Forums > Critique > How would you photoshoot me?


Mishelle portfolio

Posts: 163

Miami, Florida, US

This thread is inspired by Steve Wall thread.
Tell me how you would photoshoot me - styling, location, makeup, lighting - and why
(Include pictures as examples)

Apr 14 16 08:01 am Link



Posts: 9863

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
I would use this mouth pose
Because you have your hair pulled back I would show only one ear, most likely models right
I would pose you with your hair cascading down behind models right shoulder
Your shoulders would be on an angle to the camera, shoulder toward camera lowered, giving appearance of longest neck possible, head facing straight ahead with your eyes gazing into the camera lens
I would use Rembrandt lighting
For me a finished look would include long dangling diamond earrings
It would be a head and shoulders portrait, so any low slung top will work
I would use the makeup as shown in this image

You have a great look, I wish you well

Apr 14 16 01:08 pm Link


Mary Durante Youtt

Posts: 520

Barnegat, New Jersey, US

I would like you to show more emotion.  You've got a pretty face but I would want something from the inside to bubble up to the surface.

Apr 14 16 02:01 pm Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

Mary Durante Youtt wrote:
I would like you to show more emotion.  You've got a pretty face but I would want something from the inside to bubble up to the surface.

Same here.

You're very pretty, but your portfolio is static and light on emotion. Your profile says you're open to pinup, dance, sports, acting. I'd shoot you in motion... dancing, leaps, hard action. Maybe staged sports action... soccer, kick-boxing, etc. Pinup... campy fun. Acting... in costume and in character, maybe something Tennessee Williams.

Apr 14 16 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 6

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi Mishelle,

I would shoot you like this photo of Joan Smalls from Harper's Bazaar:
You both have similarly long lower faces.  This gives a very elegant look, but it means that a MUA needs to emphasize your eyebrows and eyes in order to visually balance the shot.  The soft natural light and dark out-of-focus background enhances the beauty of the model.  The flower complements the composition without drawing attention away from the subject.  Studio headshots are fine, but without a really good hair and makeup team and a very skilled photographer, they can come out looking sterile.  What really makes this shot though, is the expression in Joan's eyes.  She puts herself into every shot and that collaboration between artist and model will make a great picture every time.

Apr 15 16 12:50 pm Link


Mishelle portfolio

Posts: 163

Miami, Florida, US

Thank you, I'll take all your advices. I have been planning several full body photoshoots and will be incorporating movement. I like the portraits with long hair Lee and Ian described. Similar although I'm guessing lighting is different. Lee sounds elegant with the diamonds and Ian feels romantic.

What type of Acting characters do you recommend for me and my portfolio?
I'm thinking smart girl with glasses, what else should I do to include variation?

Apr 16 16 06:49 am Link


Mishelle portfolio

Posts: 163

Miami, Florida, US


Keep sharing...

Apr 19 16 09:36 am Link


Nor-Cal Photography

Posts: 3721

Walnut Creek, California, US

Mishelle portfolio wrote:
Tell me how you would photoshoot me - styling, location, makeup, lighting - and why
(Include pictures as examples)


Your portfolio currently doesn't show much in the posing area.  Make up is less important than posing expertise.

But just one worthless opinion.


Apr 20 16 09:32 pm Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

Howsabout something completely different  .  .  .  maybe something like this  .  .  .

.  .  .  you've got a wonderful look, using it in some different styles would be interesting and creative  .  .  .  how soon can ya be here, I've got the Woody gassed up, and the board waxed up  .  .  .  wink


Apr 21 16 06:23 am Link


Mishelle portfolio

Posts: 163

Miami, Florida, US

Definitely agree in adding more poses. That's a good one Sospix. I want to try different styles that are creative and interesting.
The surfboard adds to the image.. will keep in mind when I visit Orlando. Are you ever in Miami?

Apr 26 16 04:09 pm Link


Aaron Lewis Photography

Posts: 5217

Catskill, New York, US

Wow this thread took a turn. Interesting.

Apr 26 16 06:46 pm Link


Mishelle portfolio

Posts: 163

Miami, Florida, US

The difference the forum section can make

Apr 28 16 07:58 am Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

Mishelle portfolio wrote:
Definitely agree in adding more poses. That's a good one Sospix. I want to try different styles that are creative and interesting.
The surfboard adds to the image.. will keep in mind when I visit Orlando. Are you ever in Miami?

You've got an open invite Miss M  .  .  .  wink  Frequently in Miami, but never have any time, I shoot for a commercial client down there on weekends  .  .  .


Apr 28 16 08:02 am Link



Posts: 1136

Runcorn, England, United Kingdom

You have an excellent headshot, but really nothing else. You should be thinking about how best to be shot but what genres you want to do and how to get experienced in them. Fashion and commercial both require terrific skill - although at 5'5 fashion isn't really an option, even as a commercial model you'd be a petite.  You haven't listed beauty modeling - you should; your face is perfect for make-up and hair shots and your height doesn't count against you there.

Just find a good commercial shooter and work with him/her for experience. And send in polaroids to an agencies that handles petites for commercial. And beauty at any height - because a face like yours must be able to sell lipstick. I'd guess parts modeling

You also list glamour. I've been told by agency signed models, which is what you should aim to be, that agencies don't approve of models mixing this with other work. Catalog lingerie and swim wear, yes, but pointing your rear at the camera with a do-me expression on your face, which is what glamour is about, no - not even if your top is still on.

So I'd suggest, subject to correction by more experienced people especially those who know how US agencies and clients think, that you treat glamour as a fallback. Find agencies that handle petites and beauty, using the info and advice here to avoid the many scam agencies. They'll want basic shots - aka polaroids -with your application. Treat anything else as practice, and concentrate on commercial work.

Apr 28 16 08:50 am Link