Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > comprehensive critique anyone?


Gene Bali

Posts: 24

Los Angeles, California, US

Is anyone willing to critique my port?

I am not interested in comments like “this photo is out of focus” or “lighting here is blah blah blah”. these comments are for amateurs or for those who think that photography is craftsmanship.

Photography to my is art form. Art evokes feeling, at least it supposed to. I am interested to hear what feelings and thoughts my current port and separate pictures are provoking in you.

I’d like to hear:
- over all impression from the port
- writing (or lack of it smile
- avatar selection
- pictures: strong/week, consistency, impression, etc.
- some picture critique is fine (color, framing etc.) as long as it is productive and not amateur.

will reciprocate on your port if you’d like me to.



May 30 16 07:57 am Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 674

New York, New York, US

These are my favorites:
Even tough I would crop mid forearm
The colors have a great tension.

Shasta photos-Even though I would change the light values to increase the contrast to enhance the way the light carves her: … a56b80.jpg … 144380.jpg

Cindy -she can't help but pop off the screen

Here it seems really underexposed dimming that face, but that pose is so dynamic you have to look at it

These are just gorgeous
Her eyes and colors … fdbf45.jpg

Great pose here and color contrasts.

The other photos in your portfolio seem static even though there are beautiful models, they seem, for lack of a better word, posed. Cindy and Shasta do it in a dynamic way so it feels alive. The uncropped (see comment above) sunglasses picture has the same feel., .You obviously have technical skills well above many of us here but your portfolio has odd weaknesses of exposure (IMHO) or posing that take away from it's overall presentation.

Hope I'm on point here.

Jun 03 16 11:54 am Link


Thomas Andreas

Posts: 550

Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

I enjoyed looking to the images individually, it looks like you got what it takes to create a good story out of one image. Problem starts when you are set to place these pictures next to one another and it's a challenge that only gets overcome with one's growing experience, which apparently you have but given this selection of images, it tends to spoil it and downsize the quality level of your work.

This "problem" wasn't always a problem, it's mostly a problem of the digital age. The editing options today are many in any given image and often we can't decide. You may see all these photographers that you like and follow, but why do you like them and keep revisiting their portfolios? It's mostly because they achieve consistent results. You know their shapes, their angles, colors, their lighting, their mood. Your port in this case is like it's been made by 10 different photographers. It looks more like a tumblr account where someone just collects "good" images, rather than a solid body of work. I'm really curious how this can be the case with you, since by now you should be rocking it.

This kind of suggestion is rarely said, because I don't really know if this exists, but I suggest you hire an editor/port curator/retoucher. One that knows about proffesional photography editing and that will take your body of work to sculpt/recull/define it into the photographer you can really be which is close to the high end, but not exactly there yet.

Take care

Jun 04 16 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 796

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Well, your portfolio is pretty impressive, and I wish I had just a portion of your technical skill.

I especially like this image I like the color, the lighting, the emotion.

This image stands out, but not in a good way. Stiletto heels, sheer panties - two great tastes go great together. The dark area in the background under her butt suggests she is sitting on an invisible toilet and plopping out a turd.

I do like that you choose to do it in B&W, and I do like the texture. But, 'masses under the sitting butt' should be right there with 'branches or bars through the head'.

Maybe it is a sophomoric comment, but the image should not allow such a comment.

Given the crop, I would like to see her bending at the ankles a bit more forward.

In this image , I like how the white of her torso points up to her head and face.

Jun 11 16 08:29 pm Link


Jorge Kreimer

Posts: 3716

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Love this image, Gennadi:

Worthy of Vogue. Would love to see more.

Also, feel free to critique me. smile

Jun 11 16 08:41 pm Link


Kris Krieg

Posts: 1341

Missoula, Montana, US

Although you've requested not to have "amateur" comments about focus or lighting, I'm going to throw a few in along with emotion. After all, if focus or lighting distracts from your message or emotion, then your work is not achieving to its full potential. Photography is a mixture of emotion AND craftsmanship.

With that said, your work is beautifully emotive and artistic. The one consistent drawback I see to your work is exposure. To my eye, many images appear a bit underexposed.

Absolutely gorgeous image. Along with the subject's pose, the model's skin tones and wardrobe against the rich red background projects nobility and substance. The design of the chair is also a sign of royalty. I like the twist in her form and the bends of her arms and legs. I am hard pressed to find any imperfections of this image other than some minor technicalities.

I adore the inventiveness of this shot. It reminds me of the creativity of Herb Ritts' black and white photography. Artistic pose by the model, original scene development and skillful composition. My minor gripe would be that it is a bit underexposed, or at least I would like to see more contrast. Not dreadful, but I find the tonality just a little flat. However, the creativity and originality can not be understated. Absolutely intriguing image.

This image is worthy of removal from your portfolio. This is purely my personal bias, but I've always found train tracks to be a contrived scene. I've never understood the appeal or the message of train tracks. The lack of lighting on the subject's face doesn't allow me to see her emotion in a significant way. I think the composition and the model's pose could be executed more creatively.

Many photographers would comment that splayed fingers would be a drawback, but in this case, I think it adds to the "sunburst" effect of the composition. The lacework and jewelry signify fortune. Yet, I'm attracted to the texture and pattern of the fabric plus the hand positioning and composition. Although I do like the softness and subtlety of the overall image, I do find myself wanting to bump up the brightness just a bit.

Incredible connection to the viewer. This is another image that reminds me of Herb Ritts' portraiture. From the cream tone treatment to the motion blur of her hair to the direct eye contact…beautifully gripping. As for composition, I do find her hair blowing to the right and her figure on the left to create an uncomfortable configuration.

These images need to be considered for removal from your book. I don't need to go into all the reasons, but upon some reflection, I think you'll agree. 18+

I do apologize for being a little snippy on this one, but for god's sakes, you have one of the most famous supermodels in history in front of your lens and there appears to be an overall blue filter or the image is underexposed or something in the first image. Whereas, the second Cindy image appears to be spot on.

Other than the tires image, this photo may be my favorite. The sense of blissfulness and femininity is captivating and delightful. Beautiful skin tones with the black lace along with the blue sky and warm landscape…gorgeous coloring. There is an atmosphere of delicacy and tenderness that I find quite attractive.  18+

Overall, beautiful and engaging work. I rarely spend an hour formulating the right words to critique a portfolio. Your book is worthy of the review.

Jun 12 16 07:04 pm Link