Forums > Accomplishments, Achievements and High Fives > Check Me Out > amazing expierience on my way home from a shoot


I and I imaging

Posts: 14

Newport Beach, California, US

Amazing act of GOD happenened(again), to me on way home(newps) from a fashion shoot (P.V.),
I'm posted up near vincent thomas bridge making photo's, when i hear a distrssed father calling out to his son, again 5 seconds later i hear the dad calling out, than i c 2 lil' girls running towards something and they're screaming, i turn to address situation, i c a 3yr. old boy, driving a lil kid electic car thru a park, over a sidewalk and ab out to make a left turn into oncoming traffic... OMG
"fuck it" thinks I, save the kid, i abandon my camera bag w 2 prime lenses, adjustable zoom lense, and other really expensive camera gear, grab the camera with tripd and start sprinting to the kid who's 75-150yards away, I know rite,,,, where's the dad(moron) or mom(hottie)....

I'm fast, not white lightning, but i got "wheels" and started running thru park, over sidewalk, onto street to grab kid, flu str8 by the 2 lil girls, only to contemplate, tossing my favorite thing in the world(camera) so i can grab the steering wheel which is roughly around my kneecaps. to steer kid back towards sidewalk, (which is high risk cuz i might not be able to stop him all the way, or miss the steering wheel altogether. mind you the kid is driving about a "brisk jogging speed" away from me..

so i risk running 2-4 maybe 5 crucial seconds running past kid enough to where i get in front of him, stop, turn, and brace my body enough to where i can absorb"kidcar" impact and get him and i out of the way from the white honda prelude coming at us about 20 yards away at 10-15mph

i ended up having to go with third option switch the camera into my left hand, get my body to the other side of lil joyrider and with my rite handk grab the side of electric car(underway) dragging car/ kid at a sharp left angle towards sidewalk, while running...... . gnarly...

had i been 5-6 seconds behind,,,,, guess what............ a tragic end to a beautiful innocent 3 yr old.,,,,, and a life time of horror for the Mom('s) and who ever was driving the car who hit us( more than likely i would have been Done, or damaged.

cool huh,,,,,, actually wasn't first time ..... just wanted to share that

oh yaeh,,,,, I'm great with kids, single and not afraid to let you know that some songs to me are so beautiful that i cry.....

have a nice evening,,,,
the cursor on my computer dances around like micheal jackson sometime onto other parts of story, i've had to edit and re-read, so many times i can't anymore, hope it makes sense
the girl in shot is the model in P.V. iwas working with,,,,
the other image is "the scen...
e of the scene"

Dec 07 14 11:35 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Congrats !

Your situation reminds of one of my own approx 7 or 8 years ago this very weekend ( i know this because it was  linked to our Santa Clause Parade which happened today )

Anyways my situation occurred in the aftermath of said parade  . I had just met up with a model and we were walking towards the shoot location .We were on a side street that was congested with parade watchers but the main street ahead of us had opened up to traffic

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the motion of a baby stroller rolling quickly towards the traffic ahead ..The baby's mother ( who had been pushing the stroller ) had tripped and fallen - losing her grip on the stroller .Without thinking I raced the 8 or 10 yards to catch the stroller just  before it entered entered traffic

I remember turning to the model afterwards and saying - "I think I just saved that baby "- to which she responded "Yes , I  think you did Garry "

Dec 07 14 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 558

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Out of curiosity, what are you going to do with all that time you saved writing "c" instead of "see", "thru" instead of "through", etc.?
FYI this is so impossible to read I couldn't go further than 1st sentence.

Dec 07 14 11:55 pm Link


I and I imaging

Posts: 14

Newport Beach, California, US

catch my breath silly.

Dec 08 14 12:08 am Link


I and I imaging

Posts: 14

Newport Beach, California, US

in response to Garry...

  I'm thinking(while i was catching my breath)  1stly (high five fellow life saver, to you) 2nd there has to be a 99.9% of being let into heaven....  Rite...   
     3rd..... we(life savers)  should pretty much be  "looked after" by our Chaperone (G-O-D)

    but the possible down side of this for me anyway is that I've been on borrowed time for a while( adrenaline Junkie)    I should have been dead at least 50 times, maybe the kid was the reason (GOD) didn't take me....  alll i know is I've really got to watch my P
s & Q's..  the next couple of days,!! weeks!!??  months????

