Makeup Artist

Davis W

Posts: 1284

Toronto, Ontario, Canada … .html?vp=1

She is worth 100 million now. A worthy read. Its amazing what a determined girl with a laptop can do.

Yeh, it kind of annoys me. I am more than twice her age and have done makeup in film, theatre, national campaigns, books, and toured for Lauder as a national artist. I am NOT worth 100 million anythings! But you gotta give her respect. She sure made out like a bandit!

Shows ya one thing, today, makeup is about social media. Us old timers are terrible at social media! Michelle has found the sweet spot.


Apr 26 15 10:17 pm Link


Images by MR

Posts: 8908

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Davis W wrote: … .html?vp=1

She is worth 100 million now. A worthy read. Its amazing what a determined girl with a laptop can do.

Yeh, it kind of annoys me. I am more than twice her age and have done makeup in film, theatre, national campaigns, books, and toured for Lauder as a national artist. I am NOT worth 100 million anythings! But you gotta give her respect. She sure made out like a bandit!

Shows ya one thing, today, makeup is about social media. Us old timers are terrible at social media! Michelle has found the sweet spot.


Do you really thinks its social medias fault if someone isn't successful / wealthy today?

Apr 26 15 11:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Davis W wrote: … .html?vp=1

She is worth 100 million now. A worthy read. Its amazing what a determined girl with a laptop can do.

Yeh, it kind of annoys me. I am more than twice her age and have done makeup in film, theatre, national campaigns, books, and toured for Lauder as a national artist. I am NOT worth 100 million anythings! But you gotta give her respect. She sure made out like a bandit!

Shows ya one thing, today, makeup is about social media. Us old timers are terrible at social media! Michelle has found the sweet spot.


It's timing....    Social media is where the money is right now.  She's here today, gone tomorrow....  the shelf life of a social media star  is short.  Let her enjoy her day in the sun, tomorrow people will be on to the next thing.   She's not personally getting rich on this.... I am pretty sure she has a long line of people she pays to be where she is (she's probably not investing as she should)    Like most people that go from rags to riches, She'll be broke in a few years, this is rarely long term success.   If she's really smart she'll invest in her future because fame is very short lived for most people...   I don't envy these people at all...if she's really smart, we'll see her name 10 years down the road, I wouldn't bet my money on this

Apr 27 15 02:28 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3091

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Davis W wrote:

Wakeup call...

Bobby Dylan wrote:
“Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.”

Not happy that  your PhD has become somewhat irrelevant? i.e. no longer germane...

Davis W wrote:
...Yeh, it kind of annoys me. I am more than twice her age and have done makeup in film, theatre, national campaigns, books, and toured for Lauder as a national artist...

Best Advice Davis? Clean up your own act before you start casting stones...
Might start with the link to your commercial web portal which is dead... read 404 error here
Thus possibly reflects your level of concern toward your "loyal" viewing audience... enough said...

Mary, bashing your competition? While I totally respect and truly admire the wonders of Camera Ready Cosmetics (read endearing here) bad mouthing a rising super star minority owned (woman-owned) entrepreneur may not be in your long term best interest in my humble estimation....  This is akin to those who early on bad mouthed Diane von Furstenberg as a predator opportunist who married for title totally discounting her brilliance as a fashion designer who give America it's famed iconic Wrap Dress? Again another woman-owned empire built from ground up by a determined gifted female fashion designer's brilliance and market savvy...

My warmest thoughts and wishes go out to Michelle Phan and her amazing accomplishments...  Those who cling to "old school" tried and true are likely doomed to the backwaters of our dynamic industry... YouTube reigns supreme... Beauty Gurus have turned the tables on the billion dollar cosmetics industry.... today nearly every major brand is saturating YouTube with ads in the vain futile hope of closing the door after the horse has galloped off under the truly nurturing bridle of a newly empowered generation...

Yea Michelle!  You go girl smile

Apr 27 15 05:31 am Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Sad to say I have never heard of her.  I just watched the interview.  Good for her!  I will be keeping an eye on this girl now.  You can teach an old dog some new tricks.  R-

Apr 27 15 07:05 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Fairly well known scuttlebutt that she was brought in on a big commercial
job and the assistants had to finish the work because she couldn't do it.

I met her once and asked what advice she had for others
coming up.

She said "You just gotta do it."
"Do what, exactly?" I said
"Do it. Just do it." she said.

lol  lol

Genius. hahaha

Social media . . . smoke and mirrors. Same as any other arena, of course, with a pedestrian twist. Swing it if you can, I suppose. Like Tila Tequila.

Apr 27 15 08:06 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

More garbage.

"Innovation Teenagers Coachella
These teens became Coachella VIPs after their Instagram accounts caught everyone's attention"

Read more: … z3YX3jJgPi … ign=buffer

Apr 27 15 10:35 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Alannah The Stylist

Posts: 1550

Los Angeles, California, US

Wow awesome!I love Michelle Phan!

Apr 27 15 11:24 am Link

Makeup Artist

Davis W

Posts: 1284

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wow. I made a post regarding her success and discussing it.

GATEKEEPER? You start a personal attack on me? Who gives you the right to do so? What makes you so high and mighty?

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. How you got to be a mod here I have no idea, but personal attacks are forbidden on MM aren't they? Your comments to both me and Mary are denigrating, condescending, and out in left field. I am going to see if I can find a "block" function here on MM so I never have to listen to your vile responses again.

Regarding my PhD, I am now running cutting edge programs at the university. I have 3 grants going with research in seniors and learning. I teach courses in Aesthetics. I work in the makeup industry and comfortably. I have taught makeup at a top school here in Toronto. I have a list of 20 faculty members that report to me. I am happy with things.

