models who don't always read.

Pretty much. One of the least enjoyable and yet most time consuming parts of modelling for me is dealing with correspondence. If other people were to behave differently it would be easier and less irritating. But they are never going to. That's part of my job, I have to deal with it.

Oct 22 14 04:01 pm Link


Vindictive Images

Posts: 584

Houston, Texas, US

MelissaAnn  wrote:
Complaining about models not reading your castings is an exercise of futility. Those models aren't going to read this.

When I link them to threads like these, those models get really upset and think it's rude. Heh.

Oct 22 14 04:37 pm Link


Top Gun Digital

Posts: 1528

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

KungPaoChic wrote:
Thirdly, no one reads anymore.

So true.  If you write more than two sentences most people won't bother to read what you have written.

Oct 22 14 04:58 pm Link


Vindictive Images

Posts: 584

Houston, Texas, US

Top Gun Digital wrote:
So true.  If you write more than two sentences most people won't bother to read what you have written.

What kills me is those who expect you to adhere to the paragraphs and paragraphs of policy in their profiles and yet can not read the casting.

Oct 22 14 05:08 pm Link


John Horwitz

Posts: 2920

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

model / read

see the problem?

Oct 22 14 05:17 pm Link



Posts: 4627

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

John Horwitz wrote:
model / read

see the problem?

You seem to have a real hatred for females models

Oct 22 14 06:11 pm Link


John Horwitz

Posts: 2920

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Danielle Reid wrote:
You seem to have a real hatred for females models

I love models.

Stupidity is a hard limit.

It comes in male and female.

Oct 22 14 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 4221

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Cayleigh Chaos wrote:
Best to not have your first post in the forums be a rant

The voice of experience?

Anywho somehow judging the caliber of the OP's work I think he'll be fine.

Oct 22 14 07:15 pm Link


robert b mitchell

Posts: 2218

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Cayleigh Chaos wrote:
Best to not have your first post in the forums be a rant

Why not??? Dah! If models WOULD take the time to read the Casting Call it would save me some work.

Oct 22 14 08:06 pm Link


J Jessica

Posts: 2431

Coconut Creek, Florida, US

Its simple.. READ all the details of the casting, and if you decide you are not ok with details listed, DO NOT reply.

I read and understand casting details... sometimes.
I saw your biiiiiiig casting.
I didn't reply because travelling so far to California is scary.

*skips away while humming*

Oct 22 14 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

Danielle Reid wrote:

You seem to have a real hatred for females models

Plus 10000

Oct 25 14 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 864

Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan

So, you've never seen "Zoolander"?

Oct 26 14 12:45 pm Link


John Horwitz

Posts: 2920

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

And it looks as if I hit a nerve or 2 along the way:

"Some are too dumb to make it in this business - and that's sad as it takes more than beauty. They wonder why success is elusive..."

Oct 26 14 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 576

New York, New York, US

These chicks don't read. They just copy and paste messages like "hey! i'm interested in your casting blah blah blah" and move onto the next.

Oct 26 14 09:55 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

All these rants about models! No wonder a lot of you photographers cant get models to work with you!!!

If you are tired of models who cant read castings perhaps don't put them up and contact models personally who you think will fit what you are looking for.

Oct 26 14 10:00 pm Link


John Horwitz

Posts: 2920

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

^ odd that you don't accept friends ^

Oct 27 14 06:50 am Link


DASH Photos

Posts: 28

New York, New York, US

I hate those who say "I'm interested"
or those who assume they are qualified for a shoot when they are clearly not
Stop wasting the photographer's time

Oct 27 14 07:04 am Link


Glamour by Glenn

Posts: 1033

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

In Arkansas at Crater of Diamonds State Park you can go out into a plowed field and pick up rocks looking for diamonds. Most often you find rocks. But every now and then a diamond is found that shines and makes it all worthwhile. Model Mayhem is like that also. Don't fret over the rocks. Enjoy the diamonds.

Oct 27 14 08:24 am Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Amber Dawn  -  Colorado wrote:
All these rants about models! No wonder a lot of you photographers cant get models to work with you!!!

If you are tired of models who cant read castings perhaps don't put them up and contact models personally who you think will fit what you are looking for.

Pretty much what those of us who are smart tend to do.

Except then we get slagged for contacting directly and filling up a poor moodels inbox, and that we should simply do castings.
Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Oct 27 14 09:30 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

John Horwitz wrote:
^ odd that you don't accept friends ^

were you speaking to me?

Oct 27 14 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 495

London, England, United Kingdom

It's true.

But I spent almost a decade on the other side of the camera and can assure you that photographers don't read castings either.

And I've recently gone through a round of recruitment at work... people don't read job ads either.

It's not really restricted to models, and I don't think any amount of moaning about it will really change things.

Oct 30 14 11:58 am Link



Posts: 576

New York, New York, US

Amber Dawn  -  Colorado wrote:
All these rants about models! No wonder a lot of you photographers cant get models to work with you!!!

If you are tired of models who cant read castings perhaps don't put them up and contact models personally who you think will fit what you are looking for.

Do people actually pay you? Serious question.

Oct 31 14 08:03 pm Link