Dec 08 14 12:21 am Link


Miss Havisham Studios

Posts: 297

Los Angeles, California, US

This is so self-congratulatory it makes me want to wretch. Here's your atta-boy. "ATTA-BOY!" Feel better?

Dec 08 14 12:24 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Miss Havisham Studios wrote:
This is so self-congratulatory it makes me want to wretch. Here's your atta-boy. "ATTA-BOY!" Feel better?

Take your hate somewhere else ok

Obviously you have no idea what this forum is even about

oh and please excuse us for thinking that maybe saving a childs life is an achievement

Dec 08 14 12:33 am Link



Posts: 558

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Garry k wrote:

Take your hate somewhere else ok

Obviously you have no idea what this forum is even about

Interesting. I think it may be the other way around. Here's the exert from the rules:

"All posts in the Accomplishments, Achievements and High Fives forum MUST be related to your personal art in some way"

As far as I could gather from this shitcrap of writing there was nothing about art. Unless of course ",,," instead of "..." is art.

Dec 08 14 12:38 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

cwwmbm wrote:
Interesting. I think it may be the other way around. Here's the exert from the rules:

"All posts in the Accomplishments, Achievements and High Fives forum MUST be related to your personal art in some way"

As far as I could gather from this shitcrap of writing there was nothing about art. Unless of course ",,," instead of "..." is art.

There is an Art in the way that some people live their lives

and I would argue that is the greatest Art

but my guess is that you don't subscribe to this point of view

Dec 08 14 12:42 am Link


Rik Williams

Posts: 4005

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

wElL dun DUde **** dAtz £UcK^N aweSuM """!!!!!!!!"""

U mUSt   b.  A v€ry pRouD mAn,,, gIv3 Yors€lF a ''''p4T'''' oN Th€ b@cK 😎

8ut Sumt^N lyKe """"i s&vEd a k!d w|~|O w4$ gOnN4 DrYv€ N2 Tr4££ik""".  wUdvE b!n be++Er
eMbEL!$hinG l¥ke U D!d M4k€z 4 @.  bR@GG!nG se$$ion (:

Dec 08 14 01:22 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Rik Williams wrote:
wElL dun DUde **** dAtz £UcK^N aweSuM """!!!!!!!!"""

U mUSt   b.  A v€ry pRouD mAn,,, gIv3 Yors€lF a ''''p4T'''' oN Th4 b@cK 😎

8ut 2umt^N lyKe """"i s&vEd a k!d w|~|O w4$ gOnN4 DrYv€ N2 Tr4££ik wUdvE b!n be++Er
eMbEL!$hinG l¥ke U D!d M4k€z 4 @.  bR@GG!nG se$$ion (:

oh come on mate , you're above this sort of response

Dec 08 14 01:24 am Link


Rik Williams

Posts: 4005

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Garry k wrote:
oh come on mate , you're above this sort of response

Couldn't help myself smile

I agree it's great he saved the child, but the way it's written makes me ask many things about the authors motives... And besides, this is a forum for achievements within the industry.

(What's up with the extra personal details "I'm good with kids and I cry to some songs" wtf?)

But hey, I did put a lot of effort into it Garry!

Dec 08 14 01:30 am Link



Posts: 879

New York, New York, US


Dec 08 14 01:39 am Link


NYC fine art nudes

Posts: 263

New York, New York, US

Yea, call me a NY cynic but I'm calling complete bullshit. If someone is involved with a real life emergency that calls for split second thinking/reacting -one doesn't "grab their
camera with a tripod and start sprinting 75-150 yards away" while leaving their 2 prime lenses and "other really expensive camera gear" behind. You would've abandoned everything and ran after the kid.

If I was your screenplay professor at Newport Beach Community College -you'd get an " ef " know, F for short.

Dec 08 14 04:22 am Link


Evan Hiltunen

Posts: 4162

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I and I imaging wrote:
in response to Garry...