I am discussing how social media can elevate people. I did not criticize Michelle. I am impressed with her. She found a sweet spot. She understands social media. She knows how to use it. We can all learn a lot from her.

I would like to stay in track here and stop with the mud slinging, "moderator".

Apr 28 15 08:19 pm Link

Body Painter

Lisa Berczel

Posts: 4132

New Castle, Pennsylvania, US

Moderator Note!
I've not taken action on this thread - yet - because while heated, the conversation is of merit.

Keep the conversation on point: business models and the evolving nature of our industry.

Don't make this personal and everyone can benefit from the discussion.

Apr 29 15 01:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

ArtistryImage wrote:
Wakeup call...

Not happy that  your PhD has become somewhat irrelevant? i.e. no longer germane...

Best Advice Davis? Clean up your own act before you start casting stones...
Might start with the link to your commercial web portal which is dead... read 404 error here
Thus possibly reflects your level of concern toward your "loyal" viewing audience... enough said...

Mary, bashing your competition? While I totally respect and truly admire the wonders of Camera Ready Cosmetics (read endearing here) bad mouthing a rising super star minority owned (woman-owned) entrepreneur may not be in your long term best interest in my humble estimation....  This is akin to those who early on bad mouthed Diane von Furstenberg as a predator opportunist who married for title totally discounting her brilliance as a fashion designer who give America it's famed iconic Wrap Dress? Again another woman-owned empire built from ground up by a determined gifted female fashion designer's brilliance and market savvy...

My warmest thoughts and wishes go out to Michelle Phan and her amazing accomplishments...  Those who cling to "old school" tried and true are likely doomed to the backwaters of our dynamic industry... YouTube reigns supreme... Beauty Gurus have turned the tables on the billion dollar cosmetics industry.... today nearly every major brand is saturating YouTube with ads in the vain futile hope of closing the door after the horse has galloped off under the truly nurturing bridle of a newly empowered generation...

Yea Michelle!  You go girl smile

excuse me?   

Michelle Phan is in no way my competition....  WTH?  where did that come from??????  Unless Miss Phan opened a makeup store I don't know about, shes not my competition.    Also, I'm not bashing her, I'm telling everyone how it is.  So please stand down....  I own a makeup store, what could that possibly have to do with a youtuber or blogger?      Please think before you type.   I'm happy for Michelle but the fact is, her shelf life is short unless she plays her cards right, and that goes for everyone out there....

And I by the way like Michelle...  I have a lot of respect for those that ride the trends, and know where the money is and know how to make it...  She's done a lot of good for my store, I'm one that profits from the youtubers... A lot smile

Apr 30 15 09:14 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Davis W wrote:
Wow. I made a post regarding her success and discussing it.

GATEKEEPER? You start a personal attack on me? Who gives you the right to do so? What makes you so high and mighty?

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. How you got to be a mod here I have no idea, but personal attacks are forbidden on MM aren't they? Your comments to both me and Mary are denigrating, condescending, and out in left field. I am going to see if I can find a "block" function here on MM so I never have to listen to your vile responses again.

Regarding my PhD, I am now running cutting edge programs at the university. I have 3 grants going with research in seniors and learning. I teach courses in Aesthetics. I work in the makeup industry and comfortably. I have taught makeup at a top school here in Toronto. I have a list of 20 faculty members that report to me. I am happy with things.

I am discussing how social media can elevate people. I did not criticize Michelle. I am impressed with her. She found a sweet spot. She understands social media. She knows how to use it. We can all learn a lot from her.

I would like to stay in track here and stop with the mud slinging, "moderator".

I agree with you Davis, thanks to alerting me to this nonsense.  This was a personal attack against you and I and it was uncalled for.   

Insulting people and trying to belittle them is reprehensible.  How successful Davis is has nothing to do with this conversation.    May we give this gatekeeper a time out please?

Apr 30 15 09:31 pm Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

Moderator Warning!
Feel free to discuss the ideas of the OP, but know that personal attacks will NOT be tolerated.

Unsolicited critiques will not be tolerated either.

Discuss the article cited.
Discuss the role of social media in the industry today.
Discuss Michelle Phan (unless she is a she?)

But what you should NOT be discussing is the education, career, website, or artwork of the person you are addressing... unless it is directly related to the topic at hand. That is considered a personal attack, and/or unsolicited critique and is against forum rules.

If people insist on attacking (or counter attacking) each other further I will be forced to take action, and I would really prefer it if we can treat each other with respect and dignity.

Apr 30 15 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 109

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Wow this thread turned weird. The OP was nothing but complimentary to Michelle Phan.

Even Mary's post was fine. "Better save the money you're making now because it could and will probably all end - the public is fickle." That's valid advice for a YouTube makeup personality and a gatekeeper makeup artist.

May 11 15 07:05 am Link

Makeup Artist

Davis W

Posts: 1284

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am glad we sorted that out!

To repeat, I admire Michelle Phan and if we can learn from her success, we can all do well. I would be the last person to bash her! Someone starts making youtube videos and is worth 100 million? Gimme some of that sugar.

My comments on me, were reflections on a generation gap. How my awkwardness on social media is what most of us geezers experience. Maybe a case in point!

Either way, I would take a long hard look at her success and model it if we can. She understands her audience and knows how to teach them. I put up a bunch of youtube videos, worked my ass off on them. Hardly anyone saw them. And I was having real models come to my studio, just before their photoshoot and doing a complete look. Nobody gave a hoot.

Then I see what Michelle does and have no idea how she does it. But anyone interested in becoming a youtube sensation should take a long, hard look at her methods. She should stop teaching makeup and start teaching how to leverage social media! Now that, I would pay for.


May 26 15 09:20 pm Link