Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > How to approach agency representation

Makeup Artist

Christina Delfino

Posts: 6

New York, New York, US

Hi there,

I'd like to be put onto an agency's assistant list and am unsure how to go about reaching out. What is the best way to set up an appointment with agencies in the LA or NY areas? What will make me stand out? What is the best format to submit my work?

I've got a portfolio here:

Thanks for the advice!


Mar 02 15 04:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3091

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Christina Delfino wrote:
How to approach agency representation...  What will make me stand out?

Christina, agencies will likely limit their interest to talent that can generate a revenue stream for them... it's really that simply, please don't over think this...

btw this is done by showcasing a client list of meritorious entities with whom you've collaborated with and are likely to continue to request your services once aboard the agency...  To this end you've shot yourself in the foot on your commercial web portal by stating   

Lots to compile! Full list of clients coming soon!

Please consider correcting this omission BEFORE you approach an agency...

Christina Delfino wrote:
What is the best way to set up an appointment with agencies...

Christina there is no "best" means to obtain audience with an agency...  You need to contact i.e. call each of your targeted agencies and ask how best to proceed here....  There are many agencies and all have their own protocols... 

That said you would be wise to invest a herculean amount of effort researching any entity would are considering...  Know their clients, and their visual statement BEFORE considering adding them to your list of prospects....  If your book does not reflect their visual statement don't waste their/your time, k?

Christina Delfino wrote:
What is the best format to submit my work?

Once again, only the agency in question will be able to provide guidance here... anyone who suggests otherwise is at best naive or at worst isn't likely playing with a full deck... 

Christina in my market tear-sheets are a good thing also holding an esthetician's license is highly desirable, germane and appropriate...

While Mayhem forbids critique in an industry forum please realize that want of ethnic and gender diversity is a serious career limiting move... You will likely be ignored by agencies unless you have tenure in male grooming especially in my market (Washington DC) where this is in huge demand... the lion's share of my large budget advertising agency  assignments are for male grooming (corporate video).

Final thoughts.... Mayhem might not be a wise source to query on this... Mayhem is primarily the domain of hobbyist who's agenda and focus is far removed from commercial realities.... That said, there was a time when this wasn't as prevalent... To this end I'm providing a resource from another era nearly a half decade ago when commercial artist where still active on Mayhem... please review this thread and reflect carefully on the tenured wisdom latent within...

Hope this helps...

All the best on your journey Christina

Mar 03 15 07:21 am Link

Makeup Artist

Danielle Blazer

Posts: 846

Los Angeles, California, US


Talk to agencies in your area. Don't go in seeking a job. Go in seeking advice and direction, humbly. Talk to agency represented artists in your area, who work in the area of makeup you'd like to be repped in. Offer to go to where they are, on their schedule, and buy them coffee/lunch/shoes and pick their brain. 20 may say no thank you, but if one says yes it's worth the time spent asking. Research them and have specific things in their work to reference when you approach them. Then they'll know you're not randomly contacting a billion people with a form e-mail. A young lady who contacted me recently to ask about assisting me mentioned that she wanted to learn how to make skin look the way she saw in my book. This speaks more to me than someone saying, "Hi! I love your work, do you need an assistant?"

Additionally, agency representation is not always the be-all-end-all. There are lots of major artists who are not agency repped, for a variety of reasons. Roshar, for example. Look at the work and the reputation first. Find artists whose careers you'd like. Look at agency representation second.

Mar 04 15 01:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Davis W

Posts: 1284

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The ones around these parts ask for tear sheets, ie., samples of magazines you have been published in. Its pretty direct, and to the point. If you are not published (talking Sutherland, Ford, Olson etc), they take a dim view. Begs the question, how do you get published if you have no rep? Hard road. The advice given here is spot on. Assist in enough published work so you can take em a book (they hate instagram, facebook, websites, always want print ports), featuring your work. Then when you get agency rep, you hope they book ya. Its worth the effort though if this is your calling.

You gotta find an artist who has tons of print who takes you on, that's how it works up this way.

Good luck! You can do it, but it takes a measure of patience and planning.

Mar 05 15 08:08 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 966

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Check out my article on this topic here: … sentation/

Mar 06 15 04:31 am Link


Thomas Van Dyke

Posts: 3234

Washington, District of Columbia, US

KathyAragon wrote:
Check out my article on this topic here: … sentation/

Kathy, thank you so much for taking the time to share here...   it is greatly appreciated...

btw, Kathy is one of the top artist in my market...  Her work is truly inspirational... 

Speaking of inspirational so is her partner Luis Aragon a gifted beauty/fashion photographer who has strongly influenced my career path...

For any photographer reviewing this thread please do yourself a favor and reflect on Luis' book... he totally understands the commercial side of the equation (as does Kathy)... 

Kathy please visit here more often... your precious tenured wisdom is to be cherished...

Mar 06 15 07:23 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 966

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Aww thank you Thomas. I passed on the sweet sentiments to my husband as well. big_smile

Mar 06 15 09:42 pm Link