  I'm thinking(while i was catching my breath)  1stly (high five fellow life saver, to you) 2nd there has to be a 99.9% of being let into heaven....  Rite...   
     3rd..... we(life savers)  should pretty much be  "looked after" by our Chaperone (G-O-D)

    but the possible down side of this for me anyway is that I've been on borrowed time for a while( adrenaline Junkie)    I should have been dead at least 50 times, maybe the kid was the reason (GOD) didn't take me....  alll i know is I've really got to watch my P
s & Q's..  the next couple of days,!! weeks!!??  months????

Du in thngs 2 git n Hevin iz da sher waa 2 hel

Dec 08 14 05:17 am Link


Dean Johnson Photo

Posts: 70925

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I think it's a great story, and I found your writing style rather amusing.

With that said, this thread is better suited to the "Check me out" forum and I'll move it there.

Dec 08 14 08:37 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I and I imaging wrote:
in response to Garry...

  I'm thinking(while i was catching my breath)  1stly (high five fellow life saver, to you) 2nd there has to be a 99.9% of being let into heaven....  Rite...   
     3rd..... we(life savers)  should pretty much be  "looked after" by our Chaperone (G-O-D)

    but the possible down side of this for me anyway is that I've been on borrowed time for a while( adrenaline Junkie)    I should have been dead at least 50 times, maybe the kid was the reason (GOD) didn't take me....  alll i know is I've really got to watch my P
s & Q's..  the next couple of days,!! weeks!!??  months????

for me all it was is that I felt like a hero in the eyes of the mother and the model for a few minutes ( nobody else appeared to even notice )

Dec 08 14 09:53 am Link


I and I imaging

Posts: 14

Newport Beach, California, US

anyway bitches(cwwmbm, newyork person,  ,,,

   I was in the a bad part of san pedro in a park that's why the camera had to come with me, how could you even think to try and put yourself in my shoes, you pathetic;y average kook.. 

   i was on my way home from a photoshoot that's where the art came in.....

   ya, part of me was thinking i could work this and get some pussy..... big fuck'n deal,  i like woman, and the fact that i have a true story with eveidence is even better... 
    the story is as true as the dude's that are responding to this are fags, abd jealous cuz they have never done anything beside hide behind a camera lense i've saved other people in my life to and wouldn't think twice about doing it again

   i am in stitches over how shallow and insecure you loseers are (except Garry of course)    you others bitches can go back to your little studio's and take pictures of your lame life......

    i';ll be out and about making art, feeling good knowing that GOD loves me more than you average saps.....

Dec 09 14 12:12 am Link


Rik Williams

Posts: 4005

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I and I imaging wrote:
anyway bitches(cwwmbm, newyork person,  ,,,

   I was in the a bad part of san pedro in a park that's why the camera had to come with me, how could you even think to try and put yourself in my shoes, you pathetic;y average kook.. 

   i was on my way home from a photoshoot that's where the art came in.....

   ya, part of me was thinking i could work this and get some pussy..... big fuck'n deal,  i like woman, and the fact that i have a true story with eveidence is even better... 
    the story is as true as the dude's that are responding to this are fags, abd jealous cuz they have never done anything beside hide behind a camera lense i've saved other people in my life to and wouldn't think twice about doing it again

   i am in stitches over how shallow and insecure you loseers are (except Garry of course)    you others bitches can go back to your little studio's and take pictures of your lame life......

    i';ll be out and about making art, feeling good knowing that GOD loves me more than you average saps.....

Yup, I was right after all  big_smile

Dec 09 14 06:17 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I regret having participated in this thread

Dec 10 14 09:05 am Link


Laurence Moan

Posts: 7844

Huntington Beach, California, US

Who says LA photogs are flakes?

Dude. You're Peter FUCKING Parker!

Dec 12 14 10:46 am Link


Mochrum Photography

Posts: 16

Maitland, New South Wales, Australia

I and I imaging wrote:
i';ll be out and about making art, feeling good knowing that GOD loves me more than you average saps.....

Still trying to see where a sky pixie was involved.

Jan 03 15 05:59 pm Link