Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > I stopped wearing makeup 2 years ago....



Posts: 28

Huntington Beach, California, US

Since then, all I know how to do is the basics with foundation and mascara. I also stopped doing my hair 3 years ago, I just let it dry naturally.

Any advise or tutorials for HELPing me look like a woman again would be greatly appreciated. Don't be too harsh.

Thanks everyone, Sydnee smile

Apr 27 15 12:24 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3091

Washington, District of Columbia, US

sgrissinger wrote:
...all I know how to do is the basics with foundation and mascara.

Sydnee, that's an excellent start smile 

btw, one of my instructors always said... "15 seconds of mascara application can/will totally enhance one's image..."  and I now understands what this means...

Best Advice?  Get to a MAC store with $50 and ask for a full makeover... explain what your mission is... the artist will walk you through and entire application to achieve the look you're seeking... and package at least $50 of product to get you started...  Your other option is if you find a local artist on a photo-shoot that you feel comfortable with and offer him/her the same $50 to mentor you in makeup....

Other than that YouTube is an excellent option to get your head around the various approaches to makeup application... Just realize that if the channel is offering discount "Product Codes" they are likely being subsidized by the vendors they push... don't fall for it... stay with major brands unless your mentor advises otherwise...  Hope this makes sense...

sgrissinger wrote:
stopped doing my hair 3 years ago, I just let it dry naturally..

Smart girl Sydnee... Hot tools (all) are not friendly to your hair's shaft... And a compelling reason to use Thermal Spray before ever bringing them to you hair...

That said, from what I can discern (really need to see you in person) you have a heart shape face which plays heavily into the mix for hair styling... once you confirm you're heart shaped Google hair styles which compliment the aforementioned...

Important: Long hair is a model's most important fashion accessory...  Long is good, longer is better in as it affords hair stylist a full spectrum of stylistic options...   Don't believe this?  Look at the Women's Development Board at a high end Fashion Agency....   keep in mind while a few of the talent's hair may appear to be short, likely it just may be pulled back to showcase outstanding facial features...

Also they represent what is in demand currently... might study those boards with a diligent eye to see what clients are requesting in today's market place...  However with your height limitation beauty genre might be your wisest option...

Again, hope this helps...
All the best on your journey Sydnee...

Apr 27 15 12:55 pm Link